Show-Me Warrensburg Pages

May 6, 2012

Warrensburg Township, Johnson County, Missouri Organized 1836

Source: "History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918
 Transcribed by  Karen Hammer -2009

The first township to be created after the four original townships of the county-Washington, Jefferson, Madison and Jackson, was Warrensburg.

Warrensburg township was organized October 3, 1836, about one year after the organization of the county. It was named for Martin Warren, one of the early settlers.

Geography.-Area, about sixty-four square miles, or 40,960 acres. Geographically, Warrensburg township is on a sand ridge between Post Oak creek on the west side and Bear creek on the east, with both creeks and the ridge itself all running north to Blackwater.
Early Settlements.-One of the early settlers of Warrensburg township was Martin Warren, from whom the township takes its name, who came from Kentucky about 1833 and settled on the present site of the city of Warrensburg. He built a log cabin and reared a large family here. He is described as having been a "plain, old fashioned, conservative farmer and honest man; corpulent in person; without beard; in politics a Whig, though he never sought office." He lived to an advanced age and died here in 1850. Other early settlers who located in this township prior to 1840 were: Abram Adams, Benjamin Granger, Isaac Granger, Thomas Granger, A. B. Granger, Madison Warren, Calvin Adams, John Adams, James Fletcher, Jacob Perman, Archibald Thistle, William Perry, Elijah McCrary, Adam Fickas, David B. Wood, Andrew Blevins, Thomas W. Pace, Marcus A. Turner, Joseph P. Henshaw, James Cochran, James Marshall, James H. Marshall, G. Wilson Houts, Theo. F. Houts, Richard F. Page, James Hallowell, William S. Pertle, John G. Gibbons. Martin Greer, John Cox, James Taylor, James W. Potts, James Guynn, Daniel Lanier, Harrison Lanier, Adkins Powell and William Roop.

Early Churches.-Among the early church organizations in Warrensburg township outside of the city of Warrensburg, the Regular Baptist church was the oldest. It was organized in 1842, four miles south of the city of Warrensburg. and was one of the oldest church organizations of the county. It was built by Adam Fickas and was said to have been largely sustained by him.

The Union Prairie Baptist church was located two miles northeast of Warrensburg in this township. It was organized December 8, 1865, by Elder E. H. Burchfield and the building was erected in 1867. The following ministers served this church during the early days: Elders Jonathan Gott, John Letts, P. J. Collop, J. E. Welch and F. M. West. The following are the names of the first members of this organization: Jonathan Gott, William Adams, Elizabeth F. Adams, Martha Adams. Samson Adams, Eliza J. Knight and Susan Granger. This church was disbanded in May, 1881, and at that time united with the Warrensburg Baptist church.
The German Baptist church of Dunkards was organized August 3, 1880, and was situated two miles south of Warrensburg. The original members of this congregation were A. W. Reese, minister; John Bowman, deacon; Joseph E. Lightner. William Mohler, Thomas Adams, Nancy J. Roop, Alice Hall, M. Gibson, Sarah L. Baile, Minnie C. Christopher, Susie E. Reese, Lizzie D. Mohler, Lucinda Bowman, Anna Bowman, Lizzie Fickas and Anna Lightner.
Early Schools.-The schools of Warrensburg township were chiefly the schools of Warrensburg town and are given in the history of the town. Some of the teachers, after the organization of the district schools, were: J. W. McGiven, D. S. Redford, Miss Rosa Hooker, W. R. Delaney, T. P. Reid, A. F. Dunbar, Ed. H. Gilbert, W. R. Nelson, A. J. Sparks, Gus Coleman, Miss Rebecca Granger, G. M. Shanton, Miss Mary Emerson, Miss Sallie Zoll, Miss Josie Smith, Miss Sallie Smith, Harvey T. Williams, Miss Frankie A. Miller, Miss Nellie De Garmo, Miss Mattie Zoll, Miss Lizzie Logan. Miss Kate Logan, Mrs. M. D. McCormack, Miss Lizzie McCluney, Miss Nannie Williams.
Pertle Springs.-Pertle Springs, which is located about one-half mile south of the city limits of Warrensburg, is one of the most desirable health and pleasure resorts in this section of the state.

The land originally belonged to Mr. Purtle, from whom the resort takes its name. Before the advent of the white settlers in Johnson county, Indians often visited this place and recognized the medicinal properties of the water here.
The following is an exact analysis of the water made by Prof. P. Schweitzer, professor of chemistry in the University of Missouri, in 1885,
"One U. S. gallon left on evaporation a residue weighing when ignited 36.8 grains. This residue contained 2.04 grains silica, 0.56 grains alumina, 7.01 carbonate of lime, 0.67 grains oxide of iron. 6.82 grains magnesia, 16.61 sulphuric acid. Total, 33.71 grains. The difference between this weight and the weight of the total residue amounting to 4.09 grains, consisted of alkalies, carbonic acid, chlorine, and probably some other constituents in small quantities. The water on standing and on boiling deposits all its iron in the form of ferric oxide, and is true chalybeate water."
The Pertle Springs grounds comprise eighty acres, of which thirty-six are now owned by Messrs. Gray and Baker. There are nine lakes here. One is devoted exclusively to bathing purposes. One covers sixteen acres and furnishes the water supply for the city of Warrensburg. The other smaller lakes are well stocked with fish and afford excellent fishing places. There is a large and commodious hotel. It has a well-earned reputation for the excellency of its service. Garages and other conveniences for guests are supplied. In addition to the hotel, there are a number of cottages and flats on the grounds for the accommodation of those who prefer their more home-like life. The grounds are beautifully shaded, and there are various amusements for children and adults.
Rev. Sam Jones is perhaps responsible for the erection of the large auditorium at Pertle Springs. While conducting a meeting here he realized and foresaw the possibilities of such a building and started the movement which culminated in the building of the auditorium or "Tabernacle."
Since then many important conventions and religious and political meetings have been held in this building. The Pertle Springs Silver Convention, one of the important political events of the West which began the crystallization of the campaign for free silver in Missouri, was held here in 1893. William J. Bryan and many other notable men have appeared here.
Pertle Springs is connected with the city of Warrensburg by a railroad which runs from the business district of the city, near the Missouri Pacific depot, through the residence district, to the Springs. It is operated during the summer seasons by the management of Pertle Springs. The motor power is both steam and gasoline.
Warrensburg Quarries.-The sandstone quarries of Warrensburg township are far famed. In 1870, Jacob Pickel, associated with his two brothers, Peter and Anton, opened at much expense and hard work the first sandstone quarry in Johnson county about two miles north of Warrensburg. A railroad switch was put in, and a steam channeling machine, the latter alone costing $6,000. The lifting was also done by machinery, run by steam.

The first large contract was for more than $250,000 worth of stone to be used in the Chamber of Commerce building in St. Louis, Missouri. which covers an entire block. All the stone was cut at the quarry and shipped to St. Louis in perfect condition to be placed.
Jacob Pickel furnished the stone for the Kansas City court house, the Southern Hotel, the Barr building, in St. Louis, and many other buildings in these cities, and also the stone used in many of the buildings in Warrensburg. As many as fifteen hundred cars of stone have been shipped annually, or a train load a day. (See further in the family history of Jacob Pickel).
The next quarry was opened in 1871 by William Bruce and Company. It was owned by General Cockrell, and leased to Mr. Bruce until 1880, and then sold to Jacob Pickel & Brothers.
The third quarry was opened by Bruce & Company in 1881, when they gave up their old quarry and bought a tract near it. This quarry has been run a long time by James B. Millar and his brother, John W. Millar, ex-sheriff of Johnson county. It is no longer operated.
Stone Cutters of Johnson County
Schwenk, Adam – age 40, born Pennsylvania, stone mason, Centerview
Fisher, Nathan, - age 53, born Missouri, stone mason, Grove
Rowlett, John W. – age 48, born Kentucky, brick mason, Grove
Carney, A.S. – age 30, born Ohio, mason, Holden
Cary, Bartley – age 76, born New Jersey, stone mason, Holden
Cassady, Samuel – age 33, born Illinois, marble cutter, Holden
Lehey, Maurice – age 48, born Ireland, stone mason, Holden
Ferguson, Francis – age 56, born Tennessee, brick mason, Jackson
Wear, John C. – age 31, born Missouri, stone mason, Jackson
Bass, Mathew – age 41, born Pennsylvania, brick mason, Warrensburg
Brooks, Charles – age 62, born Indiana, stone mason, Warrensburg
Dennison, Charles – age 37, born England, stone mason, Warrensburg
Ridge, George – age 30, born Missouri, stone mason, Warrensburg
Shuford, James – age 47, born North Carolina, brick mason, Warrensburg
Wade, James R. – age 44, born Kentucky, b&c mason, Warrensburg
Brittan, Benjamin – age 61, born Massachusetts, stone mason, Warrensburg
Braumer, William – age 44, born Kentucky, stone cutter, Warrensburg
Austin, C.B.D. – age 36, born Ohio, stone cutter, Warrensburg
Hall, James – age 35, born Pennsylvania, stone cutter, Warrensburg
Hathaway, Jack – age 31, born Illinois, stone cutter, Warrensburg
Maxfield, George – age 24, born Illinois, agt. stone, Warrensburg
Talbott, Julian – age 19, born Ohio, stone cutter, Warrensburg
Valmer, John – age 21, born Indiana, stone cutter, Warrensburg
Brown, J.L. – age 34, born Ohio, works a stone quarry, Warrensburg
Bruce, William – age 35, born Scotland, propr &supt of stone quarry, Warrensburg
Cline,Jno. F. – age 39, born Ohio, eng. at stone quarry, Warrensburg
Elliott, F.F. – age 23, born Kentucky, stone quarry worker, Warrensburg
McBride, Michael – age 30, born Pennsylvania, stone cutter, Warrensburg
Bretten, Benjamin – age 60, born Kentucky, stone mason, Washington
Source:  1880 U.S. Federal Census 

Justices.-The following are the justices of the peace of the township as far back as the county court records show, with dates of their election: 1842, Nathaniel B. Holden: 1844, Thomas J. Young, Harvey Harrison, George A. Roberts, John G. Gibbons; 1850, John Anderson; 1852, William F. Marshall, John T. Neff, James Borthick, Daniel Rentch; 1856, Aikman Welch, Eli M. Sylvester; William S. Crammer, George W. Campbell; 1860, Daniel Rentch, Nathan H. Owings; George W. Campbell, Alex Marr; 1864, George W. Swan, David W. Reed; 1866, Edward Corder, David W. Reed; 1866, Edward Corder, David W. Reed; 1870, John H. Taylor, J. P. Steele; 1878, S. J. Burnett, O. D. Hawkins, W. C. Marlatt; 1882, W. C. Marlatt; S. J. Burnett, G. Wilson Houts; 1886, G. Wilson Houts, William C. Marlatt, S. J. Burnett; 1890, Henry Neill, Charles Anderson, John W. Brown; 1892, S. J. Burnett; 1894, John W. Brown, George F. Brinkerhoff, William Beleau; 1898, John W. Brown, J. A. Bridges, W. R. Hatfield; 1900,. Jacob H. Knaus; 1902, John W. Brown, John B. Lampkin, J. H. Knaus; 1904, George W. Rayhill; 1906, John W. Brown, W. H. Bunn, George W. Rayhill; 1910, P. B. Robinson, W. H. Bunn. J. R. Rothwell; 1912, John W. McFarland; 1914. John W. McFarland, D. Aber, George W. Rayhill.

County Officers.-
The following are the county officers who have been elected from the township since 1882. with the dates of their election:
1882-90-Pitt William (Democrat), collector.
1882-W. P. Hunt (Democrat), presiding county judge.
1882-8-4-W. W. Wood (Democrat), prosecuting attorney.
1882-84-86-W. K. Morrow (Democrat), circuit clerk.
1884-86-George W. Lemon (Democrat), prosecuting attorney.
1886-R. M. Robertson (Republican), prosecuting attorney.
1888-90-Robert F. Dalton (Democrat), treasurer.
1888-90-J. W. Suddath (Democrat), prosecuting attorney.
1888-90-W. L. Embree (Democrat), collector.
1892-94-Y. W. Whitsett (Democrat), treasurer.
1892-T. C. Hornbuckle (Democrat), prosecuting attorney.
1892-94-E. T. Pennington (Democrat), collector.
1892-P. F. McCluney (Democrat), public administrator.
1894-R. M. Robertson (Republican), representative.
1894-J. A. Houston (Democrat), coroner.
1896-\V. Selvidge (Democrat), school commissioner.
1896-Mary A. Pennington (Democrat), recorder, appointed.
1896-1900-S. J. Caudle (Democrat), public administrator.1896-98-N. M. Bradley (Democrat), prosecuting attorney. 1896-98-Franklin Miller (Democrat), collector. 1896-98-W. M. Hamilton (Democrat), representative. 1898-Jason McElvaine (Democrat), school commissioner. 1898-1902-C. A. Boyles (Democrat) county collector. 1898-1902-William H. Henshaw (Democrat), circuit clerk. 1900-02-H. H. Russell (Democrat), treasurer. 1900-1902-C. E. Morrow (Democrat), prosecuting attorney. 1904-G. L. Callaway (Democrat), coroner. 1904-06-Ewing Cockrell (Democrat), prosecuting attorney. 1904-06-10-Wallace Crossley (Democrat), representative. 1906-08-T. L. Bradley (Democrat), coroner. 1906-10-James L. Robinson (Democrat), recorder. 1910-14-^G. C. Gillam (Democrat), collector. 1910-1-1-P. D. Fitch (Democrat), presiding county judge. 1912-John W. Miller (Democrat), sheriff. 1912-14-W. C. McDonald (Democrat), prosecuting attorney. 1914-Theodore Hyatt (Democrat), collector. 1916-J. R. Rothwell (Democrat), prosecuting attorney. 1916-E. A. Williams (Democrat), public administrator. 1915-R. H. Boston (Democrat), school superintendent.

County Road Improvements.-County road improvements made by Warrensburg township since this system was established in 1911, were up to January 1, 1918, thirteen in number, and aggregated $753 furnished by the citizens of the township and $746 by the county.

Organizations.-The following is a complete list of all organizations of every kind in Warrensburg township. Full details of each organization are in separate chapters on the different organizations:

Churches.-Baptist: Brethren, Warrensburg; Brethren, South, Warrensburg: Catholic; Christian; Christian Science: Cumberland Presbyterian: Episcopal: Evangelical Association; Latter Day Saints: Methodist: Methodist, Houts' Chapel; Methodist, South; Presbyterian.

Negro Churches.-Shiloh Baptist church; Methodist; African M. E.: Colored M. E.

Business Organizations.-American Trust Company, Citizens Bank, Commercial Bank, People's Bank, Home Telephone Company.

Homemakers Clubs.-Clover Heights, Good Neighbors, Prairie Home.

Fraternal Organizations.-Masons. Blue Lodge; Masons, Mary Commandery; Knights Pythias, Odd Fellows, Modern Woodmen, Elks, Maccabees, Eastern Star, Royal Neighbors. Degree of Honor, Rebekahs, Yeomen, Knights and Ladies of Security.

Miscellaneous Organizations.-A. B. C. Club, D. A . R., G. A. R., Confederate Veterans, Political Equality Club, W. R. C, Women's Christian Temperance Union. United Daughters of Confederacy. City Mission. P. E. O., Commercial Club, Automobile Club.
1917 War Organizations.-County Council of Defense; Home Guards Committee; Red Cross, Warrensburg Chapter; Hospital Garments Committee, Knitting Committee; Surgical Dressing Committee; Junior Red Cross; War Funds Committee; Home Guards, Warrensburg Normal School.
Warrensburg, the county seat, is a little east of the center of the county, 65 miles from Kansas City.

Warrensburg was made the county seat in 1836. It was named in honor of Martin Warren.
Warrensburg was laid out and platted by George Tibbs, then county surveyor, in 1S36, and the plat was recorded May 22, 1837. The lots were 72 feet wide and 144 feet deep, with 14-foot alleys. This was what is now "Old Town."
When the Missouri Pacific railroad was built, the main business district of the town moved east near where the depot was built and now stands.
A number of additions have been officially added, mostly east of the old town until the present area of the city is several times the size of the original town.

Early Establishments.-In 1836 John Evans opened the first store in Old Town and for the following six years there were only two stores in the village. Evans conducted a general mercantile store, selling groceries, dry goods, hardware and whiskey. This store stood in the hollow a little east of the center of the town. W. H. Davis & Co. were the first to open a store on the hill near the center of the old town. The town soon began to prosper and in a short time was an important business center and settlers came from a radius of several miles to do their trading here.

The town was extended eastward into the district known as New Town by the official platting of Grover's Depot Addition. October 18, 1857. It seems that according to a contract with the railroad company the depot was to be erected on Colonel Grover's land, forty acres of which were donated for that purpose, but by mistake or otherwise, it was located on Major Holden's land, one-half mile .further west. Holden street, on the west side of which the depot is located, is the dividing line between Grover's and Holden's Addition. Martin Warren's old log house stood in the Grover Addition and Colonel Grover resided there for a time. The memory of the old log house will be forever perpetual in the history of Warrensburg. When they came to lay out Grover's Depot Addition it was seen that Gay street continued east past Holden street in a straight line and would go right through the old log house. So, instead of moving the house. Colonel Grover moved the street. He diverted it enough south to miss the house. Every other street running east was correspondingly diverted and the, north and south streets left north and south. And today every street from Gay to the railroad and east of Holden street runs at an angle southeast and no lot in this territory has a square corner.
The general tendency of business was toward New Town and when the railroad was built and the depot established here, practically the entire business district was established in that vicinity. This was in 1845.

Fires.-Most of the business buildings were frame. Among the first merchants to establish themselves in New Town prior to 1865 were Ming & Cruce, Henry Neill. A. H. Gilkeson & Co., Henry Bros., and De Garmo, Schmidlap & Co. All these business houses and a large part of the town were burned December 24, 1866.

On November 29, 1873, another fire destroyed the hotel, several business places and cost the lives of three persons. Since then, with the business district chiefly brick and stone, there have been no such fires.

Early Hotels.-The first hotel in Warrensburg was built in 1837 by Young E. W. Berry. It was located on the north side of the public square in Old Town and was a small log house of six or seven rooms. He sold it in 1840 to John Mayes, and he in 1842 sold to Joseph McLeary, and he in 1856 to John D. Smith. Smith improved it and called it the Mansion House. At the breaking out of the war. Smith died and the hotel was closed.

The second hotel, also log, was opened in 1841 by Zacariah T. Davis on the southeast side of the public square. Davis ran the place for about six or seven years, when he sold it to \Y. H. Anderson, who afterward rented it to Daniel Rentch. Anderson finally sold it to Thomas Ingle, who kept hotel here during the war, and was succeeded by Col. J. D. Eads. In 1876 he sold it to the Germania Club.

The third hotel was built by James Bolton in 1857 on the south side of the public square in Old Town. In 1861, it was taken by the soldiers and used for a hospital and guard house all during the war. It practically marked the end of the hotel business in Old Town.

The first hotel in New Town was in 1865, when the Redford House was built south of the Missouri Pacific railroad depot. This was destroyed by fire in 1868 and the Simmons Hotel was built on its site. This was finally bought by Mr. J. N. Christopher and converted into the town's first school dormitory, the Young Women's Christian Association building, and is successfully running now.

In 1870, a building at the southeast corner of Holden and Culton streets was erected for the Cumberland Presbyterian church. In 1875, it was bought by A. W. Ridings & Company and enlarged for a hotel. A little later it was bought by Mrs. J. D. Eads, and became for many years the Eads Hojel and only recently was replaced by Cohn's store.

Early Schools.-Maj. N. B. Holden taught what was probably the earliest school here during the winter of 1839-40. He afterward became prominent in this section. He served in the Mexican War and during the Civil War was assassinated September 12, 1862.

Joel H. Warren was one of the pioneer teachers of Warrensburg. He was a grandson of Martin Warren, from whom Warrensburg took its name. He studied medicine with Dr. William Calhoun and practiced in Cass county prior to the Civil War. He served in the Union army and after the war practiced medicine at Knob Noster for a number of years.

William Harrison Anderson taught a select or subscription school in Warrensburg in a private house in 1842. The instruction given by him included arithmetic, geography, reading, writing and spelling. His school numbered twenty-five pupils, who paid a tuition of one dollar and fifty cents a month. Mr. Anderson later engaged in the grocery business at Warrensburg and for a number of years was prominently identified with the commercial development of the city and was the father of Dr. James I. Anderson.

George W. Johnson, a graduate of William Jewel College and a Baptist minister, taught a private school in Old Town from 1857 to 1860. When the war broke out he entered the Confederate army, serving throughout the war. Later he became prominent as an educator in the south and at one time was president of a young ladies' seminary at Jackson, Tennessee.

Eliza Thomas, Z. T. Davis and Robert A. Foster were also pioneer teachers of Warrensburg. A man named Jewel was teaching here when the Civil War broke out. He enlisted in the Federal army and was killed during the war.

After the Civil War.-During the Civil War nearly everything in Warrensburg and Johnson county was at a standstill, building, schools, churches and business generally. After the war everything took a new start. The best pictures of Warrensburg right after the war are contained in the following interview with Mr. William Lowe, written by W. C. Kapp and printed in the ''Warrensburg Star-Journal" of May 5, 1916. on the fiftieth anniversary of Mr. Lowe's residence in Warrensburg, and in the address of Maj. E. A. Nickerson at the dedication of the Odd Fellows Hall. November 12, 1917. Mr. Lowe said: "When I came, there was only one passenger train a day. It left St. Louis at 8 o'clock in the morning, struggled along with wood fuel, managing to get to Jefferson City for dinner. The train would make Sedalia in time for supper and my recollection is that we got to Warrensburg about 8 in the evening-just 12 hours after we pulled out of St. Louis. The fare from St. Louis here was $12.50. I think there were about 1,000 people here then and fully a third of them were negroes. I stopped the first night over in the west part of Old Town. I remember when I got up next morning I saw a regular procession of negroes going by and I asked the folks if the whole population were colored folks. They explained to me that there had been a soldiers' camp in a field west of town. The soldiers had built a lot of huts for winter quarters and when they left these the negroes took possession-that's how that section of Warrensburg came to be called 'nigger town' and it is the favorite negro haunt yet.
"I can think of only one business man who was in business then- Uncle Ike Rogers had a harness shop in Old Town when I arrived, and he is here yet. Then there's Major Nickerson, Judge Brown, Sandy Lobban, Doctor Griggs, W. E. Crissey, John Scroggs. Tom Lawlor, Bob Mears, Clint Middleton and probably others. Oh, yes. Orl Still-well was here. Orl wasn't selling autos then, he was selling clothing for Sam Rosenthal, a brother of Henry.

"Some of the kids about town then were Ernest Johnson, Dug Eads, Merritt Simmons, Mel Moody, John A. Miller.

"How big was the town then? Well, I might say it was bounded by the railroad on the south. Gay street on the north, Holden street on the east, and Old Town on the west. There were five or six houses east of Holden street, likely, but Gay and Holden streets were about the limit. The whole third ward was a brush patch. In 1868 I built the first house in the third ward. It stood where Frank Ross now lives.

"Holden street stopped at North street. If you wanted to go north you had to go to Old Town and take the old Lexington road. If you wanted to go south, you had to cross the railroad at the depot-there were no bridges.

"There was a daily stage line to Lexington and also to Clinton and one could travel north and south from Warrensburg even better than we can today.

"What improvements did we have then? Nothing at all, except a lot of cheap frame buildings. There wasn't a brick house in New Town, and no bank until the fall of 1866. As for streets, all we had was the brush cut away so wagons could get along. Our business houses were all on West Pine street in the block between Nathan's corner and the Ross store. There were one or two little shacks on Holden street. They had made a little fill on Holden street in front of where Cohn's store is and that made a fine fish pond where the Cohn building stands. It was at least ten feet deep.

"As for morals, Warrensburg was. decidedly western then, and had plenty of saloons. Almost every store had a jug in the back room to treat customers. We had two little churches, and nary a school house. The first school house here was for colored people: it was built in 1867 by the Freedmen's Aid Society. The Reece school was built in 1868. I built the Foster school in 1870.

"The town was divided between Old and New Towns, no sidewalks and streets not graded. Old Town had the court house, the postoffice, and all the lawyers.

But of course everything gradually drifted to New Town.

"As for rents, wages, etc., in 1866 rents were higher than now; a two-room house would rent for $15 a month, four-rooms for $30. Clothes were three times higher than now; overalls, $3 a pair; shoes, double; flour, $10 a 100. Lumber was $5 per 100 and higher. All improvements were the very cheapest because everybody expected to go back east as soon as they got rich or skinned the other fellow. But a few of us are here yet and our record is open to the public.

"I am doing business at the old stand where I located in 1868. I have sold lumber to several fourth generations. To the Harrison family I have sold to the fifth generation. I have seen the town of Warrensburg grow from a typical Western hamlet to the little city of modern proportions. I have had the satisfaction of seeing all the saloons go, and a city of schools take their place."

Major Nickerson said:

"The New Town was commenced at the foot of Holden street where a little wooden passenger and freight depot stood on the Missouri Pacific railway where the passenger depot now stands, and a string of one-story wooden store-houses straggled along on West Pine street. There were no houses south of the railway except a small frame hotel that stood on the corner where the Young Women's Christian Association building now stands. An ordinary country road ran up a steep hill to South street, and then ran southeast across the grounds where the Normal School buildings now stand, to Maguire street, which was then the main road to Clinton, and from South street onward towards the south there were no streets but all was brush and woods.

