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August 29, 2010

Adam Vernaz, Vernaz Drug Store Founder, Warrensburg, Missouri

Adam Vernaz, a prominent citizen of Warrensburg, Missouri, is of Swiss descent. He was born October 3, 1863 in St. Louis, Missouri, son of Pierre and Callette (Pithoud) Vernaz, natives of Switzerland. Pierre Vernaz was born in December, 1823 and Callette (Pithoud) Vernaz was born in 1828. They were united in marriage in Bulle, Switzerland, and about 1844, when Pierre Vernaz was twenty-one years of age, emigrated from Switzerland to America. They came to America on a sailing boat and were thirty-one days on the way. Mr. Jaccard, of the Jaccard Jewelry Company, of Kansas City, Missouri, came to America from Switzerland on the same boat. To Pierre and Callette Vernaz were born the following children: Eva, Dwight, Oklahoma; Adam, the subject of this review; Mrs. Van Meter, Dwight, Oklahoma; and Mrs. W. W. Scott, Darlington, Oklahoma. Her husband is Indian agent there. J. C. Vernaz, the fourth son of Pierre and Callette Vernaz, died in Warrensburg, Missouri in 1906. 

After the Civil War Pierre Vernaz went west with a government train and when near Ft. Laramie, Wyoming, was attacked by the Indians. Mr. Vernaz was shot through the left hand, crippling him for life. He had no way of procuring medical attention until he returned to St. Louis, Missouri, and when he went to the hospital it was too late to cure the wound. Prior to the accident, Pierre Vernaz had been a tailor, but he was obliged to give up his trade because of the crippled hand. His death occurred in December, 1906, at Warrensburg, and in 1907 his wife died.
Adam Vernaz came to Warrensburg with his parents in 1867, when he was four years of age. The Vernaz family located in the old town, Adam receiving his education in the village school. After leaving school he entered the employ of Baldwin & Richards, proprietors of the Warrensburg "Standard." Later he was employed at the "Journal-Democrat" office. In 1904 he went into partnership with his brother, Julius C, who for about eight years had been in the drug business. In 1907 the death of Julius C. Vernaz dissolved the partnership and Adam Vernaz has continued the business alone. He carries a splendid and complete line of drugs and the basement of the building, which is located at 116 West Pine street, is well stocked with oils and dry paints.
January 10, 1887, Adam Vernaz and Fannie O'Brien were united in marriage. Fannie (O'Brien) Vernaz is the daughter of James and Rebecca (Swan) O'Brien, of Sedalia, Missouri. She was born in Canada. Mr. O'Brien died about 1903 in Sedalia, Missouri, and his remains are interred in the cemetery at Sedalia. His widow survives him and resides at Sedalia. To Adam and Fannie Vernaz have been born three daughters, all of whom are engaged in teaching: Juanita, a teacher in the public schools of Warrensburg; Lucille, who is teaching in the Home Economics department in the schools of Bolivia, Missouri; and Mercedes, who specialized in music at the Warrensburg State Normal and is now supervisor of music in the Kirkwood public schools, Kirkwood, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Vernaz reside in their home at 109 West Russell avenue, in Warrensburg, where they are held in high esteem and have countless friends."History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918  

PIERRE VERNAZ, proprietor of the vineyard denominated Over the Rhine, is a native of Switzerland, and born in the city of Bulle, in the State of Friburg, December 25, 1828.  He was raised and educated in his native country until the age of eighteen years.  When about fifteen years of age he went and served his time of learning the tailor's trade.  After finishing this he spent some time traveling western France, Italy and many of her principal cities.  In 1850 he married Miss Colette Pythoud, of the county as that of her husband.  He then engaged in the tailoring business for himself, and his new wife engaged in the millinery business, which they continued successfully until 1854, when they emigrated to the United States.  Arriving at New York they immediately went to St. Louis, Missouri, where he engaged in his former business, making a stay of about thirteen years.  During this time he joined a company whose object was to go to Fort Laramie to trade with the Indians.  While en route they were attacked by the Indians and he was shot through the hand, and beaten and bruised so that he was given up for dead.  He was taken to the hospital at Fort Kearney, NE where he lay for a long time.  After a partial recovery he was taken back to St. Louis where he continued to reside until 1867, when he moved with his family to Warrensburg and settled in Oldtown, where he remained until 1875. He then purchased five acres of land north of what is now known as New Town, on which he has grown the choicest varieties of fruits, including about two acres of grapes, consisting of eight varieties, from which he makes the best of wine.  They have five children living: Eve, Adam, Mary A., Ida A. and Julius C.

