Show-Me Warrensburg Pages

May 6, 2012

Centerview Township, Johnson County Missouri History 1918

Centerview, Missouri 
The first county court was held at the residence of Mrs. Rachel Houx, near Columbus, on April 13, 1835. Amos Horn was made president of the court; John H. Townsend appointed clerk pro tempore: James Carmichael, appointed assessor, and court then "adjourned until the court in course." which was the following May. Townships. — At the second court on May 4. 1835, Richard Hancock was appointed collector for the county, and the county was divided into four townships, Jackson. Washington, Jefferson and Madison. Jackson township extended fifteen miles east and twelve miles south from the northwest corner of the county, and included all of congressional townships 46 and 47 in ranges 17 1%, and east three miles of 29. The site of Centerview town was in the southeast corner
County Seat
The county seat was located at Warrensburg in 1836, and the first county court held there was at the residence of Henry Colbern, with Uriel Murray presiding. 
Warrensburg has continued the county seat so long that few know
that it was originally established in Hazel Hill township and later, at one time, a regular campaign was opened to move it to Centerview. 
Judge Harvey Harrison, who came here in 1831, and died in 1890, gave the following account of the county seat location to Mr. W. E. Crissey in 1889: site for the future county seat. The commissioners first selected an "In 1835 the county court-appointed commissioners to select a 
Some people had moved into the county and settled near Shanghai place about a mile west of where Judge William McMahan now lives. 
was on one side of the center of the county. This commission (or Cornelia) and these bitterly opposed the site selected because it, Warrensburg, as being as near the geographical center of the county reconsidered its work and selected the original site of the town of as it was possible to get it. The county then bought the land of 
In the campaign to move the county seat to Centerview, a piece of news- the owners and laid out the town of Warrensburg, now known as Old Town and appointed James Carmichael, commissioner to sell the lots." 
George Washington, Elhanan Roop, and others filed 'the petition paper was published in Holden especially to promote the move, and on August 14, 1872, the records of the county court show the following: 
justice of the county of Johnson from the town of AVarrensburg to praying the court to submit to the voters at the next general election, November 5, 1872, the proposition "for the removal of the seat of the town of Centerview." It was taken under advisement till 1 p. m. 
elected by the township did much of the work done by county officers, Later in the day "George Washington, on behalf of the petitioners, withdrew the petition." From 1873 to 1877, the township system was in force and officers especially in the assessment, collection and disbursement of the revenue.  
Source: "History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918
Transcribed by Karen Hammer -2009
First County Seat Battle
In 1872, Elhanan Roop and George Washington of Centerview attempted to pass through county legislation a major move that would have moved the county courthouse from Warrensburg into neighboring town of Centerview. Most of the people of the county living outside Warrensburg had signed the petition and Warrensburg became frightened over the possibility of losing the county’s capitol. Though the petition was presented to court, for some strange reason, Roop and Washington removed their request in the afternoon. The courthouse still sits in Warresburg today.