"I built my residence in the woods and when I went to see the workmen, my only road was the center of Holden street along the surveyor's line, a cut of four feet with a thick brush on either side, to the place where the work was being done.

"The political and social condition of the place was in a state of civil chaos. The camp gangs that had followed in the wake of both armies lingered around and about the place, many of them having their homes in this county, rode from Texas to Iowa, robbing the people of their property and murdering strangers from other states who came to buy land and settle amongst us. When these roving criminals were in Texas they claimed to be Confederate soldiers, and when they were in Iowa they passed as discharged soldiers from the Union army. When any of the gang was in Warrensburg they made their headquarters at a grog shop kept by an old man whom they affectionately called 'Uncle Billy,' and when they imbibed their Uncle Billy's fire water and got drunk they ranged the streets of the town and shot it up in true cowboy's style; they urged their horses into the store rooms, discharged their fire arms and terrorized the owners and their clerks. When they met a man who had a good horse, mule or saddle, they forced an exchange for their worthless trappings and overridden, broken-down stock, at the point of the pistol, and if they resisted they insulted and beat their victim. They dominated the town in every way, and by their criminal, brutal force made Warrensburg an unfit place for human habitation."

Churches.-The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, was the earliest organization of any church in Warrensburg. A small class was established in 1848. In 1856 a building was put up, and in 1862 it was burned. Regular services began again in 1870, under Rev. C. C. Woods, and have been continued since. The present building was dedicated in August, 1908.

The Baptist church was organized in February, 1850. by Elders J. Farmer, D. W. Johnson, W. P. C. Caldwell and Amos Horn, in the Masonic Hall in Old Town, Membership was scattered during the Civil War; reorganized thereafter, and then progressing steadily since. The present building was erected in 1903.

The Presbyterian church was organized May 30. 1852, by Rev. A. V. C. Schenck and Elder L. Green. Met regularly during the Civil War, and in 1873 built a fine new brick church. United July 11, 1906 with those members of the Cumberland Presbyterian church that approved the union of the two churches. Built their present building in 1910.

The Christian church was organized in 1859, and reorganized January 11, 1868. Church erected in 1867 on south side of Gay street between Washington avenue and Warren street. Present building erected.
The Methodist church was organized August 3, 1865, by Rev. J. Wesley Johnson. Brick church built in 1871 and present church in 1893. both on the same site.
The Catholic church was organized in 1866 by Father Calmer, of Sedalia. First mass was held on the first Sunday after Christmas, in 1866, in the church building. Present building corner-stone laid in 1883 and completed in 1886.

The Cumberland Presbyterian church was organized September 23, 1866. First pastor was Rev. J. B. Morrow. Meetings were held at different places, including the Presbyterian church, until their first church was built in 1875. Present building was erected.

The Episcopal church, Christ Church parish, was organized in April, 1868, by Rev. W. H. D. Hatton. First frame church was built in 1872. Present building completed in 1900.

The Evangelical Association was organized in 1869. Rev. M. Alspaugh was the first minister. It bought and rededicated the old Presbyterian church on north side of Gay street between Washington and Warren streets in 1873. Present building was erected.

The Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints was organized February 21, 1893, northwest of Warrensburg. Dedicated their present church in Warrensburg, May 7, 1916.

The Christian Science Society is represented in Johnson county and in 1916 permanently established itself in its own building in Warrensburg at Culton and Miller streets.

The Brethren church of Warrensburg was organized in 1914. The members originally all belonged to the church two miles south of Warrensburg, and built in town for their convenience, as their numbers increased.

Of the Negro churches, the Baptist church was organized 1864, the Methodist in 1866. The African Methodists and Colored Methodists also have church organizations here.

Cemeteries.-The old cemetery contained four acres and was laid out in 1840 by the county; bought from Martin Warren by the county. and used as a county burying ground. The first person buried there was I. Davenport, and his grave marked by slab of red sandstone about four by eighteen inches. The inscription was "Dead. I. Davenport, Nov., in 1840," roughly cut as by an axe. Some other early inscriptions. were:
"Margaret, Dau. of William and Elizabeth Gilkeson, died August 5, 1845; aged 8 years, 11 months, 7 days."

"Robert F., son of W. L. and N. Poston, born Sept. 16, 1833; was drowned May 16, 1852."

The new cemetery was laid out in 1868, by G. W. Colbern, and was his own property till he gave it to the city in 1880. The first person buried there was the infant, John Miller, Jr., aged eight months, son of John Miller.

Schools After the Civil War.-The schools of Warrensburg were practically at a standstill during the period of the Civil War, from 1861 to 1865. After the war, the public school system received prompt attention and Warrensburg soon gained a reputation throughout the state for the high standard of its schools. The first substantial public school was built in 1845 in Old Town.

Warrensburg was organized into a separate school district April 18, 1866. The names of the first school officers to serve under the new organization were: A. W. Reese, president; Melville U. Foster, secretary; Jehu H. Smith, treasurer; Elias Stillwell, John Rogers and Nelson Dunbar.

The new school board immediately organized the school system on a substantial basis, provided ample accommodations and procured competent teachers. The principal teachers selected were Rev. Matthew Bigger and S. L. Mason for the white schools, and Rev. M. Henry Smith for the colored schools. Each was paid $100 a month.

The first Reese school building was built in 1867 and the Foster school building was completed in 1870.

The first high school was started in 1870. The present high school building was erected in 1896 and its first class was graduated in 1897. At first the work consisted of a two-years course. In 1898 this was changed to the three-years course and in 1904 to a four-year course. In 1907 it became a first-class high school, receiving full credit by the State University. Its graduates are admitted to the State University as freshmen and to the State Normal School as juniors.

The school is well equipped and gives the choice of Latin and English courses. The complete list of courses given is as follows: English, 4 years; Latin, 4 years; mathematics, 4 years-advanced arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry; history, 4 years-ancient, mediaeval and modern, English, American (and government); physical sciences, 3 years-physics, physical geography, botany and zoology.
The following is a complete list of Warrensburg school superintendents: 1870-79, J. J. Campbell: 1879-1884, J. F. Starr: 1884-1891, B. F. Pettis; 1891197, F. E. Holiday: 1897-1900, Leon W. Martin; 1900-1902, J. Matt Gordon; 1902-10, W. E. Morrow; 1910 to present. Edward Beatty.

Mills.-The first mill in Warrensburg was built about 185G, by William Dougherty about a half mile southwest of Old Town. It was a large three-story brick building, with stone around lower story and two run of burs. This mill was kept running during the war, though several times the soldiers took all his grain. After the war he sold to his brother-in-law, John Smith, who ran two or three years and then moved the mill to Holden, where it was running successfully in 1880.

The "Eureka Mills," well known to many of us, was built in 1867 by Land, Fike and Company. It was one of the largest mills in the West, costing $40,000. Eleven hands were kept at work, besides eight or ten coopers making barrels for them, and shipped an average of a carload of 125 barrels daily. (See history of W. L. Hyer, who was with this establishment from an early day.) The Roseland Company now owns the property.

The Warrensburg Grain Elevator & Mill was built in 1869 by S. M. and E. C. Fitch. It has had many changes, was destroyed by fire, but its successor is still doing a large and increasing business at the same place.

The Magnolia Mill was completed October, 1879, and owned by W. H. Martman and Isaac Markward. It has had very few changes of ownership, has greatly increased in size and business, and is now owned by the Magnolia Milling & Investment Company, a corporation in which Messrs. Daniel Bullard and H. F. Kirk are the active members. It is the only mill now in Warrensburg making flour, making one brand, the Crystal, which is very unusual and normally can always sell more than they can manufacture.

Old Miscellaneous Industries.-Among the industries of Warrensburg that have lived and gone are:
1. The Warrensburg Brewery established in 1865 by Philip Gross; made as high as 2,000 barrels of beer annually: was burned down by the temperance forces in 1873: rebuilt, and finally last operated about 1910 by Mr. Murche.
P. Gross Brewery, 1883 Warrensburg, Missouri

2. The Edward L. DeGarmo & Company, woolen mills, built in 1867, and that used to turn out 200 yards of goods daily, besides buying' annually 30,000 pounds of wool sold as yarn.

3. The foundry of David and W. Y. Urie, founded in 1874. ran on West Pine street, and used to make up 250.000 pounds of iron a year. Mr. William Urie, the last proprietor, moved to Kansas City some time in the eighties.   Franz Murche Brewery on West Pine Street about .5 miles West of Holden Street.
Franz Murche Brewery, Warrensburg, Missouri 1899

Breweries listed under Warrensburg, MO 203

Brewery IDBrewery NameStart DateEnd Date
MO 203aPhilip Gross Brewery18741897
MO 203bElizabeth Gross Brewery18911896
MO 203cCharles P. Anton Brewery18961897
MO 203dFranz Murche Brewery18971906
MO 203ePeter J. Schenk Brewery19061907

The first agricultural fair was held in 1857, on the ground owned by Col. Ben W. Grover and close to the house. It was soon moved to twenty acres just south of town, run successfully till the war, reorganized after the war. and $15,000 spent in improvements; failed financially, and the grounds bought by Drummond & Bros., who did a fine molasses business there. Subsequently fairs were held and race tracks built northwest of town, north of Electric Springs, there abandoned, then south of town between Holden and Maguire streets and there abandoned finally a few years ago.

The Enoch Clark Library was founded in 1875 by a contribution from Enoch Clark of $200 on condition that the citizens would raise a like amount. They did so, and a good library was established. It was burned January 10. 1877. insurance used to buy new books and reopened with 552 books besides papers.

Post office.-Warrensburg post office was established in 1836. John Evans, a bachelor, was the first postmaster. The headquarters in the early days were in the various stores, and so continued for many years after the war. The chief mail from the east arrived late in the-evening, and the writer remembers as a boy joining in a nightly procession of the citizens, most of them with lanterns, to the store where the post office was kept. While the mail was being distributed in the proper boxes, the crowd gradually increased and soon became a very gay and neighborly party. This store was always distinctly the social center of the town. A marked deterioration was noticeable, however, when they took the post office out of the friendly setting of the store and put it in a building by itself. Then carriers were appointed and matters became worse- we didn't have to go for the mail at all. Finally the present, big, hard, business-like government building was secured, and that was the crushing blow. The post office, as a social institution, became absolutely extinct.

The complete list of postmasters is as follows: 1836-38, John Evans; 1838-1840, Harvey Dyer; 1840-44, James S. Reynolds; 1844. Flemming H. Brown. Mrs. O. S. Heath. John M. Beard: 1865, Airs. O. S. Heath; 1865-66, D. W. Reed; 1866-1872, Stephen J. Burnett; 1872-76. Josiah Smith; 1876-88, John W. Brown, assistants Henry E. Griffith, William H. Beazell; 1888-1890, H. H. Russell, assistants James M. Williams. Miss Marie Vernaz; 1890-95, Ira A. Day, assistants Rudolph Loebenstein, Fred Day, Harry Day, Miss Mollie Heed: 1895-97, James M. Williams, assistants, Frank A. Plumer. Claud A. Frost: 1897-1903, Peter C. VanMatre, assistants Jo. H. Smith. William T. VanMatre; 1903-06, Mrs. Nellie S. VanMatre; 1906-1914. Jo. H. Smith, assistants Jas. M. Shepherd. Ira A. Day. Charles W. Dixon; 1914 to present, U. A. McBride. assistants James M. Shepherd. Charles W. Dixon. George H. Collins, Charles A. Bridges. T. O. Davenport.

City delivery was established in 1899. The first carriers were: William T. VanMatre. Mark Baldwin and Alpheus Adams. The present carriers are: Aubrey F. Smithson. George F. McMahan. James A. Fickas and Carl L. Schaffer.

County-wide rural delivery was established in 1902.

The old Johnson County History's comments on the enormous postal business in 1880, as follow: "Eight years ago, 20,000 three-cent stamps were ordered each quarter; now 30,000 is hardly enough." Today, there were sold in 1917 $20,000 worth of stamps, or the equivalent of 660,000 three-cent stamps, besides $9,000 worth of stamps to the other seventeen post offices in the county. In 1917. 9,000 money orders were issued of $36,699.94. and 4,500 paid of $27,748.88. (The excess represents chiefly purchases of merchandise from houses outside of the county.)

Thrift and war stamps sold in 1918 to March 16 were $20,283.15.

The total business of the post office has trebled since July 1, 1918.

Incorporation.-Warrensburg was incorporated by the Legislature. November 23, 1855. On the first Monday of April, 1856, the first town election was held. William L. Poston, Sr., Daniel Rentch and Hezekiah E. Depp were judges. The following were elected: John Foushee, mayor: William H. Anderson, William Calhoun, Alexander Marr, and James M. Bratton, councilmen. The first council meeting was at the court house. April 9, 1856. Dr. William Calhoun was elected president pro tempore. Marsh Foster was appointed clerk and Paschal Cork, constable.
The following is a complete list of city officers from 1856 to the present time:

Mayors.-1856. John Foushee: 1857. Daniel Rentch; 1858, M. C. Goodlet; 1859, David \V. Reed; 1860, Platt B. Walker (April), George W. Campbell (June); 1861, W. L. Upton; 1865, D. W. Reed; 1866, G. Will Houts; 1867-68. G. N. Elliott: 1869, George Ryan; 1870, R. Baldwin; 1871, W. O. Ming: 1872, H. Spore: 1873. B. E. Lemmon; 1874, J. H. Smith; 1875-76. Joseph Brown: 1877, George Stepper; 1878-1881, W. L. Hedges: 1882-86, H. F. Clark; 1887, A. M. Greer, E. N. Johnson; 1888, J. D. Eads; 1889-90. George R. Hunt; 1891-94, Theodore Youngs; 1895-98, Charles E. Clark; 1899-1900, John H. Wilson; 1901-02, George W. Houts, 1903-06, W. D. Faulkner; 1907-08, J. P. Ozias; 1909-10, C. D. Middleton; 1911-12, C. A. Harrison; 1913 to present, W. J. Mayes.

Councilmen.-1856, W. H. Anderson. William Calhoun, Alex. Marr. James M. Bratton; 1857, W. S. Hume. W. B. Moody. W. L. Poston, Kas. P. Brooker: 1858, W. H. Anderson. W. B. Moody, W. B. Farmer. James A. Harrison: 1859. W. B. Moody, W. S. Cramnor, W. G. Collins. James P. Brooker: 1860. Ferdinand Ruth. W. M. Collins. J. D. Smith. W. T. Logan: 1861. A. Meyer. W. G. Collins, W. B. Moody, John L. Lobban; 1865, W. B. Moody. James Gillilan, D. .A Johnson, George Reiter: 1866, I. C. Bridges, N. Dunbar. Thomas Evans, Charles Snow; 1867, B. E. Morrow, C. W. Robinson. E. A. Blodgett. N. B. Klaine; 1868, H. C. Fike, S. M. Fitch, S. Schmidlapp, H. W. Harmon; 1869, J. W. Brown. G. W. Houts, H. F. Clark. H. C. Fike; 1870. H. C.
Fike, F. F. Clark. W. B. Moody. John Brown: 1871. J. W. Rodgers, James Ward. W. L. DeGarmo, F. X. Wagner: 1872. Nathan Land, E. L. DeGarmo. C. W. Robinson, F. X. Wagner: 1873, W. B. Moody, Warren Shedd, W. C. Rowland, F. X. Wagner; 1874, J. W. Rogers, J. E. Shockey, M. Shryack, W. D. Buck: 1875, Levi Hyer, J. L. Roberts, M. Shryack, J. H. Kinsel: 1876, Levi Hyer. J. L. Roberts, J. A. Shryack, J. H. Kinsel; 1877, Levi Hyer, Josiah Smith; J. A. Shryack, G. F. Heath; 1878, George Reiter. Josiah Smith. W. C. Marlatt, G. F. Heath; 1879, George Reiter, D. T. Faulkner. FI. C. Fike, W. C. Marlatt; 1880, George Reiter, D. T. Faulkner. H. C. Fike, W. C. Marlatt; 1881. First Ward. G. N. Richards. J. A. Shryack: Second Ward, Geo. W. Hout, H. C. Fike. 1882. First Ward, G. N. Richards, Jehu H. Smith; Second Ward, George W. Houts, William E. Crissey. 1883, First Ward. G. N. Richards. Jehu H. Smith; Second Ward, George W. Houts, William E. Crissey. 1884, First Ward, G. N. Richards, Jehu H. Smith; Second Ward, George W. Houts, J. D. Eads. 1885, W. H. Hartman, Jehu FI. Smith; Second Ward, George W. Houts, J. D. Eads. 1886, First Ward, W. H. Hartman, Jacob Hyer; Second Ward, George W. Houts, E. N. Johnson. 1887, First Ward, W\ H. Hartman. Jacob Hyer: Second Ward, George W. Houts, E. N. Johnson. 1888. First Ward, W. H. Hartman, Theodore Youngs; Second Ward. George W. Houts, William H. Anderson, Jr. 1889, First Ward, Aug. Giehl, L. F. Raney; Second Ward, James L. Robinson. G. A. Lobban; Third Ward. J. A. Drummond, \Y. H. McMahan; Fourth Ward, D. J. Clifford. John G. Gilbert. 1890, First Ward. Aug. Giehl. Joseph E. Lightner: Second Ward, James L. Robinson. Jehu H. Smith; Third Ward. J. A. Drummond. W. H. McMahan; Fourth Ward. Daniel J. Clifford. Theodore Youngs. 1891, First Ward, Joseph E. Lightner. M. L. Days: Second Ward, Jehu H. Smith, James L. Robinson ; Third Ward. H. \Y. McMahan. J. A. Drummond; Fourth Ward, Adolph Spiess, D. J. Clifford. 1892. First Ward, M. L. Day, Joseph E. Lightner; Second Ward, James L. Robinson, George W. Houts; Third Ward. David Aber, S. P. Williams; Fourth Ward. D. J. Clifford. George W. Fisher. 1893, First Ward. Joseph E. Lightner, H. A. Cress; Second Ward. George W. Houts, G. A. Lobban; Third Ward, S. P. Williams, W. C. Johnson: Fourth Ward, George W. Fisher. John W. Gossett. 1894, First Ward, H. A. Cress, J. A. Collins; Second Ward, G. A. Lobban, W. L. Embree: Third Ward, W. C. Johnson, Oliver Miller; Fourth Ward, John W. Gossett, George W. Fisher. 1895, First Ward. J. A. Collins. C. W. Cord; Second Ward. W. L. Embree, G. A. Lobban ; Third Ward, Oliver Miller. J. C. Hubbard : Fourth Ward. George W. Fisher. W. L. Hyer. 1896. First Ward. C. W. Cord, J. A. Collins; Second Ward. G. A. Lobban. W. L. Embree: Third Ward, J. C. Hubbard. D. S. Redford: Fourth Ward. W. L. Hyer. Albert Owings. 1897. First Ward, J. A. Collins. M. F. Stillwell; Second Ward, W. L. Embree, J. M. Davenport; Third Ward, D. S. Redford, George P. Ebbs; Fourth Ward, Albert Owings, J. A. Hamrick. 1898. First Ward, M. F. Stillwell, W. O. Davis: Second Ward, J. M. Davenport, W. L. Embree: Third Ward, George P. Ebbs, R. L. Denton: Fourth Ward, J. A. Hamrick, W. S. Dunham. 1899. First Ward, W. F. Stewart, W. O. Davis; Second Ward, J. A. Collins. W. L. Embree, J. A. B. Adcock; Third Ward, George Davenport, R. L. Denton: Fourth Ward, James A. Hamrick, George W. Fisher. 1900, First Ward, M. F. Stillwell, W. F. Stewart: Second Ward, G. A. Gilbert, J. A. Collins: Third Ward, John A. Miller. B. F. Roby; Fourth Ward. George W. Patton. J. A. Hamrick. 1901. First Ward. M. F. Stillwell. John V. Brewer; Second Ward, G. A. Gilbert, J. A. Collins: Third Ward, J. A. Miller, J. P. Ozias: Fourth Ward, George W. Patton, R. R. Cruzen. 1902, First Ward, John V. Brewer, R. A. Breeden: Second Ward, J. A. Collins. E. B. Stockton: Third Ward, J. P. Ozias, David Aber: Fourth Ward, R. R. Cruzen, Louis Fountain. 1903. First Ward. R. A. Breeden, W. B. Russell; Second Ward, E. B. Stockton, W. L. Hickman: Third Ward, David Aber, J. P. Ozias: Fourth Ward, Louis Fountain, J. C. Chambers. 1904. First Ward. W. B. Russell, Henry Love: Second Ward, W.. L. Hickman, E. B. Stockton: Third Ward. J. P. Ozias. David Aber: Fourth Ward, John C. Chambers. L. Fountain. 1905, First Ward. George G. Shryack, Henry Love: Second Ward, W. L. Hickman, E. B. Stockton; Third Ward. T. C. Lauderdale, David Aber; Fourth Ward, L. Fountain, C. Chase. 1906, First Ward. George G. Shryack, Henry Love; Second Ward, F. L. Mayes. W. L. Hickman: Third Ward. T. C. Lauderdale. John A. Miller: Fourth Ward, C. Chase, Fred L. Foster. 1907, First Ward, George G. Shryack, Henry Love; Second Ward. F. L. Mayes, J. V. Murray; Third Ward, T. C. Lauderdale. J. A. Miller; Fourth Ward. C. Chase, Fred L. Foster. 1908. First Ward, George G. Shryack, Dr. O. B. Hall; Second Ward, J. V. Murray. F. L. Mayes: Third Ward. T. C. Lauderdale, C. D. Middleton: Fourth Ward, C. Chase, Fred L. Foster. 1909, First Ward. Dr. O. B. Hall, O. H. Brock; Second Ward, F. L. Mayes. R. L. Campbell: Third Ward. J. M. Caldwell, J. B. Whit-field: Fourth Ward, Fred L. Foster, J. L. Smith. 1910, First Ward, Dr. O. B. Hall. O. H. Brock; Second Ward. A. Lee Smiser, R. L. Campbell: Third Ward. J. M. Caldwell. J. B. Whitfield; Fourth Ward, J. L. Smith, L. Fountain. 1911, First Ward, Dr. O. B. Hall, O. H. Brock; Second Ward, A. Lee Smiser. R. L. Campbell; Third Ward, J. W. Whitfield, E. S. Katherman; Fourth Ward, J. L. Smith, L. Fountain. 1912, First Ward. Dr. O. B. Hall. O. H. Brock: Second Ward, A. Lee Smiser, R. L. Campbell: Third Ward, E. S. Katherman, J. B. Baird; Fourth Ward. J. L. Smith, L. Fountain. 1913, First Ward, Dr. O. B. Hall, O. H. Brock; Second Ward, A. Lee Smiser, R. L. Campbell; Third Ward. E. S. Katherman. J. B. Baird; Fourth Ward. J. L. Smith, L. Fountain. 1914. First Ward, S. H. Coleman, O. H. Brock; Second Ward. J. S. Anderson. R. L. Campbell; Third Ward, E. S. Katherman, A. D. Redford: Fourth Ward, J. L. Smith, L. Fountain. 1915, First Ward, S. H. Coleman, J. O. W. Moles; Second Ward, J. S. Anderson, L. F. Hutchens; Third Ward, F. S. Katherman, A. D. Redford; Fourth Ward, J. L. Descombes, L. Fountain. 1916, First Ward, J. O. W. Moles, S. H. Coleman: Second Ward. J. N. Suddath. L. F. Hutchens; Third Ward. E. S. Katherman. T. L. Bradley; J. L. DesCombes, L. Fountain, 1917, First Ward, S. H. Coleman, L. A. Davis: Second Ward, J. N. Suddath, L. F. Hutchens: Third Ward, C. W. Fulkerson, T. L. Bradley; Fourth Ward, J. E. Six. L. Fountain.

Assessors.-1856-57, William Upton: 1858, William M. Poston; 1859. Alex. Marr; 1861. A. M. Christian; 1865, John Cheek; 1866, J. I. Clouch; 1867, W. S. Snow; 1868. W. C. Rowland: 1889. G. E. Bell: 1891-92. Rolla G. Carroll: 1893-94, Jesse Baker: 1895-98, G. F. Savage; 1899-1900. Rolla G. Carroll: 1901-02. J. M. Hill: 1903-06, J. W. McFarland; 1907-1910, E. A. Williams; 1911-14, T. J. Summers: 1915-16. O. L. Peters.

Attorneys.-1856, Charles O. Silliman: 1857, M. C. Goodlett; 1858, F. M. Cockrell; 1859, Robert L. Brooking: 1860. John Hollowell: 1861. O. A. Wadell and G. W. McMurran; 1866, A. R. Conklin; 1867. H. H. Harmon: 1868, J. P. Heath; 1869-70, S. T. White: 1871. Henry Neill; 1872. A. B. Logan: 1873. A. C. Baker: 1874. A. R. Conklin: 1875-76. Henry Neill: 1877. J. M. Crutchfield: 1878. Garrett C. Land: 1879-1880, S. T. White; 1881-83. R. M. Robertson; 1884-85, J. M. Crutchfield; 1886, John J. Hyer; 1887-88. Henry Neill: 1889-1890, A. M. Greer; 1891-92, R. M. Robertson: 1893, F. B. Fulkerson: 1894, F. B. Fulkerson and M. D. Aber: 1895, N. M. Bradley: 1896, N. M. Bradley and M. D. Aber; 1897-98, M. D. Aber; 1899-1900, Harry G. Hart; 1901-02, Bowman Jarrott; 1903-04, Victor Gallaher: 1905-06, W. C. McDonald; 1907-1908, J. K. Tuttle: 1909-12. W. C. McDonald: 1913 to present. S. J. Caudle.