Lab School Remembered at UCM

Lab School remembered at UCM  Posted: 7/16/10
WARRENSBURG, MO (June 23, 2010) - A Missouri Senate resolution applauding "the history, goals, and accomplishments associated with the University of Central Missouri Lab School" was among highlights of the 2010 all-school reunion. The event for alumni, faculty and staff of the Training School, College High School and University High School, took place Friday and Saturday, June 18-19, on campus and was attended by nearly 400 people. All-school reunions have been held every five years since the early 1990s, and are planned by a committee of alumni who work in cooperation with UCM's Office of Alumni Relations and Development. In addition to a golf tournament Friday afternoon at Pertle Springs and a social event at Heroes that evening, the celebration continued Saturday morning with a re-dedication of the lab school memorial west of the Morrow Building. During the event, Missouri Senator David Pearce, who attended the elementary school at UCM and spent two years at University High School, read a Senate resolution honoring the lab school and the contributions it made to K-12 education. Mike Wright, dean of UCM's College of Education, and Richard Monson, a professor emeritus of art who designed the memorial, were also among the guest speakers. Other speakers were planning committee members and College High alumni John Culp and Melissa Gower, co-chair. Both are from Warrensburg. The luncheon that followed the memorial re-dedication included the recognition of the 50-year reunion class (1960), which presented a skit, and special remarks by Charles Gilbert, a UCM professor emeritus who taught history and social studies at College High and University High.  According to the Senate resolution presented by Pearce, the lab school's roots date back to 1906 when the Missouri General Assembly approved $50,000 to construct the first training building. The Training School opened in 1913 and provided kindergarten through 12th-grade education to children of family members and to youth from Warrensburg and the Centerview area, which at the time had no high school. As the university changed its name, the school became known as College High School from 1938 to 1972, then University High School, 1972 to 1976. University High closed in 1976 and Central Elementary School closed in 1980.  The next reunion will take place in 2015. Opportunities for interested individuals to serve on the planning committee will be announced in the future.  © Copyright 2010 Muleskinner

August 28, 2010

Emma Diemer, College High, Warrensburg, Missouri Musician

Emma Lou Diemer A bio Bibliography, interesting reading

Emma Lou Diemer was born in Kansas City, Missouri. 

Gustavo Romero, brilliant concert pianist from Texas, came to visit recently. He astounded our piano with my Sonata No. 3 and sight-read at tempo my equally difficult Seven Etudes and Psalms for Piano. It is so good when artists perform the music of living composers (along with glorious music of the past). And the piano has been the first love for many a composer.  2017
Her father, George Willis Diemer, was an educator (college president of the University of Central Missouri); her mother, Myrtle Casebolt Diemer, was a church worker and homemaker. Her sister, Dorothy Diemer Hendry, was an educator, poet, writer (married to Col. Wickliffe B. Hendry; their children are Betty Augsburger, Terri Sims, Alan Hendry, Bonny Gierhart). Her brothers were George W. Diemer II, an educator, Marine fighter pilot, musician, and John Irving Diemer educator, musician (his children are George W. Diemer III, René Krey, Jack Diemer, Dee Dee Diemer).  Emma Lou played the piano and composed at a very early age and became organist in her church at age 13. Her great interest in composing music continued through College High School in Warrensburg, MO, and she majored in composition at the Yale Music School (BM, 1949; MM, 1950) and at the Eastman School of Music (Ph.D, 1960). She studied in Brussels, Belgium on a Fulbright Scholarship and spent two summers of composition study at the Berkshire Music Center.She taught in several colleges and was organist at several churches in the Kansas City area during the 1950s. From 1959-61 she was composer-in-residence in the Arlington, VA schools under the Ford Foundation Young Composers Project, and composed many choral and instrumental works for the schools, a number of which are still in publication. She was consultant for the MENC Contemporary Music Project before joining the faculty of the University of Maryland where she taught composition and theory from 1965-70. In 1971 she moved from the East Coast to teach composition and theory at the University of California, Santa Barbara. At UCSB she was instrumental in founding the electronic/computer music program. In 1991 she became Professor Emeritus at UCSB.  Through the years she has fulfilled many commissions (orchestral, chamber ensemble, keyboard, choral, vocal) from schools, churches, and professional organizations. Most of her works are published. She has received awards from Yale University (Certificate of Merit), The Eastman School of Music (Edward Benjamin Award), the National Endowment for the Arts (electronic music project), Mu Phi Epsilon (Certificate of Merit), the Kennedy Center Friedheim Awards (for piano concerto), the American Guild of Organists (Composer of the Year), the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers/ASCAP (annually since 1962 for performances and publications), the Santa Barbara Symphony (composer-in-residence, 1990-92), the University of Central Missouri (honorary doctorate), and many others. She is an active keyboard performer (piano, organ, harpsichord, synthesizer), and in the last few years has given concerts of her own music at Washington National Cathedral, St. Mary's Cathedral and Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles, and elsewhere. Emma Lou lives in Santa Barbara, California, five minutes from the Pacific ocean.