Farmer's School - Centerview MO Basketball 1939 Courtesy of Mike Bodenhamer 

Centerview was organized by order of the county court, November 17, 1870, and named from its high and central location.
Early Settlement.-The first permanent settlement in the territory now comprising Centerview township was probably made in 1832. Solomon Cox, a native of Kentucky, settled on section 1 on the east side of Brier creek in 1832, where he built a log cabin, and remained until 1848. Mr. Cox was a Missouri pioneer, coming to this state long before it was admitted to the Union. He was known as "Uncle Solomon," was a frugal and industrious man and while living in this township he accumulated about four hundred acres of land. This he sold at ten dollars per acre in 1848, when he left for the Pacific coast. He was a man of a roving and adventurous nature and thus his onward march across the plains and over the mountains.
Jeremiah Gregg, a native of Kentucky, settled here in 1832.
Matthias Houx. a native of Kentucky came here in 1833. He was a successful farmer and stock raiser and became well to do. He spent the remainder of his life in this county and lived to a ripe old age. His children still live at the old home place. In the early days he was a typical frontiersman and a hunter of considerable note. In 1849, during the gold excitement in California, he went to the Pacific coast overland. It was truthfully said of him that on that overland trip to California he shot nearly every species of animal to be found between Missouri and California, including buffalo, elk, deer, panther, grizzly bear and Indian. He killed hundreds of deer and wolves in his time and in his declining years he retained his trusty old muzzle-loading rifle and a double-barreled shotgun, mute comrades1 of many exciting events in the once wild and unbroken West.
John Conway, of Tennessee, came here in 1833 and died in 1842. James Stirling, also a native of that state, came in 1833 and died here. William Conway came from Tennessee in 1833 and later went to Texas, where he spent his life. Jeremiah and Samuel Carmichael and William Cocke, natives of Tennessee, came in 1833; the former spent the remainder of his life here and the latter later removed to California. Isaac Reese, another Tennesseeian, located here about 1834 and later went to Kansas, where he died. James Fisher came to this section in 1835. He was a native of Mississippi and in 1847 went to Texas.
Philip S. Houx came here in 1838 and died about twenty years later. He was a native of Missouri and the father of Rev. James N. Houx and grandfather of Charles H. Houx. John Kennedy, a native of Tennessee, came here in 1838 and died shortly afterward.
John G. Graham a Virginian, settled here in 1838 and died in 1878. Samuel C. Graham, also of Virginia, settled in this vicinity in 1840. The Grahams left numerous descendants, good citizens and men who still live in the township. James J. Graham, also a Virginian, came in 1850. Samuel T. Thistle settled in this vicinity in 1840 and later moved into Rose Hill township. He was a Virginian. And Gideon Harrison, of Alabama, came here in 1842 but soon afterward returned to his native state.
Samuel McFarland, a native of Tennessee, came to the territory of Missouri in 1816. Later he lived in Cooper and Lafayette counties and in 1843 settled in Centerview township, about two miles east of where the village of Centerview now stands. He went to Texas in 1850 and died there in 1851. His brother, George McFarland, settled in Centerview in 1843 in the same locality and spent the remainder of his life there. He died prior to the Civil War.
Moses G. Mullins was an early settler in this section and for a number of years lived in Centerview township, two miles southwest of the Centerview depot.
Among other early settlers were William Ramsey, G. Burgess, John Combs, Jacob Fetterling, William Marr, J. W. Houx, John R. Whitsett, T. C. Chamberlain, James Chamberlain, Elhanen Roop, James Stirling, and his son, and P. S. Houx and his two sons.
George Washington, a pioneer of sterling worth, was the first supervisor from Centerview township. He held this office for eighteen months, when the law was changed abolishing the office. Later he was elected a member of the county court. He was also one of the first justices of the peace in the township and was postmaster.
Early Schools. 
The school system of Centerview township had its beginning with the primitive log schoolhouse which was maintained by the settlers and known as "subscription schools." This was the method generally in vogue prior to the public school system. Some of the first school buildings in Johnson county were erected in Centerview township. The first log schoolhouse erected within the present limits of this township was located on the south side of Brier creek, one and one-half miles south of the present village of Centerview. probably not later than 1835. There has been no tangible trace of this building for over half a century.
Another pioneer log schoolhouse was built in the same district one mile southwest of the one above mentioned several years before the Civil War, perhaps about 1850. This school was known by different names but was originally called the Cox school. The Briscoe school and the Owings school were also organized before the Civil War. The former was located in the southern part of the township and the latter in the eastern part. The Briscoe school, like many other buildings, was burned during the Civil War. During the war, all the schools in the township were discontinued.
Some of the pioneer teachers of Centerview township were: Alexander Gibbs, Addison Van Ausdol, J. J. Graham and Moses G. Mullins.
The Graham School, a private institution, supported by subscription, was the first school organized after the Civil War. The house- was a small frame building erected in 1866 by donations from Samuel C. Graham, James Peak and others. G. H. Sack, who afterward became county superintendent of the schools of Johnson county, was the teacher. This was the only school in the township for some time and pupils from a radius of six or seven miles attended school here. In 1868, the Centerview school district was organized and purchased this private school house and J. C. Crawford was employed to teach the school, being paid from public funds. In 1872 this school was organized as a graded school and removed to the town of Centerview. John E. Hendrix was the first principal and was followed by George Brinkerhoff, Mr. Wester, Professor Reynolds, Rev. S. H. McElvaine, H. W. Roop and W. L. Shipp.

