Show-Me Warrensburg Pages

August 30, 2013

Some of the Most Popular People Born In "Warrensburg/ Missouri/ USA

Some of the Most Popular People Born In "Warrensburg/ Missouri/ USA",%20Missouri,%20USA

Kimberly Wyatt and Max Rogers are engaged.

Kimberly Wyatt announces engagement to boyfriend Max Rogers!

Published Monday, Sep 9 2013, 13:02 BST  |  By  
The former Pussycat Doll and Got To Dance judge showed off her diamond encrusted, purple gemstone engagement ring in a photo posted to Twitter last night (8 September).


Kimberley, 31, who has been dating Max since the pair met in 2011, made the news official when she tweeted: "I said yes!"

The couple's happy news soon led to a string of congratulatory messages from fans and showbiz friends.

JLS' JB Gill and his girlfriend Chloe Tangney said: "LOVE this!!!!!!"

© Twitter / @KimberlyKWyatt

Meanwhile, Kimberly's Pussycat Doll band mates also responded to the news. Ashley Roberts, said: "Yayyyy", while Jessica Sutta commented: "OMG!!!!! Kim!!!!!! congrats!!!! Love to you both!!"

Former Coronation Street actor Richard Fleeshman said: "He's only bloody done it @max_rogers."

Thanking friends for their tweets, Kimberly later added: "Thank you!!!! We are so happy!!!"

Kimberly Wyatt Picture

Kimberly Wyatt - Kimberly Wyatt: London feels like home

Kimberly Wyatt says London is her ''home'' now.
The former Pussycat Dolls singer has been living in the UK capital for the past few years for her career and now she doesn't think she'll ever go back to the US.
One of the things that has helped the city capture her heart for good is her relationship with model Max Rogers.
The Missouri-native told BANG Showbiz: ''I've been here a while now. And out of anywhere in the world I feel the most at home when I'm here.
''I love the people, the culture, I love that you can walk to the stores. I love the little villages, the good food ... and my beautiful man of course!''
The 'Got To Dance' judge met Max while she was a special guest at the Clothes Show Live in 2011 and their relationship has gone from strength to strength.
Kimberly said: ''We were doing Clothes Show Live together, he was the main model and I was the special guest.
''Nothing really happened at that point but about a month and a half later we were at the wrap party and started having a conversation ... and haven't stopped since.''
1. Kimberly Wyatt Kimberly Wyatt
Self, Episode #1.1
Sidney Toler Picture2. Sidney Toler Sidney Toler
Actor, Charlie Chan in the Secret Service

Sidney Toler, best known for his portrayal of Charlie Chan, the Chinese detective, made his debut on the Toler Opera House stage.

Born:  in Warrensburg, Missouri, USA

Sidney Sommesr Tolers was born in Warrensburg, Missouri, the son of a renowned horse-breeder. Col. H. G. Toler in 1874; three weeks later, the family moved to a stock farm near Wichita, Kansas where he grew up.