Last Known Activity

Myrtle Casebolt Diemer


SEPTEMBER 9. 1955. DR, DIEMER IS TO RETIRE WARRENSBURG COLLEGE PRESIDENCY TO BE GIVEN UP JUNE 1. In Addition to His Administrative Work for C. M. S. C. He Has Served on Foreign Missions and Other Groups. Dr. George IV. Diemer. Warrensburg, Mo., Sept. 8.— Dr. George W. Diemer, nationally and internationally known educator, disclosed to his faculty today his retirement as president of the Central Missouri State college, effective July 1. 1956. Coming here from the presidency of t Kansas City Teachers college in 1937, Dr. Diemer has found time, in addition to his executive duties here, to serve on five recent educational missions abroad, as well as on dozens of national regional, state and local educational and civic projects. The college he now heads, and its educational offerings have been expanded under his administration to have the largest student body and faculty in its 84-year history. Delivering the last of a series of addresses at the 3-day faculty plan day sessions, Dr. Diemer said : "Please understand that I am not retiring from work nor from needed services. I shall, however. be relieved from active duty as president of the college and as a member of the college staff. “The last eighteen years have been tremendous in the history of the world; of America, and hence of this college Problems have been complex and multitudinous, and sometimes it has been difficult to be optimistic and to keep your faith in the future.” Dr. Diemer reiterated his prediction that by 1965 the C. M. S. C. enrollment probably will double, to somewhere between 3.500 or 4.000 students. Reviewing his days as president of the teachers college in Kansas City, Dr. Diemer said I was happy in what I was doing in Kansas City, . . . but a group of school men there obtained for me an invitation to the regents. The board accepted my principle of college administration, and I was appointed as president here June 19. 1937. ”  President and Mrs. Diemer entertained the faculty at a dinner tonight, and expect to greet incoming freshmen at a reception Sunday afternoon. Dr. Diemer will address the beginning class at an opening freshman orientation convocation in Hendricks Hall tomorrow. Dr. and Mrs. Diemer will receive the student body, faculty and guests at a reception to be held next Thursday at the residence.

23 Jan 2015
To the Editor,
The UCM Board of Governors has apparently decided not to renovate and preserve the President’s home, Selmo Park, a Missouri Historic Site since 1962, and an important and beautiful residence of which the town and university were proud for many years. Of course for me, who lived there for nineteen years, it is/was a treasured place. My parents and grandmother and brothers and sister rejoiced in its stateliness and space and surroundings, and felt privileged to call it home.
When I was nine, my father became president of then-CMSTC, and the enchantment of living at 518 South Holden began. My parents entertained the entire student body for many a reception and gathering, greeting hundreds of young people at the door, guiding them to refreshments in the dining room to the accompaniment of music played by faculty musicians. Over the years countless visitors came to the historic home, welcomed by my mother for tours of all the rooms. To many a starry-eyed youngster and many an out-of-town and local visitor it must have seemed like a mansion. It did to us.
At that time, before the building of Yeater Hall, there were wheat fields to the south, and I could see the moon from my bedroom window and smell the honeysuckle in the night air. The old house creaked sometimes at night—ghosts of past dwellers?—but we were safe within the thick and sturdy walls.
The structural renovation of 1950 was extensive, and is detailed on the Selmo Park website along with the fascinating history of the house and property. I believe the improvements were done for the sum of about $75,000, a substantial sum at that time. ($75,000 of 2014 dollars would be worth $7,650.00 in 1950). In today’s dollars the re-building necessary now surely would have been worth it. Schools do it, churches do it, government buildings do it, most universities do it; there is a desire among citizens and boards to preserve and protect what belongs to the people.
Over the years all the college/university presidents and especially their wives spent countless hours planning and seeing the result of the beautifying and decorating, the enhancing of the College Residence, time spent for the comfort and pleasure of young people who visited and dignitaries who stayed there. I can remember Dale Carnegie, various governors, visiting authors, artists, musicians, scholars, officials of the college, meetings of the then-Board of Regents. Of course the campus has many accommodations for this, but one remembers the president’s home with quite a bit more pleasure than an office or conference room.
My thoughts are not only sentimental ones—with warm memories of family life and of the pleasure that students and visitors expressed in being there—but they also echo the desire of those who wish to preserve historical places where important people have lived and are living. The future of the college, now a university, is in the hands of the principal occupant of the College Residence, the president, and the quiet strength of the old house, Selmo Park, must have inspired each new president as it did earlier ones. That inspiration is evidently no longer wanted.
Yes, in the future it may be a lovely, spacious green place for people to gather, but the house will be gone, and with it the memory of its dignity and pride in its beauty for generations of people young and old alike.
Dr. Emma Lou Diemer
Professor Emeritus,
University of California

