Show-Me Warrensburg Pages

July 19, 2013

President Obama's Visit to UCM, Warrensburg, Missouri and Whiteman Air Force Base WAFB July 24, 2013

Obama Speech Video July 24, 2013 at UCM, Warrensburg, MO

President Obama Video Highlights of Speech at UCM Warrensburg July 24, 2013

Business Owner Leo Kostas and Dan Houx Weigh In on Obama's Visit

College republicans say they were denied entry into Obama event over ‘security reasons’

Oliver Darcy
By Oliver Darcy
on Jul 25, 2013
A group of college republicans say they were denied entry into President Obama’s speech at the University of Central Missouri on Wednesday for security reasons.
Missouri College Republicans State Treasurer Courtney Scott told Campus Reform on Thursday that an unidentified police officer told the group they were barred from the event for “security reasons and for the president’s protection.”
“You will not be allowed any further,” the officer allegedly told the group of six College Republicans, dressed in republican and tea party clothing, as they attempted to enter the event.
Scott said each member of the group had a ticket to enter the event and that they arrived early complying with all rules.
“Obama was scheduled to speak at around 4 p.m., so around 3:30 pm we gathered our stuff up,” said Scott. “They had announced that there were to be no posters or anything so we dropped our stuff off. We were not carrying anything. We followed all the rules.”
Scott said the officer’s reasoning for stopping them seemed a bit odd.
“I hate to make allegations but it was just very suspicious that we were not allowed in,” she said.
Scott added that she was disappointed she was unable to hear President Obama speak in person.
“Regardless of one’s political party it would have been a great opportunity to hear from the president. I would never want to turn down that opportunity and am disappointed we didn’t get to see him in person.”
A spokesperson for the university was not available for comment by the time of publication. 
Follow the author of this article on Twitter: @oliverdarcy

President Obama Visits UCM, Warrensburg July 24, 2013
President Obama Arrivesa at WAFB, Whiteman Air Force Base, Knob Noster, Missouri

Crowd Awaits the President's Visit to Warrensburg - UCM, Missouri
President Greets Students at UCM Warrensburg, MO July 24, 2013

President Soon to Arrive at UCM Warrensburg, Missouri  July 24, 2013  Bob and Rosalee Welling in Attendance

White House Live at Conclusion of the President's Speech at UCM Warrensburg, MO July 25, 2013

President Addressing Crowd at UCM Warrensburg, MO July 24, 2013

Introduction of the President by Student Brian Green  Lee's Summit Missouri Innovation Campus,  UCM Program July
24, 2013

The President is Greeted by Base Command

Colonel Kristin Goodwin is the vice commander of the 509th Bomb Wing, Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo 
With the President of the United States at WAFB July 24, 2013
Presidential Motorcade Just Leaving for Warrensburg UCM
Warrensburg Students and Residents Await President Obama's Arrival
Aiir Force One at WAFB Whiteman July 24, 2013

President Obama's Visit Today to Warrensburg and Air Force Base
Air Force One is scheduled to land about 3:30pm at WAFB
The White House has released the following statement regarding President Barack Obama's speech in Warrensburg, Mo., on Wednesday:
"The event is free and open to the public. Tickets will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to limited event space the White House will only be able to fulfill a limited number of requests for tickets. Tickets are not for sale or re-sale.
Tickets are required and will be available at the following ticket distribution location:
University of Central Missouri Student Recreation and Wellness Center
Beginning at 10:00 a.m. CDT on Monday, July 22nd, 2013  
Tickets for the General Public will be limited to one per person
Event Day Logistics:
Public Entrance: University of Central Missouri Student Recreation and Wellness Center located at 500 South Maguire Street

Warrensburg Reaction To Obama's Visit Today Digitalburg

Pres Obama's Visit Anticipation Youtube Link

Jul 23, 2013, 10:33am CDT UPDATED: Jul 23, 2013, 11:21am CDT

Why Obama will tout the Missouri Innovation Campus on Wednesday (Today)

Missouri Innovations Campus
Brian Green, a Missouri Innovations Campus student, will introduce President Barack Obama in his Wednesday visit to the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg, Mo.