Early Churches.-Centerview township was active in church organization during the early pioneer days.
The old Smyrna church, four miles southwest of the village of Centerview, was the oldest church building in the township. It was a log structure thirty feet square and was known as the Free Church. It was built in 1840. and has long since disappeared, but was one of the famous churches of the early days. Some of the pioneer preachers who held services here were Joseph White, William P. C. Caldwell, Amos Horn, a Baptist minister, J. B. Morrow, of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and Robert Glenn, a Presbyterian minister.

The Cumberland Presbyterian church was organized in 1833 by Rev. J. R. Whitsett and J. B. Morrow. The following were among the early pastors to serve this denomination here: Reverends J. R. Whitsett, J. B. Morrow, S. Finis King, A. A. Van Ausdol, J. W. Means, William F. Gordon, Walter Schenck and S. H. McElvaine. Among the early members were Philip Houx and family, S. C. Graham and family, John S. Graham and family. Rev. J. R. Whitsett and family, James J. Graham and family. Pleasant Carmichael and family.

The Baptist. Brethren, Methodist, Presbyterian and negro Methodist churches were all organized before 1880 and are still in existence. They are covered in the general church chapters in this book.

Official Records, Statistics, Justices.-The justices of the peace in Centerview township as far back as the records go. with the dates of their election, are: 1878. George Washington, J. W. Davenport; 1882, W. L. Shipp. A. M. Repp: 1886, R. B. Wright, J. W. Davenport; 1890, R. B. Wright, R. C. Brownlee; 1892, H. Jackson: 1894. R. B. Wright; 1896, J. C. Oliver: 1898. R. B. Wright; 1902, R. B. Wright, A. D. Gowans; 1904, V. D. Washington; 1906, R. B. Wright. John Smith; 1910, A. D. Gowan; 1914. Howard Graham.
County Officers.-The following county officers have been elected from the township since 1882: 1886, William A. Porter (Republican), recorder: 1898, Robert B. Graham (Democrat), county judge: 1902, W. L. Shipp (Democrat), appointed school superintendent; 1905-1907-1909, W. L. Shipp (Democrat), elected school superintendent.
Road Improvements.-Permanent county road improvements made by the township since this system was established, up to January 1, 1918, were twenty-one in number and aggregated $1,159.50 furnished by the citizens of the township, and $1,150 by the county. In the amount of this work Centerview ranks eighth among the townships of the county.
Organizations.-The following is a complete list of all organizations of every kind in Centerview township. Full details of each organization are in this book in separate chapters on the different organizations :
Churches-Baptist (Vitae Springs), Brethren, Cumberland Presbyterian, Methodist, Presbyterian,
Negro Churches-Baptist, Methodist.
Fraternal Organizations-Modern Woodmen.
1917 War Organizations-Red Cross, Centerview Branch.
Homemakers' Clubs-Briscoe, Glendale, Gowens, Willing Workers.
Miscellaneous-Clover Leaf Club, Village Improvement Club.

Business-Bank of Centerview.
Organizations, Families-Much of the history of the township and many items of general and personal interest are primarily parts of the history of the families and organizations of the township and will be found in this book under the history of the families and organizations. Both are fully indexed by names and townships.

Total number of organizations in township is sixteen.
Centerview town is a thriving and progressive village on the Missouri Pacific railroad between Warrensburg and Holden.
It was founded in 1865, when the Pacific railroad was built. The postoffice here was established with the laying out of the town and Elhanan Roop was the first postmaster.
Centerview is surrounded on its four sides by some of the best farming and stock raising country in this section.
It has a bank, high school, four churches, two negro churches and houses representing all the leading businesses.
The town is incorporated and the following are its officers since then :
Chairmen.-1913-14, A. D. Gowans; 1915-16, C. G. Huggins; 1917-18, J. F. Zoucha.

