Show-Me Warrensburg Pages

June 28, 2012

MONTSERRAT TOWNSHIP, Johnson County, Missouri 1918 History

Montserrat ...from a coal mine manned by prisoners to a winery today. 

The Montserrat Mine
While 150 of Colonel James Price's rented convicts were working the Westlake Mine in Pettis County, civilian miners at the Montserrat Coal Company in nearby Johnson County banded together and formed an anti-convict labor group. The Sedalia Democrat (June 24, 1877) reported that nearly 200 people turned out for a public protest meeting in the small town of LaMonte. John Gallaher, operator of the Montserrat mines, backed his miners in opposition of inmate labor. He was paying his men four-and-a-half cents per bushel while the Price Company was able to sell their coal for only a half cent more and still make a profit.
Nationwide, workers were joining forces for solidarity, and the Missouri miners received this news with interest. Perhaps they could do the same. A series of strikes and clashes by railroad workers that summer brought the nation's transportation to a grinding halt. Clearly, workers who banded together for a common cause had power. In August, the Montserrat mine workers were to have received a half-cent per bushel raise. They did not, and in anger walked off the job en masse. Gallaher threatened to lock them out if they did not return at once, but the miners refused.
Gallaher then contracted for the services of the prison miners working for the Price Company. The Price Mine had played out, and Gallaher was able to obtain the workers. A group of 160 inmates, accompanied by law enforcement officials, soon arrived at Montserrat.
Tension between Gallaher and his striking workforce grew. Gallaher vehemently argued that his actions had been necessary as the miners' strike would have bankrupted him. The miners countered that he secretly planned on hiring cheap convict laborers all along while publicly denouncing the practice.
The Montserrat convict miners were housed in a three-story barrack with a kitchen and dining area on the first floor. Sleeping quarters occupied the two upper floors; blacks on the second floor and whites on the third. The entire structure was surrounded by a 15-foot-tall wooden stockade. Armed guards, supervised by Deputy Warden W. M. Todd, were placed on vantage points atop the stockade.
On the evening of November 3, 1877, Todd brought out convict Allen Williams to be punished for lying to a guard. Williams received a whipping. Todd then asked for prisoner Charles Butler to take his punishment for being "loud and unruly." When Butler refused to leave the barracks, a group of armed guards was sent in to retrieve him.
Holding a red-hot poker from the stove, Butler met the guards and waved it menacingly in their faces. He dared them to come any closer or try to shoot him. Another convict, Jerry White, hurled a stream of obscenities at the guards and yelled, "Go ahead and shoot, and we'll burn down your damned shanty!" A chorus of voices cried, "Burn it! Burn it!" and White flung an oil lamp directly at Todd. It landed on the stairway leading up to the white sleeping quarters and immediately a raging inferno cut off any means of escape for those upstairs. Two other lamps were thrown, and the entire building was engulfed in flames.
The Jefferson City People's Tribune described the resulting chaos:
An indescribable scene of confusion followed in the third story there were but two windows, and through these the white convicts threw themselves headlong to the earth. It was a leap for life, and no time to calculate the consequences. And out of the windows of the second story poured the black brigade, jumping at random, some head foremost, others alighting on their feet, others on their backs, and thus serving to break the fall of the next corner, all mixed up on the ground, an inextricable, tangled mass of human beings, groaning, shouting, swearing, while above and about them the flames of the burning stockade and quarters roared and hissed. The guards from all around had in the meantime rallied and opened a lively fire on those who were attempting to escape.
None of the 245 convicts managed to escape, and immediately those that were unhurt were herded down into the mines. The 21 men who had suffered burns and injuries from jumping or gunshot wounds were taken by train to the hospital at the penitentiary. At first it was thought that eight men had lost their lives, but the death toll was later reduced to three, all convicts.
White and Butler, the main instigators of the riot, were taken to the penitentiary in leg irons and put in isolation cells to await their punishment. Meanwhile, Warden Willis returned to Montserrat with lumber and quickly rebuilt the stockade and quarters. The rest of 1877 passed without serious incident.
Book Link, Montserrat Missouri Coal Miners
Source: "History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918
 Transcribed by  Karen Hammer -2009

