Show-Me Warrensburg Pages

November 5, 2019

Civil War Dispatches, Johnson County, Missouri Skirmish, Wagon Train Capture, Guerrilas, Post Oak

The Jeffersonian., November 28, 1861

Trustworthy information reached here today that our cavalry, under Major Hough, had overtaken and captured the rebels who seized our supply train near Warrensburg, on Monday last, and that a hundred and fifty prisoners were taken and the wagons recovered.
MILITARY DISPATCHES The Civil War in Missouri
Transcribed official Messages and reports between Officers in the field and their Headquarters, and messages from Field Office to Field Office.


On This Page:
Capture of a wagon train near Warrensburg
Scouting for Guerrillas in Johnson County
A Renegade Kansas Unit in Johnson Co., Missouri
A little case of mistaken identity
Skirmish at Clear Fork
MARCH 19-23, 1862. Operations in Johnson County
JUNE 17, 1862-Skirmish near Warrensburg, Mo
Action on the Post Oak, at the mouth of the Brier
APRIL 28-30, 1864. Skirmishes in Johnson County
MAY 23-25, 1864. Scout from Warrensburg, Mo.
 JUNE 12, 1864. Skirmish near Kingsville, Mo.
Capture of a Wagon Train Near Warrensburg
NOVEMBER 18, 1861. Capture of a wagon train near Warrensburg, Mo.
Report of Maj. L. C. Easton, Quartermaster, U. S. Army.
Fort Leavenworth, November 29, 1861.
GENERAL : Since writing you. on the 19th instant, the wagon-masters of trains Nos. 1 and 2 started from this place to Sedalia, by direction of General Fremont, have returned to this place, and report that on the 16th of November, while en route from Fort Leavenworth to Sedalia, and within 25 miles of the latter place, having received information that the trains Nos. 1 and 2 were about being attacked, J. W. Price, wagonmaster of train No. 2, dispatched an express to the commanding officer at Sedalia, asking him for protection. On the 17th November he received an order from General Sturgis to return to Fort Leavenworth, which order we immediately obeyed, and on the night of the 18th November, near Warrensburg, Mo., while on our return to Fort Leavenworth, the trains Nos. 1 and 2 were attacked and captured by an armed party of rebels. No protection was sent us from Sedalia, and no protection was given the trains on the route by Colonel Jennison's regiment. Colonel Jennison's regiment, as I reported to you in my letter of the 19th instant, was detailed to escort these trains to Sedalia.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major and Quartermaster.
General M. C. MEIGS,
Q. M. G. U. S. Army, Washington, D. C.

JUNE 17, 1862—Skirmish near Warrensburg, Mo.
Report of Maj. Emory 8. Foster, Seventh Missouri Cavalry (Militia).
Post at WARRENSBURG, June 18, 1862.

Lieutenant: I have the honor to report that Lieut. Sandy Lowe, Company G, Seventh Missouri State Militia, with 18 men, yesterday morning came suddenly upon a small squad of bushwhackers at the house of Mrs. Davenport, 9 miles west of this place. They fired upon the militia, wounding 1 slightly, and fled to the brush. The militia fired, killing 2, and securing their horses and arms. A running fight was kept up through the brush for near half a mile when the lieutenant found himself entirely surrounded by bushwhackers, the number, as near as could be estimated, 80 or 90—the report says 150 or 200. The militia fought well for near half an hour, cutting their way through the swarming guerrillas. When they reached the prairie they made a desperate stand, and

sent a runner to me for assistance.

I started immediately with 55 men, and met the lieutenant 3 miles west of here, coming to camp. He reported that he had left 3 men wounded in the brush, and had killed 8 or 9 of the enemy; that the bushwhackers had followed him a short distance from the brush and then went west. Lieutenant Lowe was shot through the left hand. I went immediately to the ground where the men had been left, and found two of them stripped of their clothing and horribly mutilated, one of them with more than a dozen revolver-balls in his body and his head frightfully broken and mangled.

I followed the trail of the guerrillas some distance, but night coming on and a heavy storm with it, I returned to town. I came by the honse of Mrs. Davenport, and found the place deserted, a large quantity of provisions cooked and packed in baskets, sacks, &c., and a long table set for dinner for a number of men. I ordered the house burned, which was done. I found Corporal Holstein, Company G (who had been left on the ground wounded), 3 miles west of here. He had crawled a mile through the grass and brush. His wound is not dangerous. The excitement in the county is intense. As many as 50 citizens from town and county came with arms and offered their services to protect the place. Day before yesterday a young man named White was shot down while plowing in the field. Two of the worst bushwhackers I have in jail will be shot to-day in part pay for his life.

I have positive information that Upton Hays came into this county three days ago with 100 men and joined Brinker and Snelling, who had 85 or 90 men. The citizens are moving to town in numbers to save what little household goods they have left. Four houses were plundered and one fired day before yesterday.
Yesterday, while in the brush near where the fight occurred Miss Mattie Brinker, sister of the notorious guerrilla chief John Brinker, came to us. A younger brother was with her. Miss Mattie says she left home, some 3 miles southeast of Warrensburg, about 2 o'clock p. m. I had started about 12 p. m. She was much surprised and confused when she discovered who we were. This young lady has been suspected of conveying intelligence to bushwhackers for some time. She and her brother are in confinement.
I am, lieutenant, yours, respectfully,