Trustees.-1913-14, C. G. Huggins, W. H. Sherrick, E. B. Roop, J. R. Bozarth; 1915-16, J. F. Zoucha. A. G. Middleton, R. C. Hull; 1917-18, E. C. Smith, A. D. Gowans, Herbert Scott.

Clerks.-1913-14, R. C. Hull; 1915-16, E. C. Smith; 1917-18, W. B. Gowans.

Collectors and Treasurers.-1913-16, E. P. Hering; 1917-18, C G. Huggins.

Marshals.-1913-14, J. T. Zoucha; 1915-16, W. B. Gowans; 1917-18, A. G. Middleton. 

Johnson County, Missouri Genealogy Trails
© 2006 - 2008 by Genealogy Trails - All Rights Reserved - With full rights reserved for original submitters. 

Kansas City Historical Co.The History of Johnson Co., Mo. 1881 
Alexander, J. P., PhysicianCENTERVIEW TOWNSHIP Ailer, Miss Mattie, Milliner 
Carr, James, CarpenterBaird, Geo. L., Carpenter Brown, Lloyd, Shoemaker 
Creager, BrakesmanCoulter, T. E., Harness Maker Cox, W. H., Partner in Livery 
Davenport, J. M., Justice of Peace for TownshipCreager, Solomon, Engineer at Mill Delaney, William, Principal for Graded School 
Henshaw, W. H., Family GroceriesGibbs, Henry, Wagon Maker Glenn, Rev. Henry H., M. E. Church (Colored) Huggins, S. R., Flour Mill 
Hull, Miss Bertie, Telegraph OperatorHuggins, Theodore, Dry Goods & Clothing Hull, B. C., Agent Mo. P. R. R. Hull, R. C., General Store 
Lattimer, W. P., BuilderHyder, Amos P., Lumber & Hardware & Builder Kane, Miss Kate, Teacher Kinyoun, J. H., Physician Larimer, Hugh E., Engineer at Elevator 
Poage, Rev. J. S., Presbyterian ChurchLattimer, W. P., Constable for Township McElvain, Rev. S. H., Cumb. Pres. Church Moore, David, Blacksmith Oliphant, W. P., Barber Porter, W. A., Partner, Grain Elevator 
Sherrard, Rev. W. A., United Pres. ChurchPuckett, Miss Elizabeth, Teacher Repp, A. W., Partner, Hardware & Lumber Rowland, D. W., Market & Confectionery Scott, Geo. G., Miller Scott, R. R., Blacksmith Steele, M. W., Restaurant 
Whitsett, G. P., Partner, Agricultural ImplementsStoner, D. P., Teacher Thompson, Rev. Josiah, Pres. Church Wallace, W. C., Physician Washington, Geo., Justice of Peace Washington, Geo., Postmaster Wharton, J. J., Druggist Whitsett, T. J., Stock Buyer 
Williams, L. D., General Store

Crest Ridge R-VII History

The Johnson County R-VII School District was formed in 1979 after the Johnson County, Missouri Board of Education submitted a plan of reorganization to the State Board of Education for their review. At the urging of the Farmers and Centerview Boards of Education, a proposal was placed on the February, 1979 ballot and approved. Thus forming the Johnson County R-VII. The district, also called Crest Ridge R-VII School District, encompasses 140 square miles in North Central Johnson County, Missouri. The school district includes residents from the small towns of Centerview, Columbus and Fayetteville. The school district operates one elementary, one middle school and one high school.

An "ACCREDITED" rating by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in 2002.

Crest Ridge Elementary opened the doors to the new building on August 18, 2004.

A variety of programs are offered at Crest Ridge Elementary as supportive help for students. These include, Learning Disabilities, Educable Mentally Handicapped, Behavior Disorders, Speech Therapy and Language Therapy. These programs are funded in Public Law 94-142 and have specific requirements in regard to qualification for services and procedures for referral and evaluation. Three other programs that are available for supportive help are gifted education, remedial reading and remedial math.