GEN. WADDY THOMPSON, an enterprising trader of Warrensburg, was born in Hart county, March 22, 1835.  Came to Missouri in 1842, locating in Macon county, where he remained till 1854, thence to Adair county, in 1861, and to Johnson county in 1877.  In the fall of 1877, he bought 300 convicts, whom he worked successfully in the coal mines at Montserrat for three years.  He married in Howard county, Missouri, in 1858, to Miss Elizabeth Wilkenson, an accomplished daughter of Chas. Wilkenson, Esq., a prominent farmer and stock-raiser.  By this union there are five children: Fannie, John J., Sue, Gussie, and Waddy, jr.  Two are dead. Mr.  Thompson is largely engaged in farming and stock-trading.  He is a clever gentleman and highly respectable.  In politics, a Democrat.
Montserrat township, the last political subdivision of Johnson county to be organized, was created by county court order of August 6, 1890. The territory comprising this township was taken chiefly from the township of Washington and a small portion from the townships of Simpson and Grover.
Geography.-Area, about 41 square miles, or 26,240 acres. Geographically, Montserrat township is composed of the body of upland, lying between the two streams of Clear Fork and Bear creek, as both flow north toward Blackwater. According to the United States Department of Agriculture's Soil Survey of 1914, the north third of this upland is smooth "black limestone" soil (Summit silt loam), extending from Montserrat town north to Blackwater bottom. The south two-thirds are chiefly broken ridges of "sandy" soil (Boone silt loam), with strips and patches of Summit silt loam, Crawford silt loam ("red limestone" soil) and Oswego silt loam (gray soil).

Early Settlements.-One of the first settlers in what is now Montserrat township was John Mayes. He was a Pennsylvanian, born in that state December 19, 1791, and in early life removed with his parents, to Virginia and later to Kentucky. He settled at what is now Montserrat town in 1835. No improvements had been made in this section of the country up to that time and even the county had not been organized. He remained here about three years, during which time this county was organized and the county seat located at Warrensburg. In 1838 he went to Warrensburg, where he operated a wool-carding machine for a time, and also conducted a hotel. In 1840 he returned to Montserrat township, where he spent the remainder of his life and died March 4, 1881. County Judge J. B. Mayes and A. S. Mayes, both deceased, were his sons, and Mayor William J. Mayes and President F. A. Mayes, of the Commercial Bank, are grandsons. He was one of the substantial citizens of that section of the county which now comprises Montserrat township and had much to do with the development of this part of the county.

William Gaut was also an early settler in the vicinity of Montserrat. He became a large landowner and took a prominent part in early-day politics.

Early Churches.-Lea's chapel and Mary's chapel were the two earliest churches of this township. Lea's chapel, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, was organized in 1840 at the residence of Dr. J. L. Lea and in 1861 this organization erected a building about a mile south" of Montserrat near where Dr. J. A. Lea resided. The following were some of the pioneer preachers who served this congregation : Reverends W. M. Protsman, James Porter, William Brown, Siceloff, T. Tolbert, W. H. Kelly, L. Pulliam, W. S. Woodard, W. M. Bewley, and M. Duren. The first members of this congregation were: May Hargraves, Robert H. and James E. Lea, W. H. DeArman, Margaret Robinson, Dr. J. L. Lea and Mrs. Harriet Lea.

Mary's Chapel. Cumberland Presbyterian church of Montserrat was organized November 5, 1859, by Reverend J. B. Morrow. The first church building which was erected shortly after the organization stood a few miles southwest of the village of Montserrat. The following ministers preached here in the pioneer days of this congregation: Reverends J. B. Morrow, J. H. Houx, R. S. Reed, W. Compton, D. M. K. Barnett, S. H. McElvaine, G. D. Gibbons, Levi Henshaw, David Hogan, J. R. Whitsett. and J. Cal. Littrell. The original members of this congregation were John Mayes, G. Hugh Robinson, J. T. Gillum and J. B. Mayes.

Early Cemeteries.-Lea's cemetery is located about a mile south of the village of Montserrat and Thomas J. Lea was buried here January 2, 1859, which was the first burial in this cemetery. This cemetery originally consisted of one acre which was set apart by order of court for burial purposes. It was donated for that purpose by Rev. H. R. Lea. Another burying ground is located on the southeast corner of section 10, Montserrat township and perhaps the first burying ground in the present borders of Montserrat township is located near the northwest corner of section 25 and was known as the Adams burying ground. This ground was used for burial purposes as early as 1844. Mayes' cemetery, located on section 23, was a private burial ground.

