by Peggy Nuckles
John and Athila Marr
John's will mentions that he married three times. His last wife's name was Mary. The will also gives the names of all of is children.
Their children included David Marr
David and Catherine Marr
For more information about David and Catherine Marr, see
David and Catherine had several children, one of whom was John W. Marr
John Whitson and Altavena Russell Marr
John W. and Altavena had several children, one of whom was John K. Marr.
John K. and Golda Marr
Golda Marr's decision to go to Simmon's Studio to have these pictures taken in the early 1950s is what started this investigation into this branch of the Marr family.
Golda Marr
Shirley Marr Jones
Shirley Marr Jones
Shirley's children were Steven, Randy, and Kenneth Jones
Sister's-in-Law Shirley Jones and Dorothy Marr admire the Christmas Tree. Dorothy is the wife of Shirley's brother, Galen.
Allen Marr
Allen's children were Neva Joan (Marr) Compton,
Bruce and his wife Sherri are the parents of Toby Marr
Rolla and JoAnna Marr
Rolla and JoAnna's Children were Leslie (Marr) Fowler and Meridith (Marr) Thompson
Golda Marr Gauchet
Frank Marr
Luther and Betty Marr
Children of Luther Marr included
Betty Jane (Marr) Carter, Judy (Marr) Kenney, John, Jerry and his wife Terri Marr
Miss Betty Jane Marr 102 South Marr Drive became the bride of Stacey E. Carter, Newton, Iowa, during a candlelight ceremony Feb. 22 at the First Presbyterian Church, College and Market Streets.
The Rev Jack Kurtz performed the double ring ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Marr, Route 5. The groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Billie Carter, Clinton.
Mrs. Brenda DeMattei was Matron of Honor. Miss Gale Sherman, Holden, was bridesmaid.
Ronnie Carter, Clinton, served his brother as best man. Terry DeMattei was groomsman.
Candlelighters were Miss Mary Ann Hall and Miss Judy Marr.
Ushers were John Marr and Jim Marr, brothers of the bride.
Miss Kathy Ray was soloist. Miss Ann Pettigrew,organist
Suzie Nold niece of the groom was flower girl. David Munsterman, nephew of the groom was ringbearer.
A reception was held in the fellowship hall of the church. Serving were Mrs. Galen Marr, Mrs. Doris Cobb, Mrs. Marilyn Nold, sister of th groom, Mrs. Karen Munsterman, sister of the groom and Miss Diane Meyrand.
Miss LaDonna Hansen, Bartlesville, Okla, presided at the guest book. Miss Ruth Marr and Miss Mary Goth were at the gift table.
Out of town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Larry Slocum, Holten, Kan; Mrs. Myrtle Bradshaw, Bartlesville, Okla. grandmother of the bride; and Mrs. Isa Bryant, Clinton, grandmother of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bradshaw, Gary and Larry; Mr. and Mrs. Kay Hansen and LaDonna and Kenny Hambrick all of Bartlesville, Okla. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Warning and Denise, Overland Park, Kan.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nold, Suzie and Stephanie; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Munsterman, David, Dennis and Tony all of Montrose, Vicky LaFarge, Clinton; Gary and Debbie Schaller, Higginsville; Junior Richmond, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Watts, Kansas City, and Mr. and Mrs Gary Marr, North Kansas City.
The groom's parents were hosts at a rehearsal dinner at Lamb's Cafe.
The bride was honored at showers given by Mrs. Galen Marr and Mrs. Albert Colster. Mrs. Brenda DeMattei and Mrs. Penny Lund, and by co-workers at Unitog Manufacturing Company.
The couple is at home in Newton, Iowa. (March 10, 1975.)
Terri Marr
Children of Jerry and Terri Marr Include
Kiley (Marr) Swopes
tively contribute to a team spirit within the workforce. We are fortunate to count her as a Team DoDEA member.
John Marr was the son of Luther and Betty.
Paula Marr is the wife of County Commissioner John Marr.
Col. John W. Marr
Arthur Marr
Galen Marr and Dorothy Marr
Their children included: Loretta, Sandra, Cheryl Sue.
Many of the Galen and Dorothy Marr Family were avid bowlers. Note that Sandra Marr is listed as a high scorer in this article.
Many of the Galen and Dorothy Marr Family were avid bowlers. Note that Sandra Marr is listed as a high scorer in this article.
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