Clerks.-1856, Marsh Foster; 1857, Aikan Welch and F. S. Poston: 1858, David W. Reed and F. S. Poston; 1859, F. S. Poston: 1860-61, Alexander Marr: 1865. G. W. Houts: 1866, C. M. Leet. J. W. Brown; 1867, J. W. Brown: 1868-1870, J. R. Heath: 1871, J. M. Hustel, Joseph Zoll; 1872, Joseph Zoll: 1873, B. A. Fickas; 1874. H. M. Overmyer; 1875-76. Joseph Zoll: 1877. N. B. Klaine, Joseph Zoll; 1878-79. Joseph Zoll; 1880-81, Ira A. Day: 1882-1890. W. C. Marlatt: 1891-94; W. S. Clark; 1895, F. G. Limbeck; 1896. C. D. Middleton; 1897. H. A. Neill, R. E. Jones, 1898, C. W. Cord; 1899. C. W. Cord, F. G. Limbeck; 1900, F.G. Lunbeck: 1901-1912, S. P. Tyler; 1913 to present, D. P. Woodruff.

Collectors.-1874, Eli Allman; 1881-82, W. C. Rowland; 1883, J. W. Kerr: 1884. T. B. Montgomery: 1885, W. H. Bunn: 1886, Marcellus Shryack: 1877, John H. Wilson: 1888, W. H. Bunn; 1892, W. L. Hick-man: 1893-96. O. H. Brock: 1897-1900. James M. Shepherd; 1901-04. George A. Thurber; 1905-09, Harry Jennings: 1910-12, S. H. Coleman; 1913-16, L. C. Gore: 1917 to present, O. L. Peters.

Engineers.-1899-1904. George S. Brinkerhoff; 1905, J. H. Scarborough; 1906, George S. Brinkerhoff; 1907, George S. Brinkerhoff and H. W. Sanders: 1908, George S. Brinkerhoff: 1909-10. J. S: Scarborough; 1911. R. P. Fitch: 1912 to present, C. L. Johnson.

Marshals.-1868-1870, W. S. Snow: 1871, J. K. Miller: 1872, E. H. Shotwell; 1873. L. Collins: 1874, Eli Allman: 1875. O. A. Redford; 1876, S. J. Jackson: 1877-1880. H. F. Clark: 1881-82, P. A. Matthews; 1883-84, P. A. Magoon; 1885-86, D. R. Smith: 1887. R. F. Dalton; 1888. R. F. Dalton, Thomas H. Dillard: 1889-1894, J. E. Morrison: 1895-96, George W. Warnick: 1897, W. H. Welch: 1898, W. H. Welch. George F. Fisher. K. G. Tempel; 1899-1900. K. G. Tempel. 1901-02. Carlisle Chase: 1901-07, James Ryan: 1908. William Ogle; 1909-12. W. A. Gaubert; 1913 to present, B. G. Brown.

Assistant Marshals.-1892. Charles Morrison; 1893, Lewis Davis: 1894, J. A. House; 1895. W. C. Johnson: 1896. R. H. Davis: 1897, K. G. Tempel; 1898-1900, J. P. Hampton: 1901. J. A. Burnett and James Ryan; 1902. James Ryan: 1903-06. B. G. Brown; 1907. James Basham; 1908. George W. Howard: 1909-12. B. G. Brown; 1913 to present. J. W. Quarles.

Police Judges.-1895-96, W. C. McDonald: 1897-98, J. K. Byers; 1899-1900, Jehu H. Smith; 1901-02. M. J. Staley; 1903-06. W. H. Bunn; 1907-08, W. K. Morrow; 1909-12, John W. McFarland; 1913-14, Price B. Robinson; 1915-16, J. Raymond Rothwell; 1917-18, John W. McFarland.

Sextons.-1881-1895, Green B. Lannom: 1896-1900. R. H. Crook; 1901-02. T. C. Lauderdale: 1903, A. H. Spitser; 1904-1916, C. W. Stewart; 1917, Neal Harmon.

Street Commissioners.-1856, Daniel Rentch ; 1857, O. S. Heath; 1858-59, Robert Sharp; 1860, C. F. Heath; 1861. William Upton: 1866. S. J. Burnett: 1867, W. S. Snow, O. S. Heath: 1868. O. S. Heath; 1869. W. Jollandsworth: 1870. J. D. Morris; 1871. Joel P. Johnston; 1872. Adam Howenstein: 1873, John Watson; 1874, L. Collins; 1875, J. P. Johnston; 1876. Hugh McCoy; 1877, Peter Koontz: 1878, R. L. Richey, John Opp; 1879-1882. J. D. Morris: 1887-88, D. R. Smith; 1889. Clifton Thompson; 1890, J. H. Alspaugh: 1891-94, John Scott: 1895, Orlando Willis: 1896. John M. Davidson; 1897. L. E. Hawk; 1898. Z. T. Collins. J. M. Davidson: 1899. J. A. Johnson: 1900. Frank Cole: 1901-06. J. E. Ridge: 1907. Stephen Tompkins. Henry Whiteman; 1907-08, Henry Whiteman; 1909-10. J. E. Ridge: 1911-12, John Burnett; 1913-14, W. A. Gaubert: 1915-16, Frank Hiebler: 1917, A. Gaubert.

Treasurers.-1856, John G. Davis: 1857-1861, John Foushee: 1865-1866. W. R. Wood: 1867-1870. A. W. Ridings: 187*1-72. J. P. Henshaw; 1873-76. H. D. Russell: 1877. N. B. Johnson; 1878-1882. W. H. Lee; 1885-87. Marcus Youngs; 1888. John Davis: 1889-1891. O. S. Wadell; 1892-94. Jo. H. Smith: 1895-96. H. A. Neill; 1897-98. Alpheus Adams; 1898. Alpheus Adams and E. N. Johnson: 1899-1900. Fred C. Whitman: 1901-04. Earl Coffman: 1905-06. T. P. Valentine: 1907. T. E. Cheatham, G. C. Gillum: 1908. G. C. Gillum: 1909-12, C. A. Owings: 1913-16, Nick Greim : 1917 to present, Joseph E. Belt.

Early Men and Things of Warrensburg Living Today.-Careful inquiry seems to give the honor of priority to the following of Warrensburg's institutions and people.

Buildings.-The oldest building is the old court house in Old Town, now occupied as a residence by Mr. W. O. Davis, the best-known citizen of Old Town. It was completed about 1842. The next was the next house west of the Reese school, a two-story frame house, which Daniel Rentch had built. Then came the brick house just south of the court house on the west side of Main street, built by William Harrison Anderson; then the brick house on the north side of Gay street just east of Main street, now the residence of Mr. S. B. McMahan; then the brick house on the east side of Main street just north of Gay street and once occupied by W. H. Colbert, and then the brick house just opposite on the west side, formerly occupied as a dentist's office by Doctor Williams. The above order is given by Miss Catherine Rentch, daughter of Daniel Rentch, who remembers the building of all these houses except the court house and the frame house, and is confirmed by Mr. W. O. Davis. Mr. Moody and others.

In New Town. William Zoll built what is now the first frame house on the north side of Gay street east of Holden street (now the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Griffith/. in 1858. Other houses built before the war were Capt. H. C. Fike's house (which was used as a smallpox hospital during the war), and also the second and third houses west from Holden street on the north side of Gay street (now occupied by Messrs. Joseph McMeekin and Leslie Hutchens, respectively), and the house at 310 West Gay street, built by old Mrs. Marr.

There is not an old church building in town. The Christian is the oldest, and the Cumberland Presbyterian next.

Men and Women.-Of the business men "Ike" Rogers and Dan Williams are the oldest. They were both here before the war. Mr. Williams came in 1857 and Mr. Rogers in 1858. (The fact that both are pioneer harness men seems to indicate a distinct advantage in associating with good leather). Those after the war are given in Mr. Lowe's interview preceding.

The person who has resided in town the longest seems to be David P. Woodruff, who was born in Warrensburg, August 12, 1842. He is now city clerk and active and well. Mrs. Martha Statley, now aged eighty-five years, came here with her father, Daniel Rentch, about 1845 or 1846. Mrs. Nannie Rose, widow of Lafayette Rose, is seventy-six years old and remembers coming here when she was six years old. which would make her advent 1848. Mrs. A. H. Gilkeson (mother of Mrs. W. L. Hedges, Dr. H. P. Gilkeson, and John M. Gilkeson, all living in this county) came here in 1851, and is now over eighty years of age.

In the younger set of genuine natives, come Mel. P. Moody and John M. Crutchfield. Mr. Crutchfield was born here in 1858. and Mr. Moody claims he chose Warrensburg as his birthplace in 1854, though he refuses to confirm this by his actions or looks. Those two remarkable women, Miss Kitty Rentch and Miss Lizzie Grover, both arrived in this world in Warrensburg before the war. Miss Lizzie remembers going to Doctor Williams' office to have a tooth pulled before the war, and Miss Kitty was an associate of Mr. Moody's, and John J. and William S. Cockrell (the writer's half-brothers), who were born in 1855 and 1857, respectively. These two spinsters, both of unusual character and ability, have (possibly through keeping themselves clear of incumbrances) for a long time been, and still are, two of the town's most capable and cheerful citizens.
Population.-The following is the population of Warrensburg from 1910 by official United States Census: 1850-White. 194; colored. 47. 1860-White. 858; colored, 124. 1870-White, 2.447; colored. 498. 1880, 4,049: 1890. 4,706; 1900, 4,724; 1910, white, 4,278; colored, 411.

Additional, and very interesting detailed information about the town is given by the United States Census for 1910. According to it, there were 1,209 dwellings in town and 1,236 families living in them. There were 144 people ten years old and over who could not read or write. These were chiefly negroes-1-92 negroes, and S2 whites. Among the 144 were 66 men over 21 years old. There were 1,289 persons between six and twenty years of age, of whom 1.012 were attending school.

The Warrensburg Commercial Club prior to 1910 had existed for sixteen years, under the name of the "Warrensburg and Johnson County Board of Trade." Its first president was Charles Shepard, who continued in that capacity until the re-organization. The first secretary was Frank Limbeck. The minutes of the "Board of Trade" have been lost and definite information as to the work of the body cannot be given, but it may be claimed that it was responsible for the building of the present court house. It was composed of the leading men of Warrensburg and labored for the best interests of the city. The Board of Trade was re-organized in January, 1910, its name was changed to the Warrensburg Commercial Club and the following officers and directors were chosen: John Thrailkill, president; Jesse J. Culp, vice-president; George G. Gilkeson, treasurer; W. E. Suddath, secretary, and J. H. Scarborough, P. D. Finch, Theo. S. Shock, John Thrailkill, Jesse J. Culp, George G. Gilkeson and W. E. Suddath, directors. New and commodious rooms were fitted up in the second story of the Johnson building on the corner of Holden and East Pine streets. During the past year the club has stood behind all worthy enterprises of the city.
It helped in the organization of the Johnson County Poultry Show and was instrumental in securing the meeting of the Grand Army of the Republic in Warrensburg. Its most important work has been that of encouraging street paving, four miles of which have been accomplished through its efforts. It has been behind all beneficial legislation and has taken the initiative in many improvements. The success of the "Korn Karnival" was mainly through its efforts.

The club is now fighting the increase of light rates, making the telephone companies lay the wires underground, and have made the railroads keep up the bridges, paving and crossings. They helped get the county farm agent by pledging themselves for his salary and guaranteed the support of Miss Moreland, the new food demonstrator.

The membership of the club embraces the leading business men of Warrensburg and it is a power for the upbuilding of the city. There are 100 members. The present officers are: President, Harvey Clark;. secretary, Chester Ossingham; treasurer, E. N. Johnson.

Johnson County, Missouri Genealogy Trails

 © 2006 - 2008 by Genealogy Trails  -  All Rights Reserved - With full rights reserved for original submitters. 

Jesse J. Culp, proprietor of the Elevator Mills of Warrensburg, has twenty-four years of business life to his credit and is still a young man. He was born July 14, 1875 on his father's farm near Leeton, Missouri, the son of John and Mary A. (Miller) Culp. John Culp was born in 1846 in Logan county, Ohio and Mary A. (Miller) Culp was born in 1852 in Allen county, Ohio. They came from Ohio to Missouri in 1868 and located on the farm near Leeton, where they remained several years, and then Mr. Culp traded the Leeton farm for the 

Dr. Osborne place, which he later sold and in 1888 bought the Warrens-burg elevator from Fitch & Smithton. John Culp was the owner and manager of the Elevator Mills of Warrensburg for seventeen years, from 1888 until 1905.

To John and Mary A. (Miller) Culp were born the following children: Lizzie C, who is the wife of M. J. Reggie, a well-known grocer of Warrensburg; Jesse J., the subject of this review; Abram B., a dentist of Kansas City, Missouri; David D., the manager and owner of the Lakeside Hotel, Seattle, Washington; Lottie N., the wife of Samuel H. Davis, of Spokane, Washington; and Adelia H., the wife of Thomas H. Douglass, and resides in Bolivar, Missouri. John Culp died at the age of fifty-nine years, December 31, 1905 and his wife died September 18, 1915. Both father and mother were laid to rest in the Warrensburg cemetery. 
Jesse J. Culp attended the public schools of Johnson county and the Warrensburg High School. After leaving high school, he was associated in business with his father until 1905, when he began business for himself, succeeding John Culp, his father, as proprietor of the Elevator Mills of Warrensburg. September 15, 1908 the elevator was burned. Fire was discovered about five o'clock in the morning and it is supposed it started from a spark blown from an engine, which had been switching on the railroad several hours that night. The case was in court three years and was then compromised by the railroad company paying part of the loss sustained. Mr. Culp rebuilt the elevator immediately, making the new one fireproof. He buys and sells all kinds of grain, seed, and like produce and has storage room for about thirty cars of grain and elevator capacity of thirty thousand bushels. The elevator and buildings occupy all of block E on Grover street in the second addition of Warrensburg and all the elevator buildings are covered with iron. Mr. Culp's present office and wareroom were built in 1909. The wareroom and office are constructed of brick, 50 x 100 feet in dimensions, and the building consists of two stories and is one of the best and most convenient on the line of the Missouri Pacific railway. 
In 1904, Jesse J. Culp was united in marriage with Judith Rice, the daughter of Samuel and Susan R. Rice. Both parents of Mrs. Culp are now deceased. To Jesse J. and Judith (Rice) Culp have been born three children: one child died in infancy; Susan Margaret; and Leland James. Mr. and Mrs. Culp reside in their home at 510 South Holden street in Warrensburg. 
At the last meeting of the Warrensburg Baptist church in 1909, Jesse J. Culp was elected superintendent of the Baptist Sunday School, which has an average attendance of four hundred twenty members. Mr. Culp has held this office since 1909. He is also a member of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Warrensburg, of the Blue Lodge, and is a Knights Templar. For the year 1915, Mr. Culp was president of the Warrensburg Commercial Club. His high standing in the state of Missouri as a business man is shown by the fact that he has been a director of the Missouri State Grain Dealers' Association for the past four years 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

Mary C. (Divers) Greenlee, widow of John White Greenlee. of Warrensburg, is one of the honored pioneer women of Johnson county. She was born in 1844 in Post Oak township, Johnson county, the daughter of one of the most distinguished pioneer families in Missouri. Her father, Frank Divers, was born in 1811 in Franklin county, Virginia, thirty miles from the famous Natural Bridge of Virginia. He was the son of Christopher C. Divers, who came with his family from Virginia to Missouri and located in Post Oak township about 

1832, where he entered land from the government in Johnson county. His death occurred on the farm in Post Oak township and his remains were interred in the family cemetery in Post Oak township. Frank Divers, the father of Mrs. Greenlee, entered about one thousand acres of land from the government, located eight miles southeast of Warrensburg. 

He was one of the first settlers in that vicinity. Mr. Samuel Kimzey, the nearest neighbor, lived six miles away. Mr. Divers conducted a general store near High Point 
church for many years, in the early thirties.

In 1840, Frank Divers and Amelia A. Bouldin were united in marriage in Pettis county, Missouri. Amelia A. (Bouldin) Divers was the daughter of Leonard Bouldin, who 
was a cousin' of Henry Clay, the famous Kentucky orator and renowned "peace-maker." The name Bouldin was originally spelled Boling or Bowling but an ancestor, through error or otherwise, always signed his name Bouldin, and thus through the years the name has continued to be. To Frank and Amelia A. Divers were born the following children: Mary C, the subject of this review; Lucy M., who died in infancy; Nannie, who was first the wife of Theodore Jones, who died, and she later became the wife of Felix Bibb, in 1915 her death occurred in Warrensburg and she left five children: Bernice, the wife of Mr. Appel, Great Falls, Montana; David, banker, Lewistown, Montana; Frankie, married James Calicote, Hobson, Montana; and Leonard Greenlee and Robert Hunton, twins, ranchers near Hobson, Montana, all graduates of the State Normal School, Warrensburg, except the twins who attended school there; William Baxter, died in childhood; Leonard B., who is a prominent ranchman of Hobson, Montana, married Cora Ridge, of Warrensburg, and they have one child, Cora Lee; Frank, Jr., a well-known ranchman of Roswell, New Mexico, married Kate Greenlee, of Fayetteville, and he is a trustee of Baptist Theological School at Waco, Texas, and a liberal contributor to the church and is also one of the directors of the First National Bank at Roswell, New Mexico; Virginia, who was the wife of William Dean and is now deceased, leaving two children, Leonard and Frank, of Kentucky; Vivia H., the wife of Reverend Earl D. Sims, a Baptist minister, state evangelist for Nebraska, who with his family is now located at Liberty, Missouri, but for five years he and his wife were missionaries in China, and they have one son, Rochester Ford, student at William Jewell College, Liberty, Missouri; 
and Lelia H., the wife of Thomas Fisk, of Butler, Missouri, and they have one daughter, Helen Marie, married Raymond Percival, of Cole Camp, Missouri. Both parents are now deceased. Mr. Divers died in 1874 and his remains were laid to rest in the family cemetery and the mother passed away three years later.

November 24, 1870, Mary C. Divers and John White Greenlee were united in marriage at the Divers home in Post Oak township, the marriage ceremony being performed by 
Reverend J. H. Houx. John White Greenlee was born in 1845 in Lincoln county, Kentucky. He enlisted in the Civil War, April 15, 1861, in the Confederate service and served throughout the war. Mr. Greenlee was captain of Company F, Gordon's regiment, Marmaduke's brigade, Shelby's division. His company served mostly in Missouri, Arkansas, 
and in the western states. Twice he was severely wounded in battle. His brother, William P. Greenlee, was with General Price during the war and was one of the general's escort.
 After the struggle ended he was one of the first regents of the Warrensburg State Normal School. He also represented Johnson county in the state Legislature in the early seventies.
 The Greenlee family have long been prominent in the public affairs of both county and state.

To John White and Mary C. (Divers) Greenlee were born three children all of whom are graduates of the Warrensburg State Normal School: Elmo M., who was born March 17, 1873, and died May 28, 1912, in Mexico as the result of a railroad accident, where he is buried in the Masonic cemetery at La Colorado, and he was extensively engaged in mining and a successful business man; Frank D., who was born February 18, 1875, a successful farmer and stock raiser in Post Oak township, on a part of the old homestead, married Bettie Berry and they have two children, John B., who was born January 5, 1907, and Mildred Elizabeth, who was born November 3, 1909, and their mother is one of the successful teachers of Johnson county; and Mary Amelia, who was born February 5, 1879, married Lin Bartholomew, and they reside in El Paso, Texas, where Mr. Bartholomew is successfully engaged in the mercantile business. Mary Amelia (Greenlee) Bartholomew is principal of one of the city schools of El Paso, Texas, well known as a very successful teacher of large experience in New Mexico and Texas. She is a graduate of the State Normal School of Warrensburg and took post-graduate work here, and now has a life certificate in Texas and New Mexico. In 1888 Mr. and Mrs. John Greenlee moved from the farm in Post Oak township to Warrensburg. For eight years prior to coming to Warrensburg, they had resided on the home place of Mrs. Greenlee's father. Mr. Greenlee entered the lumber business in Warrensburg with T. J. Caldwell under the firm name of Caldwell & Greenlee. Both men were reared in the same vicinity and were lifelong friends. For many years Mr. Greenlee was connected with the mercantile business of Johnson county and he was highly regarded by his business associates as an honorable, industrious, capable business man. His death January 25, 1901 removed one of Johnson county's most valued citizens and left a vacancy which has never been filled. Mr. Greenlee was a member of the Baptist church, as is also Mrs. Greenlee. 

Mrs. Greenlee has been a resident of Johnson county for nearly three-quarters of a century and possessing a bright, keen mind and remarkable memory, recalls vividly the life of other days and the men and women, who moved amidst the scenes of pioneer life. Among those whom she recalls, who lived in Post Oak township, were: Adam Fickas, Talton Embree, Harvey Dyer, Dr. William Huff, Judge War-nick, Uncle Nicholas Townsley, and Daniel Marr, and those of Jefferson township; Jefferson Davis, Daniel Cooper, Samuel Kimzey, who was the father of Judge Lee Kimzey, George Peak, Dr. Warren, Charlie Snelling, Addison Draper, Reverend William Caldwell, who was a Baptist minister, Frank Goodwin, and Jesse Enlow, who owned the first carding machine in High Point neighborhood. 

Mrs. Greenlee is active in church work, having been a member of the Baptist church since her marriage. She is a member of the Eastern Star, Roswell, New Mexico, and United Daughters of the Confederacy. She was one of the charter members of the Francis Cockrell Chapter and she and her daughter organized the Joe Wheeler Chapter at Roswell, New Mexico and are both charter members and have been elected to all the offices. She has had an active club and social career. 

Mrs. Greenlee comes from Revolutionary stock. Her father's oldest brother, John, served in the Revolutionary War. She just remembers seeing him when she was a small child. She sat on his lap and she recalls of him telling her about the war. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

Mrs. Mary M. (Hocker) Robinson, one of the noble pioneer women of Johnson county, was born January 31, 1844 in Grover township, Johnson county. She is the daughter of a pioneer family, who settled in this county in 1834. Her parents, Larkin and Eliza J. (Thornton) Hocker, were both natives of Kentucky. Larkin Hocker was born in Lincoln county, Kentucky and in 1834 moved from Kentucky to Missouri, where he located on a farm comprising seven hundred acres of land, which he entered from the government, situated eight miles north of Knob Noster. The Hockers came by boat up the Missouri river to Missouri and then drove through to Johnson county. In those early days, wild game was in abundance and the Hocker children often saw herds of wild deer and flocks of prairie chickens, wild turkeys and wild geese. To Larkin and Eliza J. Hocker were born the following children: Martha Ellen, who was the wife of Willis Huff and is now deceased; Harrison, who died at the age of three years; Amanda J., who was the wife of James K. Tyler, and is now deceased; Mary M., the subject of this review; Henrietta T., who was married to Stanton Feagans in 1866, who is now deceased, and she is residing in the brick house which was built in 1850 on the old Hocker homestead in Grover township; and Larkin, Jr., who was born in 1848 and is residing at Knobnoster, Missouri. Larkin Hocker, Jr. is unmarried. All the children were born in a log cabin, which their father built in 1834. The cabin consisted of one and a half stories with a "lean-to" and shed, making three large rooms, two below and one above. Mr. Hocker brought four slaves with him, when he moved from Kentucky, and he was owner of twenty at the time the slaves were made free. Mrs. Hocker died December 3, 1894 on the home place and she was followed in death by her husband January 31, 1899. Mr. Hocker was at the time of his death eighty-seven years of age.

Mary M. (Hocker) Robinson was attending school in Warrens-burg when the Civil War began. Dr. Warden was teaching in Warrensburg at that time. The school house was north of the old court house in the old town of Warrensburg, and is standing to this day. The Hocker family remained on the farm during the war, keeping the blacks with them until the close of the war, when they were set free. 

May 27, 1867, Mary M. Hocker and John E. Robinson were united in marriage at the Hocker home in Grover township. John E. Robinson was born August 23, 1841 in Grover township. He was the son of Jehu and Julia Ann (Oglesby) Robinson, who moved from Saline county, Missouri to Johnson county in 1833. A sketch of Jehu and Julia Ann Robinson appears in connection with the biography of James L. Robinson, which is given in this volume. John E. Robinson was one of six children born to his parents, as follow: Mary, deceased;. Mrs. Louisa Hull, deceased; John E., who was the husband of the subject of this review and is now deceased; Dr. J. F., Nevada, Missouri; Mrs. Sallie B. Reynolds, who resides near Leeton, Missouri; and James L., Warrensburg, Missouri. 

John E. Robinson enlisted during the Civil War, at Warrensburg with Company A, Fifth Missouri Infantry, and was assigned to McCowan's regiment, First brigade, serving under General Bowen. Mr. Robinson was with that division two years, then he was assigned to Company I, Tenth Missouri Cavalry, Marmaduke's brigade, with whom he served two years. He was first lieutenant in the latter company and had charge of a company when the war ended. Mr. Robinson was wounded October 4, 1862 in the right shoulder by a bursting shell, but as he was in fine physical condition and possessed a splendid, robust constitution, he soon recovered and was not handicapped in later life from the effects of his wound. When the war closed, John E. Robinson returned to the home of his father, who was at that time living in Boone county, Missouri, and assisted him in recovering from the losses inflicted by the war. Jehu Robinson had been financially ruined. Then in 1867 he was married to Mary M. Hocker. 