Web Producer-Kansas City Business Journal
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During President Barack Obama's visit to the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg, Mo., on Wednesday, 17 students will sit behind him on stage as a representation of a new class of students jumping on board a streamlined path to their career.
Obama plans to tout a new program those 17 students are involved in. It's designed by the University of Central Missouri, Metropolitan Community College and the Lee's Summit R-7 School District, and falls in line with Obama's goal to reduce the costs of education and get students ready for the workforce.
But the Missouri Innovation Campus provides a type of curriculum unlike many others.
It's a venture between the University of Central Missouri, Metropolitan Community College and the Lee's Summit R-7 School District. It began with a conversation between UCM President Chuck Ambroseand local business partners — includingDST Systems Inc., Cerner Corp, Saint Luke's Health System, Kansas City Power & Light Co., Black & Veatch and others — about the gap in time it took to get graduates workforce ready.
"Our business partners were still spending a lot of time doing the training for these recent graduates, and they were graduating with a lot of debt," said Elaine Metcalf, director of the Summit Technology Academy. "Now they're helping define the curriculum. Our first degree program, systems engineering technology, was written by Cerner and DST folks. They're the ones that said students need to know these things and came up with more than 300 competencies that students would need to explore before getting their bachelor's."
Metcalf said entry into the program must begin with high school sophomores who are interested in pursuing a career in information technology or engineering. If they meet the GPA and attendance requirements, the first step is getting accepted into Summit Technology Academy, where during their junior and senior years, they'll attend half of the day, and spend the other half at their home high schools. During that half day, they'll take a combination of online and face-to-face courses through the University of Central Missouri and Metropolitan Community College and earn dual credits, which earn students both high school and college credit. By the time students graduate from high school, they'll obtain an associates degree.
After the high school students' junior year, business partners will invite students to complete an 8-week paid summer internship. Then during their high school senior year, students will continue to work at the companies for two days a week, followed by another 8-week summer internship.
"That model was one that our business partners were insistent upon," Metcalf said. "Most of the time they just had interns there in the summer; Our partners didn't want that big of a gap. By the time they get their bachelor's, they'll have three years of an internship and hopefully be taking on more challenging tasks. By that time, chances are that they will be ready and want to stay in the same company."
After graduating high school while simultaneously obtaining their associates degree, students then move on to the University of Central Missouri, where they'll pay the standard $213 per credit hour for in-state tuition, or $426 for out-of-state tuition.
"While we might not be able to eliminate student debt completely, we can cut it at least in half," Metcalf said. "I've been in education a long time and this is the first time I've ever seen a university, community college, a school district and industry partners get together and say 'How can we make this a better route for students?'"
The program already has 16 students enrolled in its second cohort, and is still accepting applications. And the program isn't restricted to those only in the Lee's Summit R-7 School District — Metcalf said even homeschooled students can attend.
"It's not an easy path," Metcalf said. "It takes a bright young mind."
The campus is still putting out RFQs for developers to construct a building to house the Missouri Innovations Campus, and though it initially sought to find one by mid-March, it's still looking.

The Associated Press

 — President Barack Obama is expected to highlight a new Missouri program that fast-tracks students to college degrees when he visits the University of Central Missouri.Obama is to speak Wednesday afternoon at the Warrensburg campus. He is to be accompanied by students from the "innovative campus" program run jointly by the university, the Lee's Summit School District and Metropolitan Community College.

About 30 students will be participating in the program this coming school year. They will earn community college credits while in high school, then are to earn a bachelor's degree from the University of Central Missouri within the next two years. They're also participating in internships at local businesses.
Gov. Jay Nixon has encouraged the adoption of similar programs at other schools around Missouri.

Read more here:

Crowds wait in block-long line for Obama tickets

SUE STERLING Star-Journal Staff Writer | Posted: Monday, July 22, 2013 9:58 pm

Warrensburg – Within one hour all tickets for President Barack Obama’s visit were given out at the University of Central Missouri.

Area residents began lining up at the Student Wellness and Recreation Center before 6 a.m., and, before the doors opened, the line stretched from inside the Student Recreation and Wellness Center, 500 S. Maguire St., across campus to Holden Street. Ticket distribution began at 10 a.m., with the line moving quickly as about 10 staff members handed out tickets and information to the waiting crowd.Ticket distribution ended around 11 a.m., Jeff Murphy, assistant director of University Relations said.Murphy said 2,000 to 2,500 people are expected to attend Obama’s presentation at the recreation center.

He said Obama’s remarks will be streamed live on the web and those unable to obtain tickets for the speech also can watch the event in Rooms 236 and 238 in Elliott Union on campus. “There’s tremendous interest,” Murphy said. “It’s a great opportunity for anyone who has a chance to attend.”

Trish Smith, seated on a sidewalk shortly after 9 a.m., said they she arrived about a half-hour earlier.  Smith said she had been searching for information about ticket availability since Sunday night but did not get word until Monday morning.  “If I had heard sooner, we would have been here earlier,” Smith said.