1920 Centerview Twp
Johnson County Missouri
Head of Household
and others with different surnames
Pages 1A through 4B House #'s Start again on page 5A.
1 1 Zaucha James F.
Dwelling Family Last Name First Name
3 3 Lilliard Walter
2 2 Jones Anderson 4 4 Schrawinger Nelson
6 6 Jones Peter
5 5 Blair S******* 5 5 Scott Eddie 6 6 Br**** Henry
9 9 Blair Columbus
7 7 Schrawinger Jim 7 7 Haughy George C. 8 8 Ruppert Harry
12 12 Scott Herbert
10 10 Blo*ck Abraham 10 10 Norman S**** 11 11 Link***** Martha
16 16 Repp Edward B.
13 13 Wagner William 14 14 Scott William T. 15 15 Smith Jno. J.
19 19 Todd Jonathan
17 17 Whitsett Jasper N. 18 18 Braden David 18 18 Shipp William L. 20 20 Rinyon Martha
25 25 Huggins Calvin
21 21 Crumpacker Mary 22 22 Delaney John 23 23 Hull Rodney C. 24 24 Callins Earl 26 26 Lattimer Albert
32 32 Brookshire Lonine
27 27 Claunch Charles 28 28 Schrawinger Andrew 29 29 Swafford Charles 30 30 Waddell Rebecca 31 31 Thompson John A.
37 37 Durrett Wallace
33 33 Smith Charley 34 34 Wadell William 34 34 Hartnell William 35 35 Haughey George 36 36 Medsker Charles 37 37 Morris 8/1/01
44 44 Dotie Mary
38 38 Price John T. 39 39 Gormin / Goamin George E. 40 40 Rorraland Aron 41 41 French Eugene 42 42 Smith George W. 43 43 Thom*** (Smeared Ink) 45 45 Glenn Robert
50 50 Ozias Lavenia
46 46 Clark Harry 47 47 Poage George S. 48 48 Smith Earnest C. 48 48 Bennett Stanley K. 49 49 Penn William W. 50 50 Delaney Jim 51 51 (Smeared) 51 51 Norman Parfield
57 57 Manley / Hanley William
52 52 Gl***** Riley 53 53 Forsythe Sallie 54 54 Blair Ike 54 54 Allen Annie 54 54 Thomas Audrey 55 55 McBride Charles E. 56 56 Herring Ephraim 58 58 Stork ? Sam
66 66 Harvey Jack
59 59 Snider Tim 59 59 Wortman John T. 60 60 Gowans Alexander 61 61 Middleton Alfred G. 62 62 Graham William A. 63 63 McMillian Anna 64 64 Hedges Doc 65 65 Cone Ray
72 72 Scott William
67 67 Wright Forest 68 68 Johnson Robert 68 68 Williams Mable 69 69 Scott Willie 69 69 Moore Mildred 70 70 Harvey Clarence 70 70 Warnick Mary 71 71 Wright Will 73 73 Swope Ervin
1 1 Hinkle William
74 74 ***ell (Smeared Ink) 75 75 Cates Ben 75 75 Stu***** George E. 75 75 Hamilton John W. 76 76 Penn William 77 77 Conner Walter 78 78 Graham Laura Page 5A through 31A Dwelling Family Last Name First Name 2 2 Simmerman Jerry
11 11 Bruns Harry
3 3 (Faded) Henry 3 3 Crew Edman 4 4 Wilkins Henry 5 5 ***** Albert 6 6 ****** Steven 7 7 Perkin ? Earl 8 8 Mitchell Benjamin 9 9 *********** ********** 10 10 Colster Toney 12 12 Colster John Sr.
21 21 Greer Elizabeth
13 13 Feldman William 14 14 Colster John Jr. 14 14 Wheland George 15 15 Colster ***** 16 16 Fulkerde** Nicholas 17 17 Lake Henry 18 18 (Faded) 18 18 Young Fr*** 19 19 Workham Seth 20 20 (Smeared) Zadock 21 21 Fulkerson John D.
30 30 Sanders Jackson
22 22 B****** Ben 23 23 Baker Peter 24 24 Fulkerson Perry 24 24 Houx Anna 24 24 Zackry Charles 25 25 Sammons Elmon 26 26 Buthe Ellen 27 27 Miller William 28 28 Parsons Frank 29 29 Claunch ? John 30 30 Simmerman Jol