Major Seventh Missouri State Militia, Commanding Post,
Lieut. D. A. THATCHER,
Acting Assistant Adjutant- General, Jefferson City, Mo.
Scouting for Guerrillas in Johnson Co.
Warrensburg, Mo., March 13, 1864.
Maj. O. D. GREENE,
Assistant Adjutant-General, Saint Louis, Mo.:
MAJOR: I have the honor to transmit, for the information of the major-general commanding, General
Orders, No. 12, from these headquarters, requiring the citizens to organize companies for local
police duty. The few guerrillas and bandits in the country are in parties of from 2 to 15 : though
active scouts on foot in the brush and mounted in the more open country have killed several of them
in the past twenty days, and will eventually clear the country of them, yet it fails to inspire
confidence and self-reliance in the people, and it is deemed best to form these organizations
immediately. The enrollment of the Enrolled Missouri Militia would be sufficient in the populous
districts if it was or could be completed soon enough to meet the present emergency, but this would
fail to afford the necessary protection in the more sparsely settled districts, as the majority of
able-bodied citizens who are liable to military duty have entered one of the armies, while the exempts,
with those who would pay, not fight, would leave few or none for military service. These reasons will
explain why I have thought it was necessary to make a general organization of the citizens of the
district before the militia enrollment was completed. There is this objection to a volunteer
organization : The people fear the vengeance of the bushwhackers, and say they would be exposed to
being made victims if they join in an attempt to drive them out, and in many localities no combined
action could be had, unless it is compelled by military orders. So far as I can learn the order meets
with general approval with the people, and in some cases similar organizations have been concurred in
by the general commanding.
I am, very truly, your obedient servant,
Brigadier-General of Volunteers, Commanding,
First Cav., M. S. M., Comdg. 3d Sub-Dist,,
Warrensburg, Mo. :
COLONEL: I have the honor to report to you that on last Saturday morning, about a. m., I left my
company headquarters with what available force I had, numbering 25 (being all I had in camp but a
small guard, in accordance with Special Orders, No. 64, dated headquarters Third Sub-District,
Warrensburg, Mo., March 18, 1864), and arrived in Greenton about 10 a. m., and after remaining at the
town a short time we scouted the country generally, and up to 4 p. m. I had not been able to hear
anything from Major Mullins; after which I moved my command into Texas Prairie, and scouted that
most thoroughly, and still could learn nothing of Major Mullins. I proceeded west to near the Jackson
County line, and camped for the night in 1 miles of the bridge on the Big Sni, about 7 miles from
Napoleon, in Jackson County, Mo. On Sunday morning I scouted the Texas Prairie, and returned to
Greenton Valley and made diligent inquiry for the major and could not hear or learn anything of his
whereabouts. I traversed the entire length, or nearly so, of the Greenton Valley, and likewise of Texas
Prairie. I found no friends and no rebels in arms, and I did not know what to do, only to return to
camp and await further orders, as I had hunted diligently two days for the officer to whom I was to
report for duty and was unable to find him or his command.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Capt. Co. M, First Cavalry, Missouri State Mil.
Hall's Mill, Mo., March 21, 1864.
First Cavalry, M. S. M., Comdg. 3d Sub-Dist., Warrensburg, Mo.:
COLONEL: I have the honor to report that I have had out fourteen scouts and one escort to Warrensburg, 
with wagons for rations, since my last report on the 10th instant. We have scouted over the north part of Johnson County. Greenton Valley, and Texas Prairie, in LaFayette County, and traveled in the aggregate 3.235 miles, making it equal to about 42 miles per day for the whole company. I find
several old camps where bushwhackers have been, and some late camp signs, but all of them are small,
not more than from 3 to 7 at any one place. We judge the number by the way they feed their horses and
the signs they make. I do not think there is any large body of bushwhackers in this part of the country, but I feel very confident that there are several small squads which pass through frequently and perhaps stop a short time in the brush on Black Water. We have not been close enough to any bushwhackers to fire upon them, nor do we know certainly that the men have seen any since they have been stationed here. The country over which we travel is very quiet at this time and the people all appear to be preparing to go to work with a view of raising a crop. We have been able to procure full rations of corn and hay for our horses up to this time.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Capt. Co. M, First Cavalry, Missouri State Mil.
Harrisonville, Mo., March 23, 1864.
Lieut. E. L. BERTHOUD,
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General :
LIEUTENANT: In compliance with instructions from Brigadier-General Brown, bearing date 18th instant, I
have established a military station at Morristown, in this county, and Lieut. J. Fenton Seymour,
Company C, Second Colorado Cavalry, with 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 20 men of his company, is
stationed at that place.
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major Second Colorado Cavalry, Commanding Station.
A Renegade Kansas Unit in Johnson Co., Missouri
Jefferson, January 22, 1864.
Maj. O. D. GREENE,
Asst. Adjt. Gen., Department of the Missouri:
MAJOR: I have the honor to report that on the l5th instant I received the following dispatch from Lexington: Kansas troops are in the country robbing the citizens of their property of every description. This company is under the command of Lieutenant Ridgway and has been stationed at Sibley.
Brigadier-General, Enrolled Missouri Militia.
I immediately telegraphed Colonel McFerran at Warrensburg and Captain Meredith at Lexington to send a military force sufficient to arrest the parties, if possible, and send them to these headquarters. Colonel McFerran telegraphs me that Ridgeway was in Greenton Valley yesterday carrying on his depredations. If my troops fail in arresting him, I respectfully ask that he be ordered under arrest and sent to these headquarters. If a collision is brought on between the Kansas and Missouri troops it will not be my fault, but it is time that an end was put to their robberies under the cloak of freeing negroes. If Kansas wants negroes I will send 500 women and children to that State in two days, as they are a great annoyance to me, and everybody wants them removed. But they do not want them; they want the property the negroes carry off and the opportunity of taking it by coming into the State.
I am, very truly, your obedient servant,
Brigadier-General of Volunteers, Commanding.
Jefferson City, January 22, 1864.
Maj. O. D. GREENE,
Assistant Adjutant-General, Saint Louis :
MAJOR : I have the honor to report that a body of about 50 men have made their appearance on the line of Jackson County, about 7 miles northwest of Chapel Hill, who are reported to belong to Blunt's and Todd's guerrilla bands. On the 16th they were pursued by a company of First Missouri State Militia and dispersed. Search was made for them on the 17th and 18th. but no trace could be found. I have reason to believe that these parties are from the Kansas border, and have impersonated Blunt's and Todd's bands.
I am, truly, your obedient servant,
Brigadier-General of Volunteers, Commanding.
Jefferson City, January 22, 18G4.
Commanding Third Sub-District, Warrensburg :
COLONEL: Please make a rigid inquiry as to the authority for believing that the camp and force reported as being north of Chapel Hill by Lieutenant Couch is Blunt's or Todd's guerrillas. I should not be surprised if you learned that it was Union thieves and not rebels. You will probably find it necessary to keep your command in the field, and the district of country on the west side of La Fayette thoroughly and constantly scouted.
I am, truly, yours,
Brigadier- General of Volunteers, Commanding.
Warrensburg, Mo., January 25, 1864.
[General E. B. BROWN :]
GENERAL: I have the honor to enclose herewith a copy of Captain Meredith's report of the Ridgeway raid, also copies of Orders, Nos. 2, 5, and 18, issued at these headquarters. I have directed Company I to take station between Chapel Hill and Wellington, and, in connection with Companies C at Chapel Hill, and at Wellington, thoroughly patrol and scout the western boundary of LaFayette.
I have stationed Company I at Kingsville, on the western boundary of this county, with instructions to thoroughly scout the western boundary of this county. I have hopes that these arrangements may serve to protect the people of this sub-district from incursions of Kansas troops and Red Legs. No other news of interest.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
First Cav., Comdg. Sub-Dist. of Central Dist. of Mo.
[Enclosure No. 1.]
Lexington, Mo., January 22, 1864.
Comdg. Third Sub-District, Central District of Missouri :
COLONEL: I have the honor to report to you that I left this post on the night of the 20th. in command of part of Companies G and H, First Cavalry, Missouri State Militia, and proceeded by way of Wellington up as far as the Jackson County line. I found the citizens greatly alarmed. Some had left their homes for fear of being killed. From what I learned it appears that Lieutenant Ridgeway, with from 40 to 60 men, made a raid through this county for no other purpose than to rob and plunder. They commenced their hellish work in the vicinity of Greenton; robbed quite a number of men of money, clothing, watches. They then proceeded to the neighborhood of Renicks, near the Jackson County line. They took from Renick's three yoke of cattle, a valuable gold watch, some $40 in money, and quite a number of negroes. They tied one Mr. Musselman s hands behind him and took from him $299, and divided the money in his presence. They committed a great many other outrages, too numerous to mention. They came into Greenton on the same day, and after my scout, under command of Lieutenant Groomer and Sergeant Atterbury, had left the neighborhood. They had done the devilment and left before I was apprised of their being in the county. Renick and Musselman came into town, and, in place of reporting to me, reported to General Brown by telegraph. When I found the Kansas troops had all left the county, I left a part of my command on the line of Jackson County as a patrol, with orders to arrest any parties that might come into La Fayette County, and returned to this place by way of Greenton.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain. Commanding Post.
[Enclosure No. 2.]
No. 2. Warrensburg, Mo., January 14, 1864.
II. The manifest disregard of private rights in some localities and the total or partial suspension of the civil authorities in others demands that the military authorities should extend protection to the citizens to prevent waste, trespass, and injury to private property. It is therefore ordered that until the civil authority resumes its wonted vigor, all persons be, and they are hereby, prohibited from trespassing upon private property. Citizens and soldiers are strictly prohibited from burning fence rails and destroying fences and defacing houses and buildings, under penalty, if a citizen, of being: arrested and held for trial on the requisition of the civil authority, and, if a soldier, of being arrested and punished for violation of orders. All station and post commanders, officers, and non-commissioned officers, are charged with the enforcement of this order. All well disposed persons, citizens and soldiers, are enjoined promptly to report persons violating this order.
By order of James McFerran. colonel First Cavalry Missouri State
Militia, commanding regiment and Third Sub-District :

