Show-Me Warrensburg Pages

April 16, 2014

Pictures of Old Sedalia, Pettis County, Missouri

Pettis County, Missouri, A Portrait & Biographical Record - Johnson and Pettis Counties , July 1895 
 "Hon. John H. Bothwell, B.S., LL.B., an able and leading attorney of Sedalia, Mo., has done more for this place than almost any other man. 
John Homer "J. H. Bothwell, Sedalia, Missouri
 He is now serving as Vice President of the Sedalia National Bank and as President of the Board of Trade. He was a member of both the Thirty-fifth and Thirty-eighth General Assemblies of the Missouri Legislature, serving with distinction in that body. Mr. Bothwell was born in Maysville, Clay County, Ill. in November, 1848, and is a son of James K. Bothwell, a native of Athens County, Ohio. The grandfather of our subject, whose name was also James Bothwell, was born in the North of Ireland, of Scotch parentage, and came with his parents to the New World when a child, they locating in Virginia, where James was reared. He later went to Geneva, Pa., where he was married, and removed to Athens County, Ohio, settling in the portion which is now comprised in Vinton County. There he engaged in agricultural pursuits, meeting with excellent success, and reared a large family of children. The father of our subject located in Clay County, Ill., over a half-century ago, and there, in connection with farming, also dealt in merchandise in Clay City. He married Marian Brissenden, who was born in Edwards County, Ill., and is a daughter of John Brissenden. Her parents came from England, and were pioneers of the Prairie State, where they arrived in the early part of this century, and made a location in Edwards County. Of the seven children born to Mr. and Mrs. Bothwell, five grew to maturity, while four are still living: H.C., who is County Treasurer of Clay County, Ill.; Hon. John H.; James, a resident of Seattle, Wash.; and Florence, who resides on the old home. The father is still living at the ripe old age of seventy-six years, and is a stanch (sic) Republican in politics. The primary education of John H. Bothwell was begun in an old log schoolhouse with puncheon floor, after which he attended school in a frame building in Maysville, and still later in one of brick in Clay City. He remained at home until he had reached the age of seventeen, when he entered the State University at Bloomington, Ind., completing the scientific course in the Class of '69, when he received the degree of B.S. He then traveled a few months, after which he began the study of law in Edwards County, Ill., with A.B. Matthews; subsequently he went to Springfield, Ill., studying with the firm of Stewart, Edwards & Brown. Major Stewart was at one time preceptor and partner of Abraham Lincoln, of whom he was ever a warm personal friend. Our subject later went to Albany, N.Y., and graduated from the law school there in the Class of '71, receiving the degree of LL. B., at which time he was also admitted to the Bar, being licensed to practice in both the New York and United States courts. In the same year Mr. Bothwell located in Sedalia, where he opened a law office, and after engaging in practice for one year, formed a partnership with F. Houston, the firm being known as Houston & Bothwell.
Daily Democrat, Sedalia, Missouri 9 Sept 1982
John H. Bothwell, Houston & Bothwell, Attorneys at Law
 This connection continued for twelve years, when it was dissolved by mutual consent, after which Mr. Bothwell joined his brother-in-law, William V. Jaynes, and the firm became Bothwell & Jaynes. This continued until his partner's death, in July, 1891, since which time he practiced alone. He is connected with various business interests, having served as Vice-President of the Sedalia National Bank for two years, and is a very successful loan agent. He owns a farm of three hundred acres ten miles west of Sedalia, besides much valuable real estate in the city, including both business and residence property, and has erected several brick blocks. He also laid put the Bothwell & Weed addition to Sedalia, and organized the Midland Savings & Loan Company, of which he was secretary and manager, but resigned on account of not having sufficient time to devote to the duties of the same. In 1884, in this city, Mr. Bothwell married Miss Hattie E. Jaynes, the eldest daughter of Col. A. D. Jaynes, who is now deceased. She was born in Athens County, Ohio, and was educated in the Wesleyan Female Seminary of that state. She was called to her final rest in 1887. In politics, Mr. Bothwell takes a prominent part, and was elected in 1888, on the Republican ticket, to the Thirty-fifth General Assembly, representing the eastern half of the county, which was then divided into two districts. He served on the Judiciary Committee, as well as the one on penitentiaries, and during the term introduced several important bills. At the close of that session he was appointed on the committee which revised, compiled, annotated and published the revised statutes of Missouri in 1889. In 1892, while on a two-months trip of Europe, he was made Chairman of the Republican State Central Committee, serving from April, 1892, until August, 1894, when his successor was elected. In 1894 he was elected to represent Pettis County in the Legislature, receiving a majority of four hundred over his opponent, and he was a candidate in the Republican caucus for Speaker of the House. Mr. Bothwell introduced the resolution which was passed to remove the capital to Sedalia, which had frequently been attempted during the preceding eighteen years. It was a master stroke on his part. After he had secured its passage through the House, Senator Yeater, also of Sedalia, managed and supported it in the Senate. He served on a number of important committees, including the Judiciary, which was the leading committee of the House; the one on Criminal Fees and Costs; the one on the permanent Seat of Government, and on Rules. Besides his many other business interests, Mr. Bothwell is now serving as President of the Sedalia Board of Trade. He has not only visited Europe, but has traveled very extensively in his own country, having visited three-fourths of the states of the Union, going from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from the Lakes to the Gulf. He is one of the most brilliant attorneys of Sedalia, and ranks high among his professional brethren in the state. He has met with excellent success in almost everything he undertakes , and as a public man has a record of which he may well be proud.
Copyright. All rights ontributed by: <> Vesta L. DeRiso

