Show-Me Warrensburg Pages

December 10, 2023

1903 Senator's Daughter from Warrensburg Marries in Washington DC, - Attended by President Teddy Roosevelt

MISS COCKRELL A BRIDE; Daughter of Missouri Senator Married to Mr. Gallaudet, President Roosevelt Present at the Ceremony and the Reception--Wedding a Brilliant Affair.

Edson Fessenden Gallaudet
Washington, February 14, 1903

The wedding today of Miss Marion Cockrell, daughter of Senator Cockrell of Missouri" (of 205 East Market Street, Warrensburg, MO) to Edson Fessenden Gallaudet was one of the most brilliant social events of recent years at the capital. The bride is as popular as she is beautiful and accomplished. Since the death of her mother she has presided over her father's house and thus has become known to and respected by the most prominent American and foreign residents at the capital. The ceremony at the church and the wedding breakfast, which followed, were attended by the President of the United States and his secretary, Mr. Cortelyou, by nearly all the members of the Cabinet and their wives; the leading diplomats. Justices of the Supreme Court and members of the Senate and House, and prominent officers of the Army and Navy. The Senate had fixed its hour of meeting today at 1 o'clock in order to permit its members and officers to attend the wedding a rare compliment to the fair Missourian. The President was more than a casual guest. At the wedding breakfast he took a cordial interest In the bride and bride groom and was complimentary in his references to Missouri and Missourians, commending the beauty and worth of the bide and chatting cordially with many other Missouri ladies who were present.


The President remarked that he was somewhat glad that he did not live In Missouri because he liked Senator Cockrell and his family so well it would be hard to refrain from voting for this particular Democrat. It was distinctly a Missouri day and Miss Cockrell's wedding was a distinct event that will not soon be forgotten by Washington social leaders. The Church of the Covenant, where the marriage was solemnized at noon, was a bower of green. Wild asparagus and amilax draped the pillars and the chancel was abloom with palms and foliage plants, making an effective background for vases of lilies and clusters of roses. The bridal party stood under a chime of wedding bells made of white lilies, which was one of the most effective wedding conceits seen in this city in recent years. There were eight ushers and their utmost efforts were taxed to seat the concourse of friends of Miss Cockrell and Mr. Gallaudet.

The ushers were Gifford Pinchot of this city, Winthrop Knight of New York, George W. Seymour of New Haven. John Robinson of Hartford, Frederick Allen of St Louis, Herbert Gallaudet, brother of the bridegroom, and Ephralm B Cockrell and Allen V. Cockrell, brothers of the bride.


Francis Parnona of Harttord was Mr. Gallaudet's best man. All wore boutonnières of white carnations, the colors green and white were the prevailing scheme of the wedding pageant.

Anna E. Cockrell, daughter of Ewing Cockrell of Warrensburg, a beautiful child, of 5 ears, preceded the bridal party, spreading Marguerite's, she so strongly resembled the bride in face as to be almost miniature. She was gowned In French or gandie, trimmed with lace, and wore a large French hat, garlanded in the Marguerites. The maids were Miss Anna Ewing Cockrell, the debutante sister of the bride, and Miss Marlon Gallaudet, sister of the bride groom. They wore identical gowns of white crepe de Chine over pale-blue silk. The skirts were made with lengthwise tucks, with diamond-shaped Insertions of lace. The bodice was elaborately trimmed in poin lace. They wore large picture hats of tulle trimmed with half wreaths of green leaves.