John E. and Mary (Hocker) Robinson were the parents of four children: Dr. Jehu F., who died January 10, 1896 at the age of twenty-six years, leaving a widow and a daughter, three weeks old, Margaret Finis Robinson, who now resides with her mother, Mrs. George Gilham; Larkin H., who died at the age of thirty-one years, June 30, 1907, leaving a widows Eliza A., the wife of Henry E. Vitt, of Warrens-burg; and Mary Margaret, who died March 26, 1888 at the age of three years, ten months, and one day. Mrs. Henry E. Vitt, the only child now living of the four born to Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, attended the Warrensburg State Normal School, where she specialized in music. She is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution of Warrensburg, Missouri and of the Daughters of the Confederacy, Francis M. Cockrell Chapter, Warrensburg. 

John E. Robinson was a prominent and influential stockman of Grover township for many years. In August, 1896, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson moved from the farm to Warrensburg and one year later Mr. Robinson died, November 10, 1897. Interment was made at the Hocker cemetery in Grover township, in which burial ground both his parents and the parents of Mrs. Robinson rest. John E. Robinson was a highly esteemed citizen of Johnson county, a man who possessed many qualities worthy of the greatest respect. His death was a source of universal regret and though a score of years have passed his friends still miss with sadness his familiar form and voice. Mrs. Robinson resides in the handsome, modern residence at 212 East Market street in Warrensburg, among a host of friends. 

Henry E. Fewel, one of the founders of the city of Leeton, Missouri, and president of the Bank of Leeton, is one of the prominent pioneers of Johnson county. He was born June 6, 1855, in Jefferson township, Johnson county, a son of Richard B. and Nancy (Avery) Fewel, the former a native of North Carolina and the latter of Tennessee. Richard B. Fewel was born April 30, 1827, a son of Mason C. Fewel, who was born January 30, 1797, in North Carolina. Mason C. Fewel and his son, Richard B., came overland from North Carolina to Missouri many years before the Civil War and settled on land entered from the government six miles southeast of Leeton, Missouri. Nancy (Avery) Fewel was born in Tennessee, March 12, 1830. To Henry E. Fewel's parents, Richard B. and Nancy Fewel, were born the following children: Orlando, deceased; Hattie E., Montrose, Missouri; Henry E., the subject of this review; Dr. R. B., who has been engaged in the practice of medicine at Montrose, Missouri, for the past thirty-five years; Mace, Redlands, California; Mrs. Mollie Wallace, Fort Worth, Texas; Green, Muskogee, Oklahoma; Mack, Calhoun, Missouri; and Walter, Murchison, Texas. Mason C. Fewel died and was buried on the home place near Leeton. February 24, 1880, the death of his son occurred and the remains of Richard B. Fewel were interred in the cemetery at Sardis church. His widow survived him twenty-two years, when March 12, 1902, she followed Mr. Fewel in death and was also laid to rest in the cemetery at Sardis church. 

Henry E. Fewel attended the public schools of Johnson county and the Warrensburg State Normal School. He was in attendance at the latter institution two years. After leaving school, Mr. Fewel engaged in the stock business. He was reared on the farm in Jefferson township and all his life has been interested in agricultural pursuits and a stock buyer since he attained maturity. Mr. Fewel resided on the farm until 1896, when the town of Leeton was founded. J. R. Grinstead, J. J. Lee, and Henry E. Fewel were the founders of the present prosperous, flourishing, little city of Leeton, Missouri. In 1896 the town was laid out and at first embraced but eighty acres within the corporation limits, but since that time seventy acres more have been added. Leeton was planned and laid out before the Rock Island railway reached this locality. Leeton now has a population of about five hundred and is constantly growing. It has two splendid banks, an elevator, two lumber companies, and is located in the richest agricultural section of Johnson county. 

October 10, 1889, Henry E. Fewel was united in marriage with Jennie Lee Cooper, the daughter of Daniel and Angie (McCray) Cooper. Daniel Cooper was born January 3, 1822, 
and came to Missouri with his father, David Cooper, in 1832. They settled in Jefferson township, and here Daniel's daughter, Mrs. Fewel, was born many years later. At the time of his death, December 8, 1893, Daniel Cooper was owner of nearly six hundred twenty acres of land. His widow still resides in Leeton. Mr. Cooper was a veteran of the Confederate service, serving under General Price, and he took an active and prominent part in the battle of Wilson's creek. To Henry E. and Jennie Lee Fewel have been born three children: Mrs. Belle Kennedy, who was a student at Liberty College, Liberty, Missouri, and is now the wife of J. T. Kennedy, assistant cashier of the Bank of Leeton; Floyd E., who is a graduate of the Military College of Mexico, Missouri, was a student at the State University at Columbia for three years and then engaged in farming and stock raising, and associated in business with his father in buying and selling stock, now in training for an officer's commission at Fort Sheridan, Illinois, and also he attended the Military Training School, at the Presidio, San Francisco, six weeks during Panama Exposition ; and Lee Lucile, who is a graduate of Stevens College, Columbia, Missouri, and is now a student in Central College, Lexington, Missouri.

Henry E. Fewel was one of the organizers of the Bank of Leeton, of which institution he is now president. Mr. Fewel still buys and sells stock, being associated in business with his son, Floyd E. In addition to his beautiful residence in Leeton, Mr. Fewel is owner of the Snowberger place, located a fourth mile northeast of Leeton, the Harwood place, which comprises two hundred acres one and a half miles northwest of Leeton, and a farm of two hundred forty acres two miles southeast of Leeton, owning seven hundred sixty acres in all. 

Henry E. Fewel is a man of whom Johnson county is proud. He possesses an unusually broad perspective of life. In a pretty, woodland home, surrounded by flowers and trees, he is spending his life in the city of his own building, for the growth and advancement of which he willingly gave the best years of his life. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

H. F. Clark, ex-mayor of Warrensburg, and a highly respected pioneer of Johnson county, was born in 1836 in Virginia. He is the son of Richard Harvey and Mary (White) Clark, natives of Virginia. H. F. Clark is the only survivor of a family of eleven children. One brother, A. P. Clark, died recently at the age of eighty-five years, in Lawrence, Kansas.

H. F. Clark received his education in the public schools of Ohio, to which state the Clark family moved when he was a child. When he was thirteen years of age, his mother died and he was obliged to leave school to seek work. Mr. Clark has at different times been a boatman, a miner, and a grocer. In 1861 he came from Ohio to Missouri and located on the' Missouri river in Gasconade county. In the spring of 1864 he came to Warrensburg, where he opened a general store although he still engaged in farming near Warrensburg. 

In 1861, H. F. Clark and Rosa Goff were united in marriage in Muskingum county, Ohio. To H. F. and Rosa (Goff) Clark were born the following children: John, who was a pharmacist in Warrensburg, died at the age of fifty-two years; Mary, died at the age of sixteen years; Stanton, who was reared to maturity and educated in the schools of Warrensburg, Missouri, and died at the age of twenty-three years at Norman, Oklahoma, where he was engaged in the drug business; two children died in infancy; H. C, a merchant of Warrensburg; W. S., who is at the head of the Warrensburg Wholesale Grocery business; Mrs. Rose Bradshaw, wife of Ed. Bradshaw, a broker of New York City; and Ethel, who is the wife of Charles Houx, a prosperous stockman of Centerview township and president of the Bank of Centerview, a sketch of whom appears in this volume. Mrs. Clark died in 1907 and her remains were interred in the cemetery at Warrensburg, where the children who had preceded her in death were also buried. Mr. Clark, who is now eighty-one years of age, makes his home with his daughter, Mrs. Charles H. Houx. He is one of Senator Cockrell's most valued friends. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

William Lazenby, a retired farmer and Civil War veteran residing in Warrensburg, was born July 15, 1840 in Morgan county, Illinois. He is the son of John and Sarah (Green) Lazenby. natives of England. John Lazenby emigrated from England to America in 1829 and settled in Morgan county, Illinois on a farm near Jacksonville. John and Sarah (Green) Lazenby were the parents of the following children: Mary, who was born in England; John, Jr.. who was born in Illinois and is now deceased; Jane, who died in Adams county. Illinois in 1857; 

William, the subject of this review; Charles, who died in February, 1916: and Isaac, Jacksonville, Illinois.

William Lazenby enlisted in the Twenty-seventh Illinois Infantry August 12, 1861, serving under Captain A. J. Bozarth, whose widow now resides in Warrensburg. Mr. Lazenby's regiment was assigned to the Army of the Cumberland, first serving under Commodore Foote and after the battle of Shiloh under General Grant. His company took a prominent part in the battles of Belmont. Missouri; Union City, Tennessee; Corinth, Mississippi: Stone River,. Chattanooga, and Missionary Ridge, Tennessee. William Lazenby was in the very thick of the campaign for Chattanooga, which resulted in the restoration of all Tennessee to the Union, in a victorious army holding the key to Atlanta and the Georgia uplands. At the battle of Belmont, Missouri, Mr. Lazenby was shot through the right knee and for thirty days was confined in the hospital. In the important engagement fought September 19th and 20th in 
1863 at Chickamauga, Tennessee he was again wounded, on September 19th being shot at this time through the hip. Mr. Lazenby was first wounded November 7, 1861 and 
again on September 19, 1863 and from the effects of these wounds he has been handicapped through all his later life. Mr. Lazenby himself states that he has never been a sound man since September 19, 1863. On account of the wound received at Chickamauga he was confined in the hospital sixty days. Mr. Lazenby was mustered out and honorably discharged September 20, 1864. 

After receiving his discharge, Mr. Lazenby returned to Illinois. Within a short time he moved to Iowa, locating in Van Buren county, where he remained five years. From Iowa he moved to Missouri, locating on a farm nine miles north of Knob Noster. William Lazenby resided on the farm near Knob Noster until 1902 when he moved to a farm near Oak Grove in Simpson township. In 1907 he moved to Warrensburg and purchased the six building lots at 410 South Washington street, where in 1909 he built his present residence. 

In 1902, William Lazenby was united in marriage with Mrs. Ida (Higgins) Winkler, the widow of Franklin Winkler. She is the daughter of Eugenie and Susan Higgins, the former a native of Vermont and the latter of New York. They settled in Iowa in the early fifties. Both father and mother now rest in the cemetery at Carthage, Missouri. One brother and one sister of Mrs. Lazenby are now living: Horace. Oronogo, Missouri; and Mrs. Susie Montague, Sedalia, Missouri. Franklin Winkler, the former husband of Mrs. Lazenby, was a native of North Carolina. He came from North Carolina to Missouri in 1847 and located in Lafayette county. He was united in marriage with Ida Higgins in 1877 at Carthage, Missouri and to them were born two children: Mrs. Alice May Gladish, who is now residing in Johnson county, Kansas, near Merriam; and Belle M., who is employed as bookkeeper for the Long Construction Company, Kansas City, Missouri. The Winkler family made their home north of Warrensburg until Mr. Winkler's death in 1895. His remains were interred in the cemetery at Oak Grove. 

By a former marriage with Mildred Lacy, William Lazenby was the father of nine children, five of whom are now living: Frizello, Dunksburg, Missouri; Harvey, Warrensburg; Mrs. Delia Thornton, Sedalia, Missouri; Arthur, Knob Noster, Missouri; and Wesley, who resides in Howell county, Missouri. Mrs. Clara Tyler died in January, 1917 and three children died in infancy. 

William Lazenby was justice of the peace in Simpson township for more than twenty years and the last two terms he served under a Democratic administration although he is Republican. In 1890 and 1900 Mr. Lazenby took the United States census in Simpson township. He is noted in the county for his splendid penmanship, and at the age of seventy-seven years writes a better, plainer, steadier hand than the majority of the young people of today. Mr. Lazenby acquired his skill in writing while serving in the army as orderly sergeant. 

Mrs. Lazenby has in her possession a priceless relic of the long ago. This is a Seth Thomas clock, which is still in good working order after seventy-five years of service. 
The clock was purchased three-quarters of a century ago and brought to Lexington, Missouri by Charles Bradley, the former husband of the first wife of Franklin Winkler.

Mr. and Mrs. Lazenby are highly esteemed and valued members of the Warrensburg Methodist Episcopal church. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

H. S. Townsend, member of the firm of Baird & Townsend, Marble & Granite Works, of Warrensburg, Missouri, was born March 17, 1857, in Andrew county, Missouri. He is the son of Jonathan and Kittie Ann (Landers) Townsend, the former a native of Indiana and the latter of Missouri. Jonathan Townsend was born June 17, 1827, and when eighteen years of age came to Missouri from Indiana. He located in Andrew county when St. Joseph had but one store, which was conducted by a Frenchman named Rubidoux, who traded with the Indians. Jonathan Townsend settled on a farm near Savannah and there spent the remainder of his life. To Jonathan and Kittie Townsend were born the following children: W. B., Whitesville, Missouri; F. M., Whitesville, Missouri; James S., Bolckow, Missouri; E. E., Savannah, Missouri; Mrs. John Roe, Savannah, Missouri; Mrs. Louisa J. Todd, who died in 1891; and H. S., the subject of this review. Mrs. Townsend died in 1861. Jonathan Townsend's death occurred at the age of ninety years in Savannah, which had been his home for twenty years. Prior to moving to Savannah he had lived on his farm near that place fifty-two years. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend lived in the first home which he built for fifty-two years and in the seventy-two years they lived in but two different homes. The remains of both father and mother were interred in the cemetery at Savannah. Missouri. The father served in the State Militia under Capt. D. C. Stotts during the Civil War.

H. S. Townsend received his early education in the public schools of Andrew county, Missouri. He later attended Lagrange College, Lagrange, Missouri, for three years. Mr. Townsend entered the teaching profession after leaving college and for fifteen years was engaged in teaching during the winter and farming in the summer time. Twenty-three years ago, in 1894 Mr. Townsend came to Warrensburg, and entered the dairy business. Fifteen years ago he went in partnership with J. B. Baird in the marble and granite business and in farming and stock raising. Baird & Townsend, Marble & Granite Works, are successors of the Farley Brothers. Four years ago they moved to their present location on East Pine street, where they have two display rooms, 24 x 118 and 24 x 30 feet in dimensions respectively. The firm employs three traveling salesmen and has an extensive business all over the state of Missouri and extending into adjoining states. Frequently carloads of stone are shipped to a single point in the state. They import granite and marble in the rough from quarries in Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota. Oklahoma. Massachusetts. Vermont. New Hampshire, and Maine, besides obtaining some foreign shipments. This firm has undoubtedly the finest stock on hand of any company in western Missouri. Mr. Townsend is well known throughout the state and is universally esteemed, possessing a pleasing personality which has won for him scores of friends. In addition to the granite and marble business, the firm is also engaged in farming and stock raising, owning a splendid stock farm ten miles south of Warrensburg. This farm comprises one hundred sixty-nine acres and is devoted to dairy stock. 

In 1880, H. S. Townsend was united in marriage with Florence I. Clark, daughter of Silas and Marguerite Clark, of Andrew county, Missouri. Both parents of Mrs. Townsend are now deceased. To H. S. and Florence I. (Clark) Townsend have been born two children: Glenn, an only son, who died at the age of thirteen months, who is interred in the cemetery at Warrensburg; and Nellie Grace, who is the wife of Harley Hoar, of Warrensburg. Mrs. Townsend is president of the Johnson County Women's Christian Temperance Union and has held this office for the past five years. She was elected delegate to the national meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union held at Seattle, Washington at the State meeting in 1915, but on account of illness was unable to attend. 

Mr. Townsend is affiliated with the Modern Woodmen of America, of which lodge he has been one of the officers in Warrensburg for many years, and with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of which he has been a member for the past ten years. He has been a deacon in the Baptist church for twelve years and superintendent of the Sunday School four years. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

John M. Gillilan, a well-known Confederate veteran and honored pioneer of Johnson county, is a native of West Virginia. He was born in Greenbrier county on June 16, 1837, and when sixteen years of age came to Missouri and located first in Lafayette county, where he rented a home for three months and then in October, 1853, settled on the farm in Columbus township, where he has resided almost continuously for more than sixty years. The only time Mr. Gillilan was away from the farm was during the Civil War, when he was in the Confederate service for four years. John M. Gillilan joined the army on Honey creek and served first under Vard Cockrell and later under "Fighting Joe" Shelby. He saw active service in Missouri, Arkansas, and Louisiana, and in a skirmish at Mark's Mill, Arkansas, was dangerously wounded in the left lung and wrist. This was in May, 1864, and when the war ended in 1865 Mr. Gillilan had not yet fully recovered from the effects of his wound.

In October, 1865, John M. Gillilan returned to his home in Johnson county and he has ever since been engaged in general farming and stock raising. He owns two hundred sixty acres of valuable land in Lafayette county and Columbus and Hazel Hill townships, a farm which was originally entered from the government by Mont Cockrell, an uncle of Senator Francis M. Cockrell. This tract of land was obtained from the Cockrell heirs by Mr. Gillilan. 

December 31, 1857, John M. Gillilan and Rachel Ruth Kelly were united in, marriage. Mrs. Gillilan is a daughter of John Kelly, a pioneer of the early fifties, of Johnson county, and was born March 1, 1842. To Mr. and Mrs. Gillilan have been born twelve children: Mrs. Martha Grinstead, who resides near Kingsville, Missouri; William Price, who died at the age of twenty-five years: Mrs. Anna VanMeter, Odessa, Missouri; Mrs. Lydia Violet, Hazel Hill township; George, Columbus township; Ray, who resides on the home place; Bertie, at home; Mrs. Gertrude Anderson, Odessa, Missouri; Charles, the competent cashier of the American Trust Company of Warrensburg, Missouri; Ethel, at home with her parents; Clarence, at home; and one child died in infancy. 

Mr. Gillilan is now eighty years of age but as alert mentally and physically as many men twenty years younger. He possesses a remarkable memory, and the exceptional faculty of readily recalling names. Among the "old timers" of the fifties, whom he knew personally in Johnson county, were: William Dalton, Abner Wood, Finley Barnett, William Frakes, John McNeal, Adam Wolfenberger, Frederick Rhodes, Levi Evans, James Norris, Lewis McCoy, Alex Cockrell, Samuel Kirby, Isaac Horner, John Kelly, Albert. Jonathan, and Isaac Groves, Thomas McBride, Bart West, Samuel Whitsett, Mrs. Katie Morrow, Sabina Renick, Samuel Ramsey, Wilson Sammett, and Franklin Ramsey, who is now living in Warrensburg at the advanced age of ninety years. Mr. Gillilan remembers frequently hearing Senator Cockrell speak on various occasions in the days before the Civil War. He heard Senator Vest deliver his famous eulogy on the dog at the trial resulting from the killing of a dog, when two brothers-in-law, Hornsby and Burton, were at law. Cockrell was employed as attorney opposing Senator Vest at that trial. 

Sixty-four years ago, John M. Gillilan came from West Virginia to make his home in the thinly settled West, on the broad, open prairie land of Missouri. To young Gillilan, then a boy still in his teens, life on the plains must have presented a great richness of experience. For more than a half century, the Gillilan name has stood for the best in life and has become a synonym for honor, honesty, and nobility. And "a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches." 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

Walter R. Greim , the manager of the City Steam Laundry, Warrensburg, is a native of Johnson county. He was born at 116 Broad street, Warrensburg, in the home which his father built when he was married. He is the son of Henry N. and Margaret (Reichle) Greim, both natives of Germany. Henry N. Greim was born September 22, 1840, in Bavaria, Germany. In 1853 he immigrated to America when he was fourteen years of age and in 1855 came to Warrensburg, where he began as a laborer. Before the Civil War he drove a stage from Warrensburg to Lexington and after the war engaged in the harness business in Warrensburg.

Henry N. Greim opened his harness shop February 11, 1867 on Holden street where the Commercial Bank of Warrensburg is now located. He was in the harness business for more than thirty years. During the Civil War he enlisted in Company E, First Missouri Cavalry under Colonel Fuller. Mr. Greim took active part in the battles of Prairie Grove and Little Rock. He was mustered out of service at Little Rock, Arkansas in June, 1865. Margaret (Reichle) Greim was born in Stuttgart, Germany. She came to America with her parents when she was eleven years of age. They settled in Fayette county, Ohio and there the daughter, Margaret, was reared to maturity and educated. She moved to Warrensburg with her parents in 1868 and was married the following year to Henry N. Greim, in 1869. Both parents of Margaret (Reichle) Greim, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reichle, were natives of Germany. They are interred in Adams cemetery. 

Henry N. and Margaret Greim were the parents of four children: Arch J., Warrensburg; Walter R., the subject of this review; Lula M., Warrensburg; and Nicholas E., in the employ of Citizens Bank of Warrensburg. Henry N. Greim died April 5, 1897. His wife died August 10, 1895. They are buried in the Warrensburg cemetery. Mr. Greim was an industrious, capable business man, and one of Johnson county's most substantial citizens. 

Walter R.. Greim received his education in the Warrensburg schools and in the State Normal. He was in attendance at the State Normal one year. March 1, 1903, he opened a steam laundry on Culton street and two years later moved to his present location on the corner of Holden and Grover streets where he has continued in business for the past thirteen years. The City Steam Laundry is the only steam laundry in the city and does excellent work. Mr. Greim employs ten people and all work is given the most careful and prompt attention. 

In 1910, Walter R. Greim was united in marriage with Ida McClelland, daughter of George B. McClelland, a farmer near Holden, Missouri. Mrs. Greim's mother is deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Greim reside at 116 Broad street in the home which Mr. Greim's father built when he started housekeeping in 1869, the birthplace of Walter R. When the Greim home was built there were not half a dozen houses south of the railroad in Warrensburg. The house was remodeled in 1910. Mr. and Mrs. Greim are widely known in Johnson county and have many friends. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009   

R. F. Renick , a Civil War veteran and one of the pioneers of Johnson county, was born January 15, 1837 in Lafayette county, Missouri. He is the son of Andrew E. and Sabina (Livesay) Renick, who came to Missouri in the early part of the nineteenth century. Andrew E. Renick was a native of Ohio, born in 1809 near Springfield, Clark county. In early manhood he left Ohio and went to Virginia and after a year or two came to Lafayette county, Missouri in 1830, and located near Wellington. He remained there for about five years when he moved to Johnson county. Sabina (Livesay) Renick was a native of Virginia. Her parents came to Missouri about 1825. The marriage of R. F. Renick's father and mother was solemnized in Lexington, Missouri, by Reverend John Worder. Andrew E. and Sabina Renick were the parents of the following children: William, who is living at the age of eighty-three years in Garden City, Kansas; R. F., subject of this review; Mrs. Mary R. Creasy, deceased; Mrs. Isabell Goodwin, deceased; Emma, deceased; James W., Odessa, Missouri; Mrs. Amanda Patterson, deceased; and Mrs. Josie Goodwin, deceased. Andrew E. Renick died July 3, 1852 at St. Charles, Missouri and is buried there.

R. F. Renick attended school in Wellington, Missouri. At the age" of twenty years he entered the government service in Kansas, herding cattle on the plains. For a number of years he was assistant wagon boss of a train of twenty-six wagons which made the trip from Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas to Ft. Laramie, Wyoming in thirty-five days. The return trip was made in twenty days when the wagons were empty. At different times Mr. Renick was associated with Sitting Bull's Indians. He has in his possession a coat made by Sitting Bull's squaw. This coat is an extremely interesting relic, made of buckskin or black tailed deerskin. Prior to the war Mr. Renick made four trips to St. Louis on horseback, driving stock. 

In 1861, R. F. Renick enlisted at Columbus, Missouri with Captain Newton's company, Hurst's regiment. He and Senator Francis M. Cockrell were in the same company and saw active service in the same battles. The first year Mr. Renick was in Missouri with his company and the second year took part in the southern campaign with General Price in Mississippi, Tennessee, and Arkansas. R. F. Renick took an active and prominent part in the battles of Springfield, Missouri; Elk-horn Tavern, Arkansas; Corinth, Mississippi and Iuka, Mississippi. At the siege of Vicksburg, which was captured July 3, 1862, Mr. Renick fired the last gun. He was in the Georgia campaign, which was an almost continual fight and a series of steady and hard-won successes, taking part in the battles of Altoona Mountain, Georgia; Franklin, Tennessee; and many minor skirmishes. He was taken prisoner at Franklin, Tennessee and when the was closed was in prison at Ft. Delaware. Eight different times Mr. Renick was wounded, four times in the left leg, once in the right, twice in the right shoulder and once in the back of the head. A spyglass was shot out of his hand at one time and another out of his pocket. His saber was shot and broken in two once when he had it unsheathed. While in prison Mr. Renick almost reached the place where he could hear the "last taps" sound, for gangrene started in his wound. As it was feared the disease would spread he was placed in a tent alone. Mr. Renick entered the service as a private and shortly afterward was elected lieutenant of his company, Company H, Fourth Missouri Infantry. Captain Norville Spangler of this company was killed at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, and Lieutenant Renick succeeded to the captaincy of the company and served in that capacity three years, or during the remainder of his military career. 

