Show-Me Warrensburg Pages

December 12, 2015


File contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by
 ** James R. Baker, Jr. **
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 ** James R. Baker, Jr. **
Researching BAKER in Pendleton Co., KY, Shelby Co., IN,
Page Co., IA and Johnson Co., MO.    <>
Please visit my page at:

Adams, Daniel
Adams, Jno.
Bell, Jas.
Bingaman, Lewis
Bledsoe, Geo.
Bohanan, Chas. S.
Bradshaw, Jno. D.
Brockman, Jno.
Bryant, Washington
Buff, Jno.
Burnett, Reuben
Canterbury, Benjn. H.
Combs, David
Combs, Jno.
Cooley, Jeremiah
Cooner, Owen
Cooper, Albert
Cooper, David
Coy, Jno.
Coy, Peter F.
Craig, Robt.
Craig, Saml.
Davenport, Wm. D.
Dillingham, Archibald
Divers, Ananias
Divers, Baily
Divers, Christopher
Divers, Henry
Douglas, Jas.
Douglas, Wm. G.
Draper, Geo.
Draper, Jno.
Dudley, Lewis H.
Edwards, Henry
Epperson, Jno.
Gates, Wm.
Graham, Saml.
Gresham, Edmond
Gresham, Jno.
Gribble, Jno.
Hall, Barnett
Holcomb, Horatio
Hough, Wm.
Jones, John S.
Kimsey, Benjn.
Kimsey, Saml.
Kimsey, Watson
Manning, Nancy
McBride, Thos.
McDaniel, Isaac
McPale, Levi
Mitchell, Henry
Moore, Saml.
Morgan, Jno.
Mulkey, Thos.
Naylor, Wilson
Ousley, Moses
Owsley, Anthony
Patrick, Jas.
Patterson, Jno.
Perkins, Edward
Perry, Jas. B.
Pettis, Larkin
Pleasants, Wm.
Prewitt, Warren
Price, Argyllan (?)
Price, Thos. S.
Reynolds, Thos.
Ridmore, Joseph
Saunders, Wm. B.
Shoemate, Jas.
Simpson, Thos. K.
Skidmore, Elijah B.
Smith, Thomas
Snelling, Benjn.
Stevens, Jas.
Stevens, Joseph
Stevens, Seth
Stevens, Wm.
Stone, Geo.
Styles, Dernas
Tucker, Early
Tucker, Greenup
Wall, Benjn. F.
White, David S.
Wilson, Jno.
Wingfield, Chas.
Woods, Caleb
Woods, Steven
Woolover, Alfred


Anderson, Thos.
Austin, Wm.
Barnett, Geo. H.
Bones, Jas.
Bradshaw, Geo.
Bradshaw, Jas.
Bradshaw, Jno.
Brigham, Wm., Jr.
Brumfield, Henderson
Cocke, Geater
Cox, Jas.
Davenport, David
Davenport, Julius T.
Demasters, Jas. D.
Donoway, Isaac
Donoway, Jas.
Dyer, Saml. D.
Fisher, Manuel P.
Fitch, Geo.
Gilleland, Geo.
Haines, Richd. C.
Hannah, Isaac
Harris, Jas. B.
Hincle, Edmond
Holmes, Hiram
Hopper, Wm.
Hopper, Zachariah
Horner, Wm. C.
Hornsby, Crawford
Hornsby, Lemastin V.
Hulse, Wm. B.
Hymes, Isaac
Jackson, Francis
Longacre, Richard
Lynch, Watson
Majors, Jno.
McCarty, Henry
McCoy, Jno.
Morgan, Chas.
Newton, Jno.
Oldham, Jas. W.
Oldham, Jno.
Paul, Jno. F.
Pemberton, Henry
Pemberton, Thos. A.
Proffitt, Wm.
Radar, Wm.
Rhea, Hugh
Scott, Welcome
Skaggs, Daniel
Snelson, Sam’l.
Stevens, Wm.
Strange, G. C.
Strange, Geo. M.
Strange, Obadiah W.
Turner, Jonas
Turner, Nich’s.
Wall, R. Z. R.
Whittonburg, Jno.
Woods, Garrit. J.


