Show-Me Warrensburg Pages

August 3, 2015

10 May1910 Burkarth Birthday Party on Burkarth Road

10 May 1910. Party at the Burkarth farm on Burkarth Road in Warrensburg, Missouri.
    1910 Burkarth Home - Family Portrait

    Milton Fisher Gabel
     (1866-1946) LVQS-7ZF
    Carl Lewis Schafer
     (1883-1961) KTZN-F5T
    (1865-1940) LVQS-9PB
    Harry Lowe
     (1885-Deceased) 9K4J-P6S
    William H. Scheidenberger
    (1869-1933) LVQS-34D
    (1873-1916) LVQS-7LN
    (1871-1937) LVQS-7MX
     Harold Scheidenberger
    (1900-1976) LVDF-JXG
    Mary Madeline Gabel
    (1898-1974) LVDF-ZB1
    Margaret Elizabeth Burkarth
    (1893-Deceased) M1ND-8JM
    George Lawrence Burkarth
     (1895-1951) LVDF-CND
    (1867-1932) L65Y-6Q4
     Mayme Krey Scheidenberger
     (1877-1955) LVQS-7TN
    (1861-1928) 9HML-DVZ
    (1857-1932) LVQ9-YZW
    George Frederick Burkarth
    (1861-1928) L65Y-63Z
     Margaretha Haag
    (1834-1920) 9HML-DKP
    (1858-1939) LVQ9-YPD
    Katherine Margaret Schafer
     (1903-1968) LJP9-Z73
    William Sheidenberger
     (1904-1935) LVXD-CXZ

    Biographical Sketch of George F. Burkarth, Johnson County, Missouri,
    Warrensburg Township
    From "History of Johnson County, Missouri," by Ewing Cockrell,
    Historical Publishing Company, Topeka, Cleveland, 1918.
    G. F. Burkarth, one of Johnson county's progressive farmers, is a
    native of Ohio.  He was born near Washington, Fayette county in 1861,
    the only child of Frederick and Elizabeth (Saltzman) Burkarth, both of
    whom are natives of Germany.  When their son was five years of age, 
    they moved from Ohio to Johnson county, Missouri, November 11, 1866,
    the Burkarth family settled on a farm west of Warrensburg on Bristle
    Ridge.  Mr. Burkarth purchased a prairie farm, comprising 80 acres of
    land, paying $18 an acre and later he increased his holdings by pur-
    chasing another farm at the same price.  At one time, Frederick Burk-
    arth was owner of 452 acres in Johnson county.  He came from Ohio to
    Missouri in a linchpin wagon, drawn by a team of horses.  His son, 
    G. F., recently sold the wagon to a junk dealer.  Mr. Burkarth spent
    the active years of his life in improving his farm, which he sold in
    1903 and he is now living retired in Warrensburg, at 204 West Gay 
    street.  He is 82 years of age and his wife, one of the noblest women
    of the early settlers of Warrensburg, is 77 years of age.  George F.
    Burkarth received his education in Long Prairie school.  Until he was
    32 years of age he remained at home with his parents.  He is now the
    owner of 80 acres of the home farm in Centerview township and in 1906
    he purchased 123 acres of land adjoining the city limits of Warrens-
    burg.  He has rebuilt the residence on this place, which is his home,
    and erected a barn, 34 x 52 feet, which was built for dairy purposes.
    Mr. Burkarth keeps pure bred Jersey cattle, though not registered, and 
    has been engaged in the dairy business practically ever since owning
    this farm.  In 1892, G. F. Burkarth and Kate Scheidenberger were united
    in marriage.  Mrs. Burkarth is the daughter of John and Margaret Sch-
    eidenberger, who came to Warrensburg in 1869 from Pennsylvania.  Both
    Mr. and Mrs. Scheidenberger were born in Germany.  In 1884, the father
    was killed in the explosion at the Eureka Mills in Warrensburg and his
    widow is now living in Warrensburg.  John and Margaret Scheidenberger
    were the parents of the following children: George, Leavenworth, Kansas;
    Mrs. Lizzie Schaffer, Warrensburg; Mrs. Sarah Lowe, deceased; John, Jr.,
    Springdale, Arkansas; Mrs. Kate Burkarth, wife of the subject of this
    review; William, Palo Alto, California; Mrs. Margaret Gable, Holton,
    Kansas; Gustavus, deceased.  To G. F. and Kate Burkarth have been born
    two children: Margaret, who lives at home with her parents; and Law-
    rence, who is employed as fireman on the Santa Fe Railway.  Mr. Burk-
    arth is a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, affiliating 
    with this lodge in 1902, and of the Sandstone Lodge No. 137, Warrens-
    burg.  Both Mr. and Mrs. Burkarth are held in the highest esteem in
    this community.
             This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb
             Archives by: Penny Harrell <>

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