The bride's gown was a triumph of dressmaking. It revealed to perfection the faultless figure of its wearer. It was of heavy duchess satin, made princess style and draped on severe lines. The full train coming from the waist and devoid of trimming gave perfect effect to this stylish and magnificent creation and emphasized the stately beauty of the bride. On the left shoulder was embroidered a white orchid pileated in seed pearls a slip of embroidery crossed the waist with a cluster of embroidered orchids to the left-hand side, and then extended to the left of the skirt, with orchids covering the entire front and side widths in their descent to the floor. From the center of each flower was a string of pearls, ending in a small tassel formed of the same dainty gems. On the right of the bodice was Jabots of exquisite Venetian point lace, which was worn by the bride's mother on the occasion of her marriage to Senator Cockrell. The sleeve was bell-shaped, fitting closely to the elbow and finished at the wrist with a wide puff of tucked chiffon, caught in place by a pearl ornament, coronet-of orange blossoms held the tulle veil In place. A bouquet of lilies of the valley and white orchids completed this toilet, which was one of the most effective seen In Washington for many years.


Although the wedding presents included some beautiful jewels, the bride's only or ornaments were the tiny pearls that formed part of the trimming of her gown. While the bridal party formed in procession, the prelude to the Lohengrin "Wedding March" was played, and when the march began the ushers turned into the main aisle. They were followed by the two bridesmaids, the sister of the bride and the sister of the bridegroom. In front of the bride and Senator Cockrell was the tiny flower maid. At the head of the pews' awaited the bridegroom and his best man. As the newly married couple came out of the church the Mendelssohn "Wedding March" filled the edifice with its Inspiring melody. The bridegroom's gifts to his ushers were four-leaf clover scarf pins, having in the centers a fresh-water pearl. At the wedding breakfast at Rauscher's.
Senator Cockrell with the bride's aunt, Mrs. John R. Walker of Kansas received the guests, assisted by Doctor and Mrs. Gallaudet. The newly married couple stood in the window recess to receive congratulations. Mrs. Walker was elegantly gowned In white satin, trimmed with point lace, and wore a white lace bonnet. Mrs. Gallaudet wore black -velvet and point lace and a black and white toque. A bullet table, very prettily decorated in white and green, leached across the large ballroom, under the balcony. The ices were served in the shapes of hearts, cupids, and wedding bells. Four hundred guests were present Mrs. Walker made a most acceptable hostess. She was escorted by the President to breakfast, and, contrary to his usual custom, the Chief Executive took the time from his duties to sit throughout the long repast.


Mrs. Walker, in spite of her many duties as hosted, found time to introduce nearly every Missourian present to the President, who said he had never met so many Missourians, and that the occasion was in every respect a happy one. He spoke pleasantly of his approaching visit to St. Louis and Kansas City and of his last visit. Some of the most handsome gowns present were seen on the ladies of the Missouri delegation Mrs. Benton wore a combination of electric blue broadcloth and trimmed in old lace, with a large black velvet hat, with old lace brim and drooping ostrich plumes Mrs. Bartholdt wore black silk, trimmed with lice. Mrs. Dougherty wore wine-colored velvet. Mrs. Cowherd wore a pale gray crepe. Mrs. Champ Clark wore black silk and lace. Mrs. Cooney wore pale gray cloth. Mrs. Robb wore white cloth, trimmed in fur. Miss Taylor of Joplin who Is the guest of Mrs. Benton, wore pale gray foulard silk, with lace. The Misses Wilkinson of St. Louis wore black and white combination gowns of lace and silk. Mrs. T. O. Towles of Jefferson City was gowned in white surah silk, trimmed In lace and pearl passementerie Mrs. Gannon wore white duchess satin, trimmed in lace. Other handsome gowns were worn by Mrs. Thomas T. Walsh, a point lace gown over an underdress of satin and a large hat made of violets; Miss Flora Wilson, daughter of the Secretary of Agriculture, the white pearl of sole, trimmed in beaver and lace, with tulle hat, wreathed in pink roses; Mme. Azplroz, wife of the Mexican Ambassador, pale gray brocade, trimmed In lace; Miss Margaret Hitchcock, In white crepe du Chine, and Miss Ann Hitchcock, white liberty silk; Mrs. Leslie M. Shaw, a magnificent costume of purple panne velvet, with trimmings of brocaded silk and old lace; Mrs. Hobart .widow of the late Vice President, black velvet and old lace; Mrs. Corbin, white wool, trimmed In fur.