Faculty, students and staff received emails about 9:30 p.m. Sunday alerting them to ticket availability, and word spread quickly via Facebook and other social media,” Murphy said.....

Obama’s political strategy in targeting rural Missouri for speech on Wednesday

At first it didn’t seem to make much sense that President Barack Obama would want to waste his time in Missouri, speaking on Wednesday at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg.
After all, Missouri is a red state, voting against Obama in 2008 and 2012. Warrensburg also is part of the 4th District, which elected tea party Republican Rep. Vicky Hartzler. But perhaps there is more political strategy in Obama’s thinking in picking this state and a rural Republican to target.
Obama is to talk on the economy with a particular focus on rural America. In case you haven’t heard, that part of the country is hurting just as much as urban cores are. In Warrensburg, Obama should have a rural audience.
But Missouri also will give the president a chance to talk about issues that folks’ Republican representatives aren’t addressing. In other words, Obama can show up these Congress members in their own backyard, explaining that these elected officials aren’t doing their jobs.
On Wednesday, we will find out just what the president is up to.

© 2013 Kansas City Star and wire service sources. All Rights Reserved.

Tickets for Obama’s speech run out quickly

Photo by NICOLE COOKE, digitalBURG. Rodney Lindsey, left, and Darryl Rutt were some of the UCM staff members that helped distribute tickets Monday morning for President Barack Obama's speech Wednesday. Tickets were sold out shortly after 11 a.m.
Photo by NICOLE COOKE, digitalBURG. Rodney Lindsey, left, and Darryl Rutt were some of the UCM staff members that helped distribute tickets Monday morning for President Barack Obama’s speech Wednesday. Tickets were sold out shortly after 11 a.m.
(WARRENSBURG, Mo., digitalBURG) – Hundreds of people lined the University of Central Missouri campus this morning in hopes of receiving a ticket to President Barack Obama’s speech Wednesday.
UCM staff opened the Student Recreation and Wellness Center at 6 a.m. and people were already lined up, said SRWC intern Darryl Rutt.
The line stretched from the SRWC, where the free tickets were distributed, to Holden Street, near the Elliott Union.
Staff started distributing tickets at 10 a.m., and ran out just shortly after 11 a.m. A few stragglers came in after the tickets were gone, only to find out they were out of luck. At this time it is unknown how many tickets were handed out, but one student said she was the 300th person to walk in the door, and it seemed there were still hundreds behind her.
Members of the military, veterans and military dependent students can obtain a ticket from the UCM Office of Military and Veteran Services. There are 150 tickets reserved and are available on a first-come, first-served basis from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. today. Student ID and military ID is required.  At press time, Delilah Nichols, coordinator of military and veteran services, said there was a handful of tickets left for eligible students.
For those who were unable to obtain a ticket, Elliott Union rooms 236 and 238 will have live streaming of the event Wednesday. The UCM Media Network will also be providing a live webstream, which can be viewed at
UCM students Lauren Blanchfield and Chelsea Hurd received tickets to attend Wednesday’s speech, although they got tickets as a precaution just in case they don’t end up volunteering during the event. The two Administration Building student workers are on the list to volunteer, but won’t receive their assignments until tomorrow night. Whether or not they get to volunteer Wednesday, they’ve still been involved with the process the past few days.
“The phones have been ringing off the hook this week asking about what’s going on, how to get tickets,” Blanchfield said. “Every time you answer the phone you get four voicemails in the process.”
Getting hundreds of people in and out of the SRWC sounds like it could be chaotic, but Beth Rutt, director of campus activities, said it was an easy process.
“It went really smoothly,” she said. “People were cordial and waited in line. There were only a few people who showed up who didn’t get a ticket.”
Many people in line said they were excited for the opportunity to see the president in Warrensburg, including Blanchfield and Hurd.
“It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity,” Blanchfield said.
“This will put Warrensburg on the map,” Hurd said. “It’s great publicity for the university and could help get more students.”
Beth Rutt agreed, saying the event will be great for current and future UCM students.
“UCM is doing some great, cutting-edge things, and this is giving us recognition for that,” she said. “This recognition will benefit UCM students, current and present.”
Obama’s speech will take place in the large court area on the lower south part of the SRWC, which is located at 500 S. Maguire St. Doors open at 1:45 p.m. and the speech is scheduled to start at 4:05 p.m. Tickets from today’s distribution are required for entry.
For security reasons, attendees are asked to not bring bags and limit personal items. No signs or banners will be permitted. All attendees will go through airport-like security.
Those attending are encouraged to park in lots 60 and 62, located east of Ellis Hall, 310 Christopher St. Parking is also available in lots 10, 29, 30 68, 32, 28, 11 and 50, which are near the James C. Kirkpatrick Library. Parking for the event is free.
A free shuttle will be available for those attending. Pickup locations will be at the east side of the JCK Library, the west side of the library and on the east side of Ellis Hall.
Several buildings on campus will be closed Wednesday, including Lovinger, Art Building, Art Annex, Wood, Martin, Humphreys, Chapel, Diemer Residence Hall, Ellis Residence Hall (after noon) and Max B. Swisher Skyhaven Airport.