  (age 72) in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California, USA The son of Colonel H.G. Toler, breeder of trotting horses, Sidney acted on stage by the time he was seven years old. He was an established star of the theatre by the 1890's, long before his career in motion pictures. He was also active as a playwright and had a good enough voice to be cast as a lead baritone with an operatic stock company at the Orpheum Theatre in New York.
Father of Sidney...
H. G. TOLER, a Director of the Garfield University, and a real-estate agent, is one of the leading citizens of Wichita, and is prominently identified with the business men of Sedgwick County. He is a native of Richmond, Va., born Oct. 2, 1846, to George W. and Susan A. (Jones) Toler, likewise natives of Virginia. His father was very prominent and influential in public and political affairs in Virginia's capital city. He was a member of the Old Richmond Blues, and was Mayor of Richmond for one year, being the first one elected to that high office by the Know-Nothing party. He was actively interested in educational matters, and as he was well-to-do gave his children a fine education. While he remained a resident of Richmond he was prosperously engaged in the loan, real-estate and brokerage business. In 1855 he removed with his family to Kansas City, Mo., then a town of 300 inhabitants, and there he engaged in furnishing steamboats with supplies, continuing in that business five years. Subsequently he became an auctioneer, and followed that calling until his death in 1866. He took a leading part in public affairs while he lived in Kansas City, and for a number of years held the office of Recorder. He was a man of remarkable decision of character, and business talents of a high order. His wife survived him several years. In 1872 she removed with her family to St. Louis, where they remained until 1874, thence to Plattsburg, Mo., and from there in 1878 to Wichita, Kan., where the mother died in 1880. To her and her husband had been born two sons and two daughters, as follows: Mrs. C. W. Parry, of Kansas City; Mrs. M. S. Lovejoy, of Penos, Old Mexico; Edwin W., of Kansas City, where he is engaged in the real-estate business with another gentleman, under the firm name of Toler & Evart, and H. G.
     The subject of this sketch started out from the parental home at the age of fourteen years to learn to become a self-supporting and self-reliant member of society, and as a means to that end entered the printing-office of the Kansas City Advertiser, afterward the Kansas City Times, and was in the employ of the editors of that sheet for two and one-half years. He then went to New Mexico, driving six yoke of cattle across the plains. This was a long, tedious, but most eventful journey, and our subject thought that if he ever returned alive no one should ever catch him in another such fix. This was in the fall and winter of 1864-65, it taking him six months to travel across the plains to his destination, and the winter season was one of unusual severity. He saw many outfits burning their ox-yokes, their loads of bacon, flour, corn, and everything that would keep them warm, and many men were frozen while sitting on their mules. He returned from his trip to Mexico with nothing but a supply of wood and corn; some members of his party were frozen; one man had to have his legs and arms amputated.
     On his return to Kansas City from his memorable Mexican trip Mr. Toler entered into the employ of Scott, Cutler & Co., wholesale groccrs, representing that house on the road, being the first gentleman so employed by any business firm of Kansas City; he traveled on horseback, with a pair of saddle-bags, visiting Paola, Garnett, and other places within a circuit of 100 miles of his headquarters, He continued to represent that firm until they were burned out. When his father died the care of the family devolved on our subject, as his brother was married, and had a family of his own to care for. Subsequently Mr. Toler engaged in the horse trade, and followed it two years. He then engaged in the liquor and wholesale grocery business until 1872. He then removed with his family to St. Louis, where he became interested in the tea business with Hugh Menown, continuing with him until their establishment was burned out in 1875. He then went in with Forbes Bros. in the tea business, traveling on the road until 1876; our subject then returned to Kansas City, and entered into the wholesale grocery business with Cochrane, Carroll & Beckham, continuing with them the ensuing three years, and while thus employed moved his family to Wichita, Kan., where he afterward established himself in the retail grocery business. Finding that it did not pay he sold out, and went on the road again, this time for Bittman, Taylor & Co., of Leavenworth, Kan., continuing with them until 1884. In 1885 Mr. Toler opened an office in Wichita, for the purpose of engaging in the real-estate business, which he has since prosecuted with much success, and in the very few years that have elapsed since he first started out he has so increased his property that he may now be numbered among the wealthy men of this city. He is a man of marked energy and enterprise, and while laying the foundations of his own prosperity has greatly aided in building up Wichita. He has made seven additions to the city, platted and disposed of the same, and has erected twenty houses in the northern part of the city. He purchased 515 acres of land five miles from the city, and has converted it into a valuable stock farm, devoting it to the breeding of fine horses and Jersey cattle. Our subject is a Director in the State National Bank, of Wichita, and a Director of the Wichita City Street Railway. He is noted for his unbounded generosity, benevolence and public-spiritedness. He takes a marked interest in educational matters, is one of the Directors of Garfield University, and has donated liberally to its support, as well as to other public institutions in the city.
     Mr. Toler was married, in 1867, to Miss Sallie J. Frame, of Kansas City, and niece of Allen Frame. Of their union three sons have been born - Foster, Edwin C., and H. G., Jr. Our subject and his wife are leading members of the Christian Church. It was mainly through the earnest and persistent efforts of Mrs. Toler and Mrs. Ella G. Shields, daughter of Gov. Glenn, of Illinois, that this church was established; they called a meeting of those in sympathy with the religious views of the Christian Church, organized a church, the first one in the city of that denomination, and employed the Rev. T. J. Shelton as the pastor.
     Mr. Toler is a Democrat in politics; socially he is an Odd Fellow and a Knight of Pythias, belonging to First Lodge No. 1, of Missouri.