The bride and bridegroom were pronounced the most handsome couple seen in Washington In many years they received their guests in a bower made of palms and white roses and remained in the dining hall until after 2 o'clock when the last guests had departed. Mr. and Mrs. Gallaudet then drove to the home of Senator Cockrell where the bride donned her traveling gown. It was of dark blue etamine with elaborate trimmings of white on the waist and white hemstitching on the skirt. He wore a lone black silk cloak and a hat made entirely of violets on a foundation of dark blue tune, the bridal couple left on a late afternoon "train for the South, their first destination being Hot Springs, Va. They will go to New Orleans and Florida and will return to this city for a short visit before taking up their residence In Dayton, O. The gifts of the bride to her attendants, were Tuscan gold bracelets, fashioned like Miss Anna Ewing, wild roses with pearl stamens and arranged like a wreath of the pretty flowers, A pretty Incident of the wedding reception was the rendering of a new two-step composed for the occasion Mr. Haley, whose orchestra played at the reception. It was called the "Bride of To-Day," and when the orchestra rendered Thomas F. Walsh and Miss Flora Wilson. daughter of the Secretary of Agriculture began a dance which was speedily joined by all the young people present. Mr. Charles Stevenson of Warrensburg composed a sonnet in honor of today’s event which was repeated on the occasion of the presentation of a golden loving cup sent by the citizens of Warrensburg to their distinguished fellow-townsmen.
Over 10,000 Invitations were issued to the ceremony at the church. The majority of the invitations went to friends of the Cockrell and Gallaudet families in every part of the country. Four hundred people accepted the Senator's hospitality at the wedding breakfast. The relatives of the bride present at the wedding breakfast were: Mr. Ewing Cockrell of Warrensburg, brother of the bride. Mrs. Ewlng Cockrell and youngest daughter. Miss Flora McDonald Cockrell; Mm T.O Towles of Jefferson City and M-r John It. Walker of Kansas City, aunts of the bride; Masters Brevard Walker and T Ewing Towles, Mrs. B. C. Cockrell, the Misses Wilkinson, and John C. Wilkinson. Jr., of St. Louis. Mrs. Sinclair Gannon and Mrs. Humphrey's of Lexicon, Va. Among the Missourians present were: Miss Osborne and Mi-s Houx of Warrensburg, ex-Senator and Mrs. John B. Henderson, Representatives Lloyd. Vandiver and Shackelford. Representative and Mrs. De Armond. Representative and Mr. Benton, Representative and Mrs. Champ Clark. Representative and Mrs. Cowherd, Representative and Mrs. Benton, Representative and Mrs. Dougherty and Miss Dougherty Representative and Mrs. Bartholdt. Representative and Mrs. Robb, Representative and Mrs. Joy. Representative nnrt ir Cooney. Lieutenant Commander John J." Kropp and Mrs. Knann. r-ninnoi on it,."