Selmo Park

Selmo Park, the president's residence and reception center at University of Central Missouri, has a rich and proud history.
The gracious post-Civil War mansion was built in 1866 by Edmond A. Nickerson, a well-known attorney of western Missouri and one of the original signers of the 1875 Missouri Constitution. Because of Nickerson's prominence in the state, many of the nation's greats shared the gracious hospitality offered by the Nickerson family.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, August 31, 1832, Edmond Augustus Nickerson came to Missouri in 1857 and settled in the Franklin County town of Union where he practiced law. He was commonly referred to as Major Nickerson, although he never served in an army. A young man in his 20s, he and his bride the former Hulda Tyler of St. Louis county, moved to Warrensburg soon after they were married in 1866. He bought a wooded 20-acre tract more than a mile south of the then business portion of town. Nickerson located the site for his mansion near the center of his property, in the midst of virgin forest, which at the time was one mile from town . He delayed bringing his wife and three young daughters to the new home until 1869 due to "civil chaos" in Warrensburg following the Civil War. Solid and ageless, the big square built post-bellum brick house was constructed in the Italianate style characteristic of the homes of dignity and chaste simplicity of earlier days, with 18-inch brick walls, high ceilings, a grate in each room, white trim and polished walnut finish, appropriate furnishings, oil paintings of distinguished forebearers and an air of dignity and worth. The brick came from a St. Louis foundry and was shipped up the Missouri River by paddle boat to Lexington, where it was hauled over rough country roads and through the woods to the site of the new home.
Mr. and Mrs. Nickerson loved the outdoors, and they took pride in their new home. They planted all kinds of trees that would thrive in this climate among the big forest trees already on the spacious grounds. The Nickersons had an orchard containing different kinds of fruit, and a vineyard with thirty varieties of grapes in the park. Southwest of the house was a white picket fence that surrounded an acre vegetable garden, which included a rose garden maintained by Nickerson and his granddaughter. A graceful circular driveway was built in front of the house, which was often lined with the decorative carriages of the Nickerson's many visitors. Later, it was removed because of the dust and fumes from automobiles, and today a paved drive entering and exiting on Holden Street circles the house. The original driveway was laid out by the civil engineer who surveyed the first railroad across Missouri. He was assisted by Louis Nickerson, a brother to Edmond.
Five years after the house was built, the state located the then Second District Normal School on an adjacent 16-acre tract, and it served as a magnet to draw the growth of the city in that direction. That growth took the north five acres of Nickerson's land. Reverend James Henry Houx, the famous pioneer Cumberland Presbyterian minister, obtained the south five acres and resided on that property. The remaining 10 acres constituted Selmo Park, which Nickerson named for the former slave to whom Nickerson owed his life and freedom.
Missouri was a divided state during the Civil War, with Warrensburg residents having sympathy for both the North and South. During the war, Nickerson was disbarred for speaking out for the Southern cause, and on August 16, 1861, he and three other residents were imprisoned in the Gratiot Street Prison in St. Louis, near the levy of the Mississippi River where he remained in custody for three years. In those days, prisoners were not given food. The families were responsible for feeding their jailed relatives. Hulda lived with her family, while Edmond was in jail. The newly emancipated slave, Selmo, went daily to the old prison by the levy with a basket of food for Nickerson, and later aided Nickerson in his escape from prison.
Elizabeth Tyler Nickerson, one of the Nickersons' four daughters, was a mathematics teacher at Normal School Number Two from 1890 to 1915, and she inspired her parents to stage annual receptions honoring summer students and faculty for many years. In 1962, the large red brick residence hall northwest of the house was named for her.
Nickerson, more commonly referred to in his later years as Judge Nickerson, died April 21, 1920, and was buried in St. Louis. Six and one-half years later, on November 4, 1926, the Board of Regents of then Central Missouri State Teachers College used $35,000 from local funds to purchase "West Campus", a 19-acre block of land located two blocks west of the quadrangle. On the southern end of the property stood Selmo Park. Land north of the home was later developed with additional tracts into west field, renamed Vernon Kennedy Field in 1954. The remaining acreage became the grounds that surround the Selmo Park mansion today and the site for residence halls on the south and west.
Within a short period of time, the 60-year-old structure was renovated and made the home of the president. Several additions were made to the structure at this time including the addition of the south sun room, a half bath, dining room, upstairs master bedroom, office and closets. Wrought iron work replaced wood on all the porches. The mansion has served as the official residence for University presidents and their families. Residents have included President E. L. Hendricks and his wife, Frances Viola, 1926-1937; President George W. Diemer, his wife Myrtle, and their children, Dorothy, twins George Jr. and John, and Emma Lou, 1937 to 1956; President Warren C. Lovinger, his wife, Dorothy, and their children, Patricia (Patsy), Jeanne and Warren (Bud) Jr., 1956-1979; President James M. Horner, his wife Evelyn, and their children, Steven and Karen, 1979-1985; President Ed Elliott, his wife, Sandra, and their sons Glenn, Gregg and Grant, 1985 to 1999; and President Bobby R. Patton and his wife, Eleanor, 1999 to 2005, President Aaron M. Podolefsky and his wife, Ronnie, 2005 to 2010, and President Charles Ambrose, his wife, Kris, their son, Charlie and daughter, Kathryn, 2010 to present.
