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June 1, 2017

1899 Dr. Hoopingarner's World's Temple of Healing Holden

1899 K. C. Journal. Dr. Hoopingarner, Holden MO
Fifth and Lexington

Kansas City journal., July 23, 1899, Page 2

1899 K. C. Journal. Dr. Hoopingarner, Holden MO

From Lisa Irle's Book Images of America, Warrensburg, MO Link
Dr. Hoopingarner's Temple of Magnetic Healing was founded in 1899 near the railroad station in Holden, Missouri. Hoopingarner had previously set up shop in Knob Noster, and soon after, the Temple in Warrensburg had run its course.  An article in the JCHS files documents a lovely reception held for the good doctor in the home of the Mayor of Holden, Missouri.  The treatments were literally shocking and mildly pleasant.  Go West young, go West.

From Minister to Healer
September 3, 1899
Remarkable Career of Dr. N. L. Hoopingarner, the great evangelist.

From a minister of spiritual ills to a healer of bodily ills such is the career of Dr. N. L. Hoopingarner, the now famous magnetic healer. For fifteen years Dr. Hoopingarner was a successful evangelist in the Methodist church. He is known all over Iowa and Nebraska, the fields of his most successful labors. How Dr. Hoopingarner first found that he possessed the wonderful art of healing is told in a booklet mailed free to all who address him at The World's Temple of Healing, Holden, Mo. It is intensely interesting and should be in the hands of everybody who wishes to regain lost health. 

Dr. Hoopingarner has the confidence of all who have ever met him. He is a Christian gentleman of the highest standing. He is making daily the most wonderful cures in history and is revolutionizing the theory of medicine. His charge is only $1.00 a treatment. Teaches his wonderful art of healing. Dr. Hoopingarner teaches his wonderful art to others. A splendid field for usefulness, and at the same time have a lucrative income, is open to the right kind of men and women. For testimonials and particulars about treatments and also teaching, send for our twenty page Journal, which will be sent free on application. Address Dr. N.L. Hoopingarner, the World's Temple of Healing, Holden, Missouri.

Dr. N. L. Hoopingarner, Holden, MO 

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