J. H. Carroll of St. Louis. Miss Alice Lawler. Miss Belle Boone and Mrs. Seely of Kansas City, Mr.J. H. Christopher, Miss Lillian Duffield and Mr. C. H. Achenbach of Warrensburg. Colonel J. F. Edwards of I'orlstell and Mr. Thomas B. Tomb and Mrs. Harbison of Kansas City. Among the Washington guests were' The President and Mrs. Roosevelt, the Secretary of the Treasury and Mrs. Shaw, the Secretary of Agriculture and Mr. Wilson. Secretary of the Navy. Postmaster General and Mrs. Pajho. the Misses Hitchcock, the Mr. Justice and Mrs. Harlan, the Misses Harlan. Mr. Justice and Mrs. Brewer Mr. Justice Brown, Mr. Justice and Mrs. Shins. Mr. Justice McKenna. the Misses McKenna, Mr. Justice and Mrs. Peckham. Mr. Justice and Mrs. White, Mr. Justice and Mrs. Holmes, the Austro-Hungarian Ambassador and Mme. Hengelmuller, the Mexican Ambassador and Mme. de Aspl roz. Mif. Perez, the Italian Ambassador and Mme. Mayor dts. Planches, the BeiKlin Minister and Baroness Monheur. The Peruvian Minister and Mme. Calderon Miss Calderon. the Venezuelan Charge d Affaires. Mr. Pulido: Mr. und Mrs. Tho as T. Walsh. Miss Evalyn Walsh, General and Mrs Leonard Wood, the Adjutant General and Mrs, Corbln. General and Mrs. Sternberg, the Bishop of Washington and Mr. and Miss Satterice, General and Mrs. Ainsworth. Rear Admiral and Mrs. Ludlow. Countess Spottiswood-McKinzie. Mrs. John A. Logan. Mrs. Garrett A. Hobart, Mr. and Mrs John W. Foster. Captain and Mrs. Cowles. Mr. Hugh C. Wallace of Seattle. General A. W, Greeljv Surgeon General wymdn. ..teDresentntiv. unit xti George B McClellan. Upnnu.nt3ilu. TnK, I crt Adams, Jr.: "Rear Admiral O'Neil. Senators Bacon. Foster of Louisiana vrnrn I and the President of the Senate. Mr. Frye; I Senator and Mrs. Teller. Senator and Mrs. I Pattus. Senator and Mrs. Blackburn. Senator, Mrs. and Mrs CI irk, Wypmlng; Senator and Mrs. Hale, Senator and Mrs. Dryden. Senator and Mrs. Bate. Senator and the Misses Ken. Senator and Mrs. Burrows, Senator and Miss Morgan. Senator and Mrs. Hanna, Senator and Mrs. James K. Jones. Senator and Mrs. Carmack. Senator and Mrs. Martin. Miss Day. Senator and Mrs.and Miss Foraker. Senator and Mrs Addison G Foster, Senator and Mrs. Wetmore and Misses Wetmore, Mrs. Senator Berry, the secretary of the Senate and Mrs. Bennett.