Adams, Jacob
Adams, Spencer
Barnett, Philip
Bradley, Gabriel
Bradley, Jno.
Brockman, Ambrose
Brown, Jas.
Butler, Jonathan B.
Cheel, Wm.
Collins, Chas.
Combs, Rich’d.
Cook, Elizabeth
Cox, Joab
Coy, Isaac
Dunkin, Sam’l.
Eastham, Wm.
Estes, Marshall
Ferognay, Wm.
Fisher, Jno.
Forbis, Jno.
Gallagher, Geo.
Gallagher, Jas.
Gilham, Wm. P.
Gilkerson, Wm.
Goan, Thos.
Grice, Jesse
Hawke, Jno.
Hawker, Larkin
Hays, Henry
Houx, Frederick
Jones, Jas. W.
Lapsley, Jo.
LaRue, Aaron A.
Mark, Jno.
Marshall, Thos.
Marshall, Wm.
Maxwell, Oliver J.
Mays, Jno.
McAdams, Mahalia
McCormick, Smith
McKeehan, Sam’l.
McKinney, Jonathan
Mulkey, Jas.
Mulkey, Johnson
Mulkey, Zachariah
Oglesby, Chas. W.
Oglesby, Tarlton, W.
Philips, Jno.
Ramsey, Thos. W.
Ray, Benjn. F.
Ray, Elzey
Reed, Jno. M.
Rennison, Jno.
Riley, Hugh
Roberts, Jno.
Rothwell, James C.
Senior, David
Senior, Sam’l.
Smith, Thos. G.
Smithey, Wm.
Spotts, Wm.
Stewart, Jno.
Thornton, Addison
Thornton, Andrew
Thornton, Geo.
Thornton, Grandison
Thornton, Wm.
Tibbs, Geo.
Vigors, Wm.
Whitworth, Elizabeth
Williams, Wm. A.