Warrensburg, Mo., January 20, 1864.
General E. B. BROWN,
Commanding Central District of Missouri:
GENERAL: I have the honor to state that Captain Meredith reports that a detachment of his command have recaptured a part of the property taken by the Kansas men in La Fayette, viz, 2 horses and a wagon, and have returned the same to the owner, a widow lady by the name of Robinson. (Gooly Robinson's widow? Jrbakerjr)
Colonel First Cavalry, Missouri State Militia,
Comdg. Third Sub-Dist. of Central Dist. of Missouri.
A little case of mistaken identity

WARRENSBURG, May 16, 1864.
Maj. O. D. GREENE,
Assistant Adjutant-General, Saint Louis:
Corporal Fore, Company F, First Missouri State Militia, with a small escort, killed one bushwhacker and wounded another, capturing both of their horses, yesterday near the line of Jackson County.
Papers on the man killed were invoices from Capt. W. H. Wooten, assistant quartermaster to Col. W. C. Quantrill. The man answers the description of Quantrill. I have no doubt but he is the noted chief of guerrillas. He fought with his bowie knife after being brought down by a pistol shot. I have sent for more definite information.
Brigadier- General Volunteers, Commanding.

AUGUST 25-28, 1863.—Scout from Sedalia, and Skirmish (26th) at Clear Fork, Mo.
Report of Col. John F. Philips, Seventh Missouri State Militia Cavalry.
Hdqrs. Third Sub-Dist., Central Dist. of Missouri,
Sedalia, August 28, 1863.
General: I have the honor to report that the scout sent to Johnson County on the 25th instant, under
command of Captain R. L. Ferguson. Company B, Seventh Missouri State Militia Cavalry, returned last night, having traveled 120 miles. Captain Ferguson reports that, on the evening of the 26th, he came upon a body of 30 rebels at the head of Clear Fork, in Johnson County, and attacked them immediately, killing 3 and wounding several severely. The rebels fled precipitately, and were pursued by Lieut. G. W. McGuire, of same company, with a small detachment, some 5 or 6 miles. The conduct of this officer deserves the highest commendation. He pressed closely upon the rear of the enemy, and having 22 shots, fired them all, killing 3 of the enemy and wounding 2 or 3, including the leader of the band. He was often far ahead of his soldiers, and, though receiving two shots from pistols and one from a shot-gun
in his coat, he pressed on, and fired so rapidly and accurately as to stampede the enemy every time he halted for fight.
We captured 7 or 8 horses, 6 or 7 guns, some blankets, etc., without any loss to our side. The scout sent to La Fayette has also returned, being unable to discover any trace of the enemy. After the 31st (day of muster) I will again move on the enemy.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel Seventh Missouri State Militia Cavalry.
General E. B. Brown,
Comdg. Central District of Missouri, Jefferson City, Mo.
MARCH 19-23, 1862. Operations in Johnson County, Mo.
Report of Brig. Gen. James Totten, U. S. Army.
Jefferson City, Mo., March 26, 1862.
CAPTAIN : I have the honor to state for the information of the major general commanding that I have just received official intelligence to the effect that on the evening of the 19th instant Capt. Thomas W. Houts, Missouri State Militia, commanding post at Warrensburg, Johnson County, having received information of the whereabouts of concealed powder, sent 15 men, under Lieut. A. W. Christian, to bring in the same to Warrensburg. The detachment was entirely successful, finding 125 kegs of powder (a portion of it damaged) buried in different places on the plantation of Mrs. Sarah B. Brinker, near Warrensburg. On the evening of the 22d instant Captain Houts, Missouri State Militia, also sent 20 men, under Lieut. J. M. Jewell, to arrest several armed men who were supposed to be concealed in the house of Mrs. Burgess, about 10 miles southwest of Warrensburg. Lieutenant Jewell proceeded to the house and silently surrounded it. A woman, assuring him that there were no men in the house, opened the door. Instantly the rebels, 4 in number, sprang out, firing upon our men, who promptly returned the fire. It is thought that 1 of the party escaped unhurt. The other 3 were killed on the spot. Our loss was 1 killed and 1 badly wounded. The house was burned to the ground.
On the morning of the 23d an attempt to arrest a desperate character met with resistance, when he was shot dead. On the evening of that day, the 23d. an attempt was made by incendiaries to fire the town of
Warrensburg, but by prompt action on the part of Captain Houts and his command the design was frustrated. Two frame buildings only were destroyed. Captain Houts adds that Johnson County is infested by a gang of marauders and murderers who are a terror to the loyal citizens, but they will receive prompt attention. All three of the officers mentioned in this report merit the highest commendation for the promptness, energy, and zeal exercised in these affairs, and Lieut. J. M. Jewell, Missouri State Militia, and his party deserve especial notice.
I am, captain, your obedient servant,
Brigadier- General, Commanding District.
Capt. N. H. MCLEAN,
Assistant Adjutant- General, Saint Louis, Mo.
MARCH 26, 1862. Action on the Post Oak, at the mouth of the Brier, Mo.
No. 1. Brig. Gen. James Totten, U. S. Army.
No. 2. Maj. Emory S. Foster, Missouri Cavalry, Militia.
No. 1.
Reports of Brig. Gen. James Totten, U. S. Army.
Jefferson City, No., March 28, 1862.
CAPTAIN: I have the honor to state that last evening I received the following telegram:
SEDALIA, March 27, 1862.
Commanding District Central Missouri, Jefferson City :
Just learned that Major Foster, of Warrensburg, with 60 men, attacked on yesterday a band of 200 secessionists near that place, when approaching to burn it, and defeated the rebels. Loss on the rebel side 9, on ours 2. Major Foster and brother were wounded; Lieutenant Jewell mortally. We captured 9 horses, &c. A second attack is imminent with much larger force. Re-enforcements badly needed. Can we have a company of Colonel Warren's regiment?
Lieutenant-Colonel of Regiment, M. S. M.
I at once sent the following orders by telegraph. Special Orders, No. 13, mentioned herein, had previously gone up by train. A copy is inclosed in this mail:
To Maj. W. M. G. TORRANCE'S,
First Iowa Cavalry, Commanding Post, Sedalia, Mo. :
Send two companies of cavalry and the section of the First Missouri Light Artillery by a forced march immediately to Warrensburg, Johnson County, to re-enforce Major Foster s Missouri State Militia. The march must be made to-night at all hazards, and if you have no reliable officer to send in command you must go yourself. Do not fail to carry out this order at once. Telegraph me the time the command leaves. Report important matters by telegraph.
By order of Brig. Gen. James Totten, commanding district :
Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General.
Twenty-Sixth Indiana Volunteers, Commanding Post, La Mine Cantonment:
Move your troops up to Sedalia, as per Special Orders, No. 10, of March 26, immediately, and await orders there. Your presence there with these re-enforcements may be wanted at any moment, and you must move to-night without fail. Report your departure by telegraph and your arrival also. Be in readiness to march at a moment's warning with your force to the relief of Johnson County.
By order of Brig. Gen. James Totten, commanding district :
Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General.
To W. M. G. TORRENCE, Commanding Sedalia, Mo. :
Send the following at once to Col. J. F. Philips, Georgetown, by express :
Sent you an order today to re-enforce Major Foster at Warrensburg, Johnson County, with one company of Missouri State Militia. It is important your re-enforcement should move immediately to-night without fail. Two companies and a section of artillery move at once from Sedalia to Warrensburg, and your company should join them. Make haste.
By order of Brig. Gen. James Totten, commanding district:
Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General
Maj. W. M. G. TORRENCE, Commanding Sedalia:
Send the following by express at once :
Maj. EMORY S. FOSTER, Warrensburg, Mo.:
Hold on bravely, gallant Foster. You shall have immediate re-enforcements, and enough to crush out and exterminate all robbers, guerrillas, and murderers. When these come do not spare those who seek to destroy and lay waste Johnson County. 
By order of Brig. Gen. James Totten, commanding district:
Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General
I next received the following from Sedalia:
General TOTTEN, Commanding District, Jefferson City:
Just received your Special Orders, No. 13, to Colonel Philips. Have only one company in Georgetown, badly armed. If that place is vacated, liable to be attacked by Woodson's gang. Have ordered in men from Saline.
Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding.
To which I replied as follows:
Lieut. Col. T. T. CRITTENDEN, M. S. M., Sedalia :
Send the company from Georgetown to Warrensburg as well-armed and as strong as possible. The commanding officer at Sedalia will take care of Georgetown in the absence of the State militia. There will be re-enforcements at Sedalia to-morrow from La Mine Cantonment. Show this to the commanding officer at Sedalia.