3. Shawn Pelton, born in Warrensburg, Missouri, June 1, 1963, is an American drummer for Saturday Night Live, SNL, and percussionist. He has recorded with a wide range of artists and has been a first call player since moving to New York in the late 1980s.
Known for his great feel, deep soulful pocket and a high level of musicianship across a broad range of styles, Shawn has recorded with artists such as Sheryl Crow,Shawn ColvinNatalie MerchantIngrid MichaelsonBilly Joel,Van MorrisonElton JohnRod StewartJohnny CashRoseanne CashPinkShakiraKelly ClarksonFive For FightingMichelle BranchRegina SpektorTears for FearsCitizen CopeMatisyahuJonatha BrookeDavid ByrneEdie BrickellMarc CohnRichie HavensJoan OsborneHall and OatesOdettaPavarottiPhillip Phillips,George MichaelCarly SimonDixie ChicksChris Botti and Buddy Guy, and has played on several Grammy winning albums for artists including Ray CharlesThe Brecker BrothersShakiraShawn ColvinLes Paul and theHank Williams tribute album with Bob Dylan.

Live, From New York … It’s Shawn Pelton

Saturday morning, deadly cold, and New York City’s biggest blizzard of the winter is going to start dumping snow all over us any second now. Usually, I’d be curled up at home with a cup of cocoa laughing at all the suckers who have to be out there in the two-foot drifts.
Today, however, it seems like the laugh’s on me, since my assignment to spend a day on the set of Saturday Night Live with pocket drummer extraordinaire Shawn Pelton just happens to be on January 22, when anyone with any sense is home and staying there. But what I don’t know yet is that the next 14 hours are going to add up to one of the strangest, most memorable days I’ve had in a long time.
A day at SNL may be a mindblow for the average civilian, but for Pelton, who’s been doing it since 1992, it’s a nuttiness he’s learned to live with. “It’s a long day,” says Pelton, whose soft Southern-gentleman drawl belies the raw power of his playing. “If you’re starting out at 10:00 A.M., by the time it’s after midnight — well — you’ve been playing since that morning. It’s more like a focus/concentration thing, because you’re totally worn out by the end of the day.
“But it’s such a lucky break, because it’s only 20 live tapings a year and you’re free to do other things. It’s like having a steady live gig in town that allows you to keep roots in what’s left of the New York City session thing — if you’re always out on the road, producers don’t necessarily know if you’re in town.”

10:40 A.M./O" Of Snow

I’m standing at one of New York’s more famous addresses, the NBC building at 49 W. 49th Street, smack in the middle of the city’s famed Rockefeller Center. The blizzard of ’05 is about to show up, so is Shawn Pelton, and I’m eager to meet him. He has a reputation as one of the most solid pocket drummers in the business, at a level that’s seen him compared with Bernard Purdie, Rick Marotta, Steve Gadd, “J.R.” Robinson, Al Jackson Jr., and Jeff Porcaro — damn good company. It’s a skill that’s not only kept him on the SNL stage for a decade-plus, but put him on tour or on record with the likes of Sheryl Crow, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Ray Charles, David Byrne, Billy Joel, Buddy Guy, the Brecker Brothers, and hundreds more.
Pelton seems like he’s a few minutes late, and the 11:00 A.M. rehearsal with the rest of the SNL band is coming on fast, so I pull my phone out of my pocket to check the time. It goes off in my hands: it’s Pelton, who asks me where I am. I tell him I’m outside the chocolate shop on 49th where we said we’d meet. Turns out he’s standing inside. Score one for street smarts on this frigid day.
Safely inside, Pelton and I shake hands. He’s wearing his trademark black cap and a sleepy grin, and takes me over to the security desk for my visitor’s pass, which will be my lifeline for moving in and out of this TV world for the next half-day plus. Thus armed, Pelton and I bypass the metal detectors and head to the elevators, which work on a system too complex for my frozen brain to figure out. Fortunately, Pelton’s been pushing the buttons long enough to know the trick, and up we go to NBC’s legendary Studio 8H.

11:00 A.M./O" Of Snow

Upstairs, I’m blown away to be striding quickly through a hall packed with props and the smell of fresh glue and paint, through to a studio I’ve been watching on TV ever since my parents started letting me stay up on the weekends. Originally built to accommodate NBC Symphony radio broadcasts conducted by the great Arturo Toscanini, 8H has been home to Saturday Night Live since the show premiered on October 11, 1975.
Absorbing the fact that this is where the original cast of comic greats — from Dan Akroyd, John Belushi, Chevy Chase, and Jane Curtin to this year’s group, including Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, and Darrell Hammond — romped has to happen quickly. That’s because next I have to absorb the fact that some of the most memorable musical performances I’ve ever seen also took place here, by Nirvana, En Vogue, Big Country, Foo Fighters, Sinead O’Connor (if you call ripping up a picture of the Pope and the sound of silence music), and the SNL band itself — the backbone of it all.
While I’m trying to drink it all in, Pelton’s just trying to drink his coffee as he and I breeze past the cluttered sets, through jumbled masses of actors and stagehands, to climb past a heavy curtain (which is there to keep the noise of the band down on the set during their rehearsal) and up on the riser where the band does its thing, 20 Saturdays a year. If Pelton seems a little blasé about being a regular on one of TV’s most storied stages, it’s only because he’s worked damn hard to get there and stay there.

