Show-Me Warrensburg Pages

September 7, 2015

1880 Tuesday August 31 "Warrensburg Waifs" Column about Warrensburg News

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West Pine Street Warrensburg, Missouri 1880's
Corner of Pine and Holden Street
Advertisement that day in the newspaper
August 31, 1880 Sedalia Bazoo
Faculty Photo at State Normal #2 Warrensburg, Missouri UCM
Wantonly Waylaid While Wrestling With Warm Weather.
"Joe T. Black, formerly of Sedalia, now traveling for the standard cigar factory of St. Louis, sold several good-sized bill or goods here Thursday.
E. D. Craw ford, proprietor of the daily Herald, is now attending solely to his paper at Knob Noster, and gets out a red-hot paper.
Senator Cockrell arrived home Thursday evening, after a trip through different portions of the state. You can't convince Warrensburgites that he won't be his own successor in the Senate. He ought to be, at least.
The camp-meeting held by the German Methodist church of this city closed the middle of last week, after having been conducted for some ten days. It was not successful, only eight convert embracing the faith.
The $500 team recently purchased by Col. Crittenden attracts no little attention as they are driven through our streets every pleasant evening. They are beautiful blacks, and 'tis said they can step along at a lively gait.
The ladies of the First Presbyterian church gave a most enjoyable festival at their edifice Thursday night, which was numerously attended. Quite a nice little sum was realized, which will he applied to the purchase of a bell for the church.
Talk about easy, impudent Negro wenches, Warrensburg can discount Sedalia on that score. Their conduct on the street at times is such as would send them in the rock pile for twenty days in Sedalia. And we have nearly as many of them, too.
Warrensburg is remarkably well supplied with churches, there being no less than twenty fourteen white and six colored. Notwithstanding this, neither Bob Dalton nor John Crutchfield have been converted. That they may repent and be saved, is the prayer of many fair maidens. Warrensburg is the only city in the country where a man can get a drink of whisky in a butcher shop. There is a man here who combines the two businesses, and those who know, say he takes two dollars on liquor to where he makes one on meat. "And don't you forget it" that this is the boss temperance town.
-The Givan-Nickerson judicial fight is as badly muddled as ever. Of course Major N. will receive a majority of the votes cast here, but his friends should not flatter themselves that Judge Givan has no following. The fight promises to be most closely contested, with the chances in favor of the latter's election.
George Imhoff, a Tipton boy, is the night operator here now, while Jimmy Middleton, as of old, looks after the day work. George has not been a resident of the Quarry City for a great while, but nevertheless ho has made innumerable friends. Were it not for the "girl he left behind," the chances are he would live and die in Warrensburg.
'Tis reported that Tom Morgan and Ed. Lamar, both well-known types of this city, who have been rambling over the Missouri river circuit during the summer, are homeward bound, and may be expected at any date. Both are good printers, and thoroughbreds, but they out they must have a square meal occasionally and probably think home is the place to get it. 'Yes, mother, I have come home to eat.'
The juvenile of the male persuasion is accorded many more privileges in the Quarry City than would tie the case were he a resident of the future capital. 'Tis nothing new to enter a billiard hall here and see boys ranging in years from ten to sixteen punching the ivories around in a style that shows familiarity with the cue. Your correspondent ventures the assertion that we have twelve-year-old kids" that can almost discount Capt. Bridges, Jim Merrifield or Doc Morrow.
Warrensburg has a curiosity in the way of a three month's old shoat (young pig), that bids fair to excel Dr. Tanner as regards fasting. The porker is owned by Jehu Smith of this city, and closing last night it had not partaken of food or drink for thirty-six days. Although it has fallen off several pounds in weight, it still looks healthy and as though it was good for a month longer without eating. Not a little interest is manifested in regard to this somewhat remarkable case.
Warrensburg cometh to the front with the boss snake story, not getting out of the way for the Globe-Democrat man. A few days since, as Ed. Staley and Harrison Briant, both colored, were walking through Cave Hollow, about one mile west of this city, they ran across a monster rattlesnake, which they with some difficulty succeeded in killing. They came to town and reported the circumstance, declaring that the reptile was fully ten feet in length. This was thought an exaggeration, and Mel Moody and a friend visited the spot and measured his snakeship, when it was ascertained that it measured thirteen feet and some inches and had nineteen rattles. This sounds a little fishy, but Mr. Moody says he is willing to make oath to the truth of the statement.
Your correspondent has been in a good many alleged temperance towns, but Warrensburg gets away with them all. It is presumed that no liquor in sold here in less quantities than a gallon. To get around this, the individual who wants his toddy half a dozen times a day calls where liquor is sold and buys a barrel but ---but does not pay for it.  The liquor is left with the store-keeper, and when the purchaser wants a drink, he drops in and gets it, paying ten cents on his purchase of the barrel bill by no means does he buy it by the drink. A good many of those who are "up to snuff" have made these wholesale purchases, but if they were compelled to pay all cash down before getting a drink, they would have to go dry for not a little while. And such is temperance in the Quarry City.
Wm. Fryzzel is a young man about twenty years of age, who is a relative of Joseph Harris, janitor of the Normal school building. One day this week he left Ottumwa, Iowa, to visit his relatives in this city. On the train be made the acquaintance of an oily-tongued individual, with whom be entered into conversation. A few miles from Ottumwa a third party presented himself and handed Fryzzel's newly-made acquaintance a freight bill for $35, and demanded the cash on the same. The man offered a check, but this was refused. He then borrowed the money of Fryzzel, promising to return it when they reached Moberly. Tis needless to say that both strangers then left the train and Fryzzel was out his cash. He returned to Ottumwa and placed the matter in the bands of the police, who succeeded in capturing one of the swindlers and half of the money was recovered. Fryzzel then came to this city, arriving Thursday evening. Friday he received a telegram announcing the capture of the other scoundrel and asking him to return and prosecute. He took the night train for Ottumwa and declared he would see the thing through, no matter what it cost.
Warrensburg is organizing a Garfield and Arthur club. Dr. Geo. Cress is the leading spirit in the movement. The rowdies tried to run the town yesterday. Marshal Clark objected, however, and it is needless to add that he had his own way.
Miss Fannie Thompson, daughter Gen. Waddy Thompson, I visiting friends at Fayette, Howard county.
Rev. W. B. Farr, editor of the St. Louis Observer, will occupy the pulpit at the Cumberland Presbyterian church this morning.
Miss Josie Shepherd, a charming society belle, entertained a number of her young friends most handsomely Friday evening.