Brigadier-General, Commanding District.
Later in the night I received the following :
General TOTTEN, Jefferson City :
Dispatches received. Orders obeyed. Captain Thompson, First Iowa Cavalry, 120 men, 2 pieces Missouri artillery, left 12 o clock midnight. Will be joined at George town with 30 men, State troops.
This record is sent for the information of the major-general commanding.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant.
Brigadier- General, Commanding District.
Capt. K H. MCLEAN,
Assistant Adjutant-General, Saint Louis.
Jefferson City, Mo., April 6, 1862.
CAPTAIN: I have the honor to report for the information of the major-general commanding that I have received information from Col. Fitz Henry Warren, at Clinton, of the return of two scouting detachments, bringing 15 prisoners; several of them bad. The very wet weather had rendered it impossible to move in any direction. I have also the honor to report the particulars of an engagement on the 25th
[26th] ultimo, mention of which was made in my telegram to the major general commanding of the 27th ultimo, between Major Foster, M. S. M., and a gang of rebels under the notorious Matt. Houx, who is now reported among the killed. 
On the morning of the 26th of March, upon hearing of a small party of rebels at a house 3 miles south of Warrensburg, Major Foster moved with 10 men with a design of capturing them. Proceeding 1 mile, he was reliably informed that the party numbered 25 or 30. Sending back to Captain Houts for re-enforcements, he was soon joined by Lieutenant Jewell and 10 more men, and he then moved forward to Hunter's (the house indicated) without getting a glimpse of the rebels. While there, however, the enemy was discovered in his rear 1 mile north. He at once moved towards them, and upon reaching a hill discovered half a mile ahead about 85 horsemen drawn up in line awaiting the approach of the militia. Major Foster halted to reconnoiter their position and strength, when the enemy, emboldened by the seeming hesitancy, charged precipitately down the hill upon the militia, who were instantly dismounted and prepared to receive the charge. They came, however, only to within 400 yards, when they broke and disappeared quickly in a clump of trees near their right.
The militia were quickly moved to a point likely to intercept them, dismounted 300 yards from the enemy, and moving double-quick upon his right and rear drove him in confusion again from their position, capturing coats, blankets, &c.; all this without firing a shot. The enemy was followed again to a position on Post Oak Creek, protected by logs and rail pens and almost entirely concealed by heavy underbrush. Receiving re-enforcements of 20 men, under Capt. Mel. Foster, the militia dismounted to the number of 20, while the remainder were held mounted and as a reserve. A brisk lire was opened upon the enemy at shot-gun range, which was vigorously returned by the enemy.
The engagement was sharp and bloody for about ten minutes, when the enemy broke in confusion. Then a charge was made by the mounted reserve of militia, which utterly routed the flying enemy, who
made no attempt to rally his scattered forces. A large number of guns, blankets, coats, hats, etc., were found upon the field, together with 7 horses and equipments.
Our loss in this engagement was 9 wounded, 2 of them mortally, and have since died. The enemy had 5 killed, among them their chief, Mat. Houx, and a number wounded. The men are said to have fought on
our side with a desperate determination to be looked for in veterans rather than raw, undisciplined militia.
Lieut, John M. Jewell, although mortally wounded and since dead, in the first of the engagement never deserted his post. Capt. Mel. Foster, shot through the left breast, stood at the head of his men cheering and encouraging them until the field was ours. Sergeant Rains contributed to our complete success by the promptness with which he brought up the reserve. 
Maj. Emory S. Foster, who commanded the militia upon this position, received a ball in the right forearm near the wrist, which lodged near the elbow. He seems to have managed the affair with a great
deal of prudence, bravery, and skill, and is entitled to no little credit for the affair.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Brigadier- General, Commanding District.
Capt. K. H. McLEAN,
Assistant Adjutant- General.
No. 2.
Report of Maj. Emory S. Foster, Missouri Cavalry, Militia.
Warrensburg, March 28, 1862.
GENERAL: I have the honor to report the following movements, which resulted in an attack upon a large guerrilla force, under the notorious Matt. Houx, and the total defeat of the same:
On the morning of the 25th [26th] instant I received information that a small party of rebels were hiding at the house of one Hunter, 3 miles south of this place. I immediately started with 10 men belonging to Captain Houts company to capture them. After proceeding about 1 mile in the direction above indicated a reliable citizen informed me that there were about 25 or 30 rebels near Hunter s house. I sent a messenger to Captain Houts for re-enforcements, and in a short time Lieutenant Jewell came up with 10 men. I proceeded cautiously to Hunter s without getting sight of the enemy; however, when there, his pickets were discovered about a mile north of us. 1 immediately moved toward them, they disappearing over a hill. When I reached the hill where the pickets were last seen I discovered half a mile ahead of us about 85 horsemen drawn up in line awaiting our approach. I halted to reconnoiter their position and strength. The enemy, being emboldened by our seeming hesitancy, charged precipitately down the hill towards us.
Instantly I dismounted the men and prepared to receive them. They came within 400 yards, halted, wavered, and breaking quickly to the right, disappeared in a clump of trees about 300 yards from my left. I mounted my men and disappeared quickly over the hill to the rear, and being concealed by the hill and brush turned his right, and in a moment was dismounted 300 yards from the enemy, and charging double-quick on his rear the rebels broke in confusion. We found here coats, blankets etc. All this without the firing of a gun, the enemy retreating rapidly to the west. I followed him to the crossing of the East Fork of Post Oak Creek, 2 miles from Warrensburg. 
In the meantime, having sent back to town for re-enforcements and they not coming, I went there immediately, and found Captain Mel. Foster, with 20 men, ready to march. I proceeded immediately to the crossing on Post Oak, and found on examination that the rebels had left the road and gone through the brush. Following his trail about 4 miles, I came suddenly upon him on the east bank of West Post Oak. His pickets, being posted on a hill to my right, were cut off. The enemy retreated in confusion across the ford, and hastily took his position on the opposite bank, protected by log and rail pens and almost entirely concealed by heavy underbrush. Dismounting the men, I detailed 8 men to remain in the rear and guard against surprise in that quarter, left 8 to hold horses, with instruction to hitch them immediately and report to the first sergeant, Samuel Rains, who had charge of the rear guard, or mounted reserve, and with the remainder, 24, moved upon the enemy. From the nature of the ground I was forced to take a position almost entirely unprotected, and in short shot-gun range from the enemy.
We opened a brisk fire, which was vigorously returned by the enemy. A sharp and bloody fight was kept up for about ten minutes, when the enemy broke in confusion; then the clear notes of the bugle., sounding the charge, and the impatient reserves swept by in pursuit of the flying rebels. The almost impenetrable brush into which they fled alone prevented a terrible carnage. As it was, the enemy was totally routed and made no attempt to rally their scattered forces. We found on the field a large number of guns, blankets, coats, hats, together with 7 horses and equipments. Our loss is 9 wounded, 2 mortally, who have since died. The enemy report their loss 5 killed, among them their chief, Matt. Houx, and a number badly wounded.
Enough cannot be said in commendation of the raw, undisciplined militia, both officers and men, which I had the honor of commanding in this sanguinary affair. The men fought with a desperate determination to be looked for in none but veterans. Lieut. John M. Jewell although mortally wounded in the first of the engagement, never deserted his post. Capt. Mel. Foster, shot through the left breast, stood at the head of his men, cheering and encouraging them, until the field was ours. Sergeant Rains contributed much to our complete success by the promptness with which he brought up the reserve. I returned to town the same evening.
I am. general, your obedient servant, EMORY S. FOSTER,
Major, Recruiting Mo. S. M., Warrensburg, Mo.
Commanding District Central Missouri.
APRIL 28-30, 1864. Skirmishes in Johnson County, Mo.