Janet Ulrich Brooks


5' 6" (1.68 m) 

She was nominated for a 2008 Joseph Jefferson Award Citation for Actress in a Supporting Role in a Play for "A Lie of the Mind" at the Strawdog Theatre Company in Chicago, Illinois.
She was nominated for a 2009 Joseph Jefferson Award for Actress in a Principal Role in a Play for "Not Enough Air" at the TimeLine Theatre Company in Chicago, Illinois.
She was nominated for a 2009 Joseph Jefferson Award for Actress in a Supporting Role in a Play for "Weekend" at the TimeLine Theatre Company in Chicago, Illinois.
She was nominated for a 2010 Joseph Jefferson Award for Actress in a Supporting Role in a Play for "When She Danced" at the TimeLine Theatre Company in Chicago, Illinois.
She was nominated for a 2010 Joseph Jefferson Award for Actress in a Principal Role in a Play for her performance in "All My Sons" at the TimeLine Theatre Company in Chicago, Illinois.
She was nominated for a 2012 Equity Joseph Jefferson Award for Actress in a Principal Role in a Play for "A Walk in the Woods" at the TimeLine Theatre Company in Chicago, Illinois.
Janet Ulrich Brooks (Kate Deckhouse) is a company member of TimeLine Theatre Company, where she has appeared in A Walk in the Woods, All My SonsWhen She DancedNot Enough AirWeekendTesla’s Letters,Paradise Lost, Lillian and A Man for All Seasons. Recent credits include Ten Chimneys (Northlight Theatre); The Original Grease (American Theater Company); Pony (About Face Theatre); The SeagullA True History of the Johnstown Flood (Goodman Theatre); and Jacob & Jack (Victory Gardens Theater). Other Chicago credits include Golda’s Balcony (Pegasus Players, Jeff Award for Outstanding Solo Performance); Richard IIIA Lie of the MindMarathon 33 (Strawdog Theatre Company); Huck Finn (Steppenwolf for Young Adults), and work with Writers’ Theatre, Collaboraction and others. Film credits include ConvictionPolish BarOne Small Hitch and I Heart Shakey. Television credits include Playboy Club and Chicago Code. Janet was the first recipient of the Ed See Outstanding Theatre Alumnus Award from the University of Central Missouri, and earned her MFA in acting from Western Illinois University. She is a proud member of Actors’ Equity Association.
Phil Hawn PicturePhil Hawn Phil Hawn
Actor, Versus 
Date of Birth 20 April 1957Warrensburg, Missouri, 
Birth Name Philip Mallory Hawn 
Height 5' 8" (1.73 m) 
Susan Paragas(28 December 1991 - present)

Trivia Was presented the Key to the City of New Orleans in 1976 for stage performances there. Became friends with classmates Michael Rosenbaum ("Smallville" (2001)) and Matt Keeslar (Scream 3 (2000)) while studying improv at The Groundlings School.
Cousin of actor Josh Meyer.
In 1978, he was called by Pat Upton, known for the Spiral Starecase hit song "I Love You More Today Than Yesterday", and asked if Phil's band would back up Pat on tour - effectively becoming Spiral Starecase. Phil declined.
Studied acting at The Beverly Hills Playhouse with classmates and friends Shanti Lowry ("The Game" (2006) & charter member of The Pussycat Dolls), Jennifer Ann Massey ("The It Factor: Los Angeles" (2003)) and Nasser Faris ("24" (2001) Day 6 (2007)).
Some of his band's posters from the 1970s have been sold on eBay. Before the Backstreet Boys and *NSYNC, he was in one of the first original Florida "boy bands" -- Freedom Jam -- performing over 700 concerts across the United States and Canada. His stage clothes were custom designed to Phil's requests by Tampa Bay's Michael Braun who has outfitted the world's top rockers including AerosmithThe Allman Brothers BandBon JoviChicagoAlice CooperBob DylanJimi Hendrix,Eddie MoneyBilly PrestonBob SegerSly StoneSonny & CherThe TemptationsThree Dog Night, and Edgar Winter. His band's cartoon concert poster was drawn by Mad Magazine cartoonist Don Martin.
While playing keyboards for a music/comedy stage show in the late 1970s, the show's production company insured his hands with Lloyd's of London for one million dollars.