Now that Warrensburg is a city of the fourth class, two different parties have announced their intention applying for a dram-shop license.

Our Normal will open on the first Tuesday in September, and the attendance promises to be usually large.  All who come, however, will be handsomely cared for.

Rev. Davis, of the M. E. church south, has returned from his trip to Vernon county and will occupy his pulpit to-day.  The Bazoo’s representative will occupy a front seat.

-The number of" drunk men on our streets yesterday would incline a stranger to the opinion that Warrensburg was a city containing 20,000 in habitant.''. Sedalia would not have been any place.

Sam T. Roberts, of Odessa, a young man who is well and favorably known along the line of the Missouri Pacific road, will spend the Sabbath in the city and accompany a lady friend to the Northern Methodist church, both morning and evening.

There is talk of raising a purse of $500 and presenting it to the members of the Crescent club, on condition that they will agree to disband, thus giving the residents in the vicinity of their room some little chance for sleep. Will they never let up on that piano?
Squire O. D. Hawkins celebrated his forty-second anniversary yesterday. He is a printer, although he has given up working at the case, and has two sons who followed in his footsteps. One of them, however, (Charley) has quit type-snatching and is now a minister of the Gospel. Your correspondent hopes the 'Squire may live to enjoy many more birthday anniversaries.
The fine frame barn of Mr. Joe Webb, who lives about one and one half miles south of Chilhowie in this county, was struck by lightning during the storm Friday evening, and burned to the ground. There were between three and four hundred bushels of corn in the barn at the time, a part of which were saved but badly damaged. He managed to save his farm implements and other articles contained in the barn.
Yesterday (Saturday) was a field day with Marshal Clark and officers Tuttle and Morris, it being damp and disagreeable, the country element all came to town, they then drank soda water and "sich" until their senses left them, and numerous rows was the result. The town bummers, both black and white, also filled up, and at 5 o'clock in the evening the calaboose contained five prisoners. Two of them subsequently had their trials and were fined, leaving three to remain in the boose over Sunday. And yet, you must remember, we are a temperance town.

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