Show-Me Warrensburg Pages

January 29, 2015

Holden, Mo., August 6.--James ASHLEY shot and killed his father in law

St. Louis Post Dispatch
Description: Slain by His Son in Law. An Insane Man Fights Desperately for His Liberty.

Date: August 6 1884

Holden, Mo., August 6.--James ASHLEY shot and killed his father in law, W. F. HESS, yesterday in this city. For the past two years ASHLEY has been the victim of epileptic insanity, the result of a blow on the head, and Mr. HESS had been appointed his guardian. Recently it was decided to place him in an insane asylum and yesterday he was arrested and brought here. He was furiously indignant and demanded immediate trial, and when Marshal STELL tried to handcuff him he said he would die rather than submit to the indignity. A friend of his named BAILEY came to his assistance and frightened off HESS and the officers with revolvers, one of which he gave to ASHLEY. The marshal returned to arrest BAILEY, who fired at him but missed. ASHLEY went hunting Mr. HESS, found him and fired at him but missed. HESS struck him with a cane but failed to disable him, when ASHLEY shot him in the hip and abdomen, the latter wound resulting fatally. ASHLEY then leaped upon his horse and was galloping away with the marshal after him when he fell from his horse. After a few exchanges of shot with the marshal, ASHLEY surrendered and was given up to the sheriff, who jailed him. ASHLEY's undoubted insanity will save him from punishment for his crime.
(James Ashley died two years later in an insance asylum).

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