Victor Gallaher's Store, Montserrat, Missouri
Early Mill-Gallaher's Mill.-One of the earliest mills in the county was Gallaher's mill on Clear Fork, in section 6, in this township. This mill was built by William Cheek in 1830 or 1831 and belonged successively to James A. Gallaher, Montville Huff and Colonel Morton Thompson. There was a store, mill and gun shop here and it was a favorite resort of the pioneers. It was the voting place for Washington township before Knob Noster was built.

Early Schools.-After the days of the pioneer schools in the old log cabins, Montserrat school in the village of Montserrat was one of the early present schools. It was first erected in 1868. Among the pioneer teachers who taught here were John McKeehan Mrs. D. A. McCormick, J. P. Wallace, A. J. Sparks and John Bryne.

Justices.-The following are the justices of the peace of the township as far back as the county court records show, with dates of their election: 1890, W. H. Anderson, R. O. Hudson; 1892, F. B. Freeman; 1894, W. H. Anderson, L. J. Hosman; 1896, R. J. Walker; 1898, L. J. Hosman, E. B. Rogers; 1902, John O'Connor, John Murphy; 1904, Walter Hayes; 1906, Walter Hayes, John T. Dofflemyer; 1910, C. F. Scruggs, W. B. Skidmore; 1914, Robert Livergood, Robert Walker.

County Officers.-The following are the county officers who have been elected from the township since its organization in 1890, with dates of their election:

1890-92-Isaiah Hanna (Democrat), county judge.
1900-1902-P. D. Fitch (Democrat), county judge.
1900-1902-R. F. Gillum (Democrat), collector.
1906-Eura J. McCormack (Democrat), circuit clerk.
1914-Charles G. Goodnight (Democrat), recorder.
1916-Joseph F. McGuire (Democrat), surveyor.

County Road Improvements.-County road improvements made by Montserrat township since this system was established in 1911, were up to January 1, 1918, fourteen in number, and aggregated $779 furnished by the citizens of the township, and $777.50 furnished by the county.

Organizations.-The following is a complete list of all organizations of every kind in Montserrat township. Full details of each organization are in this book in separate chapters on the different organizations.

Churches-Baptist, Montserrat; Baptist, Pleasant Point; Baptist, New Bethel; Christian, Oak Hill; Cumberland Presbyterian, Methodist South, Montserrat.
1917 War Organizations-Red Cross, Montserrat Branch.
Fraternal Organizations-Modern Woodmen, Montserrat.
Miscellaneous-Homemakers Club, Oak Grove; Homemakers Club, Sunnyside.

Total number of organizations in township is ten.
Place name:Montserrat (earlier Carbon Hill)
Description:This name, which replaced Carbon Hill (q.v.), was given when the Missouri Pacific Railroad came through. The new town site was laid out by John A. Gallaher August 24, 1870, and according to the JOHNSON COUNTY HISTORY of 1881 was given by him an old world name. Montserrat, or Monserrat, is a jagged mountain about thirty miles northwest of Barcelona, Spain, famous for its monastery (founded 880), noted for an image of the Virgin; the name means "toothed" or "serrate mountain." As noted in the article by Mr. Ferguson, the choice of the name was doubtless suggested by the elevated site of the town and the serrated hills leading away south of it. (HIST. JOHNSON 1881, 505; Cockrell's HIST. JOHNSON 1918, 299; Joe L. Ferguson, "Mining of Coal as Chief Factor in Montserrat Township Development," WARRENSBURG STAR JOURNAL, April 25, 1931; Century Cyclopedia of Names, sub. "Montserrat")
Source:Johnson, Bernice E. "Place Names In Six Of The West Central Counties Of Missouri." M.A. thesis., University of Missouri-Columbia, 1933.