President Barack Obama's Visit to UCM - July 24, 2013

President Barack ObamaIn what will be a history-making event for the University of Central Missouri, President Barack Obama will speak on campus during a visit to Warrensburg, July 24. The White House today officially announced UCM as the host site for the president’s speech on the economy.
Although it is the first time a sitting president has spoken at UCM, the Democrat from Illinois is the second world leader to speak at UCM since May 2011, when the university hosted the nation’s 42nd president, Bill Clinton. Clinton spoke at the annual commencement ceremony for the School of Graduate and Extended Studies and received an honorary doctorate.
The campus is continuing to make preparations for President Obama’s arrival, according to UCM President Charles Ambrose.
“This is a tremendous opportunity for the university. It comes at a time when we are making progress in areas that impact student success and will address important issues that have an impact on our economy. We believe that is why the president is coming here.”
Ambrose cited The Missouri Innovation Campus as an example of an initiative that would be of interest to President Obama. It is a collaboration between UCM, the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District, Metropolitan Community College and numerous business partners. The MIC, which Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon has called “a model for the nation,” makes it possible for high school students attending the Summit Technology Academy to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in only two years after receiving their high school diplomas. While graduating faster than most students, this rigorous program gives them valuable on-the-job experience through internships in high-tech industries, they gain sought-after skills for high-paying careers, and graduate with no debt.
“Through The MIC, we are reshaping the way students experience education,” Ambrose said. “We’re making college more affordable by connecting students with businesses that share responsibility for their development and who will become their future employers who will reap the benefits of hiring these job-ready employees.”
Ambrose said a number of students from The MIC are expected to attend President Obama’s speech.
“We’re proud of these students,” he noted. “They are willing to accept the challenges of this rigorous, new program, but we know their hard work will pay off when they finish their education debt free and ready to go to work in high-demand jobs in technology.”
He noted UCM’s "Learning to a Greater Degree" contract for student completion is another way the institution is addressing issues that have an economic impact. This initiative is focused on getting students to graduate in four years, which will help them enter the workforce faster, and help reduce the cost of a higher education. The university has also launched programs that will help men and women leaving the military to reduce the cost of their education, and to make the transition into new careers.
The university is also educating the largest number of students and graduating the most students in its history, maintaining 90 percent or higher job placement rate in students' chosen fields for 19 consecutive years, all while keeping tuition increases below the consumer price index at 1.8 percent annually for the last five years.
“The UCM community is a great choice for a speech about the economy. We look forward to hosting President Barack Obama. We also appreciate the exceptional spirit of collaboration between the president’s staff and our entire UCM team who are pulling out all stops to make this a special event, and an important part of our university’s history,” Ambrose said.

 Read more here:

Obama Midwest Visit: President To Make Economic Pitch In Illinois, Missouri

By JIM KUHNHENN 07/19/13 11:16 AM ET EDT AP
WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama will make stops in Illinois and Missouri next week to draw attention to the economy and to measures he argues will help step up the recovery.
The White House says Obama will travel Wednesday to Galesburg, Ill., and Warrensburg, Mo., to make his case for spending on infrastructure and for universal pre-school programs. Obama is also expected to highlight the economic benefits of overhauling immigration laws.
Both stops are in rural communities that have seen party switches in their congressional representation within the past three years – one to Democrat and the other Republican.
The day-trip comes during a high point for the White House, a week after the Senate gave Obama a significant victory by approving several stalled administration nominations.

Friday, Jul 19, 2013

Obama plans to visit Warrensburg on Wednesday

President Barack Obama will visit Warrensburg next week, White House officials said Thursday.
The visit will be on Wednesday, and the subject will be the economy, but officials released no other details. More information will be forthcoming “in the coming days,” a White House official said.
The visit will be his first to the area since he visited Osawatomie, Kan., in December 2011. In his speech there, the president called for an end to “you’re on your own economics” in an address that presaged his campaign re-election themes the next year.
This week, the Obama administration has begun an aggressive push to tout the benefits of his new national health care law as congressional Republicans voted for the 38th time to repeal the controversial measure.

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