37 37 Weff Ed
31 31 White Howard 32 32 Wallace Walter 32 32 Murry Margaret 33 33 Connard Jesse 34 34 E******* John 34 34 Penn Roy 35 35 Repp William 34 34 Yeck John 34 34 ***iffe Carry 35 35 Ball Scott 36 36 Ross Ed
50 50 Pine Comrad
38 38 Trimble Harry 39 39 Spruce Robert 40 40 Dore Morris 42 42 En**ts S*** 42 42 Williams Bill 43 43 Moore Jerome 44 44 Brookshire Green 45 45 Maples Ray 46 46 Hill Charley 47 47 Hill James 48 48 Hill Edward 49 49 Pine William
56 56 Cunningham Albert
51 51 Shaw Thomas 51 51 Grosser Robert 52 52 Sharp Sallie 52 52 Jones M***** 52 52 McNealia Ruth 52 52 Jones Jacob 52 52 Edwards James 52 52 Brown Jeff 53 53 Ball Ed 54 54 Ko***le Henry 55 55 Cunningham William 57 57 McMillan Joseph
68 68 Robinson Horton
58 58 Hawthorne Daniel 59 59 Willig 8/1/01 60 60 Ball Isaac 61 61 Corrier George Sr. 61 61 Powell Dora 62 62 Shaw George 63 63 Rich Jodie 63 63 Houx James 64 64 Kennedy Edward 65 65 Butcher Charles 66 66 Taylor Ben 67 67 Repp Mahlon
80 80 Strausburg Charley
69 69 Leedy ***** 70 70 Walls Stanly 71 71 Houx Mary 71 71 Anderson Susin 72 72 Bal**y Ellis 72 72 King Thomas 73 73 Cunningham Loyd 74 74 Morgan Emmit 75 75 Spence Gentry 76 76 Houx Perry 77 77 *** Clyde 78 78 Kinyon **** 79 79 Kinyon Frank
94 94 Gibson Tom
81 81 Markham Jacob 82 82 Markham Charley 83 83 Wells George 84 84 Fitch Forest 85 85 ****** ******* 86 86 Hollaway James 87 87 Brown Nuel 88 88 McMurphy William 89 89 Lockard Han** 90 90 Sprinkle James 91 91 Bu*le Arthur 92 92 *erro**ice Leaman 93 93 Sawyer Les**
106 106 Miller John
94 94 Stewart George 95 95 Sawyer Wesley 96 96 Munkers Robert Sr. 97 97 Groves Newton 98 98 Bryant Luther 99 99 Thomas Willaim 100 100 Tacket Aubry 101 101 Utt Mary 102 102 Taggart Clarence 103 103 White James 103 103 *ouiel Eula May 104 104 Phillips Frank 105 105 Harring George
118 118 Wa*lfolk Laurance
107 107 Swope E****** Sr. 108 108 Ozias Elmo 109 109 Repp J*** M. 110 110 Gowans Walter B. 111 111 Gauss Charles 111 111 Pearson Anna 112 112 McCarty Samuel 113 113 Wilson Robertson 114 114 Gauss John 115 115 Smithers Ernest 116 116 (Smeared) Willie A. 116 116 Wineland Martha 117 117 Ross Francis M.
132 132 Cox John J.
118 118 Yeck Wilson 119 119 Allgood Landford 120 120 Goodwin Frank 121 121 Howard George 122 122 Gauss Edgar 123 123 Gauss Alna 124 124 Brisco Perry 125 125 Engle ? Charles 126 126 Howard Henry 127 127 Jones Leroy 128 128 Brown John E. 129 129 Sm****** Roscoe 130 130 Jones Calvin 131 131 Byrd Walter
145 145 Pauley Arthur
133 133 Bradley George W. 134 134 Smith George 135 135 Dunnarigut John 136 136 Bruins Oscar 137 137 Neal Tom W. 138 138 Phillips Luther 138 138 Snider Homer 139 139 Howard William 140 140 Mitchell Ray 141 141 Barlow Clarence 142 142 Mitchell Milburn 143 143 Yader Mary 143 143 Sharp Ann D. 144 144 Carter James W.
158 158 Street James