 Hattie E. Jaynes, Bothwell. Sedalia, Missouri

Georgetown Missouri Courthouse, Pettis County

Sedalia, MO 1912
Ohio Street
Weathers' Kort Apartments, Sedalia, MO

Ohio St, Sedalia Mo 1910

Carnegie Library, Sedalia, MO 1905

Old Sedalia, MO Broadway East from Kentuck

M.K.&T. Hospital, Sedalia, MO

The Floral Station, Sedalia, Mo

Missouri State Fair Graviton Ride Fails 1991

Kim Anderson, back row, Coach at Mizzou

Shaw Music Sedalia, MO

Sedalia, Missouri Co-operative Currency

Sedalia Army Air Field Vehicle Tag 1940's

Sedalia, MO Bargain House

1921 Sedalia, MO Post office delivery

Al Smith, Visits, Sedalia, MO

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Dorothy Dwan

Dorothy Dwan (April 26, 1906 – March 17, 1981) was an American film actress. She appeared in 40 films between 1922 and 1930, several of which were directed by her second husband, Larry Semon. Born Dorothy Ilgenfritz in Sedalia, Missouri, she married three times. She had one child, a son, Paul, by her marriage to Paul Northcutt Boggs Jr. Dwan died in Ventura, California from lung cancer, aged 74.

Selected filmography

Kid Speed (1924)
Wizard of Oz (1925)
External links
Dorothy Dwan at Virtual History

Sedaliak Chautauqua, William Jennings Bryan Day, July 1902, Sedalia, MO
LAMY Manufacturing Co, Sedalia, MO
LAMY Manufacturing Co, Sedalia, MO 
LAMY Manufacturing Co, Sedalia, MO
Pettis County Court House Fire, Sedalia Missouri 1920

BARD Drugs

First United Methodist, Sedalia Missouri Postcard 

The Shawnee Trail Cattle Trail to Sedalia, Missouri

Kindred Motor, Co. Nash Auto Sales, Sedalia, MO

September 1911, President Taft Will Open
The Missouri State Fair - Sedalia, MO
President Taft Visits Sedalia

Shoemaker's, Sedalia, MO
Hotel Terry, Sedalia, Missouri

Cecil's Bicycle Shop, Sedalia, MO


1917 Missouri State Fair, Sedalia, MO

Spencer Pettis, death, Pettis County Missouri Namesake Killed 1831
Big Car Racing, Missouri State Fair, Sedalia 1958

1956 Missouri State Fair, Sedalia

 Northern Methodist Church, Sedalia, MO

Sedalia, MO Dog Tag 1942
History of Pettis County, Sedalia 1882
New York Public Library Collection
Book Download Link


1870 - Fraud Charge - How State Normal of Warrensburg was Secured

Sedalia, MO

Sedalia, MO
Sedalia, MO
Ohio Street Looking South Sedalia, MO
First Dwelling Sedalia, MO

Hotel Bothwell and Guest Room, Sedalia, MO

Maywood Hospital, Sedalia, MO 1907
Welcome Sign in Sedalia in about 36 languages
Will J Crawford Soda Bottles

MoPac Depot, Sedalia, Mo

Sedalia Army Airfield, Missouri - Canteen
C-46 Sedalia Army Air Field, MO 
Sedalia Army Airfield, Missouri
Sedalia Army Airfield, Missouri