April 21, 1871
July 1, 1945 (aged 74)

Edson Fessenden Gallaudet (April 21, 1871 – July 1, 1945) was a pioneer in the field of aviation, being the first person to experiment with warped wings in 1896.In 1898, he built a warping-wing kite to test his invention of a warping-wing mechanism; this kite survives and is on display in the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC. In 1911 he obtained US pilot's license #32 with the Aero Club of America, flying a Wright biplane in Garden City, New York. Also, in 1911 he earned a pilot's brevet with the Aero Club of France flying a Nieuport monoplane.
Gallaudet was born in Washington, DC to Edward Miner Gallaudet, the son of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet. Both his father and grandfather were famous educators in the field of deaf education. He received his B.A. from Yale University in 1893 and his PhD in Electrical Engineering from Johns Hopkins University in 1896. He worked at Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania from 1896 to 1897, then became an instructor of physics at Yale, where he taught from 1897 to 1900. From 1900 to 1903 he worked at William Cramp & Sons' Ship and Engine Building Company in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and then, in 1903, worked at the National Cash Register Company in Dayton, Ohio. He married Marion Cockrell on February 14, 1903. From 1903 to 1908 he worked as an assistant to the President and General Superintendent of the Stillwell Bierce & Smith Vaile Company in Dayton (which later became the Platt Iron Works Company). In 1908 he worked for the New England Refrigerator Company in Norwich, Connecticut. In 1908 he founded the Gallaudet Engineering Company in Norwich, where, as President, he did work as a mechanical and consulting engineer and, in 1909, built his first airplane.[5][6]Gallaudet Engineering Company was incorporated as the Gallaudet Aircraft Corporation in 1917. As a student at Yale in the Class of 1893 he was a member of Psi Upsilon and Skull and Bones. He was an Associate Fellow with the Institute of the Aeronatical Sciences, Inc., a member of the American Society of Aeronautic Engineers, Fédération Aéronautique Internationale, and a member of the Aero Club of America, Sigma X1, Engineers' Club (New York).
In 1923, Gallaudet built an all-metal aircraft which flew on June 20, 1923 at Wright Field.[8] 1924, Edson Gallaudet retired from the company he had founded. The company assets were acquired by Major Reuben Fleet, who used them as the core around which he founded Consolidated Aircraft Corporation.
Edson's wife Marion Cockrell, daughter of Francis Marion Cockrell, launched USS Missouri (BB-11).
Edson's brother, Herbert D. Gallaudet, graduated Yale in 1898 and his son, Edward D. Gallaudet, graduated Yale in 1924. Edson's mother, Susan Denison, was the daughter of Dr. Joseph Adam Denison, Jr and Eliza Skinner Denison of Royalton, Vermont. He died in 1945 in Pine Orchard, Connecticut and is buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery in Hartford, Connecticut.
Restaurant Pierre
Pierre's, at Connecticut Avenue and Q Street in the Anchorage apartment building, opened around 1931 and had formerly been the famous Maison Rauscher, when it was located down the street at Connecticut and L. Charles Rauscher (1854-1917), an accomplished confectioner and caterer, ran the large eatery, which featured a commodious upstairs ballroom that was the scene of numerous formal dinners, dances, and other elegant receptions. According to the Evening Star, Rauscher’s came to be known as the “Delmonico’s of Washington” for its central role in so many Washington social functions. PIerre's, on the other hand, was a more modest but still very successful restaurant that continued in business at the same location for some 40 years.
A professor of Physics at Yale University when he became interested in airplane technology. In 1896, six years before the Wright Brothers, he constructed a model kite, now in the Smithsonian, which embodied the principle of the warping wing. Yale viewed the "tinkering with flying gimcracks" as a reflection on Yale. Accused of "making an ass of himself and a laughing stock of the faculty," Edson resigned. His model was stored in a barn in Connecticut, unpatented. In 1903, Edson took his family to Dayton Ohio to help the Wright Brothers with their endeavor. 
Edson F. Gallaudet along with his older brother Denison (1870-1927), formed his own company based in Rhode Island, Gallaudet Engineering, in 1908 to become involved in aircraft manufacture. Indeed, the company officially became the Gallaudet Aircraft Company in 1917 and is regarded as the first Aircraft manufacturing company in the US. Gallaudet was primarily involved in the manufacture of seaplanes for the US Navy. Gallaudet Aircraft is the earliest ancestor of General Dynamics.
The Church of the Covenant (also known as the old National Presbyterian Church) was located on the southeast corner of Connecticut Avenue and N Street NW in the Dupont Circle neighborhood of Washington, D.C. Built in 1889, the Romanesque Revival style church was designed by architect J. Cleveland Cady. The building was torn down in 1966 and replaced with 1225 Connecticut Avenue, an office building.
Demolition of the Church of the Covenant, Washington DC. It was torn down in 1966 and replaced by an office building. Construction of the main church began in 1887 and was nearly complete when the 158-foot Ohio-sandstone tower suddenly collapsed into a heap of rubble early on the morning of August 22, 1888.
Demolition of the Church of the Covenant, Washington DC. It was torn down in 1966 and replaced by an office building. Construction of the main church began in 1887 and was nearly complete when the 158-foot Ohio sandstone tower suddenly collapsed into a heap of rubble early on the morning of August 22, 1888.

204 East Market, not 205

Actually 204 East Market Street.

Her Parents Gravesite Sunset Hill, Warrensburg, MO 
1901 Marion Cockrell Christens USS Missouri
Marion Cockrell Gallaudet Powers died 1946

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