Benjamin Meade PictureBenjamin Meade Benjamin Meade
Producer, Vakvagany
Date of Birth
16 September 1955Warrensburg, Missouri, USA 
Birth Name Benjamin Giroam Meade 
Nickname Ben 
Height 5' 10" (1.78 m) 
Mini Biography
The son of a Baptist inner city minister, Benjamin Meade grew up in Kansas City under extreme adversity, both financially and culturally. A head injury at the age of 11 left him unable to speak for nearly two years, forcing him to relearn language skills through cognitive trial and error. During his recovery, he immersed himself with music, movies, and readings on contemporary philosophy. He attended the Music Conservatory in Kansas City studying six years with the piano, guitar, and several woodwind instruments. He and his two brothers formed the musical ensemble "Tuck Point" when he was 15. An Eagle Scout, at the age of 17 he put himself through college by playing in several different rock bands and working at an auto repair shop while pursuing a degree in filmmaking at Central Missouri State University. After graduating in 1977, he met and worked with Stan Brakhage in Boulder, Colorado for several months learning experimental film technique and aesthetic. Soon after, he was offered an entry level job at Universal Pictures in Los Angeles but soon returned to the mid-west hoping for a film community to develop. Discouraged from lack of employment opportunities in the film industry where he lived, he took a job as a financial services consultant with New England Financial and remained there for nearly three decades. He became partner of the firm at age 28 while spending time studying interests from chiropractic to law. The suicide of his younger brother in 1993 forced him to pause in self examination. He applied to the university once again and earned a masters degree in American History, then a Ph D in Film and Theatre from the University of Kansas in 1999. While at Kansas, he again met Stan Brakhage who worked with him in the development of many short experimental films. While presenting a paper in Denmark in 1999, he met Laszlo Tarnay of Pecs, Hungary who invited him to teach there the following year. While teaching, he met Hungarian Filmmaker Andras Suranyi and made the controversial but touching film Vakvagany (2002) in 2001. He completed Das Bus in 2003, and collaborated with crime novelist James Ellroy on Bazaar Bizarre in 2005 (now re-released by Troma Entertainment). His film American Stag (2006) was an interrogation of early American Pornography. This was followed by the critically acclaimed American Music: Off The Record (2008) featuring Noam Chomsky, Jackson Brown and Douglas Rushkoff along with more than 50 music acts including Les Paul, Ray Price, and Wanda Jackson. He followed this with The Elders: Alive and Live in Ireland (2008), a rock and roll music epic, then completed Lifelong Roadtrip, a film about the Nace Brothers Band in 2009. He recently produced The Kansas City Murder Factory-Act 1 for Mike B. Rollen (2011), Although completed in late 2010, he re-cut the feature doc "Woke Up This Mornin' in the Arkansas Delta releasing it in 2012 . In 2012 he also released a compilation of his shorts films made with Stan Brakhage and several others without collaboration as well as interviews with his icons Ray Harryhausen, Tom Savini, Stan Brakhage, William S. Burroughs, and Lars Von Trier-to name a few. The title of the compilation is "Mentallusions: Radical Eclectic Films of Benjamin Meade". In 2012 his book "Experimental Film: The Missing Frames" was published. His most recent film project was shot in Haiti. Entitled "Optimistic Chaos", it chronicles he and singer/songwriter Danny Cox as they experienced the poverty and lawlessness in the northwest part of the island. His work is "experimental documentary". Meade is founder of Casas Por Cristo, a missions organization that builds nearly 300 homes per year for the poor in Juarez, Mexico. He resides in Arkansas and Missouri and is a retired Professor of Film and Digital Media at Avila University in Kansas City. He is a fellow at the Society of the Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image in Copenhagen, Denmark, and a professor of film at Janus Pannonius Univrsity at Pecs" Hungary.
IMDb Mini Biography By: Mike B. Rollen 
Jane Hunt Meade(2012 - present)
Trivia Sold insurance for 25 years before becoming a filmmaker Peg Sheldrick Peg Sheldrick
Actress, Almost Normal

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