After the war closed, Mr. Renick returned to his farm in Columbus township. This is a fine place consisting of two hundred forty acres of some of the best land in the county. In 1868 he was married to Mary Wallace, daughter of Allen and Anna Wallace, pioneers of Columbus township. Allen Wallace died in Illinois and his remains were buried there. His wife died in Columbus township and is buried there. To R. F. and Mary Renick were born two daughters: Fannie, the wife of Dr. T. L. Bradley, a sketch of whom appears in this volume; and Annie, the wife of Dr. Baxter Morrow, Columbus, Missouri. Both sons-in-law of Mr. Renick are Johnson county boys and were reared near Columbus. Mrs. Renick died November, 1912, at the age of seventy-two years. She was laid to rest in the Warrensburg cemetery. Mr. Renick makes his home with his two daughters in Columbus and Warrensburg. He is still active for one of his years, having passed his eightieth birthday, and were it not for the old wound in the left leg Mr. Renick would be able to put to shame many men a score of years younger than he. He can however do much work as it is. It has been a pleasure to find such a man still with us. The ranks of the brave pioneers and Civil War veterans are too rapidly thinning. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009   

Dr. T. L. Bradley, successful physician of Warrensburg, was born August 26, 1870, near Columbus, Missouri. He is a member of a well-known pioneer family of Johnson county. His father, Gafford Bradley, is a native of Johnson county, born in 1846 at Pittsville. Gafford Bradley is the son of Dickey Bradley, Jr., who came to Johnson county about 1830. Dickey Bradley, Jr. was the son of Dickey Bradley, Sr. and he and his wife came to Johnson county a few years after their son had located on a farm near Pittsville. Dickey Bradley, Sr. was a veteran of the War of 1812. He was with General Jackson in the siege of New Orleans. He died in Johnson county in 1838 and was laid in his last resting place in Blackwater cemetery, the first to be buried in that historic place. The Blackwater Methodist church was the first Methodist church to be organized in Johnson county and it was organized with twenty-one members, six of whom were Bradleys. Dickey Bradley, Jr., was a highly respected farmer near Pittsville. He reared to maturity a large family. August 26, 1870, he died on the farm where he had resided for forty years and his remains were interred in Blackwater cemetery. Elizabeth (Fulkerson) Bradley, mother of the subject of this review, was the daughter of Dr. Monroe and Elizabeth (Houx) Fulkerson. Dr. Monroe Fulkerson is one of the early settlers of Johnson county and an esteemed pioneer physician residing two miles southwest of Columbus, Missouri. His family of boys served bravely in the Southern army during the Civil War. Elizabeth (Houx) Fulkerson is the daughter of Nicholas Houx, one of the first four settlers in Johnson county. Nicholas Houx settled at Columbus, Missouri and the first court held in Johnson county was held at his home under an elm tree. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Houx have long been deceased and their remains rest in the Columbus cemetery. To Gafford and Elizabeth Bradley were born two sons: Judge Nick M., who is a prominent attorney of Warrensburg, Missouri; and Dr. T. L., the subject of this review. Gafford Bradley died in Warrensburg in 1900 and his wife passed away in 1904 and their remains are both buried in the Warrensburg cemetery.

Dr. T. L. Bradley attended the public schools of Warrensburg. He is a graduate of the State Normal School of Warrensburg and of the St. Louis Medical College, class of 1896. Dr. Bradley was the first student from Johnson county to graduate from the St. Louis Medical College and the first from Johnson county to receive an interne appointment in the City Hospital. He served as interne one year. In 1897 Dr. Bradley began the practice of medicine at Warrensburg. His office was located at that time in the old Montgomery building on the corner of Holden and Pine streets. He has since moved his office to the present location at 103 West Pine street. Dr. Bradley has an excellent practice. 

In 1898, Dr. Bradley was united in marriage with Fannie Renick, the daughter of R. F. and Mary (Wallace) Renick of Columbus township, a sketch of whom appears in this volume. Mary (Wallace) Renick was born, reared, married, reared her family, and died in the same house. She died at the age of seventy-two years. The house still stands on the farm one and a half miles northeast of Columbus, Missouri. Dr. and Mrs. Bradley reside in Warrensburg on the corner of Broad and McGuire streets. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009   

J. Ransom Grinstead , ex-county clerk of Johnson county, was born April 9, 1862 in Post Oak township, Johnson county. He is a son of Abner and Charity A. (Wells) Grinstead. Abner Grinstead was born in 1829 near Richmond, Kentucky, son of Jesse Grinsted. When Abner Grinstead was four years of age his father moved with his family to Pettis county, Missouri, in 1833. Jesse Grinstead was a native of Virginia. He was born in 1796 and he took an active and prominent part in the War of 1812 and subsequent Indian wars in which he served as colonel. He died in Pettis county at the age of eighty-six years on the farm which he had pre-empted and his remains were buried in the family cemetery near Longwood. Abner Grinstead was reared on his father's farm in Pettis county. In early manhood he came to Johnson county and located in Post Oak township in 1854 where he entered land from the government. In 1854 Abner Grinstead and Charity A. Wells, daughter of Colonel Ransom Wells, a pioneer of Washington township, Johnson county, were united in marriage and to them were born three children: Mrs. Alice Henshaw, Rinehart, Missouri; J. Ransom, the subject of this review; and A. Rector, Wichita, Kansas. Abner Grinstead was a well-known and highly respected farmer and stockman of Post Oak township where he lived for more than half a century on his farm of four hundred acres of splendid farm land. He died January 1, 1917 aged nearly eighty-eight years. His wife died in 1904 and the remains of both father and mother were buried in the Knob Noster cemetery.

J. Ransom Grinstead attended the public schools of Johnson county and the Warrensburg State Normal School, graduating from the latter institution in the class of 1881. After leaving college Mr. Grinstead entered the teaching profession and, having secured a state certificate, was engaged in teaching for four years. Mr. Grinstead was reared on his father's farm in Post Oak township and has all his life been engaged in farming and stock raising. He taught school in addition to the work on the farm. In 1895 Mr. Grinstead, John J. Lee, and Henry E. Fewel purchased the townsite of Leeton, consisting of one hundred forty acres and platted the original town which has since grown into a prosperous town of six hundred inhabitants. Mr. Grinstead still holds valuable property interests in Leeton. For about seven years he was in the real estate, loan and insurance business at Leeton, Missouri, prior to his election as county clerk in 1906. Mr. Grinstead served two terms in the office of county clerk of Johnson county, being reelected in 1910. It was during Mr. Grinstead's term of office when David Mohler was highway engineer that he, Mr. Mohler, and the county court put in operation the county highway plan of making good dirt roads. This plan involves the making of roads at the rate of sixty miles a year for five years and has proven to be a great success. Three hundred miles "of the best dirt roads were made at a cost of one hundred to four hundred dollars a mile, making a network connecting all the important trade centers of the county. The construction of more than a thousand concrete culverts was a part of the plan. 

April 2, 1891, J. Ransom Grinstead was united in marriage with Josie Hall, the daughter of G. G. Hall and Lucy (Mitchell) Hall, of Jefferson township, Johnson county. Both parents of Mrs. Grinstead are deceased and they were placed in their last resting places in High Point cemetery in Jefferson township. To J. Ransom and Josie (Hall) Grinstead have been born three sons, all of whom are graduates of the Warrensburg State Normal School and now engaged in teaching: Lawrence H., superintendent of schools in Cole Camp, Missouri; Roland W., has charge of the history department and is coach of athletics in the Warrensburg High School; and Noel B., teacher of Manual Training and coach of athletics in the Nevada High School, Nevada, Missouri. The year previous he was engaged in teaching in the Windsor High School, Windsor, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Grin-stead's home in Warrensburg is located at 410 South Holden street. 

J. Ransom Grinstead is owner of more than a thousand acres of land in Post Oak and Warrensburg townships, Johnson county and in addition to supervising his own business affairs he is manager of Blackwater Company's land, which includes more than a thousand acres. Mr. Grinstead is of pioneer lineage and one of Johnson county's prosperous and influential citizens. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009   

James I. Anderson, M. D ., one of the best-known practitioners in Johnson county, is a member of a highly respected pioneer family, who were prominently connected with the early history of both Johnson and Henry counties. Doctor Anderson was born in 1859 in Warrensburg, Missouri the son of William Harrison and Mary (Davis) Anderson. William Harrison Anderson was born in 1813 in Campbell county, Kentucky. He was the son of John H. Anderson, a native of Virginia. John H. Anderson's father, John Anderson, came with General Brad-dock from England to Virginia in March, 1755. John H. Anderson was a veteran of the Revolutionary War. He came to Missouri and settled in Johnson county after his sons had located here. His death occurred in Hazel Hill or Simpson township when he was one hundred three years of age. William Harrison Anderson came to Johnson county, Missouri from Tennessee in 1833. He first located north of Warrensburg on a farm. This was before the town of Warrensburg was laid out or the county of Johnson established. In 1838 he moved to Warrensburg and there filled the offices of deputy sheriff, tax collector, and later treasurer of Johnson county.

For several years William Harrison Anderson was employed as clerk in the different stores, working at one time in the employ of a country merchant named Gallaher and subsequently in the first store in Warrensburg. In the early forties he entered the mercantile business for himself in Warrensburg and was thus engaged until 1857, at which time the St. Louis Union Bank established a branch bank in Warrensburg and William Harrison Anderson was employed as cashier. The bank in Warrensburg was organized in July, 1858, and continued in business until 1862, when the unsettled condition of affairs due to war times obliged the bank to close its doors. 

At the time Mr. Anderson was cashier, the railroad had been built west only as far as Sedalia, Missouri. Fearing the bank might be looted, he placed seventy-five thousand dollars of the bank funds in five boxes, containing fifteen thousand dollars each, and hauled the boxes to the farm home of John Parr in June, 1861. The boxes were stored beneath the hearthstone of the fireplace in the Parr home and remained there in safety until the ensuing autumn, when the St. Louis bank sent their cashier in October for the funds. He, Mr. Anderson, and Mr. Parr loaded the five boxes upon a wagon and the two cashiers hauled them to Sedalia, from whence they were shipped to St. Louis. The thoughtfulness and precaution of the young cashier undoubtedly saved the bank's money, for Warrensburg was visited by both armies that summer. Colonel Dare, with his Federal troops, and General Sterling Price, with the Confederates, confiscated everything they could find of value belonging to the enemy. From 1862 to 1869 the Anderson family resided in St. Louis, Missouri. They returned to Warrensburg in 1869 or 1870 and Mr. Anderson assisted in the organization of the Johnson County Savings Bank. He then entered the mercantile business, in which he was engaged for many years. 

James Isaac Anderson is one of ten children born to William Harrison and Mary (Davis) Anderson, who were as follow: John D., who died in Nashville, Tennessee; Sarah, who died in childhood; Zachary T., whose death occurred about ten years ago in Nashville, Tennessee; Henry B., who died in Warrensburg, Missouri, about 1892; Alice, who died in childhood; William Harrison, Jr., who resides in Helena, Arkansas; James Isaac, the subject of this review; Mary, formerly the wife of Charles Davis of Helena, Arkansas, who is deceased, and she is now the wife of Reuben Reeves, of Warrensburg, Missouri; and Charles, Statesville, North Carolina. One child, Robert, died in infancy. The father died in 1892 in Warrensburg, Missouri. 

Mary (Davis) Anderson was born at Bowling Green, Kentucky, She came to Johnson county, Missouri, with her parents when she was a child three years of age. She was the daughter of Zachary T. and Elizabeth (Bradley) Davis. Zachary T. Davis was one of the first county officers of Johnson county. Both parents of Mrs. Anderson were interred in the cemetery at Lees Summit, Missouri. 

Doctor Anderson received his early education in the public schools of Warrensburg, Missouri. He later attended the Warrensburg State Normal School, Vandiver University of Nashville, Tennessee, and the New York Polyclinic at New York City. Thirty-five years ago he opened his office in Warrensburg, Missouri, on the corner of Pine and Holden streets, where he has ever since remained, enjoying one of the most extensive practices in the city. 
In 1890, James Isaac Anderson was united in marriage with Elizabeth Plumer, the daughter of M. A. and Sarah Plumer, of Warrensburg. Missouri. The parents of Mrs. Anderson came to Johnson county, Missouri, about 1870. Both are now deceased and their remains rest in the Warrensburg cemetery. To Dr. and Mrs. Anderson have been born four children: Gladys, who is a graduate of Pratt Institute, New York City and now supervisor of art in the Warrensburg State Normal School; A. P., who is a graduate of the Pratt Institute in the class of 1915 and is now employed as chemist for the Dupont Powder Company in Virginia; Caroline, a graduate of the Warrensburg State Normal School and now teaching in the Warrensburg schools: and Albert, who is employed in Helena, Arkansas, by the Pendergrass Cotton Company.
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009   

David Mohler , ex-county surveyor and president of the Johnson County Mutual Insurance Association, is a native of Ohio. He was born in 1852 in Miami county, Ohio, a son of Ephraim and Anna (Nill) Mohler. Ephraim Mohler was born in 1826 in Pennsylvania where he was reared and educated. When he attained maturity he left Pennsylvania and moved to Ohio. In 1869, when his son, David, was seventeen years of age, Ephraim Mohler came to Missouri with his family and settled in Johnson county on a farm twelve miles south of Warrensburg. Anna (Nill) Mohler, the mother of the subject of this review, was a native of Germany. She was born in 1826 and with her parents immigrated to America when she was six years of age, about 1832. Ephraim and Anna Mohler were the parents of the following children: Mrs. Mary Wenrick, Leeton, Missouri; George, Pleasant Hill, Ohio; J. B., Cleveland, Ohio; David, the subject of this sketch; R. D., Warrensburg; Ephraim S., Covington, Ohio; John, who died at Gallipolis, Ohio; Mrs. Emma Colbert, Covington, Ohio; Mrs. Ida Coppock, Mechanicsburg, Ohio; and S. N., a Baptist minister, St. Louis, Missouri. Ephraim Mohler returned to Ohio at one time and remained in that state ten years when he came back to Johnson county. He was one of the charter members of the Brethren church of Leeton, which was organized about 1871. His death occurred in 1906 and he and his wife, who died the next year, were buried in the cemetery at Leeton.

David Mohler attended the public schools of Johnson county and the Warrensburg State Normal School. He took the two years' course at the State Normal and after he left college was engaged in teaching for fourteen years. In the summers he was employed in farming. In 1907 he moved to Leeton, Missouri when he was appointed road commissioner and surveyor of Johnson county. Mr. Mohler served in this capacity ten years, his term of office expiring in February, 1917. During his administration as surveyor the county road system was developed and put successfully in operation. He, in' connection with J. Ransom Grinstead, county clerk, and the county court, seriously considered the need of a system of good roads and in 1909 built two concrete culverts to ascertain the cost as well as the durability. A cry was raised throughout the county against this innovation on account of the cost, but the builders proceeded undauntedly and the following year let the contract for sixty four-foot culverts and two crews were employed making culverts and placing from six to eight in each township. In 1912 three crews of seven teams and ten men were employed in grading the roads. Sixty miles each year were completed at an average cost of about two hundred dollars a mile, not including the cost of the culverts. To-day, Johnson county has three hundred miles of good roads with splendid culverts, numbering more than a thousand on the different highways. All the roads were completed \n the fall of 1916 and the people of the county are now unanimous in their approval. They have seen the wisdom and foresight of the county surveyor, clerk, and county judges. The judges who were associated with Mr. Mohler in the work were: W. A. Stevens, R. H. Wood, W. B. Pemberton, E. F. Tracy, B. F. Summers, D. L. Day, E. S. Harte, and C. C. Atkins. 
In 1878, David Mohler and Anna M. Davis were united in marriage. Anna M. (Davis) Mohler is the. daughter of E. A. and Caroline Davis, of Leeton, Missouri. Both father and mother of Mrs. Mohler are now deceased and they are interred in Roop cemetery. To David H. and Anna M. Mohler have been born four children: Lee, Leeton, Missouri; Nellie, the wife of J. H. Duckwall of Warrensburg; Maurice, who is in charge of the Manual Training department in the schools of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; and Flora, the wife of W. H. Stacy of Leeton, Missouri. 
Mr. Mohler was one of the organizers of the Johnson County Mutual Insurance Association. This company began with risks amounting to two hundred fifty thousand dollars and at present carries risks amounting to more than six million dollars. Mr. Mohler has been president of the company for the past twelve years. Losses are always promptly paid and the sound, prosperous condition of the association is principally due to the president's executive ability, keen business judgment, and initiative. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009   

J. Wesley Harrison , a retired farmer and capitalist of Warrensburg, is of noble pioneer lineage and a native of Johnson county. He was born February 28, 1838, six miles north of Warrensburg in Hazel Hill township. He is the son of Harvey and Zilphia (Bell) Harrison, natives of Tennessee. Harvey Harrison was born in Blount county, Tennessee, March 7, 1806 and Zilphia (Bell) Harrison was born in Davidson county, Tennessee, October 16, 1803. They were united in marriage November 28, 1824 and in 1829 or 1830 came in a one horse cart to Missouri and located near Dover in Lafayette county, where they remained for a few years when they moved to Hazel Hill township, Johnson county and settled on a farm of more than three hundred acres, a part of which Harvey Harrison had entered from the government. Several brothers of Harvey Harrison came to Missouri with him. He resided on his farm in Hazel Hill township until the Civil War when he moved to Warrensburg and for many years served as justice of peace and judge of the county court. Harvey and Zilphia Harrison were the parents of thirteen children: Hugh Bell, who was born November 25, 1825 in Limestone county, Alabama; William Craig, born May 19, 1827 in Limestone county, Alabama; Margaret C, who was born February 16, 1829 in Limestone county, Alabama; Joseph Patton, who was born August 8, 1830 in Lafayette county, Missouri; Alfred Bell, who was born March 26, 1832 in Johnson county; Robert Donell, who was born March 7, 1833 in Johnson county; Harvey White, who was born March 13, 1835 in Johnson county; Andrew Jackson, who was born January 17, 1837 in Johnson county; John Wesley, the subject of this review; George Washington, who was born April 9, 1840 in Johnson county; Nancy Elizabeth, who was born September 26, 1842 in Johnson county; James K. Polk, who was born February 10, 1846 in Johnson county; and one child, a son, died in infancy. Harvey Harrison was prominent in the public affairs of his day and he always took an active part in the politics of his county. He was a member of the Republican party. His death occurred March 7, 1890. His wife preceded him in death, having departed this life June 12, 1889. Both father and mother were interred in the Warrens-burg cemetery. At the time of their death Harvey Harrison and his wife had forty-eight grandchildren, forty-five great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild, Isaac Seamonds. Their first grandchild was Zilphia Isabel Eagan, the daughter of Margaret C. (Harrison) Eagan. She was born September 10, 1845.

J. Wesley Harrison was reared on his father's farm in Hazel Hill township and educated in the public schools of Johnson county. His boyhood was spent much as is the early life of the average boy on the farm and until he was seventeen years of age he remained at home with his parents. He then began life for himself driving ox teams across the plains for Russell Majors, Daniel White, and Mr. Wadell. Mr. Harrison recalls a blinding snowstorm which occurred May 3, 1856, the day the train started from Old Westport, Missouri for Ft. Union, New Mexico. At the time the Mountain Meadow massacre happened, his train was within forty miles of the train which was in the massacre. Mr. Harrison made these trips across the plains prior to the Civil War. During the war he lived in Leavenworth county, Kansas. After the war he returned to Johnson county, in 1865, and lived on the farm for about four years. He opened a livery stable, which he conducted in connection with farming. Mr. Harrison was thus engaged for about thirteen years. He erected a business house on Holden street in Warrensburg, and in addition to his city residence, which he purchased in 1904 and remodeled, owns a fine farm of several hundred acres in Warrensburg and Hazel Hill townships. His time is spent looking after his farming interests and managing his city property. 

J. Wesley Harrison was united in marriage with Eliza C. Ovens in 1859 by Reverend Jonathan Gott in Hazel Hill township. To J. Wesley and Eliza C. (Ovens) Harrison were born four children: Mrs. Emma Zilphia Shryack, Kirksville, Missouri; Charles Harvey, Warrensburg; Lee, died at the age of ten years; and Ada, died at the age of five years. Mrs. Harrison died in 1901. In 1904 Mr. Harrison married Georgia Dennis, daughter of George H. and Ann R. (Osborne) Dennis, of Monmouth, Illinois. George H. Dennis was engaged in the harness business in Monmouth. He and Mrs. Dennis were the parents of the following children: Mrs. T. B. Montgomery, Warrensburg; Mrs. Ella Carrigan, Calumet, Oklahoma; and Mrs. J. Wesley Harrison, the wife of the subject of this review. 

Mr. Harrison has in his possession a Seth Thomas clock, which was purchased prior to 1846 by his father, Harvey Harrison. The clock is not only priceless as a relic but is still valuable as a timepiece, always keeping good time. This clock has brass parts and old-fashioned weights that must be wound every twenty-four hours. He also has another relic of the days long gone by, a highly valued heirloom. This is an embroidered counterpane, made by his mother, Zilphia (Bell) Harrison, in 1818. She was then but a girl of fifteen years and the counterpane is the product of careful labor and much time, for the cotton seed was planted and the plants raised and later spun, woven, and the cloth made into the beautiful, old-fashioned bedspread and embroidered,' all by the hand of the young Zilphia. This precious relic tells, as pen cannot, of the painstaking care, application, and skill of a girl in her early teens a century ago, when each of the family had assigned duties and manual training was taught in the home. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009   

John Adam Zimmerman , the veteran jewelryman of Warrensburg, Missouri, was born April 20, 1863 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He is the son of Alfred F. and Isabella Fearon (Hill) Zimmerman, both natives of Pennsylvania. Alfred F. Zimmerman sold out his jewelry store at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on account of failing health and came with his family to Missouri and located on a farm in Johnson county, five miles southeast of Warrensburg. John Adam Zimmerman was a child of three years when he came with his parents to Missouri. The mother, Isabella Fearon (Hill) Zimmerman, was born April 15, 1832, in Pennsylvania. To Alfred F. and Isabella Zimmerman were born the following children: Mollie, who died at the age of ten years; Anna Kate, married B. F. Wood, and died in 1915 in Tennessee; John Adam, the subject of this review; Nettie, wife of Will Beacon, Harrisonville, Missouri; Frederick, died unmarried, in 1899; and Albert, died unmarried in September, 1898 as the result of fever contracted while on a vacation.

Alfred F. Zimmerman remained on the farm near Warrensburg, until 1870, when he moved to Warrensburg. He opened a grocery store on the corner of Culton and Holden streets, which store he conducted for two years when he purchased the jewelry stock of H. J. Ruthrauf, and engaged in the jewelry business. The Ruthrauf store was located on the east side of Holden street and Mr. Zimmerman continued the business there until 1886 when he moved to the present location of the Zimmerman Jewelry Company. In 1897 his sons, John Adam and Albert, purchased the store and Alfred F. Zimmerman retired from business. 

August 16, 1897, the death of Mrs. Zimmerman occurred and her husband died November 16, 1902. Their remains rest in the Warrensburg cemetery. 

John Adam Zimmerman received his education in the Warrensburg schools and the State Normal School. After leaving school he was associated with his father in the jewelry business from 1879 until 1897. In 1897, he and his brother, Albert, purchased the store, and Mr. Zimmerman has continued the business for the past thirty-eight years. The Zimmerman store, which is located at 121 Holden street, was the first store in the city of Warrensburg carrying their line of goods. Mr. Zimmerman has an attractive, well-kept store and he handles only the best articles, keeping his stock clean, new, and up-to-date. 

In 1890, Mr. Zimmerman was united in marriage with Ella J. Robinson, the daughter of Dr. C. W. Robinson, a prominent pioneer physician of Warrensburg, Missouri. Dr. Robinson was practicing medicine in Warrensburg during the Civil War days. Mrs. Zimmerman's mother, Lisette Robinson, lives with her daughter since the death of Dr. Robinson. To Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman have been born three children: Adeline, Frances, and Ella. 

Mr. Zimmerman remembers how Warrensburg looked in the early days when the site south of the present depot was covered with timber and court held its sessions in the old town. He recalls an amusing incident of the early days, relative to road work in the vicinity of his father's farm southeast of Warrensburg. The men had been notified in the neighborhood to report for work on the roads and Tater Wiley, an "old timer", had but a faint conception of what was required of him but he was ready and willing to "do his bit". He showed up right on time carrying a pitchfork on his shoulder. 

Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman are widely known and respected in Johnson county. They are numbered among the county's best and most substantial citizens. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009   

Mrs. J. H. Houx , widow of the late Reverend J. H. Houx, one of the pioneer ministers of Johnson county, was born in Kanawha county, Virginia, now West Virginia, in 1838, but was reared and educated in Henry county, Missouri, to which county her parents had moved when she was three years of age. Mrs. Houx is the daughter of James R. and Susan (Everett) Wilson. James R. Wilson was born in 1803 in Maysville, Kentucky. With his parents he moved to Virginia, in which state he grew to maturity. In Virginia, James R. Wilson and Susan Everett were united in marriage and in 1841 they came to Henry county, Missouri, where Mr. Wilson entered land from the government. He built the frame house for their home in 1849. Hard oak and walnut lumber were used for the floors and made by hand into doors and window-sashes. James R. Wilson increased his holdings by purchase and at one time was owner of more than a thousand acres of land in Henry county. James R. and Susan (Everett) Wilson were the parents of the following children: John M., whose death occurred about 1914 at El Paso, Texas; Mary E., the widow of Reverend J. H. Houx, the subject of this review; Joseph H., Montrose, Missouri; Edwin, who died in Austin, Texas, in 1910; Susan E., Montrose, Missouri ; William W., Montrose, Missouri; and Richard B., who is postmaster at Montrose, Missouri. Mr. Wilson died in 1898. Mrs. Wilson had preceded him in death twenty-three years, her death occurring in 1875. Both parents of Mrs. Houx are interred in the family cemetery in Bates county, which is known as the Stratton cemetery and is now owned by the Methodist church, South, to which both Mr. and Mrs. Wilson belonged.