No. 1. Brig. Gen. Egbert B. Brown, U. S. Army, commanding District of Central Missouri.

No. 2. Col. James McFerran. First Missouri State Militia Cavalry.
No. 3. Maj. Jesse L. Pritchard. Second Colorado Cavalry.
No. 1.
Report of Brig. Gen. Egbert B. Brown, U. S. Army, commanding District of Central Missouri.
WARRENSBURG. April 30, 1864.
The First Missouri State Militia skirmished with the guerrillas Thursday afternoon; drove them onto the Second Colorado, who had a warm chase all day yesterday. We had 1 man killed, 1 wounded. Several guerrillas fell. The band is broken and scattered. Particulars by mail.
Brigadier-General of Volunteers, Commanding.
Maj. O. D. GREENE,
Assistant Adjutant- General, Saint Louis.
No. 2.
Report of Col. James McFerran, First Missouri State Militia Cavalry.
Warrensburg, Mo., May 2, 1864.
CAPTAIN: I have the honor to state that First Lieut. James E. Couch, Company C, First Cavalry, Missouri State Militia, and Francis N. Kelly, bugler, and Joseph T. Mason, private, Company C, First Cavalry, Missouri State Militia, were killed by Quantrill's Guerrillas in Johnson County, Mo., on the 28th ultimo, and Jacob Pake, private in same company, was dangerously wounded. These guerrillas had just arrived from the south, and took Lieutenant Couch and his party by surprise. The band is supposed to number from 80 to 100 men, well mounted, armed, and equipped, and are reported to be in Federal uniform. Afterward, on the same day, detachments of Companies D and M, First Cavalry, Missouri State
Militia, attacked the guerrillas, and after several sharp skirmishes dispersed them in small parties, capturing the regimental flag of the Fifth Indiana Infantry Volunteers from them. The pursuit was kept up until dark. Whether any of the guerrillas were killed or wounded is unknown. Since then several companies of my regiment have been scouring the county in search of them without success. They are supposed to have gone west. Lieutenant Couch was a very promising young officer and well qualified for the position he held.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel First Cav., Missouri State Militia, Comdg.
Assistant Adjutant- General.
No. 3.
Report of Maj. Jesse L. Pritchard, Second Colorado Cavalry.
HARRISONVILLE, Mo., May 2, 1864
SIR: I have the honor to make the following report: On the 27th ultimo I received information at 6 p. m., from station at Dayton, Mo., that a party of 80 men, supposed to be guerrillas, had crossed the Grand River at that point (Dayton) at 3 p. m.. going toward Rose Hill, Mo., taking with them Sergt. P. Russell, Company L, Second Colorado Cavalry, commanding station at Dayton, as a prisoner. I immediately sent an express to Pleasant Hill, Mo., informing the commanding officer there of the fact, and also sent an order to Lieutenant Spencer, at Morristown, Mo., to report with all his available force to me at Harrisonville immediately. At 12 o clock that night Lieutenant Spencer reported to mine with 35 men,
mounted and equipped. The night was dark, raining hard. At daylight I left Harrisonville with Lieutenant Spencer's command and 14 men of Company C total, 49 men for Rose Hill; arriving at that place, found the trail of guerrillas.