"Montserrat" was an old world name given to the town by James A. Gallaher when he laid it out. The township received the same name. Montserrat is on the main line of the Missouri Pacific railroad about six miles east of Warrensburg. It is in section 13, township 46, range 25 and was laid out August 24, 1870, by John A. Gallaher. It is in the midst of a valuable coal field and coal has been mined in this vicinity for a number of years. Mines were first worked about 1863, the first mining being done in drifts along the Clear Fork creek. The first shafts were sunk in this vicinity in 1866 by the Missouri Pacific Railroad Coal Company and other companies and private individuals have operated here with varying degrees of success for the past fifty years. In the early history of the village of Montserrat, the following were among the first business men: W. H. Anderson, was a carpenter and justice of the peace; C. B. Baker kept a saloon, and was also postmaster; Thomas Boyd was a merchant and coal operator; John A. Gallaher was a coal operator; Dr. John W. Gallaher was a physician; Dr. J. L. Lea was also a physician; Lea & Gallaher kept a drug store; Lea & Mayes kept a grocery store; S. J. LaRue also kept a grocery store; H. B. McCracken was a drayman; and D. S. Williams kept a butcher shop. J. C. Cooper (colored, an ex-Union soldier and a good man) was one of the pioneer blacksmiths. There seems to have been a surplus of saloons in the town in the early days. In addition to the postmaster, John Gibson, George James and George Penn kept saloons here at the same time.
Montserrat now has three churches, one negro church, white and negro schools, physician, good stores and blacksmith shop.
Its population in 1910 was 157.  
Johnson County, Missouri Genealogy Trails
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Bristle Ridge Winery - Montserrat, Missouri 

When Bristle Ridge Winery was established in 1979 the majority of their wines were named after the varietals which they grow.
For the concord wine Bristle Ridge Vineyards decided to call it Montserrat Red after the village in which it's produced and to honor the name of Montserrat and its history..
Mr. Gallaher named Montserrat after the mountains of Montserrat Spain. Montserrat Red is the first sweet wine Bristle Ridge Winery made and continues to be one of the most popular. Now customers just call it "the Red wine".

BRISTLE RIDGE VINEYARDS and WINERY started with a vision, a piece of land that was good for growing grapes , an old building that was originally a water tower and an 800 foot well. The property is located on Bristle Ridge so this was a perfect name. BRISTLE RIDGE VINEYARDS and WINERY was established in 1979, as the first vineyard and winery in Johnson County Missouri. It has been in the same family since that time. Originally the tasting room was located in the old water tower. Today the tasting room/gift shop is in a new home, which is handicapped accessible.

The bottled product begins with the care and maintenance given to the vineyards. Grapes know their job and we are the care-takers of the vine. Care is given to produce quality wines. Bristle Ridge is known for the flavor of the fruit that comes from each variety of grape. Specialty wines are made from fruit within the state to remain “Made in Missouri”. We welcome our guests to walk through the vineyard to see first hand how Mother Nature and Missouri Sunshine work to develop our grapes. Children are always welcome and we have grape juice for them to sample.

Since it has opened, the winery and grounds have been a work in progress. The setting is tranquil and relaxing. The view from the porch to the North is mesmerizing and sunsets are a spectacular way to end the day.
Biographical Sketch of George M. Boyd, Johnson County, Missouri, Warrensburg Township
>From "History of Johnson County, Missouri," by Ewing Cockrell,Historical Publishing Company, Topeka, Cleveland, 1918.