Adams, Abraham
Adams, Calvin,
Adams, Jas.
Adams, Jno.
Adams, Wm.
Ancell, Robt. G.
Anderson, Jno.
Anderson, Jno.
Anderson, Wm. H.
Baley, Hugh
Barnett, Jas. H.
Barton, Leroy
Berry, Young, E. W. (Esq.)
Blevens, Ezekiel
Blevens, Stephens, Sr.
Blevins, Andrew
Borthic, Jas.
Brown, Bedford
Brown, F. H.
Brown, Green Lee
Brown, Jas. S.
Brown, Sam’l.
Calhoun, Wm. (M.D.)
Campbell, J. O.
Carney, Elizabeth
Carpenter, Wm. D.
Carter, Wilson
Chamberlain, Jas.
Chamberlain, Thompson
Cluck, Jas. M.
Coalbin, Henry
Coarnutt, Albert
Collins Wash. E.
Compton, Sinai
Compton, Thos. S.
Conway, Wm. T.
Copeland, Dan’l.
Corder, Edward
Cox, Andrew
Cox, Elijah
Cox, Fleming
Cox, Jno.
Cox, Solomon
Cull, Jas. D.
Cull, Thos.
Cull, Thos. J.
Cully, Ashley
Cully, Jno.
Cusic, Joseph
Dale, Jas.
Davis, Isaac, W.
Davis, Wm. H.
Dixon, Sam’l.
Dixon, Solomon
Douglass, Jas.
Douglass, Sam’l.
Drummond, Thos.
Dyer, Harvey (P.M.)
Epperwright, Jacob
Evans, Jno.
Evans, Sam’l.
Fickas, Adam
Fisher, Jas. T.
Foster, Jas.
Foster, Valenct
Gibbons, Jno. G.
Gilkerson, Sam’l.
Gist, Wm.
Gragg, Jeremiah
Graham, Rob.
Grainger, Benjn.
Grainger, Thos.
Granger, Jno.
Greer, Jerome Buonafaite (?)
Greer, Martin
Gwinn, James
Hackler, David
Hackney, Jno.
Ham, Donry
Ham, Watson W.
Harris, Jno. M.
Harrison, Harvey
Harrison, J. O.
Harrison, Jesse Jr.
Harrison, Jesse Sr.
Harrison, John C.
Hart, Sam’l. (Esq.)
Hobson, J. O.
Hoffman, Geo.
Hogan, Wilkerson
Horn, Amos
Houts, Geo. W.
Huntsman, Jno.
Huntsman, Rich’d.
Huston, Sam’l.
Irwin, Thos.
James, Jno.
James, Wm. G.
Janis, Thos.
Keeny, Jno.
King, Rob. D.
King, Rob. L.
King, Susannah
King, Wm. D.
Lightengood, Daniel
Lisle, Dan’l.
Marr, Jno.
Mars, Alex
Marshall, Jas.
Marshall, Jas. J.
Mays, Jackson
McAllister, Chas. P.
McCleary, Jas. B.
McCleary, Jno.
McDowell, Harrison
McFarland, Alex
McMahan, Geo.
McVreary, Elijah
Mitchell, Wm.
Mognett, George
Murray, Jno. P.
Odear, Jno.
Offutt, R. R.
Page, Rich’d. F.
Potts, Jo. W.
Price, Jno.
Prigmore, J. O.
Ray, James
Roach, Jas. J.
Roberts, Jno.
Shackleford, Jno.
Simpson, Jas.
Smeltzer, Dan’l.
Smeltzer, Harmon
Starr, David
Steele, Rob.
Sterling, J. C.
Sterling, Jas.
Sterling, Jno.
Stewart, Abner
Stewart, Jas.
Stewart, Jo
Stocton, Wm.
Stone, Salathiel
Straughn, Wm.
Thistle, Archibald
Thistle, Sam’l.
Thompson, Robt.
Thornton, Jno.
Todd, Hiram
Trapp, Wm.
Tyler, Felix
Tyler, Jacob
Upton, Jas.
Wade, Wm. M.
Walker, Joel
Warneck, Jas.
Warren, Jas. D.
Warren, Martin
Wear, Geo.
Wester, Jno. F.
Wiley, Isaac
Woldridge, Edmond
Wood, Davis B.
Wood, Jas. M.
Woodruff, Wm.
Wright, John A.
Wright. Geo. D.