146 146 Wester Amis J. 147 147 Snare Victor 148 148 Day Joe W. 149 149 Shanks Dora 150 150 Jones Ezra 151 151 Tyler Thurman 151 151 Taylor George 152 152 Rhodes Taylor 153 153 Rhodes William 154 154 Spencer James 154 154 Morris Sarah E. 155 155 Elliott Wiiliam 156 156 O'brien Rudolf 157 157 Fisher John R.
170 170 Saling Green
159 159 Riddle William 160 160 Lasch Clarence 160 160 Hewitt Maud 161 161 Riddle Mrs. John 161 161 Ha**n Henry 162 162 Fizer ? Jacob 162 162 Clark Merideth 163 163 Roberts David 164 164 Thomas Joe 165 165 ******** Thomas 166 166 King Robert 167 167 Reuter George 168 168 Fisher Weaden 169 169 Maxwell (Smeared)
188 188 Nowel Edgar
171 171 Cleland Charles 172 172 Mapes Delbert 173 173 Campbell Elmer 174 174 Cox Ed F. 175 175 Cline D*ll 176 176 Andrews Elian T. 177 177 Houts Mary 180 180 Burk George 180 180 Andrews Anna 181 181 Reed William 182 182 Boyer Winston 183 183 Boyer Harland 184 184 Sutten H***** J. 185 185 ****inger ***** 187 187 Duddley ****
203 203 Sadler Walter
189 189 Hain or Hein James 190 190 Fry James A. 191 191 Reed William 192 192 Starks Charles R. 193 193 Smith James 194 194 Razzell Will F. 195 195 Wayman Clyde 196 196 Courtney L****** J. 197 197 Bridges George 198 198 Asberry James W. 199 199 Taylor James W. 200 200 Eppright Charles 201 201 Luse Calvin 202 202 Coats Robert 204 204 Duddley ****
218 218 Davis Jeff
205 205 Cox Sarra 206 206 McKinzie Walter 207 207 Latimer Joseph 208 208 Mayfield William 209 209 Schrawinger Arthur 210 210 Repp Frank 211 211 Keyser Daniel R. 211 211 Wilkerson Amis 212 212 Holcomb ****** F. 213 213 Blair Ed 214 214 Fisher Daniel 215 215 Houx Bruce 216 216 Loop Bert 216 216 Allen Evan 217 217 Burk Nathan 218 218 Fitch James
234 234 Hol*man Hadde
219 219 Shaw Benjamin 220 220 McMillan Albert 221 221 Smith James M. 222 222 Heberling Henry 223 223 Ozias Arthur 224 224 Todd James 225 225 Seip Charles 226 226 Hardin Lee 227 227 Rancy Asberry 228 228 Graham Robert 229 229 Hammond Walter 230 230 Byrd Ald* 230 230 Hol*sand Mary 231 231 Austin George 232 232 Brown Emer 233 233 Dilks Sarrah 234 234 White Lon
247 247 Routsong Bettie
235 235 Ownby or Owsley William 235 235 Cumming J****** 236 236 Hyder Albert 237 237 Hyder Charles 238 238 Graham Charles 238 238 Hyder Clarence 239 239 Andruss Henry 239 239 White William 240 240 Mathews William H. 241 241 Nowell Abraham 242 242 Graninger Urie 243 243 Raker Will 244 244 Fitch Charley A. 245 245 Wells John F. 246 246 Ozias Jesse 247 247 Harris Joseph 248 248 Gowans *********
261 261 Wilkerson Ray
249 249 Gowans Merr*** 249 249 Hampton Harry 250 250 McWhirt Richard 251 251 Spence Ed W. 251 251 Perry Emry 252 252 Cone Archie 253 253 Crews John 253 253 Benivall Curt 254 254 Henshaw Albert 254 254 Neeley Emma 255 255 Billingsley Ben 255 255 Mapes Ralph 256 256 Minar Ralph 257 257 Smith Doc 258 258 VanBlarcum Charles 259 259 VanBlarcum Washington 260 260 Dunn William 261 261 Braden David
267 267 Carpenter John
262 262 Schnakenberg Louis 263 263 Campbell Guy 264 264 Campbell Theodore 265 265 Sawyer Forest
266 266 Hampton Mollie