They had partially destroyed the bridge across Big Creek. I soon repaired it so that I could cross and proceeded on the trail. I followed it to Holden and found that they had passed that place just before daylight that morning. I arrived at Holden. about 12 m. I fed my horses and started on, following the trail north and west until I arrived within 3 miles of Chapel Hill, where I learned of the massacre of Lieutenant Couch and men of the First Cavalry, Missouri State Militia. At this point the trail was so broken up and covered by trail of Federal troops crossing and recrossing that I could not follow it any longer, it being night. I started for Chapel Hill, arriving there after dark. I remained there till morning and then started for Lone Jack, Mo., where I met Lieut. Col. Theodore H. Dodd with Companies A, B, D, E. F, and K, Second Colorado Cavalry. I reported to him and received orders to take my former command and Company K, Lieutenant Stanton, Second Colorado Cavalry, and proceed north toward Napoleon. Mo., on the Missouri River. About 4 miles from Lone Jack I found trail of 10 guerrillas, which I followed until it left the road and went into the brush. I sent my advance guard into the brush, who soon returned and reported a camp of guerrillas near. I sent Lieutenant Spencer with 20 men to get in rear of the camp. He found that they had left their camp and started in pursuit. After following them some 2 miles he came upon them in the thick brush and commenced firing upon them.

They ran, he following about 1 mile farther; 2 men of Company G and 1 of Company K left the command and running down a road came upon the bushwhackers (10 in number), and supposing them to be our own men rode in among them, when the guerrillas fired upon them, killing Private G. Wells, Company K, and his horse, and wounding Private J. Freestone, Company G. The guerrillas were dressed in Federal inform and it was almost impossible to tell them from Federals. Lieutenant Spencer followed until they took a trail made by a scout in the morning of the same day and lost the trail. His horse being completely jaded he could not follow any farther, and he started in search of the command. Night coming on he was obliged to camp without rations or forage, and at daylight went to Snibar Station and reported to Lieut. Col. T. H. Dodd.

With my command I followed Lieutenant S. as fast as possible to the spot where Private Wells was killed, to effect a junction with Lieutenant S., but did not find him, and camped. The next morn
ing, hearing firing in the direction of Snibar Station, went there and found that the firing proceeded from the troops at that station discharging their pieces. There I found Colonel Dodd, who ordered me to Lone Jack, Mo. I was joined at that place by Maj. J. N. Smith with Companies A, B, E, H, and M. Second Colorado Cavalry. In the morning Major Smith started northeast and I started for Pleasant Hill. Camped that night at Pleasant Hill, Mo., and the next day (May 2) marched to Harrisonville, Mo., having marched about 140 miles.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major, Second Colorado Cavalry.
Commanding Second Colorado Cavalry.

MAY 23-25, 1864. Scout from Warrensburg, Mo.

Report of Col. James McFerran, First Missouri State Militia Cavalry.
Warrensburg, Mo., May 25, 1864.
GENERAL: I have the honor to state that I have been absent from this station since the morning of the 2od instant; that at about daylight that morning I received information that about 20 guerrillas, at
5 p. m. the day before, 4 miles northeast of Chilhowee, had attacked Solathel Stone, orderly sergeant, and 5 men, one of them Judge King, of Capt. W. H. Thompson s company of citizen guards, and killed Judge King and captured the sergeant and 3 of his men ; 1 escaped. The party were scouting at the time. The guerrillas got the arms of the captured men. I also learned by other messengers about the same time that another party of 15 were seen the night before near the line of the railroad east of Holden. I also received a communication about the same time from Lieutenant Hardesty, at Germantown, on Saturday night, 21st instant, that 100 guerrillas had crossed the Osage at Taberville, coming north ; Lieutenant Goodbrake, commanding at Clinton, indorsed this communication, that he had reliable information that the number was much larger than stated by Lieutenant Hardesty.
I immediately started for Holden with 47 men, and on the way learned from a woman that 30 guerrillas had taken her husband s horse the night before about 6 miles east of Holden and north of the road, and that they went north. We reached Holden at 12 m.. and not being able to hear of any guerrillas south of that point, I sent Captain Wyckoff with 27 men of his company to scout the Black Water timber, and after having done so to return to Warrensburg. I retained 10 men of Company A with me. Upon inspection of Company M, I found but 12 men for duty at Holden. I went to Kingsville the same evening, where I found 20 men of same company, which I inspected and returned to Holden.
Captain Eads informed me that he had sent his two teams to the vicinity of Hopewell, LaFayette County, Mo., for forage under an escort of 20 men, and that they would return next day. At dark a messenger came to Holden from Captain Taggart with the information that Quantrill with 200 men was about 6 miles south of Holden marching in that direction. I immediately sent messengers to Kingsville for the men at that place to join me. and with the 22 men marched for Hopewell. taking the railroad; transportation and company property with me. About 8 miles from Holden we were joined by the 20 men from Kingsville and 15 citizen guards of Captain Jones company. We reached Hopewell about daylight. I immediately sent messengers to Captain Burris to join me, which he did at 10 a. m. with about 65 men, and we marched immediately for Holden. where we arrived at about 4 p. m. Upon communicating again with Captain Taggart we learned that the guerrillas had left his neighborhood the night before and gone north, but was unable to learn their course. We remained at Holden last night, and this morning I sent Captain Burris with his command to scout the country between Lone Jack and Chapel Hill, on his return to his camp on Walton's farm, in Texas Prairie, and I came to this place. I learn since arriving here that Captain Wyckoff returned to this place on last evening, finding no trace of guerrillas on Black Water. As you directed a company to be sent to Kingsville Captain Wyckoff marched for that point last night and is now at that point. Company M is at Holden.
The descent of the guerrillas upon Captain Taggart's neighborhood was sudden, and in such force that he was unable to get his company together, each man saving himself by hiding in the brush. At Hopewell I sent messengers to Captain Eads forage train, and they came into Holden immediately after we arrived there. I cannot say for a certainty how many guerrillas were in the vicinity of Holden, but am satisfied that there were more than 100, from reported counts by different persons. The instructions forwarded in relation to the scout beginning on the 27th have been sent to Major Mullins and Captain Burris, in the western part of La Fayette County. In order to complete my monthly inspection it will be necessary to visit Companies B, E, and K in Henry. I expect to start there in a day or two. There should be another company of troops here, and I am inclined to bring Company E, leaving Companies B and K in the field in the western part of Henry. I think this company can better be spared than any other from present locations. A company from some other regiment would be better, as all of my regiment
now in the field should be kept there.
I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Col. First Cav., M. S. M., Comdg. Third Sub-District.
Brig. Gen. E. B. BROWN
JUNE 12, 1864. Skirmish near Kingsville, Mo.
Report of Capt. John Wyckoff, First Missouri State Militia Cavalry.
Holden, Mo., June 14, 1864.
SIR: In obedience to orders I would submit the following report:
You will observe by my report of June 9, 1864, that Sergeant George, Company M, who was at that time on a scout to Kingsville and south and southwest of Kingsville, has returned to camp, having marched
about 30 miles; made no discoveries. June 10, 1864, Sergeant Millirons and 20 men of Company D, on scout and foraging expedition to Kingsville and west of that place, returned to camp on same day,
having marched about 20 miles. Sergeant Key and 10 men of Company D at Kingsville, remained all night and returned to camp on the morning of June 11, 1864. Sergeant Triplett and Corporal Parman's scout will be given in detail.
On the morning of June 11, 1864, in obedience to orders, I ordered Captain Eads, Company M, to detail from his command 1 non-commissioned officer and 14 privates of his company for a scout north of
Kingsville. who marched at 9 a. in. of said day under the following order:
Holden, Mo., June 11, 1864.
Corporal Parman and 14 men of Company M will proceed to scout the country north of Kingsville and along Crawford Fork, and return to camp at 12 m. of the 12th of June, 1864. Provide your men with one day's rations.
Captain. Commanding Detachment.

