Show-Me Warrensburg Pages

December 12, 2015

1848 Private Stewart Pipkin Military Discharged Under Capt. Nathaniel B. Holden

Johnson County, Missouri Mexican War Records - Stewart Pipkin
                      TO ALL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:
KNOW YE, That Stewart Pipkin a Private of Captain Nathaniel B Holden's Company twelfth Regiment of US Infantry who was enlisted on the twenty seventh day of April one thousand eight hundred and forty seven to serve DURING THE WAR WITH MEXICO, is hereby HONORABLY DISCHARGED from the Army of the United States, this Twenty second day of July 1848, at Camp Carrolton La by reason of Expiration of term of service [No objection to his being re-enlisted is known to exist.]

Said Stewart Pipkin was born in Murry County in the State of Tennessee is thirty two years of age, six feet high, florid complexion, blue eyes, sandy hair, and by occupation, when enlisted, a farmer.
GIVEN at Camp Carrolton La this twenty second day of July 1848
                         OATH OF IDENTITY

   State of Missouri
       County of Johnson

On this eighteenth day of September in the year one thousand eight
hundred and forty eight personally appeared before me the undersigned
a Justice of the peace for the county and State above mentioned, Stewart Pipkin who being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Stewart Pipkin who was a private in the company commanded by Captain Nathaniel B Holden in the regiment Twelfth infantry commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Bouham that he enlisted on the Twenty seventh day of April AD 1847 for the term of The Mexican War and was discharged at Camp Carollton La on the twenty second day July eighteen hundred forty eight by reason of the expiration of his term of enlistment.

Sworn to and subscribed before me the day and year above written.
                                              Stewart Pipkin
                                              WF Marshall  J.P.

I certify that WF Marshall before whom the above affidavit purports to have been made is a Justice of the Peace duly authorized to administer oaths and that the above is his signature.

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto to set my hand and affix my {Seal} official seal the 18th day of September in the year 1848 at 
        Warrensburg in the State of Missouri.

                           Jas McCown  Clerk of the County Court 
                           of said Johnson County.
                                 No 63178
                               Oct 9, 1848
                              Stewart Pipkin
                                Johnson Co
                             Stewart Pipkin issue
                                Capt. Holden
                              12th Reg US Inf
                             Admitted 160 acres
                                Warrant 52550
                              Issued April 2/49
                              Notification sent to
                                 Johnson Co
                               Vol 1 Pge 202
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