Mary E. (Wilson) Houx received her education in the Chapel Hill College and Independence Female College of Missouri. In 1861, J. H. Houx and Mary E. Wilson were united in marriage in Henry county, Missouri, at the Wilson home place. Reverend J. H. Houx was born April 7, 1827, in Lafayette county, Missouri, the son of Philip S. and Margaret (Morrow) Houx. The Houx family were honored and beloved pioneers of Johnson county, where they settled in 1837, coming from Lafayette county where they had resided since 1817. 

Rev. J. H. Houx attended Chapel Hill College and he and Senator Francis M. Cockrell were room-mates. Mr. Houx was an earnest and devout Christian, a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. His first pastorate was at Independence, Missouri. Later he was engaged in Mission work in St. Clair, Bates, and Henry counties from 1866 to 1867. Reverend Houx had many thrilling experiences, for at that time the heat of the Civil War had not yet subsided and he preached to congregations during his career which were "armed to the teeth," as it were. From 1867 to 1875. J. H. Houx was pastor of the Warrens-burg Cumberland church. In 1875 he took up work for the endowment of the Missouri Valley College at Marshall, Missouri, and in 1880 was made chairman of the board of that institution, a position he held for five years, until 1885. To J. H. and Mary E. Houx were born seven children, six of whom lived to maturity: Charles Henry, who married Ethel Clark and resides in Warrensburg, Missouri; Edwin W., who married Mrs. Lucy (Wharton) Rucker and resides in Kansas City, Missouri; Susan Elizabeth, who is the wife of Walter S. Williams of Columbia, Missouri; Albert B., who died in childhood at the age of seven years; Mary M., who was the wife of J. K. Tuttle and is now deceased, her death occurring at the age of forty years; Roberta M., who is the wife of Henry H. Edmiston of St. Louis, Missouri; and Samuel B., who married Louise Patterson and is now residing in Houston, Texas. At the age of seventy-six. Reverend Houx was still active and of remarkable endurance. He often would ride ten and twenty miles in severe weather to fill appointments. His death occurred April 10, 1903, as the result of an accident which happened three weeks before. His last resting place is in the Warrensburg cemetery. Reverend J. H. Houx was a gentleman of the old school, a man beloved by all who knew him. He spent his life in the cause of Christianity and the world is better because he lived in it. He left as a precious legacy to his children a noble name, that "which is rather to be chosen than great riches." 

Mrs. Houx is a descendant of colonial ancestors. Her great-grandfather, Samuel Bailey, was killed by the Indians thirty miles from Maysville, Kentucky, when he was on his way to see a large tract of land he had purchased from Simon Kenton. His widow exchanged the land for a farm near Maysville and as the children were heirs she could not give a good title to the land. She promised to see to it that the title was made good when the children became of age, and she kept her word. She gave her word of honor that her children would never disturb the title and they never did. 

The grounds of the Houx home are located on South Holden street in Warrensburg, Missouri. Mr. Houx erected the residence in 1869 and remodeled it in 1892. The grounds originally included fifteen acres, and there are seven acres at present of beautifully wooded land surrounding the residence, which is one of the attractive homes of Johnson county. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

Adam Vernaz , a prominent citizen of Warrensburg, Missouri, is of Swiss descent. He was born October 3, 1863 in St. Louis, Missouri, son of Pierre and Callette (Pithoud) Vernaz, natives of Switzerland. Pierre Vernaz was born in December, 1823 and Callette (Pithoud) Vernaz was born in 1828. They were united in marriage in Bulle, Switzerland, and about 1844, when Pierre Vernaz was twenty-one years of age, emigrated from Switzerland to America. They came to America on a sailing boat and were thirty-one days on the way. Mr. Jaccard, of the Jaccard Jewelry Company, of Kansas City, Missouri, came to America from Switzerland on the same boat. To Pierre and Callette Vernaz were born the following children: Eva, Dwight, Oklahoma; Adam, the subject of this review; Mrs. Van Meter, Dwight, Oklahoma; and Mrs. W. W. Scott, Darlington, Oklahoma. Her husband is Indian agent there. J. C. Vernaz, the fourth son of Pierre and Callette Vernaz, died in Warrensburg, Missouri in 1906. 

After the Civil War Pierre Vernaz went west with a government train and when near Ft. Laramie, Wyoming, was attacked by the Indians. Mr. Vernaz was shot through the left hand, crippling him for life. He had no way of procuring medical attention until he returned to St. Louis, Missouri, and when he went to the hospital it was too late to cure the wound. Prior to the accident, Pierre Vernaz had been a tailor, but he was obliged to give up his trade because of the crippled hand. His death occurred in December, 1906, at Warrensburg, and in 1907 his wife died. 

Adam Vernaz came to Warrensburg with his parents in 1867, when he was four years of age. The Vernaz family located in the old town, Adam receiving his education in the village school. After leaving school he entered the employ of Baldwin & Richards, proprietors of the Warrensburg "Standard." Later he was employed at the "Journal-Democrat" office. In 1904 he went into partnership with his brother, Julius C, who for about eight years had been in the drug business. In 1907 the death of Julius C. Vernaz dissolved the partnership and Adam Vernaz has continued the business alone. He carries a splendid and complete line of drugs and the basement of the building, which is located at 116 West Pine street, is well stocked with oils and dry paints. 

January 10, 1887, Adam Vernaz and Fannie O'Brien were united in marriage. Fannie (O'Brien) Vernaz is the daughter of James and Rebecca (Swan) O'Brien, of Sedalia, Missouri. She was born in Canada. Mr. O'Brien died about 1903 in Sedalia, Missouri, and his remains are interred in the cemetery at Sedalia. His widow survives him and resides at Sedalia. To Adam and Fannie Vernaz have been born three daughters, all of whom are engaged in teaching: Juanita, a teacher in the public schools of Warrensburg; Lucille, who is teaching in the Home Economics department in the schools of Bolivia, Missouri; and Mercedes, who specialized in music at the Warrensburg State Normal and is now supervisor of music in the Kirkwood public schools, Kirkwood, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Vernaz reside in their home at 109 West Russell avenue, in Warrensburg, where they are held in high esteem and have countless friends. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

J. G. Orsborn , a well-known citizen of Warrensburg and Civil War veteran, was born in Fayette county. Pennsylvania, in 1843, the son of Joseph and Charity Orsborn, natives of Pennsylvania. In 1856 the Orsborn family moved to Ohio and located in Noble county. To Joseph and Charity Orsborn were born ten children: Mrs. Louisa Thomas, Marion, Kansas; Mrs. Mary (Morton) Kelly, died in Noble county, Ohio, in 1916; J. G., the subject of this review; John H., was killed at Brigham, Utah, twenty-five miles from Salt Lake City, in 1870; E. G., a Civil War veteran, serving in the Thirtieth Ohio Infantry, and whose death occurred in 1902; Elizabeth H., wife of Mr. Kent, resides in Indiana; Mrs. Sarah Jane Morrison, died in Noble county, Ohio; Francis Marion, was killed in early manhood in a railroad accident in Virginia; Rachel Melvina Harper, resides in Guernsey county, Ohio; and Samuel B., died in Noble county, Ohio. Both father and mother died in Noble county, Ohio.

J. G. Orsborn attended school in Noble county, Ohio. When he was nineteen years of age he enlisted in the Civil War in Noble county, Ohio, August 13, 1862, and was in the service for three years. He was mustered out June 26, 1865, at Washington, D. C. His regiment was in the Kanawha campaign of 1862. Mr. Orsborn was detailed by Major-General Sherman to the navy, in which he served twenty-two months on the Mississippi and Florida coasts and the Caribbean sea. He took part in the battle of Nashville, Tennessee, and then joined his regiment three days before Sherman arrived at Columbia, South Carolina, and he was with Sherman from that time until the war closed, taking part in the Grand Review at Washington. Fifty years later, in 1915, he took part in the National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic and marched over the identical streets in the Capital City. 

After the Civil War, J. G. Orsborn returned to his home in Noble county, Ohio, and for a number of years he was in the oil-drilling business. In August, 1867, he came to Johnson county, Missouri and for about one year and a half remained in Warrensburg. and Holden. As there was no railroad at that time by which connections could be made with Ft. Scott, Kansas, Mr. Orsborn made the trip there in his spring wagon, taking with him some people from Holden. When he was ready to return three persons from Baxter Springs, Kansas accosted him, wishing to know how they could get to the railroad by Sunday. They remarked that they would gladly give sixty dollars if they could get to the train by Sunday and a bargain was immediately made whereby they were to pay Mr. Orsborn the above stated sum if he made the desired connection and twenty dollars if he missed the train. They made the trip in one day and arrived in Holden one hour before the departure of the train, and he received the sixty dollars. Mr. Orsborn returned to Ohio in 1869. 

March 23, 1871, J. G. Orsborn and Maria J. Toland were united in marriage at Zanesville, Ohio. Maria J. (Toland) Orsborn is the daughter of Willis and Arminta Toland. She was reared and educated in Muskingum county, Ohio, and there both her father and mother died. Their remains are interred in Duncan Falls cemetery in Muskingum county, Ohio. To J. G. and Maria J. Orsborn have been born the following children: Harry, who is an ordained minister of the Baptist church and began his ministerial work at Blackwater in Johnson county, Missouri, and is now a professor in the Minneapolis High School, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Lura M., who was the wife of Professor Emery Killion, a member of the Missouri Legislature, whose death occurred at Sweet Springs, Missouri, and she later married Miner Lewis and now resides at Roundup, Montana, where her husband is a prominent merchant; Herbert C, who was a soldier in the Spanish-American War, serving in the Fifth Missouri Infantry, and in 1906, while engaged in electrical engineering at Warrensburg, was accidentally killed by a train on the Missouri Pacific railway; Orville J., who was the organizer of the first teachers' agency west of the Mississippi, which was known as the Midland Teachers' Agency, and is now in the United States mail service in Salt Lake City, Utah, after working out of Warrensburg for a number of years; Dr. George E. Orsborn, who is a graduate of the Warrensburg State Normal and later took a course in the Minnesota State Normal, was engaged in teaching in Knob Noster for two years and in the Philippine Islands, where, at the age of twenty-one, he was superintendent of one hundred seventy schools and postmaster in a city having a population of twenty thousand, now, a graduate of the Kansas City and Denver medical schools, was assistant surgeon at St. Luke's Hospital in Denver, Colorado, and is now a brigade surgeon in the national army, with rank of major; and Ernest C, who for ten years was employed as telegrapher and auditor by the Great Northern Railroad Company and is now manager of the Roundup Taxi Company, Roundup, Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Orsborn devoted their lives to the welfare of their children rather than to the accumulation of wealth. They always kept the children in school and gave each a good education, that which no one can take from them. Mrs. Orsborn has a sister, Elizabeth, residing in Warrensburg. 

Mr. Orsborn remained in Ohio from 1869 until 1885, when he came back to Missouri and located at Holden, where he resided for three years. He was appointed engineer and custodian of the State Normal building and grounds and for three years resided in Warrensburg. He then moved to Kansas City, Missouri, where he was employed as engineer for the Kansas City Cable Company. For three years Mr. Orsborn was at Liberty, Missouri and from there returned to Warrens-burg, where he took charge of the electric light plant at Pertle Springs. Later he put in operation a new plant at Warrensburg. For eight hundred seventy-eight nights Mr. Orsborn was on duty at the Warrensburg plant and never missed a night. He was employed as engineer at Columbia, Missouri, for three years and after leaving Columbia entered the employ of the Mohler Brothers' Nursery Company, with whom he remained four years. For some time Mr. Orsborn was engaged in the real estate business. In 1905 he and his family moved to Minnesota on land in the Chippewa Indian reservation, which Mr. Orsborn entered from the government. After he had proven his claim they returned to Warrensburg. He has in his possession many fine specimens which he has collected while on hunting and fishing trips in various parts of the country. A splendid astronomical telescope containing a lens which cost five hundred dollars was until recently the property of J. G. Orsborn, who used it in connection with a lecture given on astronomy. He sold the telescope to the Warrensburg State Normal School. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

James Theodore Drummond , a citizen of Johnson county, Missouri, worthy of great consideration, was born in McKeesport, Pennsylvania, April 5, 1847, the son of Samuel B. 

and Sarah E. (Tingle) Drummond, natives of Pennsylvania. He is one of eight children born to his parents as follow: Rowena; John A., Warrensburg; James Theodore, 
the subject of this review; Rhoda; J. H.; William T.; Mrs. Sarah E. Rucker, Warrensburg; and Edwin, a civil engineer, Phoenix, Arizona.

Samuel B. Drummond came from Pennsylvania to Missouri in the fall of 1867 and located on a farm of eighty acres, three miles south of Warrensburg, paying seven dollars and fifty cents an acre for the land. He died on the farm, which had been his home for eleven years, his death occurring about 1878. He was a member of the Mt. Zion Cumberland Presbyterian church and his remains were interred in the cemetery at Mt. Zion. Sarah E. (Tingle) Drummond died in California while on the way to visit her daughter, Rhoda. She was buried at San Diego, California. 

James Theodore and John A. Drummond received their education in the public schools of Ohio. In the spring of 1867 they together came to Missouri. They spent their first night in Missouri at the Western Hotel in Warrensburg. This hotel was located on the site of the present Young Women's Christian Association building. The following morning the two brothers saw a large number of people going and coming along the railroad right-of-way east of the hotel and they inquired of the proprietor what the attraction might be to cause so many people to be going and coming. The proprietor answered, "Go and see. You will find something interesting." The boys followed the crowd and saw suspended from the end of a rope, which was attached to the limb of a tree growing near the right-of-way, a victim of the early vigilance committee. The committee had finished their work that night. 

The first work which James Theodore Drummond did in Missouri consisted in cutting timber. When the Drummonds came to Missouri lumber was hauled from Warrensburg to Clinton and Mr. Drummond paid for the lumber in the first home he built in Warrensburg by hauling lumber to Clinton. Cameron Moore & Company were the pioneer lumber dealers. The Drummond brothers were engaged in the sawmill business for some time and then in the business of well-drilling. They had been employed in this work in Ohio previous to coming to Missouri and they shipped their outfit west. 

In 1868, James Theodore Drummond and Georgeanna Gilliland, the daughter of Harvey Gilliland, were united in marriage. Mrs. Drummond was a niece of James Gilliland, of Warrensburg. Two children born to James Theodore and Georgeanna Drummond are now living: Elza H., a graduate of the Warrensburg State Normal School and is now in the employ of the Crane Company in Salt Lake City, Utah; and Ernest T., a prosperous ranchman of Watsonville, California. He owns a beautiful home near the Pacific coast. 

The Drummond brothers engaged in well-drilling until 1873, when James T. entered the feed and coal business, in which he is still engaged. About 1878 the Drummond brothers purchased the old fair grounds and there raised strawberries for the market and also put in operation a syrup factory, making sorghum molasses. The government offered at that time a premium of twelve hundred dollars for the best report on steam, fire, train, or open farm work. The Drummond brothers won the premium on the latter. When the land became valuable, James T. platted his portion of the ground and sold it. On the plat of the city this is known as the "Drummond Addition." Mr. Drummond then purchased one hundred feet of ground on South Holden street and erected the brick building, 25x70 feet in dimensions, on the second floor of which is his home. He is also the owner of another brick building located at 206 Holden street, which is occupied by a bakery, the Air Dome, which is located between the above mentioned properties. and a farm, comprising forty-eight acres four miles south of Warrensburg. Mr. Drummond takes great pleasure in gardening a small part of his farm, raising enough vegetables for their own use. 

In 1896, James T. Drummond and Mary E. Greim, a niece of Nicholas Greim, a pioneer of Warrensburg, were united in marriage. To James T. and Mary E. (Greim) Drummond have been born the following children: Clyde and Ruby, both graduates of the Warrensburg High School who reside with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Drummond reside at 200 South Holden street in Warrensburg. They are numbered among Johnson county's most substantial citizens. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

Charles Houx , a prominent stockman of Centerview township, is a native of Johnson county and a member of a worthy pioneer family. He was born on the Philip Houx farm, the son of James H. Houx and the grandson of Philip Houx, who came from Kentucky to Missouri. About 1834 he settled on a farm in Centerview township. Philip Houx first located in Lafayette county upon coming from the South and later, when his son, James H., was seven years of age moved to Johnson county, where he lived the remainder of his life. His death occurred about 1854 and he was interred in the family cemetery. Charles Houx is one of seven children born to James H. and Mary Everett (Wilson) Houx, as follow: Charles H., the subject of this review; Edwin W.; Mrs. Susan Elizabeth Williams, Columbia, Missouri; Marie, who died in 1911; Albert, who died from drowning when seven years of age; Mrs. Roberta Edmiston, St. Louis, Missouri; and Samuel B., Houston, Texas. The mother, Mary Everett (Wilson) Houx, is a native of Virginia. She came to Missouri when about four years of age, with her parents, who settled in Henry county. A sketch of Mrs. James H. Houx appears in this volume. James H. Houx died in 1903 and interment was made in the Warrensburg cemetery.

Charles H. Houx attended the city schools of Warrensburg, Missouri, and the Warrensburg State Normal School for two years. He was reared on the farm in Centerview township and until twenty-one years of age remained at home, assisting with the work of the farm. He then went to Colorado and for six years was engaged in the cattle business in that state, following ranch work. When he returned to Johnson county he entered the stock business here and has been thus engaged ever since. In 1900 Mr. Houx also became interested in a cattle ranch in New Mexico. He is associated with the Felix Cattle Company in this connection and has at present five thousand cattle on the ranch, which is devoted exclusively to the breeding of white-face Herefords. At the present time Mr. Houx in addition ships to the market about twenty cars of cattle and hogs from Johnson county. 
In 1907, Charles H. Houx was united in marriage with Ethel Clark, the daughter of H. F. and Rosa (Goff) Clark, of Warrensburg, Missouri, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this volume. To Charles H. and Ethel (Clark) Houx have been born two children: Charles, Jr., and Edwin. 
Mr. Houx has been director of the Bank of Centerview since its organization in 1893 and the president since 1900. The Bank of Centerview has at present a capital stock of fifteen thousand dollars and a surplus fund of fifteen thousand with deposits at the time of this writing amounting to one hundred thousand dollars. This bank is one of the soundest institutions of its size in the state. Mr. Houx is a charter member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, No. 673, of Warrensburg, Missouri. He is a fine, capable, promising young man who in a quiet and unassuming way is making a splendid success of life. Mr. Houx is the son of an old schoolmate of Senator Francis M. Cockrell, when he was a boy at Chapel Hill College. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

R. H. Wood , ex-judge of Johnson county and a member of a pioneer family, is a citizen of real worth. He was born March 22, 1841, in what is now Simpson township, Johnson county. He is the son of James M. and Angeline (Thornton) Wood, natives of Virginia. James M. Wood was born January 8, 1812. He came from Virginia to Missouri in 1831 and located temporarily in Saline county. In 1833 he moved 'to Johnson county and settled on a farm of eighty acres eighty miles north of Warrensburg, which land he entered from the government. This farm is now owned by his son, R. H. Wood, the subject of this review. Angeline (Thornton) Wood was born in 1817 in Orange county, Virginia, and when she was six years of age came with her parents, John and Elizabeth Thornton, to Missouri. In 1833, they settled in Johnson county. Mrs. Wood was a writer of literary ability and in an article written relative to life in Missouri in the early days states that her father and mother lived in a tent on their land, which they entered from the government, until the double log cabin was built. James M. and Angeline (Thornton) Wood were the parents of eight children: Mary Susan, died at the age of twelve years; John William, died in infancy; Thomas, died at Virginia City, Montana; George Lewis, died in infancy; R. H., the subject of this sketch; Benjamin, died in the Confederate service at Springfield, Missouri; James Leonidas, died in infancy; and W. W., a graduate of the Lexington Law School, Lexington, Kentucky, attorney, Okmulgee, Oklahoma. The death of James M. Wood occurred in 1851 and interment was made in a private cemetery belonging to John Thornton, the father of Mrs. Wood. She survived her husband forty-seven years, and died January 8, 1908, at the age of ninety-one years. Her remains were interred in the Warrensburg cemetery.

R. H. Wood attended the public schools of Johnson county. At the age of twenty years he enlisted in the Confederate army with a company formed at Lonejack which went south under the leadership of Colonel Cockrell, and which was reorganized at McKittrick Springs, Arkansas, August 16, 1862, and served throughout the remainder of the war in Captain Crispin's company, Colonel Gordon's regiment and General Shelby's brigade. His regiment took an active part in the battles of Prairie Grove, Shelby's Ridge, Mark's Mill, and Saline river, Arkansas. They were after General Steel on his raid and participated in many skirmishes. Mr. Wood was in Louisiana when the war ended. 
After the war closed, R. H. Wood returned to Saline county, Missouri, and at the expiration of two years returned to Johnson county and engaged in farming in Simpson township, where he resided until ten years ago, when he moved to Warrensburg. He was elected county judge of Johnson county, from the eastern district, and served two terms at the time Judge Stevens was the presiding judge, with I. G. Farnsworth as associate. During his term in office, the first concrete culverts were built in Johnson county. One culvert north and one south of Warrensburg were built to test their durability and to ascertain the cost. The experiment proved so satisfactory that no other kind are now built and the county road plan was adopted whereby three hundred miles of good roads were built and more than a thousand concrete culverts on the different highways. 
December 3, 1867, R. H. Wood was united in marriage with Sarah D. Pemberton, of Saline county, Missouri. To this union were born seven children: James Madison, died in infancy; Edward R., resides in Colorado; Mrs. Sarah A. Foster, Warrensburg; R. H., Jr., farmer in Simpson township; Thomas P., Parkin, Arkansas; James Madison, farmer, Simpson township; and Leslie M., Birmingham, Alabama. May 24, 1887, Mrs. Wood's death occurred and burial was made at Fair Oak cemetery. Later, R. H. Wood was married to Mrs. Agnes J. Foster, of Simpson township. She is a native of Indiana and was reared and educated in Iowa. Mrs. Wood attended the public schools of Ft. Madison, Iowa, and the Congregational Church school at Denmark, Iowa. By her former marriage, she has four children now living: Mrs. James R. Brown, Chickasha, Oklahoma; Mrs. Minnie Fryrear, Simpson township; D. E. Foster, Los Angeles, California; and Mrs. Nannie Taggart. Two children are deceased: James M., and George S. Mr. and Mrs. Wood reside in Warrensburg in their home, on Grover street, which they purchased in 1911 from Judge Bradley. Besides the city residence, Mr. Wood is owner of the home place of eighty acres of land in Simpson township and an adjoining farm, comprising four hundred twenty acres in all. Mrs. Nannie Taggart is a resident of Simpson township. 
For seventy-six years, R. H. Wood has been a resident of Johnson county. He has seen all the changes incident to the growth and development of the county and has always done his part in advancing the interests of his county and state. No man in Johnson county is more deeply interested than he in movements which have for their object public improvement and moral uplift and to them he has ever given his most earnest support and encouragement. Mr. Wood is a fine conversationalist, possessing a fund of interesting stories of pioneer and war days. He recalls the time when but two residences were between his old home and Warrensburg, a distance of eight miles, and there were only two stores in the old town, one of which was conducted by Mr. Tilford. In the early days, every country store kept a barrel of whiskey in stock as one of the staple articles and retailed it from the barrel by the drink, pint, quart, or gallon. The sales were almost invariably made in quantities, for if a man just wished a drink he helped himself or was invited by the merchant to take one. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

Benoia Scott, a veteran of the Civil War and prominent citizen of Johnson county, is a resident of Warrensburg of real worth. He was born August 13, 1844, in Illinois, the son of Robert and Mary (McGinnis) Scott. Robert Scott was a native of Indiana and Mary (McGinnis) Scott was a native of Virginia. The Scott family moved to Illinois and located in Macoupin county, near Scottville, which was named in honor of Robert Scott. When Benoia Scott was a child two years of age, his mother died and two years later the death of his father occurred in Bloomington, Illinois, leaving four small children to be separated and reared by strangers. The children of Robert and Mary Scott are: Thomas, who was reared in Pike county, Illinois, and now resides in Montana, Kansas; John W., who was reared by James Moore in Johnson county, Missouri, and now resides in Laidlaw, Oregon; Benoia, subject of this review; and Eliza Ann, who graduated from the Jacksonville Female Seminary and later married John W. Morgan and whose address is now unknown.

The three Scott brothers enlisted in the Union army during the Civil War: Thomas W., in Company D, One Hundred Nineteenth Illinois Infantry; John W., in Company G, One Hundred First Illinois Infantry; and Benoia, in Company B, One Hundred Twenty-second Illinois Infantry. After the war had ended, Benoia Scott visited his grandmother, who informed him of the enlistment of each of his brothers and of their services in the Union army. Until that time not one of the brothers knew of the enlistment of the others nor, in fact, anything about them. The three brothers met for the first time, within their recollection, in October, 1865. 

August 4, 1865, Benoia Scott received his honorable discharge at Springfield, Illinois. He served faithfully throughout the war and while he never missed a march, skirmish, or battle, in which his company was engaged, Mr. Scott was never confined in the hospital and practically went through the war unscathed. A slight wound in the left hand, received at Ft. Blakely, April 9, 1865, where General Francis M. Cockrell's brigade surrendered, was the only injury he ever received. 