The Diemers had the stately house partially rebuilt in 1951, when it was discovered that some floors, the roof and much of the bracing needed to be replaced. The renovation was extensive as ceilings were lowered, indirect lighting was added in the dining room, fireplaces were made gas and the tile on all fireplaces--except in the den-- was changed.
White shutters were added and the original wooden porch floors were replaced with eight-and-one-half-inch bricks that were used in the crosswalks of the old Normal School. During the renovation, Mrs. Diemer requested a large porch be built at the back of the house, and it remains part of the structure today. Red Belgian glass replaced the old ruby glass beside the wide front door. All of the hardwood floors in the house were retained, and some of the more traveled areas of the hallway and study were replaced by parquet. The dining room floor was meticulously hand laid with black walnut and dark oak by a cabinet maker.
The front entrance to the rambling 14-room house is through a hall flanked on the right by a narrow stairway. On the landing stands a grandfather clock. To the left of the hallway is a formal sitting room. It, and the majority of the large rooms on the main floor, are decorated in soft colors. Also located on the ground floor are the music room, library, and the old sun porch which extends from the main body of the house on the south side. It has been divided into two rooms, a solarium and a powder room.
The guest bedroom fireplace was closed to allow for a 10-foot walnut headboard. Of the five remaining colonial fireplace mantles in the house, three are supported by colored ceramic tiles. In the library, Selmo Park's only working fireplace is surrounded by its original green tile with pictures around which depict the story of the stag leading off the hounds to protect the doe and fawn. Other fireplaces in the music room and the parlor have hand-painted ceramic Dutch tiles selected by Mrs. Diemer.
Upstairs, a hall runs the entire length of the house, and at the far end is a small study. The rest of the second floor consists of four bedrooms and two bathrooms. Doors from the old-fashioned wardrobes that were originally in the house have been mounted as doors for the closets. With carved lines and moldings in cherry and walnut, they are a striking contrast to the rest of the furnishings. The original painted china wash basin set in marble in the north bathroom has been saved to be used in the guest bath downstairs when it is renovated.
Jessie Hart of Kansas City, then a member of the Board of Regents, was chairman of the committee to direct the decoration of the college residence following the 1951 renovation. James C. Kirkpatrick, then secretary to Governor Forest Smith and president of the Board, and later named the university's first Distinguished University Fellow after serving 20 years as Missouri's Secretary of State, assisted Mrs. Hart. Their work is still quite evident.
The long library table in the downstairs front hallway was donated to the university by President and Mrs. Diemer in 1956. A beautiful walnut bed, which is in the upstairs north bedroom, was given to the university by Lucille Morgan. Miss Morgan, a nurse, was on campus from 1938 to 1952. Clark Hall, a retired university cabinet maker, restored the bed to its present, beautiful condition. It is believed that the bed was brought from England more than 150 years ago. A pier table and mirror, in the upstairs back hallway, was donated to the University by Laura Yeater, a Latin teacher on campus from 1900 to 1914. In addition, an 1860's jeweler's clock, originally donated to Yeater Hall by Miss Yeater, has been moved to Selmo Park.
Today, thanks to Mrs. Elliott's efforts, and in cooperation with the Department of Art, a number of paintings donated to the University's permanent art collection help decorate Selmo Park. They join the painting hanging on the south wall of the music room which shows how the home looked in 1935. Lillian Weyl of Indianapolis, Indiana, painted that oil for President and Mrs. Hendricks, and it was presented to the university in 1958.
During the late 1980's decorative and functional outdoor lighting was installed around the drive near the house and three white flagpoles were added to the north edge of the front lawn to display the Stars and Stripes, the Missouri flag and the university flag. New copper and terned tin flat roofs and English-style, slate-bend concrete tile elevated roofs, in keeping with the architecture and history of the house, were also added in 1987. Selmo Park's west lawn contains tall wrought iron gates that were originally parts of the stalls in the old Nickerson barn. Also cherished are two old stone mounting blocks, one of which is located near the north drive.
The endless stream of student tours, receptions, luncheons and dinners at Selmo Park help the university's chief executive officer build relationships that contribute to fulfilling the mission of the university and enhance the effectiveness of its president.
Selmo Park has been listed as a Missouri Historic Site since 1962.