The following is the report of Corporal Parman :
Holden. Mo., June 14, 1864.
CAPTAIN: I have the honor to report to you, in pursuance of your request, movements of the men belonging to Company M. which I had on the scout under my command on the llth and 12th instant: I moved with my command from camp on Saturday, the llth instant, at 9 a. m., and proceeded western the north side of the railroad, traveling some 15 miles; thence turned in a southeast direction, and marched to a point near the railroad some 3 miles west of Kingsville. Most of the distance marched on this day was in the brush, and saw but little sign of bushwhackers, finding only one trail, which I followed some distance until we lost it by the parties separating. We camped fora part of the night near a Mrs. Longacre s, about one-half mile north of the railroad. On the morning of the 12th instant I moved with my men in a northeast direction from where I had camped, and had proceeded but a short distance when I discovered a large body of cavalry in my rear some 50 or 75 yards, and on the discovery of the enemy I formed my men in line and challenged the advancing party, who only increased their speed, and at this instant I ordered my men to fire on the enemy, which was done in a very few seconds.

By this time my little detachment was entirely surrounded only a small space toward the brush. By this time the bullets from the enemy's lines were falling like hail among us, and several of my men were killed. I remained in front of my line until the enemy had passed me, even some of them between me and my own lines, at which time I moved with as possible speed to the left, engaged one of the enemy, firing at him twice, when he turned, and, as I was in; a helpless condition, my men nearly all killed, I made for camp with all speed possible. I feel satisfied that the enemy had been informed of my position and strength, as he had me flanked on the right and left before he showed himself in my rear. The attacking party was not less than 40 strong, and from the best information I have I think the whole command of the enemy did not fall short of 80 men, and probably 100. The enemy were all dressed in full Federal uniform and had the regular badges worn by our men on their hats and caps; small part of them were wearing Federal overcoats.
I learn that the party was commanded by Colonel Yeager, of the rebel army, assisted by Bill Anderson, who is a captain of a guerrilla band. Yeager informed the citizens that he asked no quarter and would give none. I lost in this unfortunate affair 12 of my command, only 2 escaping. The men, after being killed, were stripped of all their outer clothing and everything valuable was taken from their persons, and the enemy scalped 1 man after they had killed and stripped him. The enemy marched from the north during the night, returning toward the Sni Hills after the engagement.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Corporal, Company M, First Cavalry, Missouri State Militia.

Company D, First Cav., M. S. M., Comdg. Station, Holden, Mo.
Aside from the report of Corporal Parman, I have followed and crossed the trail of the party at a number of points between where the slaughter occurred and the Sni Hills sufficient to enable me to know that it came from the north and returned to the north as soon as it had done its work of crime. The point of attack is about 8 miles from this camp. On the arrival of Corporal Parman at Kingsville, at which point I had 11 of my company under Sergeant Triplett, Captain Duncan mounted his horse and came to this place immediately. We were engaged at inspection of arms when we received the intelligence. I immediately ordered my company to saddle and mount; in twenty minutes had 50 of my company in the saddle and on the march. Captain Eads had marched on receipt of the news with 20 of Company M, who were mounted for a two days scout at the time of the arrival of Captain Duncan. I came up with Captain Eads at Kingsville, where I found Sergeant Triplett and his squad mounted and in line. He informed me that the enemy came in sight of Kingsville in such force, and the information received from Corporal Parman was such as to make him think best to keep possession of the buildings at that place until he could get assistance from this place. He joined me and we moved to the place of the massacre, where I found the men that had been killed strewn along for about one-half mile, 5 dead on the ground where they formed their line, the others near the brush and in the brush in front of them, where I am informed they were met by another party that was in ambush and cut them off from the brush. My opinion is, from the fact of the men being shot in the eyes, that about 4 of the men surrendered and were afterward shot and stripped of every thing valuable and Corporal Ireland scalped.

I immediately ordered a sufficient number of carts from section 114 of Pacific Railroad Company to convey the dead to camp, which was the best and only conveyance to be had in a reasonable time.
They were promptly furnished, the dead gathered and sent to Holden, under Lieutenant Cobb, with orders to give them the best burial in his power, which was done. The dead being gathered, and my scouts called in which I had out to ascertain the course the enemy had taken, in which they had been unsuccessful, I started with 58 enlisted men of my company and 18 of Company M, Captain Eads and Lieutenant Triplett, in a southern course about 2 miles; came on a trail of about 80 or 100 men bearing southwest, which I followed about 2 miles and ascertained it to be the trail in which they had come in. I then turned north and bore around to the east about 5 miles, where we struck the trail going in the direction of Chapel Hill, which soon became [fainter] as when going down, and soon began to scatter and bear west. The trail we followed struck into the Sni Hills, about 3 miles west of the Widow Hill's, where Lewis Spainhowers has lived since early spring. Here we had a short skirmish with them, in which 1 of them was severely if not mortally wounded, instantly falling from his horse. They fired rapidly from the brush. I instantly dismounted 40 men, and deployed them as skirmishers and searched the brush, but they were gone; they had moved in a direction a little north of Lone Jack. It was now night, but as the men were good we marched on, having been joined by about 40 of the Colorado troops, with whom my pickets had a skirmish ; but hearing of their fire, and having a knowledge of their being in the country, and getting in a position where I could see their commander, gave the signal and soon had things all right; no damage done to either party. We remained together until the sunset. Being within 3 miles of Pleasant Hill we marched there and remained there until morning, my men having had* nothing to eat since the morning before, but were treated very kindly by the soldiers and officers at that place and furnished with breakfast and forage. June 13, breakfast over, I marched from Pleasant Hill
north of east, crossing a number of small streams, the most of the way through brush and woods, very thick, 5 miles south of Lone Jack.
Started some guerrillas from an old house in the brush; did not get closer than 400 yards; did not see but 2, though there were more in the party ; they ran east. We continued in an easterly direction until we arrived north of the point where the men had been killed on the previous day, turned south, examined the ground and brush with care, and am prepared to give my opinion of the affair at any proper
time. Having no rations with us, and none at camp, we returned at 4 p. m. of the 13th of June. At near 11 o'clock received a dispatch from you to send out a scout; at 12 o clock 25 of Company D and 25 of Company M left this camp under Lieutenants Cobb and Trip left; they are still out.
All of which is respectfully submitted to you. JOHN WYCKOFF,
Captain, Commanding Detachment.

