1:30 - 1: 50 - School House Jammers
2:05 Administrator/Curator Report - Mike Shaw
Mike Shaw reported that the next major project will be putting a new roof on the courthouse. Integrity roofing will do the job for $14,500. This will include tearing off the old shingles and understructure to be replaced by 4X8 sheets and asphalt shingles.
2:20 Election of New Board Members (3)
Board member James Duncan nominated Lisa Shore and Alice Buck. Loree Parker was the third nominee. All were accepted by acclamation.
2:30 Tribute to Herb Best by Mike Shaw and the School House Jammers
2:00 Opening/ Welcome - President Greg Biesemeyer
Mike Shaw reported that the next major project will be putting a new roof on the courthouse. Integrity roofing will do the job for $14,500. This will include tearing off the old shingles and understructure to be replaced by 4X8 sheets and asphalt shingles.
2:20 Election of New Board Members (3)
Board member James Duncan nominated Lisa Shore and Alice Buck. Loree Parker was the third nominee. All were accepted by acclamation.
2:30 Tribute to Herb Best by Mike Shaw and the School House Jammers
Herb Best
2:45 Intro to Program by Fran Billings.
Little Gift Shop report by Loretta Millstead
2018 Christmas Ornament Presentation to mayors
2019 Calendar introduction
3:00 Authors Presentation of their work and books.
Rose Marie Kinder
Bob Wyatt
Jim Taylor also discussed his book of short stories.
3:30 Final Announcements/Closing by President Biesemeyer
School House Jammers played a 15 minute postlude.
Authors book signings in the Smiser Library
Tours of the JCHS campus with Mike Shaw in the Courthouse
Refreshments were served in the Little Gift Shop.
If anyone has more pictures that they would like to share please send them to peggynuckles@yahoo.com
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