George M. Boyd, foreman of the Boyd Coal Company of Warrensburg, has
been connected with the coal business in Johnson county since 1878 or
1879.  He is the son of Thomas H. Boyd, who was engaged in the mining
business in Johnson county for many years.  George M. Boyd is the old-
est child born to his parents, Thomas H. and Jennie (McIntosh) Boyd.
The others were as follow: Margaret, wife of L. M. Hare, of Pittsburg,
Kansas; Thomas Jr., died in 1889 at Knob Noster, Mo.; Susie, wife of
Tell Zuber, of Knob Noster, Mo.; John, died at Knob Noster, Mo., in
September, 1896; and Nettie, the wife of Frank Booth, of Kansas City,
Missouri.  The mother was born in Scotland in 1844 and with her husband
came to America about 1865.  Her death occurred January 1, 1880. Thomas
H. Boyd was again married, his second wife being Mary E. Clifford, of
Wisconsin.  To them were born six children: Timothy, the superintendent
of the brick company at Ginger, Texas; Mrs. Rufus Brindle, Knob Noster,
Mo.; Mrs. William Connor, Denver, Colorado; William, who resides in
Ginger, Texas; Mrs. Arthur Heider, Terbell, California; and Archie, now
deceased.  Before Thomas H. Boyd came to Missouri, John A. Gallaher was
the superintendent of the mines at Montserrat and had been mining coal
there for five years prior to Mr. Boyd's coming.  In the spring of 1880,
Thomas H. Boyd opened a coal mine at Clearfork and the two mines, the
one at Montserrat and the other at Clearfork, employed at the time be-
tween six and eight hundred miners.  In the spring of 1882, 500 convicts
from the State penitentiary were imported for use in the mines by Gallaher, under a four year contract.  A fight was made on the convict laborers by the local miners and the men were returned to the penitentiary in the spring of 1884. During the time the convicts were employed at the mines, the stockade was burned down by a fire started when one of the criminals threw a lighted lamp at the warden.  While the stockade was being rebuilt, the convicts were kept down in the mines, which was from seven to nine days.  After they were permanently removed, the Clearfork Coal Company assumed control of the mines and operated the Clearfork mine until 1887.  Since that time, nothing much in the line
of mining has been done there.  The vein of coal in the Montserrat mine was from four to six feet in depth.  Thomas H. Boyd went from the Clearfork mine to one which he opened at Knob Noster, where the vein was four or four and a half feet in depth, and which he operated for five years.  His death occurred in 1905 at Knob Noster and his remains were
interred at that place.  George M. Boyd received his education in the public schools of Johnson county, attending school at Montserrat.  At the age of fourteen years, he left school and began working with his father in the mines.  He has been engaged in the coal and brick business practically ever since he was a lad.  Mr. Boyd has literally grown up with the coal business in Johnson county and there is no more capable miner in Missouri.  For 24 years he conducted the brick plant at Knob Noster, associated with his father in the ownership of the plant, the firm being known as Boyd & Son.  In 1912 the plant was incorporated and the ensuing year Mr. Boyd accepted the position of foreman of the
Boyd Coal Company of Warrensburg.  In April, 1883, George M. Boyd and
Louisa Clifford were united in marriage.  Louisa (Clifford) Boyd is the
daughter of Timothy and Mary Clifford, of Green Bay, Wisconsin.  Both
parents of Mrs. Boyd are now deceased.  To George M. and Louisa Boyd
have been born the following children: Thomas W., married Mrs. Louisa
Riggs, Knob Noster, Mo.; John, who married Sadie Brindle, Warrensburg;
George E., married Ursa Vickery, Warrensburg; Robert, married Buena
Ragner, Knob Noster, Mo.; Timothy, married Ruth Gardner, Knob Noster,
Mo.; Frances, a graduate of the Warrensburg High School and resides at
home with her parents; and William Tell, who is a lad in the grade
school of Warrensburg.  Mr. and Mrs. Boyd reside at 210 East Gay street
in Warrensburg.

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Wm. J. Mayes, the well-known and highly respected mayor of Warrensburg, was born May 7, 1847, in Warrensburg township, just east of Pertle Springs, in Johnson county, Missouri. He is the son of John B. and Martha A. (Gillum) Mayes. John B. Mayes was born December 22, 1821, in Green county, Kentucky. He was the son of John and Nancy (Berry) Mayes, who came from Kentucky to Missouri in 1834, and after a year spent in Lafayette county settled in Warrensburg, where he conducted a hotel and operated a carding machine. Later he removed to Montserrat township, Johnson county.