Aldridge, Jas.
Aldridge, Jesse
Aldridge, Jno.
Alexander, Jas.
Alexander, Jno.
Alexander, Thos.
Andrews, Nancy
Baker, Wm. C.
Barton, Wm.
Bigham, Sam’l. G.
Bigham, Wm. M. C.
Bigham, Wm., Sr.
Blackley, Wm.
Boissean, G. W.
Bowmer, B. D.
Bradley, Jas. H.
Bradley, Rich’d. D.
Bradley, Thompkins
Britt, Wm.
Bryant, Jo.
Burden, Wm.
Campbell, Jas.
Cantrel, Christopher
Cantrel, Philip
Cantrel, Wm. R.
Cantrell, Jo.
Carmichael, Isaac
Carmichail, Jas.
Catchery, Benj. H.
Chapman, Philip
Childers, Chas.
Clark, Jno.
Claunch, Thos.
Clendening, Isaac
Coalbin, R. F.
Cobb, C. D.
Cobb, Morris
Cocke, S. D.
Cocke, Wm. E.
Cockeral, Nancy
Cockerel, Jas.
Cockerel, Joel
Cockerel, Morgan
Combass, Archibald
Cornett, Sam’l.
Cox, Isaac
Cox, Sam
Craig, Robert
Crisp, Greenville
Cunningham, Sam’l.
Cunningham, Wilburn
Dalton, B. R.
Dalton, Willm.
Dalton, Wm. R.
Daniel, Peter
Davidson, Wm.
Davis, Jas. M.
Davis, Jo. B.
Davis, Robt.
Davis, Silas C.
Davis, Thos. J.
Davis, Wm.
Davis, Zach. T.
Demasters, Foster
Demasters, Jesse
Douglass, Elmore
Drace, Peter B.
Dudley, Wm. S.
Duff, Baiman
Dunham, Dennis
Dunkin, Chas.
Dunkin, LeRoy C.
Easley, Miller W.
Edwards, Daniel
Edwards, Joseph
Edwards, Morris
Ferguson, Aaron
Ferguson, Jno. C.
Ferguson, Moses, Sr.
Ferguson, Sam’l.
Fine, Ab. S.
Fine, B. H.
Fine, Jonathn
Francis, Elizabeth
Francis, Jas. C.
Fulkerson, Jas. M. (M.D.)
Fulkerson, Reub. B.
Gann, Adam
Gann, Nicholas
Garrison, Isaac
Gaut, Cornelius
Gilleland, Abel
Givans, Jas.
Graham, John G.
Graves, Albert G.
Graves, Isaac F.
Graves, Jonathan, Jr.
Gray, Jacob C.
Hackney, James
Hamilton, A. B.
Harmon, Leon’d.
Harris, Nathan, W.
Hayes, Wm.
Helmer, Anthony H.
Henderson, Wm.
Hill, Mary
Hill, Wm.
Hinds, Eli S.
Homer, Isaac
Horn, Andr. O.
Horn, Wiley
Horn, Wm.
Houx, Jno. W.
Houx, Philip S.
Howard, Jesse
Howard, Jo.
Jackson, Jno.
Jackson, Loun D.
Jackson, Uriel
James, Jerry
James, Mary
Johnston, Rob. B.
Killey, Jno.
Kinder, Geo. M.
Kinder, Jas. F.
Light, Jno.
Logan, Preston, F.
Logan, Wm.
Longacre, Benjn.
Louny, Nath.
Lundy, Ebenezer
Lundy, Sam’l.
Lynch, Aaron
Lynch, David
Marcum, Jno. T.
Marcune, R. A.
Marr, Jesse
Masterson, Lazarus
Matthews, Jas.
Matthews, Jo.
McDowell, Jo.
McMinn, Susan
Moore, Oliver
Morgan, Jno.
Morrow, Dan’l.
Morrow, James
Morrow, Jas. G.
Morrow, John B.
Morrow, Robt. D.
Mosely, Mary
Mullen, Moses
Murray, Uriel
Neale, Arthur
Norris, Jas. B.
Oaks, Geo. W.
Paul, Jas. A.
Pervine, Sam’l.
Potts, Jno.
Prewitt, Clemmy
Purdee, Jas.
Ramsey, Jno. A.
Ramsey, Sam’l. B.
Rankin, Robt. W.
Ray, Jno. G.
Raybourn, Thos. M.
Reese, Isham, Jr.
Reese, Isham, Sr.
Reese, Jesse
Reese, Jno.
Reese, Wm. H.
Reynolds, Benj.
Rice, Pleas’t.
Robertson, Wm.
Rowden, Laban, B.
Rowden, Samuel E.
Saunders, Robt.
Savage, Jno.
Shaffer, Henry
Shephard, Hugh
Simcox, Thos.
Simmerman, Thos.
Simpson, Levi
Smith, Jno
Smith, Simon
Smith, Wm.
Stevens, Abednego
Talbot, Arris J.
Tapscott, Moses
Thaxton, Thos
Thompson, Jas. N.
Thompson, Micajah
Thompson, Wallace
Tomlin, Wm. C.
Travitt, Saxagotha (?)
Violett, Jackson
Wallace, Allen
Warham, Jeremiah (C. P. M.)
Welch, Benjn. A.
West, Joshua
West, Wm.
White, Robt. M.
Whitsett, Jno. R.
Whitsett, Levi
Whitsett, Sam’l.
Willhoite, Simon
Williams, Wm. S.
Wilson, H. T.
Windsor, Jno.
Windsor, Rich’d.
Windsor, Robt. S.
Windsor, Thos.
Windsor, Thos. F.
Windsor, Wm. B.
Wolfenbarger, Adam R.
Wooten, Hardin
Worthington, Jas.
Wright, Wm.
Zimmerman, Jonas