Lt. George Whiteman, Sedalia, MO  Whiteman Air Force Base, WAFB, Missouri

Lt. Whiteman Link

1903 Sporting Life Team Composite Card of the
Sedalia Team of the Missouri Valley League

May 8, 1922
Ralph G. Bray, Sedalia Baseball Club


 SEDALIA Missouri/MO W30MA QSL Ham Radio Orson Matson

1949 Press Photo Car Crash Wreckage After Collision w Train, Sedalia Missouri

A O Monsees

Bird's Eye View, Sedalia, MO ca. 1890
Ohio Street, Sedalia, MO c. 1890

Link Postcards of Sedalia

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Missouri State Fair, Sedalia, MO ca. 1890

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West Broadway Residences, Sedalia, MO ca. 1910

Missouri Pacific Depot, Sedalia, MO

Sedalia residents gathered along the streets to watch as the Pettis County Courthouse burned on June 16, 1920
Link, Pettis County Courthouse History

Latour Photographer, Sedalia, MO

Bothwell Hotel, Sedalia, Missouri ca.1935

Covered Bridge, Sedallia, MO
West on Broadway, Sedalia, MO  ca. 1890  Dirt Road
Sedalia Postcard

Odd Fellow Building, Sedalia, MO

Covered Bridge, Sedalia, MO
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Sedalia, Mo Business College May 1914

Ohio Street looking South, Sedalia, MO ca 1890

George R. Smith College, Sedalia, MO  Scott Joplin Studied Here
Scott Joplin's alma mater, George R. Smith College, a historically black college (HBCU), operated from 1894 until it burned down on April 26, 1925.
George R. Smith College, erected to provide educational training for Negro students was located a short distance southwest of Crown Hill Cemetery. It was a brick structure trimmed with stone. The building contained three stories with 60 rooms, and a general assembly room with a seating capacity of 300 people. The cost of the building was $50,000. In January 1896 there were 125 students enrolled. This building was destroyed by fire in 1925. The date of the erection was not obtainable. The land was donated by Mesdames Smith and Cotton, daughters of George R. Smith, founder of Sedalia. The college was named in honor of George R. Smith. During the years of the existence of the college over 2,000 students received degrees.(Scotton, 1974, p.164)
The land for the college had been donated by the Smith sisters Sarah and Martha Elizabeth. They also donated land for Dunbar Park. Sarah Smith-Cotton's family home was torn down and the land was then used for the building of Smith-Cotton High School.

Blazing the Trail

In 1857, General George R. Smith founded “Sedville.” A name derived from his daughter Sarah’s nickname “Sed.” The name of his proposed new prairie town would later be refined to the more lyrical name of


In 1860, when the Pacific Railroad chose to locate a depot on General Smith's proposed new town site — “Sedalia, Queen City of the Prairies”

was officially born. The destiny of Sedalia has always been linked to the railroad.

A Border War between Kansas Jayhawkers and the Missouri Bushwhackers had been escalating for three years prior to 1860, making the railroad connection difficult. The attack on Fort Sumter and the session of the Confederate States launched the Civil War in earnest, just as the rails reached Sedalia.

Because of the war, western extension of the railroad was forced to halt at Sedalia. Sedalia was the “end of the line,” and remained the end of the line until the late stages of the war. The railroad reached Warrensburg in 1864, and just as the rails reached Kansas City in 1865, the war ended.

With the end of the war, civilian commerce flourished once again in Missouri. There was a huge pent-up demand, a hunger for beef back east and there was a vast supply of maverick longhorn cattle roaming the open ranges of Texas. To get them to market, the cattle drive was born in 1866.

Some of the first cattle drives headed north along the eastern edge of the Indian Territories along what was know as the Sedalia Trail. Sedalia was the goal and destination to which the drovers pushed their herds. Once they reached Sedalia, the longhorns could be loaded on “cattle cars” and shipped by rail to the stockyards of St. Louis, Chicago and points further east. As the railroad extended west across Kansas, other towns such as Abilene, Dodge City, etc., quickly usurped Sedalia’s position as the preferred choice of railhead.

Even after its role as “end of the line” had long passed, Sedalia was still connected to the shipment of cattle to the east. The extension of the Katy Railroad from Sedalia to deep into Texas, resulted in Sedalia becoming a major watering and rest stop for the endless stream of live beef headed east to the packing houses. It could be argued that Sedalia was the original “cow town.”

The period of the trail drive was short-lived, only lasting about 20 years, but the heritage of the “cowboy” and the “cattle drive” will live forever in books, movies and in the minds of independent, freedom loving people the world over.

Today’s Sedalia, with its friendly people, stately homes and majestic buildings, schools and churches, art and performance centers, ragtime tradition and historic state fairgrounds, all came about because of General Smith’s vision.