John Mayes was born in Pennsylvania and with his parents moved to Virginia, and later to Kentucky. In March, 1834, John and Nancy Mayes came to Missouri to make their home in the then thinly settled West. Both are now interred in the family cemetery near Montserrat.
John B. Mayes came to Missouri with his parents in 1834. January 14, 1844, he was united in marriage with Martha A. Gillum in Grover township and to this union was born Wm. J., the subject of this review. John B. Mayes was reared on the farm and his entire life was devoted to farming and stock raising in Montserrat township, where he also for many years conducted a general store. He was justice of the peace in Montserrat township from 1850 to 1861 and county judge for twelve years, taking the office in 1871. He died June 12, 1905, at Montserrat and his widow now resides in Kansas City, Missouri, with her youngest daughter, Mrs. Minnie Gott. Mrs. Mayes was ninety years of age June 22, 1917.
Wm. J. Mayes attended the public schools of Johnson county. At the age of fourteen years he began life for himself, working as a hired hand on a farm. The Mayes family moved to Illinois in 1863. They returned to Missouri in 1865. Prior to 1872, Wm. J. Mayes was employed as cowboy in Texas and New Mexico.
In 1872, Wm. J. Mayes and Anna J. Lee, daughter of Dr. J. L. Lee of Montserrat township, and a pioneer physician of Johnson county, were united in marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Mayes are the parents of the following children: Mrs. Eula G. Lyons, Birmingham, Alabama; Finis E., who lives on the grandfather's farm in Montserrat township; Roy B., who is a farmer living in Montserrat township; Elta Lee, at home; Wm. Ray, who is a farmer in Montserrat township; and John Jesse, who is employed as bookkeeper at Knob Noster for the Knob Noster Brick Plant.
Mr. Mayes was elected mayor of Warrensburg in April, 1913. He was re-elected in 1915 and again in 1917 and is now serving his third term in office. He has always known Ewing Cockrell, the author of this volume. In addition to the manifold duties of his office, Mr. Mayes devotes some attention to his splendid farm of fifteen hundred acres in Montserrat township. He is one of the most successful farmers and stockmen of Johnson county and has been an extensive stockman all his life. At present he has two hundred head of young cattle on his farm, which is one of the best in the state.
Mr. Mayes is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Warrensburg Lodge Number 673. He is a director of the Commercial Bank of Warrensburg. of which he was one of the organizers, and he is president of the Home Telephone Company. He is also president of the Knob Noster Brick and Tile Company. He is a man of unusual activity and has never taken a vacation in his life. He is a quiet, unassuming man, public-spirited and one of the leading business men of the county.
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