August 26, 2010

SPC4 Troy Edward Hirni, II, Warrensburg, Resident Vietnam KIA, Hero from Holden

Troy Edward Hirni, II Specialist Four
Army of the United States
23 July 1945 - 31 January 1968
Warrensburg, Missouri (from Holden)
Panel 36E Line 015
When he completed Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, in 1966 he received a trophy for the Outstanding Soldier Award as well as Expert badges in Pistol and Mortar and a Marksman Rifle Badge.
His decorations include the Bronze Star; 3 awards of the Purple Heart (two earned in the Mekong Delta in the summer of 1967 and one for 31 Jan 1968); Good Conduct Medal; National Defense Service Medal; Vietnam Service Medal; Republic of Vietnam Military Merit Medal; Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm; and the Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal. And he received the Combat Infantryman's Badge.
Troy never saw his son, Troy E. Hirni III, who was born while Troy was in Vietnam ... Troy now has three grandchildren. A web site for the 3rd Bn, 39th Infantry contains the following entry on its Honor Roll: "Hirni, Troy E. II - Holden, MO - Long An - Jan 31, 1968 - 36E 015" but that entry is not correct. It appears that SP4 Hirni served with Alpha 3/39 in the Riverine forces, where he earned his first two Purple Hearts, and subsequently was assigned to C Company, 52nd Infantry. That assignment is reflected in the Central Identification Laboratory Hawaii database and in SP4 Hirni's Letter of Condolences file at the LBJ Library. Further, he was not killed in Long An Province but in Gia Dinh Province. C Company, 52nd Infantry was a rifle security company assigned to bolster the capabilities of the 716th MP Battalion, which was responsible for providing security to the US facilities in the Saigon area. The Status of Forces agreement between the US and the South Vietnamese government prohibited stationing US combat forces in Saigon; one result of that situation was that the 716th MP Battalion was equipped only with hand-held light arms. When The Tet Offensive assaults began on the night of 30/31 Jan 1968 the Military Police - and C/52nd Infantry - found themselves faced with not only superior numbers but superior armament as well. Despite being outnumbered and outgunned, the 716th MP Battalion acquitted itself very well indeed - none of the facilities in their charge were captured during the VC assault. The Battalion's performance during Tet was recognized by the Presidential Unit Citation, but the award came at a high price indeed - including SP4 Hirni, 27 members of the Battalion are known to have died during the first day's fighting:

                       Holden, Missouri   
Memorial Tennis Courts
In memory of
Troy Edward Hirni II
Steven Ernest Arnold
Joe Edward Raber
Who gave their lives
in Vietnam for
Freedoms Cause
Erected 1971

Troy Edward Hirni (Father)

Birth: Apr. 12, 1916
Death: Nov. 27, 2005

Troy Edward Hirni, 89, of Holden, Missouri, died November 27, 2006, at John Knox Care Center in Lee's Summit.