Miss Dorothy Wells, Held Up a Drug store for Honeymoon Money.
Sedalia, MO  1933
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Mrs. F. B. Nelson, Sedalia, MO  1926
First Female Park Ranger at Yellowstone National Park

Dry Parade, Carrie Nation, Sedalia, Missouri
Temperance Movement

The Most Russian City in the U.S. 

Published 06/3/2006

15 percent of population in Missouri’s Sedalia came from former USSR countries

At the entrance to Sedalia, located some 50 miles away from Missouri’s capital at Jefferson City, the roadway sign reads: “City Limits 20 360.” The number reflects the total population of the small provincial town in the very heart of theUnited States. Sedalia takes great pride for hosting the annual Missouri State Fair, which will have its 104th anniversary this year. Another hallmark of Sedaliathat makes the town a truly unique place is its Russian population. Over three thousand people in Sedalia came there from Russia and the former republics of the Soviet Union. Uncomplicated calculations show that more than 15 percent of the town’s people are Russians.

There is no similar city in the U.S. today. What is even more interesting is that the Russians [the term is used collectively, of course] are continuing to arrive there almost daily. The Russians are coming from Oregon, Washington,California, Michigan, Minnesota, and Ohio…

Going to milk the cows?

The passions of Russian people from the aforementioned states for moving is clearly noticeable in the offices of realtors Olga Kapitula and Olga Ostapenko, who work for the Missouri Land Brokers agency. The clients are first greeted by a welcoming sign in Russian “Dobro pozhalovat”. People fill the office regularly and the telephones ring all the time.

Olga Kapitula is among the pioneering Russian settlers in Sedalia. She came here seven years ago from Seattle, Washington.

- My husband initially went to Sedalia to see how the first two Russian families liked it. When he came home, he told me that he bought 40 acres of land inMissouri. People looked at us with laughter: “Will you be milking cows there?” These discouragements did not frighten us and my husband came here to build a house. As soon as we settled, guest visits from Washington became frequent. Everybody wanted to see how we were doing and to check land and real estate prices in Sedalia. I became a realtor because I used to take people around in my car to look at the houses. The mortgage broker himself offered me to go through training and take the license exam. Although my academic background is medicine, I do not regret at all the change in profession. I am still doing the same job: I’m helping people. 

What is it that attracts people to Sedalia? Nikolai Prokopchyuck, a senior man, moved to Missouri from Sacramento about two years ago. 

- Life in California is very expensive. Circumstances forced us to search for something easier and more tranquil. It is like a Ukrainian farming village here. I am very much satisfied and have do not lament my move to Missouri

The prices on land and houses around Sedalia, several times smaller than those in many other states and cities, account for much of the attraction force. There are good opportunities for investment. Many people buy land in Sedalia for contingency uses, without any explicit and immediate designs. These people may either move to Missouri in the future or sell the land with good profits. According to Olga Kapitula, land prices over the past seven years have risen by 50-70 percent. 

Families with small children make the decision of relocating to Sedalia to ensure the well-being of the young generation. 

“Schools here are much better than in the big cities,” Olga told me. “It is an ideal place for raising children – far away from all the temptations offered by large cities.” 

“Helping the children” seemed to be a constant theme in the discussions I had with many Russian residents of Sedalia. To many, an important reason for moving to Sedalia is the size of its religious community. There are in total four Russian churches in the town. 

There are absolutely no signs that Olga Kapitula and her colleagues will be less busy in the foreseeable future. 

The Russian spirit lives here 

The above assertion can freely be applied to the Russian store in Sedalia. It is located in the very center of the downtown area and carries a name of Izmail. The store’s co-owners are two sisters Alyona and Lilia. The Russians of Sedalia come here to buy what is dear to their hearts: herring fish and kielbasa, lard and cheese, candies and caviar… The list can go on forever. For reasons unknown, Russians seldom buy bread at the store. Home-made loafs, produced by Russian housewives, are earmarked for American consumers. Inside the Russian store, it is also possible to drink a cup of real Italian coffee with a freshly-made nutritious sandwich. 

The store’s operator, Alyona, recently returned from a trip to her native Ukraine and was glad to be home. She missed Missouri a great deal. In their tern, Alyona’s American clients missed her. Many Americans came to visit her and even offered flowers. 

Elderly man Don Braden, a frequent visitor of Izmail, comes to the Russian cafe to relax. 