Rogers, James S.

James Rogers mustered into the 45th Missouri Infantry as assistant surgeon, for a period of one year, on August 25, 1864, at Warrensburg, Missouri. The regiment was assigned to Jefferson City during General Sterling Price’s 1864 Missouri raid, then participated in the Battle of Nashville, and garrison duty in Tennessee.
Rogers was mustered out of service on April 29, 1865. The following month, Rogers was mustered into the 14th Missouri Cavalry as that unit’s assistant surgeon and mustered out in October 1865.
Rogers died on January 26, 1925, in Sedalia, Missouri.
Ambrotype by Unknown Photographer
Image Courtesy Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield; WICR 30067

Cockrell, Francis M.
Francis Marion Cockrell was born October 1, 1834, near Warrensburg, Missouri; he graduated from Chapel Hill College in 1853 and became a lawyer in 1855. With the start of the Civil War, Cockrell raised a company for the Missouri State Guard and fought at Carthage and Wilson’s Creek. Early in 1862, he transferred to Confederate service and participated in the Battle of Pea Ridge.
Cockrell led the First Missouri Brigade during the Vicksburg campaign, was wounded in the hand during the siege of that city, and was captured when Vicksburg fell. Promoted to brigadier general on July 23, 1863, while a prisoner, he was exchanged that September. Cockrell formed another brigade of Missourians at Demopolis, Alabama, and led them through the Atlanta campaign. He was seriously wounded at the 1864 Battle of Franklin, but recovered and joined his command at Fort Blakely, guarding land access to Mobile. When the fort fell to Union forces on April 9, 1865, Cockrell was captured with 1,300 other Confederates.
After the war, Cockrell returned to Missouri and practiced law. In 1874 he was elected to the United States Senate, where he served thirty years. In 1905, President Theodore Roosevelt appointed Cockrell to the Interstate Commerce Commission, a position he held for five years.
Cockrell died in Washington, D. C., on December 13, 1915, and is buried in Warrensburg, Missouri.
Carte-de-Visite by L.S. Neff, Warrensburg, Mo.
Image Courtesy Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield; WICR 31540

Cockrell, Jeremiah V.

Born in May 1832 near Warrensburg, Missouri, Jeremiah Vardman Cockrell joined the Missouri State Guard when the Civil War began and served as an officer in the 8th Division at the battles of Carthage, Wilson’s Creek and Lexington.
He was commissioned a captain in the 5th Missouri Battalion in early 1862, but retired when that unit was reorganized. Appointed a colonel of a partisan ranger regiment, Cockrell led his men at the fierce Battle of Lone Jack, Missouri, in August 1862. He was not reelected when that unit reorganized. Cockrell then recruited a force of Confederates and accompanied General Sterling Price on his raid through Missouri in 1864.
Cockrell was wounded in the arm during a skirmish in Jasper County, Missouri. Following the war, he moved to Texas, but was unable to use his arm for several years until the “Minie” ball was finally removed. He kept the bullet in a snuff box as a souvenir until his death on March 18, 1915.
Tintype by Unknown Photographer
Image Courtesy Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield; WICR 31999

McCown, James C.

James McCown came to Missouri from Virginia in 1840, settling in Warrensburg, where he became active in community affairs. With the start of the Civil War, he joined the Missouri State Guard with his three sons, and become lieutenant colonel and later colonel of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment, 8th Division. When the Confederate 5th Missouri Infantry was organized, McCown was elected colonel; he led the regiment at the battles of Iuka, Corinth, Port Gibson, Champion Hill, and Big Black River. McCown was captured at Vicksburg; when he was exchanged he assumed command of the consolidated Third and Fifth Missouri Infantry and fought at Atlanta, Franklin, and Nashville. McCown and his regiment surrendered at Fort Blakely, Alabama, on April 9, 1865.
Returning to Warrensburg, McCown died of typhoid fever on July 5, 1867.
Carte-de-Visite by Duffee & Co., Mobile, Ala.
Image Courtesy Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield; WICR 31479

Atkeson, Barnett

Barnett Atkeson, a merchant in Johnson County, Missouri, joined the Missouri State Guard 
and fought at the battles of Carthage and Wilson’s Creek. On December 2, 1861, he 
enlisted in Company A, 1st Missouri Infantry Battalion (later the 5th Missouri Infantry)
 in Springfield, Missouri. In January 1862, he was elected second lieutenant, and was 
 promoted to first lieutenant in the fall of 1862 and to captain in 1863. Atkeson fought
in the battles of Pea Ridge and Luka, and through the Vicksburg campaign. On 
November 30, 1864, Captain Atkeson was killed during the Missouri Brigade’s 
assault on the Federal fortifications at Franklin, Tennessee.
Carte-de-Visite by Ben Oppenhermet, Mobile, Ala.
Image Courtesy Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield; WICR 30364

Anerson, William "Bloody Bill"

William T. “Bloody Bill” Anderson was born in Kentucky in 1839; he migrated with his family from Missouri to the Council Grove, Kansas area before the war. By the time he turned 21 he was accompanying wagon trains on the Santa Fe Trail, selling stolen horses. With the start of the Civil War, Anderson began a career as a bandit, first with antislavery Jayhawkers, and later with pro slavery Bushwhackers.
In July 1862, he returned to Missouri with his brother Jim, where they resumed their guerrilla warfare against Unionists in the area. His notoriety as a guerrilla began in 1863 when he joined the forces of William Quantrill. Believing the collapse of a Union jail in Kansas City that killed one sister and injured two others was a deliberate act by Union forces, Anderson joined forces with Frank James, Cole Younger and others and played a leading role in Quantrill’s raid on Lawrence, Kansas on August 21, 1863. During the raid approximately 200 men and boys were killed and the business district burned. On October 6, 1863, he helped Quantrill massacre Union General James Blunt’s column at Baxter Springs, Kansas. (Quantrill started the raid from just west of Columbus, Mo, in Johnson County, Missouri (NW of Warrensburg).
On September 27, 1864, Anderson and his gang stopped a train near Centralia, Missouri, removed 24 Union troops, stripped and shot all but one in cold blood. Later that day they destroyed three companies of the 39th Missouri Infantry led by Major A.V.E. Johnston. Anderson and his guerrillas went on to serve with Confederate generals Sterling Price and Joseph Shelby in their unsuccessful raid into Missouri in the fall of 1864. When near Albany, Missouri on October 27, 1864, Anderson was caught in an ambush and killed, and his body transported to Richmond, Missouri, where it was identified by documents found in the pockets, including a photograph of Anderson and his wife, and a lock of his infant daughter’s hair.

Dr. Richard B. Kice, of Richmond, Missouri, took several photographs of Anderson after his death. Anderson was photographed with a Union soldier holding his head up, wearing a “guerrilla shirt,” and with a pistol propped in his hand. His body was placed on public exhibition in Richmond. He was decapitated, with his head placed on top of a telegraph pole, and his body was dragged through the streets before being buried in an unmarked grave.
Tintype by Richard Kice, Richmond, Mo.
Image Courtesy Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield; WICR 30222