Show-Me Warrensburg Pages

August 28, 2011

Lonna "Lonnie" Louis DesCombes 1918 Biographical Sketch

 Biographical Sketch of Lonna Louis DesCombes, Johnson County, Missouri, Warrensburg

From "History of Johnson County, Missouri," by Ewing Cockrell, Historical Publishing Company, Topeka, Cleveland, 1918. *******************************************
Lonna Louis DesCombes, a progressive, young businessman of Warrensburg, Missouri, one of the owners of "The Auto Shop," is a representative of the fourth generation of the DesCombes family in Johnson County, Missouri. Mr. DesCombes was born in Henry County, Missouri in 1889, a son of John Louis and Nora (Elliott) DesCombes, the former, a native of Johnson County, Missouri, and the latter, of Henry County, Missouri. John L. DesCombes was born in Johnson County on a farm near Leeton. He is a son of Thomas Louis DesCombes, a native of Johnson County, who was born near Leeton. The father of Thomas L. DesCombes, Charles Louis DesCombes, was of French descent. Charles Louis DesCombes emigrated from Switzerland to America and came to Missouri, where he settled on a farm in Johnson County near Leeton. His son, Thomas Louis at Leeton, and grandson, John Louis at Warrensburg, still live in Johnson County. John Louis and Nora (Elliott) DesCombes are the parents of ten child- ren: Lonna Louis, the subject of this review; Lloyd E., who is employed as machinist in an automobile factory in Springfield, Ohio; Virginia C., who is the wife of T. E. Thompson, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Russell D., a machinist employed in an automobile factory in Springfield, Ohio; Donald R. and Doris M., twins, Warrensburg, Missouri; Arlie I., Warrensburg, Missouri; Eugene, Warrensburg, Missouri; Ruby Ella and Ruth Anna, twins, who are at home with their parents. One child, John Herbert, died in early childhood. Lonna Louis DesCombes attended the public schools of Windsor, Missouri, the Warrensburg State Normal School and the University of Wisconsin. For four years, Mr. DesCombes was a professor in the Industrial Arts department of the Warrensburg State Normal School, resigning this position March 1, 1917, and entering the automobile business in Warrensburg. He opened "The Auto Shop" March 1, 1917, in partnership with A. H. Gilkeson at 122 West Pine street. Mr. Gilkeson is assistant cashier of the Commerical Bank of Warrensburg and Mr. DesCombes has complete charge of the shop. Their specialties are Overland and Dort cars, Goodrich tires, and expert auto repairing. They carry a complete line of auto accessories and storage batteries and are one of the best and most progressive firms in the city. Both young men are capable, alert, and industrious in a word, "hustlers." They have enjoyed large patronage from the very start and there is no reason why they should not make a splendid success. May 29, 1917, Lonna Louis DesCombes was united in marriage with Kathryne Gallaher, daughter of John A. and Pauline (Gillum) Gallaher, of Warrensburg, Missouri. John A. Gallaher, who served with distinction as State Geologist of Missouri and was widely known also as a mining expert, was born in Monroe County, Tennessee. His parents were James A. and Mary Weir Gallaher, and the father, who was a native of Virginia, was reared in Tennessee. Both came of colonial families and Mrs. Gallaher was descended from the Lyle family which settled in Virginia in 1740. John A. Gallaher served through the Civil War in the Confederate army and bore the scars of wounds received in action. He at one time owned the site of Montserrat and the town was first named Gallaher in his honor. He was a student and scientist, a lecturer of note, and contributed numerous important papers to leading scientific and class journals. He was the author of the "Geology of Missouri" and a work entitled "Cosmic Philosophy." Pauline (Gillum) Gallaher is a native of Johnson County, a member of a prominent and distinguished pioneer family. Mrs. Gallaher is still living at 214 Broad Street in Warrensburg. Mr. and Mrs. DesCombes reside in Warrensburg at 214 Broad street. Mr. DesCombes is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks in Warrensburg.
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Clyde E. DesCombes, Leeton, Warrensburg. 1972

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