- Not only is everything here fresh and delicious, it is also very pleasant to talk to Alyona and Lilia. They are always welcoming. They have a good sense of humor. They can create such an unforgettable atmosphere that makes people want to return to their store again and again. Other American visitors of Izmail, Ted Halling and Sandy Barton completely agree with Don. 

Several days prior to my visit to Sedalia, one more Russian store opened inSedalia. Valentina Danilova started Sunrise Market. One can find here Russian souvenirs, books, and even video rentals. 

“American friends asked me about Russian souvenirs so often that I decided to open my own store,” explained Valentina. 

Look for the Russian mafia in New York. 
Alla Borovitskaya came to Sedalia from Belgorod only a year ago. A fashion designer with 18 years of experience, she did not immediately set out to open her own business. She looked around, practiced the new language, and finally dared to venture into commerce. 
- People got to know that I sew well and started asking for my help. I called my friends in other cities who have opened such businesses and asked for advice. “Don’t be afraid, start a company. There will be more work than you can handle. If you’d like, just come and live with us.” 
Alla did not go anywhere from Sedalia. She successfully organized her business in the small Missouri town. 
Some of the Russians are buying out large buildings in Sedalia in hopes of starting mass production of various goods. Others are involved in the construction business. Some sell cars, repair them, or use them in a freight-delivery business.
Certainly, not all the Russians in Sedalia are entrepreneurs. Many work for food processing companies. At a local Wal-Mart, I met a Russian cashier. Julia from Ukraine served me tea at a roadside McDonald’s. 
The vast majority of American businesses have already come to realize that the Russian market is very beneficial for them. Some are surprised to learn that the population of Russians in the town has reached such large proportions and believe that it would be good to attract that category of clients. 
“I am happy that there is such a big Russian community in Sedalia,” said Assistant President of Excel Bank Dana Palmer. “They are really hard-working people, excellent neighbors, and good clients. Our bank extensively works with the Russian community and will do anything possible to increase the number of Russian clients.” 
In the Police Department of Sedalia, I was reassured that no Russian crime takes place in the city. The town in general is famous for its respect for law and order. 
“You should look for Russian mafia somewhere in New York, not in Sedalia,” the officer smiled. 

This is the way Sedalia is – the largest Russian city of America. It is very close to big metropolis areas of Kansas City, St. Louis and Columbia. Come and visit!

Archias Seed Store - Sedalia MO

L. H. Archias established the Archias Seed Store in 1884 and expanded to the floral business in 1910. Active in the Sedalia community, Archias helped found the Florists Telegraph Delivery Association (FTD) and the Missouri State Florists Association. The Archias Seed Store remained a Sedalia landmark until closing in the mid-1990s. (with info From Legendary Locals of Sedalia, by Rebecca Carr Imhauser).
Archias' Seed Store, Sedalia, MO

By the fall of 1910, the Wright Fliers were seasoned exhibition pilots, some with over twenty hours of flight time. Wright aircraft design was still in transition, and the pilots were testing new features in the field. The Wright brothers added wheels to the landing skids and disposed of the launching rail. They also made the rear elevator a permanent fixture, but had not yet completely disposed of the canard.
These photos show a previously unknown Wright aircraft that seems to have been adapted from an older Model A so that it can be flown with or without a canard. Over the space of several days while the Wright Fliers are flying at the Missouri State Fair, the airplane is photographed in the air in both configurations. Note the canard braces that jut forward at an angle from the skids. Even when this airplane is put together without a forward elevator the braces remain, sticking out in front. The semicircular "blinkers" that were once mounted between the canard surfaces are now attached to the skid braces. In later Wright aircraft, these will become triangular in shape.
Although we can’t know for sure, the most likely reason that this airplane was flown in different configurations is that it was an experimental aircraft. The Wrights were undecided as to the best aeronautical design, so they had a pilot fly the same airplane with and without a canard and report the results. The designated test pilot was Archibald Hoxsey, one of the most trusted of the Wright Fliers. From the state fair, Hoxsey took the aircraft to an air meet in St. Louis where he flew President Theodore Roosevelt on October 11, 1910 -- the airplane had no canard for this flight. Hoxsey apparently reported that he preferred the aircraft without the canard. When we next see this distinctive airplane, Hoxsey is racing it at Belmont, New York between October 22 and 31. The canard is gone, never to reappear, but the braces remain.
These test flights led to the development of the Wrights’ most popular design, the Wright Model B, which the Wright brothers introduced in Belmont. This was the aircraft which first introduced much of America to the wonders of flight.…/Lost_Flig…/Lost_Flights.htm

Wright Brothers Aeroplane Comes to the Missouris State Fair in Sedalia, MO October 1910.