General John B. Stone, of Kansas City, Missouri, who was president of the Ex-confederate Organization of Missouri, and Benoia Scott are the best and closest of friends and yet the first time they met was when they faced each other in the trenches in April, 1865, at Ft. Blakely, Alabama. Stone proposed an armistice one day when the troops lay on their arms and Scott agreed. The two captains met between lines for a few moments and agreed to give thirty minutes' notice before firing should begin on either side up to a certain point on the line. The Yankees were shy on tobacco, the Rebels on coffee. Why not swap? They did, and in the trying hours which followed the Union boys enjoyed some good smokes while the Confederates were drinking fine, old, black coffee. When the attack came, it so happened that John B. Stone was made prisoner by Scott's men and the sword of Stone delivered by' him to Scott. At Mr. Scott's request, a parole was given John B. Stone. Before leaving Alabama, Mr. Scott was a guest of the Stone family, and father, mother, and sisters united in giving him a pleasant welcome, treating him with true Southern hospitality. Years afterwards, Colonel Bob Dalton one day mentioned John B. Stone in a conversation held in Warrensburg. "I wonder," said Benoia Scott, "if he might be John B. Stone whom I met at Ft. Blakely?" Dalton promised to find out, and an invitation to Kansas City, Missouri, for a visit with his old friend was the result. Benoia Scott accepted the invitation not once but many times and the Kansas City papers have repeatedly told of their meetings and of the handgrasp they now give one another and of the stories they tell of other days. Mr. Scott has in his possession many newspaper clippings of these comments and "writeups," which include pictures of both men. When the Confederate Reunion was held in Warrensburg, John B. Stone was the guest of Benoia Scott. The story of the "cementing of the Union" is no better illustrated than with the friendship of Benoia Scott and John B. Stone, who at one time faced each other in opposition at the battle's front. All honor and praise to them! 

March 29, 1866, Benoia Scott came to Hickory county, Missouri, from Scottville, Illinois. He purchased sixty acres of land in Hickory county and built a cabin home. For thirty-two years he remained there and gradually increased his holdings, until he at one time was owner of six hundred acres of land there. In September, 1898, he left Hickory county and moved to Warrensburg. 

November 11, 1866, Benoia Scott was united in marriage with Mary Annes Estes, the daughter of Elisha and Mary Estes, of Hickory county, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Scott are the parents of seven children: Dr. W. C. Scott, Afton, Oklahoma; Dr. J. O. Scott, Holland, Michigan: Mrs. Bertha May Brown, who died in Hickory county, Missouri, and is interred in Cross Timbers cemetery; Dr. N. E. Scott, who is now state manager for the Kansas City Life Insurance Company in the state of Washington and resides in Walla Walla, Washington; Ora Annes, Seattle, Washington; Mrs. Mary Gertrude Hemphill, Joplin, Missouri; and Benoia Beatrice, who will graduate from the Warrensburg State Normal School in the class of 1918 and she resides at home with her parents. Though Mr. and Mrs. Scott resided on the farm, each of their children was given the best of educational advantages. All have collegiate educations and all, with the exception of the youngest, Benoia Beatrice, have been teachers. Mr. and Mrs. Scott celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary November 11, 1916, at their home at 614 Highland avenue in Warrensburg. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

Jacob Heberling, a leading merchant of Warrensburg and a pioneer of Johnson county worthy of the highest esteem, is a native of Germany. He was born in 1841, the son of John and Margareta (Piskato) Heberling, who were the parents of the following children: John, who immigrated to America in 1855 and located in Ohio for two years when he came to Missouri in 1857 and entered the meat business as butcher in Warrensburg, in which business he was employed for more than forty years, when his death occurred, April 20, 1917, at the age of eighty-one years and twenty days, in Warrensburg; Jacob, the subject of this review; Fred, a retired merchant of Chicago, Illinois; Mrs. Kate Ringer, Chicago, Illinois; and William, a prominent stockman of Warrensburg, who for years was engaged in the meat business as butcher. 

Jacob Heberling immigrated to America in the spring of 1868 and located in Warrensburg, where he and his brother, Fred, opened a small boot and shoe factory. Later Jacob Heberling engaged in the manufacture of shoes alone. This factory at one time made a thousand pairs of shoes a day . Both boots and shoes were made in the factory, which was located on the square in Warrensburg. One building was situated on Culton street. Jacob Heberling discontinued his business in 1891 when he moved the factory to Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Later, he sold his interest in the factory at Ft. Smith. The first retail store of the Heberling brothers was located on Pine street in Warrensburg. In the early days the Heberlings took measures for hand-made boots and shoes, in the case of special orders, and an extensive trade was then built, which still continues. Mr. Heberling handles only first-class goods and the fact that he does not know how to build a shoddy shoe, and would not if he knew, has made the name of Heberling a splendid reputation and a valuable business asset. Customers of exclusive tastes, who have been dealing with the firm for more than fifty years, still find their way to the Heberling store. The trade extends into Cass, Henry, Lafayette, and Pettis counties and Kansas City, Missouri. The present location of the Heberling store is at 208 North Holden street in Warrensburg, and here Mr. Heberling and his sons, Adolph and Otto, conduct a shoe store and repair shop. 

In Germany, Jacob Heberling and Leonore Heberling were united in marriage. While they bore the same name, Jacob Heberling and Leonore Heberling were not relatives. Within a short time after coming to America, Mrs. Heberling died, about 1870. In 1873, Jacob Heberling was united in marriage with Mary Behron, of Warrensburg. To Jacob and Mary Heberling were born the following children: William, who is superintendent and engineer of a copper mine on the Glorieta Ranch in New Mexico; Jacob B., a shoe merchant in Columbia, Missouri; Mrs. Julia Anderson, Warrensburg; Adolph B. and Otto, who are associated in business with their father in Warrensburg; Frances, who resides at home with her father: Lillian, who died at the age of sixteen years; Robert, who died at the age of three years; and one son and one daughter died in infancy. Mary (Behron) Heberling died in 1911 in Warrensburg, and interment was made in the Warrensburg cemetery. Mr. Heberling resides in North Warrensburg. 

Besides his home, Jacob Heberling is owner of two store buildings on West Market street in Warrensburg and the Heberling shoe store on North Holden street. He is one of Johnson county's most substantial and highly regarded citizens. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

William E. Johnson, M. D., a well-known and successful physician of Warrensburg, is a native of Monroe county, Missouri. He was born December 10, 1875, a son of Dr. E. W. and Frances (Bradley) Johnson, natives of Monroe county. Three brothers of Dr. E. W. Johnson were physicians: G. A., Robert, and William. Dr. William E. Johnson was the only child born to his parents. His father died in 1913 and interment was made in the cemetery at Centralia. His widowed mother now resides in Centralia. 

Dr. William E. Johnson is a graduate of the Centralia High School. Centralia, Missouri, and of Barnes' Medical College, St. Louis. Missouri. He is a post-graduate of the New York Polyclinic and the New York Medical School. He was graduated from Barnes' Medical College in the class of 1896. Doctor Johnson began the practice of medicine at Tulip, Missouri, in 1896. He remained there four years, when he moved to Warrensburg in 1900 and located his office at 205 North Holden street. Two years later, he moved his office to his present location at 202 North Holden street. 

In 1900, Dr. William E. Johnson was united in marriage with Mary Edna Young, of Monroe county, Missouri. To this union was born one child, a son, William. Mary Edna (Young) Johnson died in 1904. In 1906, Doctor Johnson was united in marriage with Martha (Young) Wetmore, of Monroe county, a sister of his former wife. Doctor and Mrs. Johnson are the parents of three children: James Young, Lynn Francis, and Charles. Doctor Johnson's home is located in Warrensburg at 210 East Gay street. 

No physician in Johnson county is held in higher esteem than Doctor Johnson. He has an excellent practice, for which he is well qualified, possessing a well-trained mind, keen, deliberate judgment, and a quiet, attentive manner. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

John A. Doak , retired pioneer of Holden, Missouri, is one of the oldest of Missouri's native-born pioneer settlers. Four score and three years ago, this patriarch was born in Missouri, a son of one of the earliest of the brave pioneer settlers, who redeemed this great state from a wilderness of plain and forest and made it habitable for mankind. Nearly ninety years have elapsed since the Doak family settled in Missouri and during that period a great nation has grown and the great state of Missouri has achieved a foremost place among the galaxy of states which make up the greatest republic on earth of which history has ever recorded the story. Probably no living man has witnessed more or greater changes than John A. Doak, the pioneer of Holden, Missouri.

John A. Doak was born in 1834 on a pioneer farm in Lafayette county, Missouri. He is a son of Alexander and Mary A. (Campbell) Doak. both of whom were of old Southern pioneer stock. Alexander Doak was a native of Tennessee and his wife was a native of Virginia. The two were married in Kentucky and resided in that state until 1828, when they came to Missouri, residing in Lafayette county until 1842, when they made a permanent settlement in Johnson county on a farm six miles south of Holden, on Bear creek. Here they developed a fine farm and spent the remainder of their lives. Alexander Doak entered a small tract of government land and also bought land which was partly improved. He died in 1879, being followed to the Great Beyond by the wife and mother five years later, in 1884. This pioneer couple were parents of eleven children, three girls and eight sons, only two of whom are now living: the subject of this review; and Mrs. Sarah J. Raker, who lives on a farm near Columbus, Missouri, in Johnson county. 

John A. Doak was eight years of age when he accompanied his parents to the farm near Holden, Missouri. He endured all the hardships of the pioneer era in the upbuilding of Johnson county and has a vivid recollection of conditions in Johnson county in the early forties. There was no city of Holden at that time and no one even dreamed of building a city on the present site. Lexington was the nearest trading point and this city was forty-five miles distant. The settlers followed the trail straight across country when it became necessary for them to go to Lexington for trading purposes, and the round trip would require several days. The settlements were all located along the creeks so that the pioneer families would be provided with two prime necessities in those days-water and timber, the latter for fuel and building purposes. There were no luxuries although food was plentiful and wild game, such as deer, turkeys and prairie chickens, abounded and could be killed from the front door. The settlers supplied their tables with plenty of wild game, such as would be an unheard-of luxury at the present day. The pioneer had meats and food stuffs which are high-priced at the present day and he had no longing for other luxuries which were beyond his means. All lived alike; none were overly rich; everybody tried to be neighborly and kind; all vied with one another in making the newcomer feel at home and assisted him and his in every way possible. Mr. Doak has witnessed prairie fires and assisted in subduing them. This patriarch attended the old-time "subscription schools" in a little log school house, roughly and poorly furnished with crude, hand-made benches. The only ventilation or light was admitted to the hut by means of a hole made by omitting a log in the side of the building. His first teacher was W. L. King. He was later taught by Mr. Emerson. Mr. Doak engaged in farming and became very prosperous as a successful farmer and stockman in the vicinity of Holden. He remained on his farm until 1901, at which time he removed to Holden and is now living in comfortable retirement and truly enjoying the eventide of life after a long and productive period of energetic endeavor. Mr. Doak disposed of his farm lands and has carefully invested his life earnings so that the returns from his well-earned hoard will yield him a comfortable income for the remainder of his days. 

John A. Doak was united in the bonds of matrimony with Susan J. Potts of North Carolina in 1855. To this union have been born seven children: Susan Ann, who died in childhood; William M., deceased; Tobias S., a farmer located near Chilhowee; Dora, deceased; Charles, now living in Arkansas; James, deceased; and Robert, deceased. The mother of the above named children departed this life in 1872. Two years later, in 1874, Mr. Doak was married to Martha C. Tuttle, a native of Cole county, Missouri, and daughter of John Tuttle, who was born and reared in Maryland and came to Missouri and made a settlement in Johnson county in 1866. The Tuttles spent their lives in useful farming pursuits in Johnson county and were well-respected citizens. To this second marriage of John A. Doak were born two daughters, as follow: Etta May, wife of Oscar Phipps, living on a farm south of Holden; and Mary E., deceased. 

Mr. Doak has been one of the most useful citizens of Johnson county and has filled various offices of trust and honor conferred upon him by his fellow-citizens . For a period of twenty-five years, he capably filled the office of justice of the peace and also served as a member of the school board. This patriarch also has an honorable war record of which his descendants may be proud. He, with five brothers, served in the Confederate Army during the war between the states and he was the only one of the six boys who came out of the terrible conflict alive. Mr. Doak enlisted in 1861 and served as a member of Company D, Sixteenth Missouri Infantry, Second Brigade, under Colonel Jack-man with whom he enlisted, serving also under General Price. He fought at the Battle of Prairie Grove and at Helena, Arkansas, taking an active part in countless minor battles and skirmishes. The nearest he ever came to being wounded was when a bullet passed through his collar at Prairie Grove. His command operated extensively in Missouri and Arkansas and Mr. Doak served the cause until the close of the war. 

Mr. Doak is religiously inclined and has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, since 1856. He is a stockholder in the Blairstown Bank and is a stockholder and a director of the Farmers and Commercial Bank of Holden. He is numbered among Holden's most substantial and respected citizens and has many warm and steadfast friends whom he has made by acts of kindness and by honorable and honest dealings during the many active years which he has been a factor in the development of Johnson county. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

W. L. Hedges, M. D. , vice-president of the Commercial Bank of Warrensburg, was born December 17, 1842, in Bath county, Kentucky, son of James F. and Ruth J. (Brown) Hedges. James F. Hedges was born in 1822 in Bourbon county, Kentucky. He was of English lineage and a descendant of the family of Hedges, who came to America with the first colony sailing from England for Maryland, which colony entered the Chesapeake late in February, 1634. Ruth J. (Brown) Hedges was a native of Nicholas county, Kentucky, and of Irish descent. To James F. and Ruth J. (Brown) Hedges were born the following children: W. L., the subject of this sketch; Benjamin F., who was principal of the Polk public school, St. Louis, Missouri, at the time of his death in 1881; Milton B., a retired merchant of Stillwater, Oklahoma; Mrs. Fannie E. Clark, Rich Hill, Missouri; John F., who was a prominent merchant of Stillwater, Oklahoma, where his death occurred about 1912 as the result of a surgical operation; Mrs. Belle Shirley, Chanute, Kansas; James H., a railroad contractor residing in Springfield, Missouri; and Mrs. Rolla J. Booth, Rich Hill, Missouri.

The Hedges family moved from Kentucky to Indiana in 1852 and located in Putnam county, where James F. Hedges purchased a farm of two hundred forty acres, upon which the town of Carpentersville was later built. Within a short time, Mr. Hedges disposed of this farm and bought another, upon which they resided until 1856, when the family moved to Illinois, locating on a farm which Mr. Hedges purchased in Macoupin county. They remained upon this farm until the time of the Civil War, when they moved to Girard, Macoupin county. In 1869, on account of business reverses, James F. Hedges left Girard, Illinois, and went to Emporia, Kansas, near which "he owned land. He moved to Warrensburg, Missouri, in 1872 and remained one year, when he moved to Fredonia, Kansas, and in 1881, to Rich Hill, Missouri, at which place Mrs. Hedges died in 1882. Fourteen years later her husband died in Rich Hill. Interment for both father and mother was made in the cemetery at Rich Hill. 

Dr. Hedges received his early education in the public schools of Scottville, Illinois and in an academy of that state. He enlisted in the Union army in 1862 and served throughout the war, returning to school when the war had ended. He entered Lunbard University at Galesburg, Illinois, in the fall of 1865 and was in attendance at that institution two years. Dr. Hedges began the study of medicine with Dr. F. Jones, an eminent physician of his day, and attended a course of lectures at the Hahnemann Homeopathic Medical College at Chicago, Illinois, in 1867-68, and the next year entered the St. Louis Medical College, where he was graduated February 24, 1869. 

W. L. Hedges enlisted in Company B, One Hundred Twenty-second Illinois Infantry, August 13, 1862. He lacked three votes of being elected lieutenant. On account of his age, which was only nineteen years, he preferred to serve as private. His company was assigned to the Army of Tennessee and in the battle of Parker's Cross Roads- was cut to pieces. December 31, 1862, a bursting shell knocked young Hedges down, but no permanent injury was received. The following spring of 1863 he took an active part in the battle of Town Creek, Alabama, which lasted from April 15 until April 25. July 14, 1864, his company was engaged in the battle of Tupelo, Mississippi, and in October of the same year was in pursuit of General Sterling Price, marching from the barracks at St. Louis through Jefferson City, Sedalia, Lexington, Independence, Old Santa Fe, to Harrisonville and back to the barracks through Pleasant Hill, Lexington, Glasgow, Columbia, and St. Charles, a total distance of about six hundred miles within forty-one days. December 15-16 the battle of Nashville, Tennessee was fought, in which Doctor Hedges' regiment lost twenty-six men. They then marched to Eastport, Mississippi, whence they were transported to New Orleans and shortly after to Mobile, Alabama, by steamer. The regiment assisted in taking Spanish Fort and Ft. Blakely, Alabama, April 9-10, losing twenty men, killed and wounded. After a march of more than two hundred miles the regiment arrived in Montgomery, Alabama, where they learned of Lee's surrender. Doctor Hedges returned to Mobile, Alabama, where he was appointed mail clerk, his run being from Mobile to New Orleans by boat. He received extra pay for his services in that capacity. He was mustered out July 15, 1865, and arrived in Springfield, Illinois, August 4, 1865. 

Before the war, Doctor Hedges taught a rural school in 1862, receiving twenty dollars a month for his services. He began the practice of medicine after the war, prior to his graduation from the medical school in 1869. In 1871 Dr. Hedges came to Warrensburg and opened an office. He was elected honorary member of the Kansas State Homeopathic Institute in 1875 and in 1876 Doctor Hedges became a member of the National American Institute, the oldest medical society in the United States. He has also been a member of the Missouri Homeopathic Institute, of which he was president in 1879 and 1880. 

May 30, 1877, Dr. W. L. Hedges was united in marriage with Virginia A. Gilkeson, of Warrensburg. Doctor and Mrs. Hedges celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary May 30, 1917, at their home at 215 West Gay street in Warrensburg. Mrs. Hedges has always taken an active interest and prominent part in religious and literary work. She has served as corresponding secretary of the Christian Women's Board of Missions and for five years was president of the Equal Suffrage Association of Missouri. 

Dr. W. L. Hedges has filled many prominent offices within the gift of the Republican party, of which he is an influential member. In 1878 he was elected mayor of Warrensburg and continued in that capacity five years, and served as president of the Warrensburg school board at the same time, from 1878 to 1883. During his incumbency, the finances of the city were placed on a firm basis and the indebtedness satisfactorily arranged. He was appointed United States pension examining surgeon in 1879 and served eighteen years in that capacity. Doctor Hedges was a member of the Congressional Committee from the Sixth district and chairman of the Congressional Convention, consisting of members from this district, which met at Butler, Missouri. 

September 1, 1897, A. S. Mayes and Doctor Hedges founded the Commercial Bank of Warrensburg. Until January 1, 1917, Doctor Hedges was president of the banking institution. He resigned at that time and is now serving as vice-president. Prior to the organization of this bank, Dr. W. L. Hedges was a member of the board of directors of the Centerview State Bank and of the Peoples Bank of Warrensburg. He was also one of the organizers of the Johnson County Building Association, of which he was president for thirty-one years, resigning in April, 1916. 

In 1865, Dr. W. L. Hedges was made a Master Mason and made a Royal Arch Mason in 1866, and in 1892 a Knights Templar. He is also affiliated with the Ancient Order of United Workmen. He has been an active member of the Christian church since 1857. For many years he was an elder and for more than five years served on the state board of missions and served as president of the Missionary Organization of Missouri one year. 

Doctor Hedges has always been an active man of affairs and now at the age of seventy-five years is as alert physically and mentally as when he was appointed United States examining surgeon for pensioners of Johnson county in 1879. He attributes his remarkable strength and vigor to his war experience, which he believes hardened him and thus helped him bear the strain of the strenuous public life which followed. Dr. Hedges still stands five feet eleven inches, practically the same as when he entered the army. He is now, and has ever been, one of Johnson county's leading citizens. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009   

H. F. Parker, M. D. , the founder of the "Oak Hill Sanitarium" in Warrensburg, has not only pre-eminently succeeded in the practice of medicine in Johnson county but he has made a name for himself that is widely known and he is now only thirty-three years of age. Doctor Parker was born January 8, 1884, in Johnson county, the son of Col. J. H. and Elizabeth Ann (Field) Parker, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of Missouri. Col. J. H. Parker was the son of William W. and Elizabeth A. (Higgins) Parker. The father of William W. Parker, Solomon Parker, was of Scotch descent and a lineal descendant of one of three brothers who emigrated from Scotland and settled in Jamestown, Virginia, during the earliest Colonial days.

William W. Parker came from Virginia to Missouri with his maternal grandfather, Mr. Higgins, and his son, J. H., and settled in Lafayette county in 1842, on tracts of land they had purchased and entered from the government. Their route to Missouri led over the Allegheny mountains and along the national road from Cumberland to Wheeling, West Virginia. Mr. Higgins died in Lexington, Missouri, in 1843 and in the same year his daughter, Elizabeth A. (Higgins) Parker, the mother of Col. J. H. Parker, also died. William W. Parker and his son, J. H., were engaged in the pursuits of agriculture in Lafayette county, as were also the family of Fields, prominent pioneers of Missouri. J. H. Parker and Elizabeth Ann Field were united in marriage in 1860 and to them were born the following children: William, a well-known farmer and stockman; John, deceased; Frank, deceased; Joseph, deceased; Sallie, deceased; James H., who is engaged in the real estate and stock business in Julesburg, Colorado; Bettie, deceased; and H. F., the subject of this review. Col. J. H. Parker has been prominently connected with the early history of Johnson county. Politically, he is affiliated with the Democratic party and he represented Johnson county in the state Legislature. Colonel Parker has also filled a number of appointive offices. He is a member of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons and the Cumberland Presbyterian church. While residing in Johnson county, Colonel Parker erected a church near his home and contributed generously toward its support. A sketch of Colonel and Mrs. Parker appears in the Biographical History of Missouri in the edition of 1915. 

Harry Field Parker was one of the youngest students who have attended the Warrensburg High School, graduating at the age of sixteen years. He entered the University of Missouri and was in attendance at that institution two years when he matriculated in the Medical School of Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, graduating with the degree of Doctor of Medicine in the class of 1906. For one year Doctor Parker was interne in the City Hospital of St. Louis, which was then under the direction of the board of health. Doctor Parker had charge of the Hearne Hospital in San Diego, California, for one year. In 1908 he returned to Warrensburg, Missouri, opened his office, and began at once an extensive practice. Three years after locating in Warrensburg, Doctor Parker founded the "Oak Hill Sanitarium," located at 519 South Holden street, which he still owns and maintains at a high standard. The hospital has the best and most modern equipment and is always filled to its capacity. The patients who have been taken there are among Doctor Parker's warmest friends and admirers upon leaving the sanitarium. It has proven of great value and has filled a long-felt need of the citizens of Warrensburg and adjoining counties. Doctor Parker devotes his time exclusively to his large practice. His practice is of a general nature and he has proven equally efficient as physician and surgeon. "Oak Hill Sanitarium" is open to all the physicians of Johnson county, who send many of their patients there. It is under the official management of Mrs. Maude M. Irwin, a trained nurse who has been connected with the institution since its founding. 

November 25, 1908, Dr. Harry Field Parker was united in marriage with Martha Sousley, of Nebraska City, Nebraska. She is the daughter of Captain J. R. and Martha (Cheatham) Sousley, both of whom are now deceased. At the time of her marriage, Mrs. Parker resided in Lowville, New York. Doctor and Mrs. Parker reside in their home at 118 West Gay street in Warrensburg. Besides his city residence, Doctor Parker is owner of the "Meadow Lawn Stock Farm," comprising four hundred acres of the best farm land in Hazel Hill township, and it is devoted to the breeding of Shorthorn cattle. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009   

Thomas Lewis Des Combes , a retired farmer of Leeton, Missouri, is one of Johnson county's oldest pioneers. He was born in St. Louis county, Missouri, on May 1, 1838, the son of Charles Lewis and Martha Ann (Wash) Des Combes, the former a native of Switzerland and the latter of Virginia. Charles Lewis and Martha Ann Des Combes were the parents of the following children: Thomas L., the subject of this review; Mrs. Mary Louise Crooks, Henry county, Missouri, born November 8, 1839; Adele Anne, born September 24, 1841, and was burned to death in 1857; Charles Edward, born, August 19, 1843, who enlisted in the Confederate service during the Civil War, serving under Francis M. Cockrell, and who is now deceased; William Frederick, born August 4, 1845, deceased; Rachel Rose, born October 11, 1849, deceased; Mrs. Martha Venable, Leeton, Missouri; John Nelson, who died at Leeton, Missouri; Susan Robertha, born November 30, 1854; Virginia Ellen, born September 3, 1867, deceased; and Eugene, who died in infancy. Charles Lewis Des Combes came to Missouri in 1821, an emigrant from Switzerland. He first located in St. Louis county, coming to Johnson county in 1856, where he entered four hundred acres of land in section 29 in Post Oak township. He and Mrs. Des Combes spent the remainder of their lives on this farm. Mrs. Des Combes died in March, 1893 and two years later, September 25, 1895, she was followed in death by her husband, nearly ninety years of age.