He was born April 12, 1916, at Rockville, Missouri, the son of Edward Herman Hirni and Alma Hirachi Hirni He graduated from Rockville High School in 1934 and in 1942 graduated from Central Missouri State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Education. On February 14, 1942, he was united in matrimony with Norma Mae Mullis of Worland, Missouri. Troy and Norma taught school at Bates City, Missouri, until he was drafted into military service in 1943. He served in the European theater with the 20th Armored Division, Company A, 27th Tank Battalion. After the war's end, he continued his profession as an educator, teaching and coaching basketball at Hume, Missouri. In 1949, he and his family moved to Holden, Missouri, where he served as principal of Holden High School until 1953. During this time he earned a Master of Science degree in education from CMSU. Most of his career, from 1954 to 1975 was spent as the Superintendent of Schools in Holden, a charge he kept with great energy and dedication.
He was a member of The First Baptist Church in Holden, taught the Master Workman's Sunday School Class for many years and he was a member of Phi Delta Kappa education fraternity.
Troy was preceded in death by his parents; two sisters, Ruby Watson and Evelyn Schapeler and a son Troy Edward Hirni II.
He is survived and honored in loving memory by his wife, Norma (Gimba) Hirni of the home; a brother, Leroy Hirni of Anacortes, Washington; a sister, Adelaide Shellman of Rockville, Missouri; a son David Hirni of Knob Noster, Missouri and David's wife Barbara and their two daughters, Kirstin and Rachel; a daughter Christine Hile of Independence and her husband Pete and their sons, Anthony, Jonathan and daughter-in-law Allyson; a grandson Troy (Scott) Edward Hirni III of Leeton, Missouri and Scott's wife, Anne and their three children, Ellen Marie, Troy Edward IV and Christian Charles.
Funeral services were held on Wednesday, November 30, at the First Baptist Church of Holden, at 2 p.m.
Burial was at Woodfin Cemetery in Bates County.
"A good man, out of the good treasure of his heart, brings forth good things." Matthew 12:35
Troy was the Superintendent of Schools in Holden and his wife was one of the High School teachers.
They lost their son in the Viet Nam War and were very deeply hurt when word of his death arrived, as was all of Holden. The first casualty of the war from our small town.
Parents and family of Troy Hirni:
Eduard Hermann Hirni (21 June 1886 – 06 Sep 1947)
Alma Maria Hirschi (30 July 1891 – Sep 1984)
Married 07 Jan 1909
Alma Adelaide Hirni (31 Aug 1909 – 19 Dec 2008)
August Schellman (19 July 1902 – Oct 1982)
Married 02 Sep 1929

Ruby Gladiola Hirni (31 Jan 1912 – 30 Oct 2004)
Walter R. Watson (d. 1993)
Married 1937
Troy Edward Hirni (12 Apr 1916 – 27 Nov 2005)
Evelyn Florence Hirni (11 July 1921 – 19 Jan 1998)
Harold Schapeler (13 Aug 1916 – Jan 1985)
1920 United States Federal Census
Name: Troy E Hirni
[Troy E Herin]
Home in 1920: Prairie, Bates, Missouri
Age: 3 years 7 months
Estimated birth year: abt 1916
Birthplace: Missouri
Relation to Head of House: Son
Father's Name: Edward H
Father's Birth Place: Missouri
Mother's Name: Alwa M
Mother's Birth Place: Missouri
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Sex: Male
Image: 411
Household Members: Name Age
Edward H Hirni 33
Alwa M Hirni 28
Alma A Hirni 10
Ruby G Hirni 7
Leroy H Hirni 6
Troy E Hirni 3 7/12
Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002
Name: Troy Edward Hirni
Age: 25
Birth Date: abt 1917
Marriage Date: 14 Feb 1942
Marriage Location: Springs Clan, Missouri
Marriage County: Bates
Spouse Name: Norma Mae Mullis
Spouse Age: 25
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
about Troy E Hirni
Name: Troy E Hirni
Birth Year: 1916
Race: White, citizen (White)
Nativity State or Country: Missouri
State of Residence: Missouri
County or City: Lafayette

Enlistment Date: 28 Feb 1943
Enlistment State: Kansas
Enlistment City: Fort Leavenworth
Branch: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA
Branch Code: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA
Grade: Private
Grade Code: Private
Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or another emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law
Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men)
Source: Civil Life
Education: 3 years of college
Civil Occupation: Teachers, primary school and kindergarten
Marital Status: Single, without dependents
Height: 65
Weight: 138
Social Security Death Index
Name: Troy E. Hirni
SSN: 495-20-9759
Last Residence: 64040 Holden, Johnson, Missouri
Born: 12 Apr 1916
Died: 27 Nov 2005
State (Year) SSN issued:
Family links:
  Edward Herman Hirni (1886 - 1947)
  Alma M Hirschi Hirni (1891 - 1984)
  Norma Mae Mullis Hirni (1916 - 2013)*
  Troy Edward Hirni (1945 - 1968)*
  Adelaide Hirni Schellman (1909 - 2008)*
  Troy Edward Hirni (1916 - 2005)
*Calculated relationship

Woodfin Cemetery
Walnut Township
Bates County
Missouri, USA

Maintained by: Roger Vick
Originally Created by: Bart McClaughry
Record added: Jul 18, 2006
Find A Grave Memorial# 14973839

