Show-Me Warrensburg Pages

September 13, 2014

1861 March 3 Warrensburg, Missouri Civil War News


The news this week from various quarters is of rather more interest than for some weeks.

A considerable force has been thrown forward to Warrensburg, Missouri, to prevent the army of Price, at Osceola, and those of Rains and Stein, at Lexington, from uniting. Our army has already done something that does us good to chronicle. After a forced march, on the 18th, Gen Pope got behind the enemy, encamped near Chilhowee, Johnson county, 2200 strong, who, when they heard of the approach of our army, beat a hasty retreat, leaving their baggage, arms, etc., in possession of Gen. Pope. He then threw forward ten companies of cavalry, and a section of artillery, in pursuit, following with the main body of his army. At Johnson, Bates county, the Rebels were so closely pursued that they scattered in all directions. Gen. Pope forced a body of cavalry to within fifteen miles of Osceola, and captured 150 of them, with all their baggage, horses, etc. Other squads of from ten to fifteen were taken, making the aggregate Rebel prisoners 300. On the same day, Col. Jeff. C. Davis and Major Marshall surprised a Rebel camp at Warrensburg, and captured 1300 prisoners, including three colonels, seventeen captains, 1000 stand of arms, 1000 horses. etc. Our loss was two killed and eight wounded. Pretty good, for one day! A battle between Pope's army and Price's is expected every day.
A photo in Missouri 1861

Battle of Belmont, Missouri, November 7, 1861, artist's impression, zoomable image
Battle of Belmont Missouri 1861

In western Missouri, Missouri Union cavalry drive off the Missourians raiders of William C. Quantrill
A sixty-man Missouri cavalry unit under Major Emery Foster was recruiting in Johnson County, Missouri when it came under attack near the town of Warrensburg from a large group of Confederate irregulars led by William Clarke Quantrill. Foster's men were able to use use fences on the edge of town as cover and drove away the raiders. Foster was wounded and one of his troopers killed while he Confederates were reported to have lost nine men. Quantrill continued an infamous raiding career till his death in a Union prison in 1865. (By John Osborne)

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