Biographical Sketch of William F. Burns, Johnson County, Missouri,

>From "History of Johnson County, Missouri," by Ewing Cockrell,
Historical Publishing Company, Topeka, Cleveland, 1918.
W. F. Burns, one of Johnson county's best and most valued citizens, was
born in 1847 in County Wicklow, Ireland.  He is the son of John and
Sarah (O'Neal) Burns, who emigrated from Ireland to America in 1849 and
located in Port Huron, Michigan, when their son, W. F., was a child two
years of age.  In 1860, the Burns family moved from Michigan to Miss-
ouri and settled on a farm of four hundred acres of land, located near
Montserrat.  This land was purchased for fifteen dollars an acre within
a year or two after coming to Missouri.  Sarah (O'Neal) Burns was a
native of Ireland, but she never heard of the Irish language until she
came to America, for English was exclusively spoken in her district. To
John and Sarah Burns were born the following children: James, Kansas
City, Missouri; Elizabeth, who was the wife of Thomas Farrell and they
lived on the farm adjoining the home place near Montserrat and she is
now deceased; Margaret, who was the wife of Michael Farrell, whose 
death occurred near Montserrat in February, 1916; John, who is in the
employ of the Metropolitan Railway Company, Kansas City, Missouri; 
W. F., the subject of this review; and Lawrence, who died in 1906 at
St. Joseph, Missouri.  John Burns first located on the Jehu Robinson
place between Montserrat and Knob Noster, upon coming to Missouri.
When Mr. and Mrs. Burns moved to their home, which they had built on
the farm in Montserrat township, the neighbors gave them a surprise
party to welcome them and the weatherman gave the neighbors a surprise.
A blizzard arose that night and thirty-two of the party were obliged to
remain at the Burns home until the next evening.  Both mother and 
father died on the farm in Montserrat township, with only one day
intervening between their deaths.  They departed this life together in
1886, Mrs. Burns preceeding her husband in death only a few hours. They
were interred in the same grave in the Warrensburg cemetery.  William
F. Burns, the subject of this review, received his education in the
public schools of Port Huron, Michigan.  He came with his parents to
Missouri in 1860 and until six years ago resided on the farm in Mont-
serrat township.  In 1911, Mr. Burns moved from the farm to Warrensburg
and entered the coal business in partnership with J. J. Culp. Two years
ago he opened an office in the Christopher building in Warrensburg. 
Mr. Burns has an enviable reputation among the business men of Johnson
county.  He is honest and square in all his dealings, a man whose word
is as good as gold.  The firm has enjoyed a splendid patronage from the
start and is now doing an extensive business.  William F. Burns is a 
genial, warm-hearted Irishman, whose quiet, unobstrusive, good humor
has made him friends by the score.  May 20, 1879 William F. Burns was
united in marriage with Mary Ann Rogers, daughter of E. B. and Sarah
(Burges) Rogers.  E. B. Rogers was born in 1828 in New York and when
sixteen years of age left New York and went to Illinois.  His death 
occurred when he was seventy-seven years of age and his widow, who was
born in Kentucky, is now residing at Montserrat.  Mrs. Rogers is eighty
nine years of age and still enjoying good health.  To William F. and
Mary Ann (Rogers) Burns have been born nine children: Mrs. E. M. Foster
Warrensburg, Missouri; John, who is owner and manager of a garage at
Knob Noster, Missouri; Sarah E., who was engaged in teaching and died 
at the age twenty-nine years; Margaret, who is engaged in the millinery
business in Warrensburg; William, Jr., Smithton, Missouri; Frances, who
died at the age of three years; Anna, who is engaged in teaching at 
Odessa, Missouri; Mrs. Aubrey Tockett, Blanca, Colorado; and Vincent,
who lives at home with his parents.  E. B. Rogers, father of Mrs.
William F. Burns, came with his father from New York to Illinois and
while on the way the senior Mr. Rogers fell from the boat on which they
were coming, and was drowned in the Mississippi river.  E. B. and Sarah
(Burges) Rogers were the parents of the following children: M. S., 
Lamonte, Missouri; Fletcher, who died from illness caused by disease
contracted in the Spanish American War; James, Kansas City, Missouri;
Dewitt, who resides in California; Oscar, who resides at Montserrat,
Missouri; and Mrs. William F. Burns, the wife of the subject of this
review.  E. B. Rogers was a veteran of the Civil War.  He enlisted in
the Union army in 1861 in Peoria county, Illinois and served three 
years.  He took part in the famous battle of Gettysburg, which lasted
three days, from July 1 to July 4, 1863 and resulted in the loss of 
more than twenty-three thousand men on the Union side.  Mr. Rogers was
mustered out and honorably discharged in 1864.  William F. Burns has
been a resident of Johnson county for nearly sixty years and he has in
that time seen many changes incidental to the growth and improvement of
the county.  He recalls many of the men and women who nobly spent their 
lives aiding in the upbuilding of both the county and state.  Those who
devoted their lives to the cause of Christianity in the Catholic church
in the early days, whom Mr. Burns remembers, were: Father Caloner,
Father Murry, Father McKin, Father Everheart, and Father Phelan.  The
Catholic church was established in Warrensburg, Missouri in 1866 by
Father Caloner, of Sedalia, Missouri.  The house of worship was erected
soon after and was constructed of brick at a cost of three thousand
dollars.  Father McCardle, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this
volume, is the present pastor.  Mr. Burns bears the unique distinction
of having been a classmate of Thomas A. Edison, America's greatest
wizard, when they were boys in Port Huron, Michigan. 
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        Penny (Eisenbarger) Harrell 
Gleaned from:
The History of Johnson Co., Mo. 1881
Kansas City Historical Co.


Anderson, W. H., Carpenter & justice of the Peace
Baker, C. B., Saloonist & Postmaster
Boyd, Thomas, Coal Operator & Merchant
Cooper, J. C. (Colored), Blacksmith
Fitch, P. D., Engineer
Gallaher, John A., President of Coal Company
Gallaher, John W., Physician
Gibson, John, Saloonist
James, Geo., Saloonist
La Rue, S. J., Grocer
Lea & Gallaher, Druggists
Lea & Mayes, Grocery Store
Lea, J. L., Physician
McCracken, H. B., Drayman
Penn, Geo., Saloonist
Williams, D. S., Butcher
Winters, Frank M., Missouri Pacific Railroad ticket agent

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