August 23, 2010

Class M State Track Meet 1973 WHS

BRIGADIER GENERAL ARCHIE S. MAYES, Warrensburg, Missouri Graduate Obituary

Brigadier General Archie Scott Mayes, U.S. Air Force (R)

August 5, 1920 - September 17, 2015

Obituary for Brigadier General Archie Scott Mayes,
U.S. Air Force (R)
BEDFORD, Texas -- Retired U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Archie Scott Mayes, 95, passed away Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015.
Funeral: 1 p.m. Saturday in the chapel of Lucas Funeral Home in Hurst. Interment: Sunset Hill Cemetery in Warrensburg, Mo. Visitation: The family will receive friends beginning at noon Saturday.

Bronze Star, Archie Mayes

Brig. Gen. Archie S. Mayes served the U.S. Air Force in a career that spanned over 35 years. He served in three wars, including World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Following retirement from the Air Force, he was first director of facilities maintenance for the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport; he served in that capacity for 13 years before retiring. He was very proud of his service to his country and community. 
Archie was preceded in death by his wife, Henrietta; son, Scott Mayes; and two grandchildren.
Survivors: Son, Mike Mayes and wife, Jill; daughters, Sara Thomas and husband, Paul, and Mickey Goodfried; 12 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren.
Valor Link
Brigadier General Archie S. Mayes is deputy chief of staff for civil engineering, Headquarters Strategic Air Command, Offutt Air Force Base, Neb. He was born in 1920, in Warrensburg, Mo. After graduating from Warrensburg High School in 1938, he attended Central Missouri State College from 1938 to 1940. General Mayes served in enlisted status with the Missouri National Guard from August 1938 to December 1940, and in the U.S. Army from December 1940 through February 1942. His highest enlisted grade was technical sergeant. He entered Officer Candidate School, Fort Belvoir, Va., in 1942 and in May of that year was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers. His first assignment after graduating from Officer Candidate School was as a platoon leader in the 301st Engineer Combat Battalion at Fort Meade, Md. During World War II, he served with the U.S. Army in Europe and following the war held various engineering jobs in Alaska and Pennsylvania.

In September 1949, General Mayes transferred to the U.S. Air Force and became base civil engineer, Castle Air Force Base, Calif. In March 1952, he was assigned in the same position at Fairchild Air Force Base, Wash., and in 1954, at Loring Air Force Base, Maine. In January 1955, General Mayes moved to the position of deputy director, civil engineering, Eighth Air Force (SAC), Westover Air Force Base, Mass. He became director in 1956 and in November 1957, he assumed duties as commander, Goose Air Base, Labrador. General Mayes returned to Headquarters Eighth Air Force in July 1959, as director, civil engineering. 

In 1962 he was selected to attend the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Fort Leslie J. McNair, Washington, D.C. Upon graduation in 1963, he was named deputy chief of staff, civil engineering, Headquarters Tactical Air Command, Langley Air Force Base, Va. In January 1966, he was assigned to the Republic of Vietnam for duty as director, civil engineering, 2d Air Division (redesignated Seventh Air Force in 1966), Tan Son Nhut Airfield. While in Vietnam, he also was program director for "Project Turnkey" which provided for construction of a complete air base at Tuy Hoa. During his tour in Southeast Asia the Red Horse concept of Civil Engineer heavy repair squadrons grew to a group with five 400-man squadrons. Turnkey and Red Horse represent two notable firsts for the Air Force Civil Engineering field that were tried and proved in Vietnam under General Mayes' direction. 

From the estate of a retired USAF Brig Genera"Archie Mayes"One of his dog tags

In July 1967, General Mayes was assigned as deputy chief of staff, Civil Engineering, Headquarters Pacific Air Forces, Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, and moved to the same position with Headquarters Strategic Air Command in July 1969. He is a registered professional engineer in the state of Massachusetts. His military decorations and awards include the Legion of Merit with oak leaf cluster, Bronze Star Medal, Air Force Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster, Army Commendation Medal and Presidential Unit Citation Emblem. He was promoted to the grade of brigadier general effective Nov. 1, 1967, with date of rank Oct. 27, 1967.

 name plate reads by lt. general kim sung yong, chief of staff , republic of korea air force, 14th october 1968. GENERAL MAYES was director of civil engineering 7th air force in vietnam. he was the director of project turnkey which produced a badly needed air base in record time at tuy hoa vietnam. also during his tour in southeast asia that the RED HORSE concept of civil engineering heavy repair squadrons grew rapidly to a group of six highly responsive 400 man squadrons. both of these were notable firsts for the air force.