Eleventh Census of the United States 1890
Schedules Enumerating Union Veterans and
Widows of Union Veterans of the Civil War. Bundle 92 The National Archives
Please notify me on any misspellings so they can be corrected.
Washington: 1948 Supervisor's District No. 6 Enumeration District No. 100
Cheryl Sears©1999 M.Antal 1116 NE 8th St Blue Springs Mo
STATE                                                        COUNTY     TOWNSHIP             LINE                PAGE LAST_NAME           FIRST_NAME
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                             1    1 Hering              James H.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                             2    1 Repp                Albert W.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                             3    1 Latimer             William P.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                             4    1 Russell             Thomas D.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                             5    1 Creciger            Solomon
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                             6    1 Marshall            Andrew

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                             7    1 Roop                Elhanone
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                             8    1 Wallace             William

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                             9    1 Cushenberry         Nancy(Widow of Robert Wm.)
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            10    1 Baker               Henson (Colored)
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            11    1 Baird               Elizabeth (Widow)
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            12    1 Jones               Peter W. (Colored)
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            13    2 Smith               John T.

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            14    2 Wright              Robert B.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            15    2 Hancock             Ella (Widow of Samuel)
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            16    2 Baird               James W.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            17    2 Smethers            Jonas

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            18    2 Wade                Henry M.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            19    2 Lockard             Stephen
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            20    2 Craig               William

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            21    2 Gowans              Alexander D.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            22    2 Seip                James H.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            23    2 Ozias               Joseph P.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            24    2 Wilson              Alexander A.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            25    2 Haskell             Melvin A.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            26    2 Ball                Isaac T.

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            27    3 Hickey              Elizabeth(Widow of Peter)
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            28    3 Etter               Samuel S.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            29    3 Haynes              Carroll A.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            30    3 Engel               Francis

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            31    3 Jackson             Joshua B.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            32    3 Powel               John

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            33    3 Moore               Rosanna(Widow of Henry)
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            34    3 McConnell           Oliver T.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            35    3 Brooks              William H.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            36    3 King                William C.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            37    3 Graham              Robert B.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            38    3 Day                 John W.

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            39    3 Barlow              James M.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            40    3 Bridges             Robert A.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            41    4 Isominger           Joan (Widow of George)
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            42    4 Tyler               Jacob

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            43    4 Hyder               Amos

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            44    4 Selvidge            James S.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            45    4 Haynes              William

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            46    4 Littrell            Garrett J.

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            47    4 Elliott             Benjamin F.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            48    4 Martin              John

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            49    4 Schrowyer           Godfrey
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            50    4 Houts               Mary A. (Widow of Rev.

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                             1    5 Riddle              William

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                             2    5 Riddle              Frank

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                             3    5 Burk                Edward

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                             4    5 Lockard             Sylvanus
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                             5    5 Schwenck            Adam

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                             6    5 Shrier              Ernest

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                             7    5 White               William L.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                             8    5 Abbott              Thomas H.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                             9    5 Rowland             David W.
MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            10    5 Lee                 James

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            11    5 Bierman             Henry

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            12    5 Marcomb             Henry

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            13    6 Cox                 William

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            14    6 Farrell             David

MO                                                           Johnson    Centerview                            15    6 Armstrong           Susan (Widow of Soldier U.S.)

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