Thomas L. Des Combes was in the Confederate service almost three years. He took part in the battles of Lonejack and Lexington, Missouri. From Lonejack his company was sent south and for seven days and nights Mr. Des Combes had no time for sleep, except that which he secured while on horseback. He belonged with the rear of the company but one time his horse carried him, while asleep, to the front. He was suddenly awakened by an officer calling, "Halt!" He was asked where he belonged. 

"Company F," replied Mr. Des Combes, now wide awake. 

"Where are you going?" was next asked. 

"I don't know," was the reply; "ask the horse.' 

The. officer then commanded Mr. Des Combes to dismount and take a nap, telling him that he would call him when the rest of his company came up to them. Mr. Des Combes was near Corsicana, Texas, when the war closed and he was mustered out at Shreveport, Louisiana, in 1865. He returned home by way of St. Louis, Missouri. 

After the war, Mr. Des Combes engaged in farming and until 1906 was thus employed. Eleven years ago he moved from the farm to Leeton, where he now resides. Besides his home in Leeton, Mr. Des Combes still owns the old home place, which comprises two hundred forty acres of land southwest of Leeton, one and a fourth miles, and forty acres in Henry county. One hundred sixty acres of the farm are part of the original Des Combes place, upon which both his father and mother died. When Mr. Des Combes built his pioneer home, he bought the pine lumber in St. Louis, Missouri, shipped it to Lexington by boat, and then hauled the lumber from Lexington to his home, using a team of oxen. It took five days to make the trip. 

On November 15, 1866, T. L. Des Combes was united in marriage with Sallie Virginia Bell, born July 3, 1843, in Morgan county, Missouri, the daughter of John and Martha Elizabeth Bell, pioneers of Cooper county, settling there in 1849. After the close of the Civil War they settled in Johnson county, where both died. John Bell died in 1906. Mrs. Bell died in 1899. 

To T. L. and Sallie Virginia Des Combes have' been born the following children: John L., Warrensburg, Missouri; Mrs. Anna E. Holt, Warrensburg, Missouri; Mrs. Mary Eleanor Swigert, Leeton, Missouri; William T., Leeton, Missouri; Henry C, Warrensburg, Missouri; Eugene, Leeton, Missouri; and Mrs. Sallie Catherman. Warrensburg, Missouri. Mr. Des Combes is now seventy-nine years of age and his wife is five years his junior, but both are as active and alert, physically and mentally, as many men and women twenty-five years younger. The Des Combes' name is destined to great longevity, for besides their four sons, Mr. and Mrs. Des Combes have thirty-three grandchildren. It is a good, old name, one of which their descendants may well be proud. 

On November 15, 1866, Mr. and Mrs. Des Combes celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. All of their children with their families were present with thirty of the grandchildren present. It was a family reunion and a very happy one. On October 21, 1917, Sunday, Mrs. Sallie Catherman gave a dinner in honor of the fifty-first wedding anniversary and all the children excepting a daughter were present. The Des Combes family will make the family reunion an annual event. A purse of gold was given to the aged couple by their children on the wedding anniversary reunion. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

Mrs. Maude (Maxwell) Irwin , who is in charge of the "Oak Hill Sanitarium." located at 519 South Holden street in Warrensburg, was born in Warrensburg. She is the daughter of Robert E. and Paralee (Baxter) Maxwell, the former a native of Missouri and the latter of Kentucky. Robert E. Maxwell came to Johnson county in the seventies. He is a well-known and highly respected farmer and stockman now residing near Fayetteville, Missouri. Paralee (Baxter) Maxwell is the daughter of Newton H. and Sallie (Hawkins) Baxter. Newton H. Baxter was born December 13, 1828, in Madison county. Kentucky. He was united in marriage with Sallie Hawkins, August 5, 1850. and in 1870 they moved from Kentucky to Missouri, locating in Johnson county in 1871. Newton H. Baxter enlisted in the Civil War and served four years. He was actively and prominently identified with the commercial life of Warrensburg, Missouri, for forty-five years. Mrs. Baxter died in June, 1914, and August 30, 1914, the death of Newton H. Baxter occurred. Interment for both was made in the cemetery at Warrensburg. Newton H. and Sallie (Hawkins) Baxter were the parents of eight children and at the time of the death of Mr. Baxter in 1914 there were forty-eight grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. descendants of Newton H. and Sallie Baxter. To Robert E. and Paralee (Baxter) Maxwell were born the following children: R. F., who is now in San Antonio, Texas, with the United States Aviation Corps and is one of the two hundred ordered to France; Mark W., Chicago, Illinois; Alva D., a student in the Warrensburg State Normal School; and Mrs. Maude M. Irwin, the subject of this review.

Maude (Maxwell) Irwin attended the public schools of Warrensburg, and in Warrensburg began training for a nurse. She completed the nurse's training course at Washington University Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri. Mrs. Irwin came to "Oak Hill Sanitarium" one year after the institution was founded, serving in the capacity of head nurse. Two years later she assumed charge of the hospital. "Oak Hill Sanitarium" was established in 1910 by Dr. Harry F. Parker and all the physicians in the city send patients there. Accommodations can be made for as many as ten patients at one time and the hospital is always filled to its capacity. It has an excellent patronage and is one of the institutions of which Warrensburg and Johnson county are proud. Mrs. Irwin is owner and manager, but the building is the property of the founder, Doctor Parker. 

September 30, 1902, E. J. Irwin and Maude Maxwell were united in marriage and to them have been born two children, Nell and Jack. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

John H. Wilson , merchant of Warrensburg, Missouri, was born in 1859 in Muskingum county, Ohio, the son of Alexander and Sarah (McCully) Wilson. Alexander Wilson was born in Ohio. He came to Missouri in 1868 and located in Warrensburg, where he put in operation a foundry on the present site of the electric light plant. The foundry was devoted to structural iron work, making cultivators, field rollers, and other like machinery. Alexander Wilson operated this foundry until 1873. He had retired from business four years prior to his death, in 1877. Sarah (McCully) Wilson was also a native of Ohio. Her death occurred in Warrensburg in 1894. Interment for both father and mother was made in the cemetery at Warrensburg.

John H. Wilson is one of four children born to Alexander and Sarah (McCully) Wilson, as follow: Mrs. L. E. Coleman, Warrensburg; Mrs. Margaret Fisher,/Marshall, Missouri; Mary C, who died about 1887 in Jefferson City, Missouri; and John H., the subject of this review. John H. Wilson received his early education in the" city schools of Warrensburg, Missouri. He later attended the Warrensburg State Normal School for two years, in 1872 and 1873. After leaving school Mr. Wilson was employed in the clothing business with Frank & Loebenstein, clothiers, in the store located on South Pine street. He was in their employ ten years, when he went into partnership with Mr. Loebenstein, which partnership lasted three years until Mr. Wilson entered the business for himself on North Holden street. He continued in the clothing business at that location until 1906, when he went to Idaho, entering the clothing business in Lewiston, where he remained two years. From Lewiston, Idaho Mr. Wilson went to Muskogee, Oklahoma, and was there engaged in the mercantile business for seven years. He then returned to Warrensburg and purchased the Buente Mercantile Company's grocery store, which he still owns and conducts. 

In 1900, John H. Wilson was elected mayor of Warrensburg and he served in that capacity two years. During his incumbency the first brick paving in the city was put in on Pine street and Holden street. This paving has served as the nucleus for further paving, which has proceeded steadily. Mr. Wilson was a member of the school board at the time the Warrensburg High School was erected. He is now one of Warrensburg's most active and prominent business men. 

September 1, 1886, John H. Wilson and Elma Campbell were united in marriage. Elma (Campbell) Wilson was formerly of St. Louis, Missouri. To Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have been born four children: Estaline, a graduate of the Warrensburg High School, the Warrensburg State Normal School, the State University of Missouri, and Columbia University of New York City, who is now specializing in supervisor's work and is engaged in teaching in Columbia University, New York City; Olive, who is a graduate of the Warrensburg High School, the Warrensburg State Normal School, and Columbia University, New York City, a children's entertainer, who is now engaged in community chautauqua work, having made this work her specialty; Natalie, a graduate of the Warrensburg High School, the Warrensburg State Normal School, and the Sargent School of Physical Education, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and now has charge of the physical education of girls in the Girls' Seminary and at the time of this writing is in charge of the military training camp for women at Camp Waupertown, Arkansas; and John, Jr., now lieutenant in the Philippine Islands, who graduated in June, 1916, from St. John's Military Academy at Delafield, Wisconsin, and was immediately commissioned third lieutenant, and in July, 1916, went to the Philippine Islands, where he attended school for a short time, learning the Spanish language, and is at present at Nato Barracks on the Island of Mindanao in charge of a company of native soldiers. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have reared and educated one of the finest families in the state of Missouri. The Wilson home is a beautiful suburban home on Hurricane Hill, the highest point in the city of Warrensburg. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

John C. Thiele , a prominent merchant, owner of "Thiele's Shoes" in Warrensburg. Missouri, is of German descent. His father, John C. Thiele. Sr., was a native of Germany. He came to Warrensburg, about 1869 and opened a shoemaker's shop on Pine street. He had learned the shoemaker's trade in Germany. His death occurred in Warrensburg about 1882 and February 24, 1884, Mrs. Thiele followed her husband in death and both father and mother were interred in the cemetery in Warrensburg. John C. Thiele, Jr., is one of five children born to his parents, as follow: John C, the subject of this review; Julius, Parsons, Kansas; William, Johnstown, Pennsylvania; Isaac, Scott, Kansas; and Mrs. Benjamin Shackleford, Warrensburg.

John C. Thiele, the subject of this review, was born November 22, 1871, in Warrensburg. He attended the public schools of Warrensburg until he was twelve years of age, when his school days were ended. Both parents had died and the small orphan boy was obliged to seek work in the different stores in Warrensburg. He was first employed in a restaurant, on Holden street, which was owned by Jacobs. He also worked for Upton, a restaurant man, and many other business men in Warrensburg. While working in the Spess & Welch, Boots and Shoes Store, Mr. Thiele learned shoemaking and later was in the employ of the Clark Brothers. From the start, as a boy, Mr. Thiele saved his money. 

In 1901, John C. Thiele entered the mercantile business on Pine street in Warrensburg, putting in a stock of shoes and repairing outfit 'valued at six hundred dollars. For almost twelve years Mr. Thiele was in business on Pine street. In 1912 he removed to his present location at 119 North Holden street, which building he owns. ' Mr. Thiele carries a complete and up-to-date line of men's, ladies', and children's shoes, specializing in the Packard shoe for men and the Selby shoe for women, and also does repair work of all kinds. The Thiele store is one of the most attractive and neatly-kept shoe stores in the city and enjoys an extensive trade. "Keep expenses down and buy right" has been Mr. Thiele's motto and that it is a splendid one is evidenced by his success. 

In 1905, John C. Thiele was united in marriage with Nora Ross Mears, the daughter of Robert and Ella (Ross) Mears, who reside in Warrensburg. To Mr. and Mrs. Thiele has been born one child, a daughter, Helen. The Thiele home, located at 311 East Gay street, is one of the beautiful homes of Warrensburg. 

Mr. Thiele purchased the store building, which was located at his present location on North Holden street, in 1907. Three years later the building burned, which coming at that time was a heavy blow, but he immediately rebuilt and two years afterward moved into the new building from Pine street. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

Linn J. Schofield, M. D. , president of the Johnson County Medical Society, was born May 14, 1861, in Lexington, Missouri, the son of Judge Jesse W. and Andalusia (Eddy) Schofield, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of New York. Judge Jesse W. Schofield was born in 1801. He came to Missouri from Virginia prior to the Civil War and located in Lexington, where he followed his profession of architect and bridge builder. He was at one time judge of the county court in Lafayette county, Missouri. Andalusia (Eddy) Schofield was professor of mathematics in the Female Seminary at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, prior to her marriage. To Judge Jesse W. and Andalusia (Eddy) Schofield were born the following children: Mrs. W. L. Gott, Fayetteville, Missouri; Dr. Linn J., the subject of this review; F. C, of Palo Alto, California, who is a graduate of the University of Ohio, the University of Colorado, and Leland Stanford University and is now a professor, teaching in California; C. E., who is engaged in the mercantile business in Los Angeles, California; and Mrs. Anda Burton, Odessa, Missouri. By a former marriage, Judge Jesse W. Schofield was the father of two sons: Dr. John L., who was a graduate of the University of Virginia and is now deceased; and George L., deceased. The death of Judge Schofield occurred in 1881, in Lexington, Missouri.

Dr. Linn J. Schofield attended the public schools of Lexington, Missouri, Doggett's Academy, the Warrensburg State Normal School, and Medical Department at the University of Louisville. Kentucky, of which institution he is a graduate in class of 1887. Two years prior to entering medical college, Doctor Schofield was engaged in teaching in the schools of Lafayette and Johnson counties. March 1, 1888, Doctor Schofield came to Warrensburg and opened an office at 105 North Holden street and began the practice of medicine. He has been at his present location for the past twenty-nine years. Doctor Schofield spent one year in study at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and St. Thomas' Hospital, London, England, leaving for Europe in the fall of 1892. He is one of the best-read physicians in Johnson county, possessing unusual ability, a quick, clear mind, and a conscientious sense of duty. He is remarkably successful in his chosen profession. He has a large general practice and is at present president of the Johnson County Medical Society. He is a Fellow of the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society and is affiliated with the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons and the Knights Templar. 

In 1890, Doctor Linn J. Schofield was united in marriage with Stella Morrow, daughter of W. K. and Nancy Morrow, of Warrensburg. Mrs. Schofield died in 1896. In 1898 Doctor Schofield and Edith M. Campbell were united in marriage. Edith M. (Campbell) Schofield is the daughter of Professor J. J. Campbell, one of the most able professors who ever taught in the Warrensburg State Normal School, now deceased. To Doctor and Mrs. Schofield have been born two sons: Campbell, who is sixteen years of age; and Linn. Jr., who is now ten years of age. 

Doctor Schofield has been vice-president of the Peoples National Bank since its organization in 1892. He was appointed a member of the board of regents of the State Normal School at Warrensburg and served a term of six years, during which time he was secretary of the board. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

Fred F. Miller , well-known pharmacist of Warrensburg, was born in Illinois in November, 1864. His father, Dr. John G. Miller, was born in Pennsylvania. He came to Johnson county in 1867 and located in Warrensburg and opened a drug store at 126 North Holden street. Dr. John G. Miller was united in marriage with Louisa J. Allred and to this union were born the following children: Mrs. Lizzie Mitchell, deceased; Fred F., the subject of this review; Matie, a graduate of the Warrensburg State Normal School, is a teacher in the government service in Porto Rico; Ivory, in the employ of the Kansas City "Journal," Kansas City, Missouri; Mrs. Mary Beck, Kansas City, Missouri; John G., Jr., who is associated with Fred F. in the drug business; and Mrs. Daisy Reed, Kansas City, Missouri. Dr. John G. Miller continued in the drug business until 1878, when his son, Fred F., bought him out and continued the business, the store now being located at 313 North Holden street. The death of Louisa J. (Allred) Miller occurred in July, 1916. Mrs. Miller was a native of Illinois. Dr. Miller now makes his home with his son, Fred F. Each day he makes a visit to the store of his son.

Fred F. Miller attended the Warrensburg State Normal and the Kansas City Business College. After completing school he purchased the drug store from his father with whom he was associated in the drug business for some time. Mr. Miller has seen the time when the principal business portion of Warrensburg was covered with timber. He has watched Warrensburg grow from a village into a city and he has always cheerfully given the heartiest support to every worthy enterprise which has for its object the ultimate good of the community. Mr. Miller has a well-kept store and he carries a clean, up-to-date line of drugs. He enjoys a large patronage of well-pleased customers. 

In 1896, Fred F. Miller and Emma Volk, of Warrensburg, were united in marriage. To this union was born one son, Franklin G., who was born in 1906. Emma (Volk) Miller died in 1913 and was laid to rest in the Warrensburg cemetery. Fred F. Miller and son now make their home with Dr. Miller. 

Mr. Miller is affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Rebekahs, and the Modern Brotherhood of America. 
"History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918 - Submitted by Karen Hammer -2009

Johnson County, Missouri Genealogy Trails

 © 2006 - 2008 by Genealogy Trails  -  All Rights Reserved - With full rights reserved for original submitters. 

Robert Burns Craig, was the last child born to Samuel and Jane Innis (Burns) Craig in 1806 in Greene County, Tennessee, and died 1882 in Johnson County, Missouri.. He married Elizabeth (Mitchell) in Tennessee and they moved to Johnson County, Missouri where both died. They had several children in Johnson County, Missouri. His picture

Gleaned from:
Kansas City Historical Co.
The History of Johnson Co., Mo. 1881
Albertson, L. L., Florist
Ailor, James, Restaurant
Bahlmann, W. F., Prof. Normal School
Anderson, W. H. & Son, Grocers
Ashton, George P., Dentist
Barr, Rev. A. L., Pastor, C. P. Church
Baldwin, R., Editor Wg Standard
Barbee, Mrs. Lucy, Milliner
Betichec, F. A., Furniture
Barton, John, Sewing Machines
Beitling, Charles, Harness Shop
Berry, W. L., Sch. Com. Johnson Co.
Bibb, Rev. M. L., Pastor, Bap. Church
Brinkerhoff, Geo. S., Vineyard
Bosaker, J. M., Builder
Bowen, W. R., Johnson co. Assessor
Brammer, G. C., Barber
Bruce, William, Stone Quarry
Brinker, W. H., Prosecuting Atty.
Brock & Steele, Blacksmiths
Brooks, E. W., R. R. Section Boss
Brown, John W., Post Master
Brown, Miss Sue, Reading Room
Campbell, J. J., Prof. Normal School
Bryson, J. C., Dentist
Bryson, W. A., Druggist
Bunn, W. H., Insurance & Real Estate
Burnett, S. J., Claim Agent
Carhart, Ida M., Teacher Normal School
Burrington, Sam, Veterinary Surg.
Cockrell, J. J., Attorney at Law
Carpenter, M. B., Tinner
Cheatham Bros., Furniture
Cheatham, John T., Groceries
Christopher, G. K., Book Store
Cockrell, Hon. F. M., U. S. Sen.
Cockrell, Rev. A. M., Bap. Church
Crissey, W. E., Abstract Office
Colbern, G. W., Pres. S. Bank
Cooper, Wilson, Blacksmith
Cottrall, & Rand, Music Store
Cord, John & Chas., Groceries
Crittenden, Hon. T. T., Gov. of Mo.
Crews, Rev. C., Pastor Bap. Church (Colored)
Dunn, Alfred, Assist. Postmaster
Cruce, R. A., Ed. Journal-Dem.
Crutchfield, J. M., Attorney at Law
Cutler, S. P., Physician
Drew, Mrs. M. A., Book Store
De Garmo, E. L., Woolen Mills
Dunn, Robert N., Principal Schools
Dunbar, Nelson, Physician
Fuller, Rev. C., Pastor Presby. Church
Eads, J. D., Druggest
Eard, Mrs., Prop. Eads Hotel
Eckhard, John, Photographer
Faulkner, D. T., Auction Store
Everhart, L. D., Jeweler
Fike, H. C., Eureka Mills
Gossett & Floyd, Builders
Fitch, H. R. & Co., Mill and Elevator
Furgeson, J. N., Johnson Co. Surveyor
Geer, A. M., Attorney at Law
Gaty, John U., Real Estate Agent
Giehl, August, Blacksmith
Gilkeson, A. H. & S., Dry Goods
Gilbert Bros., Groceries
Gilbert, Porter A., Marble Works
Harris, W. F., Transfer Express
Griffith, Mrs. M. E., Milliner
Griggs, A. C., Dentist
Gross, Phillip, Brewery
Grimes, Henry, Saddler
Hagerty, C. C., Tailor
Groves & Donaldson, Blacksmiths
Harris & Son, Hides & Wool
Hale, H. C., Agricultural Imp.
Hartman & Co., Magnolia Mills
Hirsch, Jacob, Groceries
Harwood, R. B., County Clerk
Hathaway, J. J., Marble Works
Hatton, W. H. H., Vineyard
Hawkins, O. D., Pub. Administrator
Hayes, William, Barber
Heberling, & Bro., Boots & Shoes
Hooker, Miss Jennie, Milliner
Heberling, W. H., Meat Market
Hedges, W. L., Phys. & Mayor
Hunt, W. P., Abstract Office
Hornbuckle, W. L., Probate Judge
Hout, Geo. W., Lumber Yard
Houts, O. L., Attorney at Law
Houts, G. Will., Attorney at Law
Hughes, Rev. J. H., Pastor Christian Church
Houx, Rev. J. H., C. P. Minister
Hughes, H. Y., Pres. Bank
Kinsel, J. H., Cashier, Bank of Warrensburg
Hunt, Geo. R., Physician
Hyer, J. J., Attorney at Law
Jacobs, B. F., Groceries
January, Rev. B. F., M. E. Minister
Johnson, N. B. & Son, Druggists
Kelley, J. R., County Recorder
Kelley, Edward, Nursery
Kinchlow, Wm., Restaurant
Kinsel, J. H., Bank of Warrensburg
King, E. W., Carpenter
King, Thos., Blacksmith
Kinsel, J. H., Lumberyard
Littrell, Rev. J. C., Minister
Knapp, W. E., Livery Stable
Land, Fike & Co., Eureka Mills
Land, Garrett C., Attorney at Law
Land, Moses, Eureka Mills
Lannom, G. B., Cemetery Sexton
Land, Nathan, Eureka Mills
Lee, W. H., Agricultural Implements
Laupheimer Bros., Restaurant
Little, A. J., K. C. Hist. Co.
Lemmon, George W., Vineyard
McManigal, J. H., Furniture
Lobban, G. A., Groceries
Loebenstein, B. & Co., Clothing
Logan, A. B., Attorney at Law
Lowe, William, Builder
Lowe, William, Brick Kiln
Matthews, P. A., City Marshal
Marlatt, W. C., Justice of the Peace
McGoon, C. A., Hardware
McConaughay & Ulrich, Barbers
McCullough, H. C., Painter
Neill, Henry, Attorney at Law
Mears, Robert, Blacksmith
Middleton, J. I., Telegraph Operator
Miller, John C., Druggist
Mikel, W. S., Vineyard
Miller, Joseph, Tailor
Moody, W. B., Family Groceries
Miller, Oll, Painter
Moody, W. B., Dry Goods & Groceries
Naylor, J. B., Publisher, Journal- Democrat
Moser, Mrs., Milliner
Nathan Bros., Ready Made Clothing
Prussing, F. M., Groceries
Nelson, J. R., Chicago Cheap Store
Nickerson, E. A., Attorney at Law
Osborne, Geo. L., Pres. Normal School
Opp, Geo., Carpenter
Phelan, Rev. Father, Past. Cath. Church
Pennington, E. T., Agent M. P. R. R.
Phelps, J. T., Simmons House
Phelps & Williams, Simmons House
Pickle Bros., Stone Quarries
Putcamp, H., Billiards
Pinkston, W. D., Physician
Prottsman, W. M., Past. M. E. Church South
Rosenthall, Henry, Hardware
Randall, Amos, Restaurant
Redford, A. O., Family Groceries
Reese, Rev. R. S. , Pastor M. E. C.
Reeves, Reuben, Boots & Shoes
Richards, G. N., Standard
Reiter, George, Vineyard
Robertson, R. M., Attorney at Law
Roberts, Redford & Hale, Agricultural Implements
Rose & Zimmerman, Druggists
Robinson, C. W., Physician
Rogers, A. W. & S. T., Attorneys at Law
Shryack, M., Family Groceries
Rowland, W. C., Attorney at Law
Ruess, Joseph, Groceries & Bakery
Sack, G. H., Attorney at Law
Sams, Walter, Jeweler
Sams, Edward, Meat Market
Schneiglesepen, J. W., Gunsmith
Sanburn, William, Prof. Normal School
Shaw, J. A., Johnson County Sheriff
Schriecker, William, Groceries
Shepherd, J. M. & W. S., Attorneys
Stepper, George, Druggist
Shockey, J. E., Groceries
Shryack, J. A., Groceries
Simmons, E. K., Elevator
Smith & Kauffman, Boots & Shoes
Smith, W. V., Physician & Surgeon
Sparks, A. J., Teacher
Sperling, William, Barber
Sparks, S. P., Attorney at Law
Stafford, C. N., Merchant Tailor
Spiess, A. & William, Grocers
Stauver, J. D., Jeweler
Starr, Prof. J. F., Principal, Public School
Stewart, J. A., Hardware
Steele, Rev. J. C., U. P. Minister
Stepper & Eads, Druggists
Welch, Aikman, Attorney at Law
Stone, John W., Livery Stable
Suber, M. K., Dry Goods
Talbott, J. E., Merchant Tailor
Taylor, Rev. John, Pastor U. P. C.
Tyler, J. K., Johnson County Treasurer
Tomlinson, Charles, Vineyard
Trego, E. O., Wagonmaker
Wadell, A. J. & R. E., Photo
Upton Bros., Family Groceries
Vernaz, P., Vineyard
Wagner, F. X., Billiard Hall
White, S. T., attorney at Law
Wallace & Fitch, Mrs., Milliners
Ward, M. T., Boots & Shoes
Zoll, William, Nursery
Wilkins, Charles, Transfer Express
Williams, James, Simmons House
Witherspoon, H. S., Cir. Court Clerk
Williams, S. P., County Collector
Wood, W. W., Attorney at Law
York, R., Fish Market
Worden & Bryson, Druggist
Wright, T. J., Physician
Young, M., Bank Cashier
Zimmerman, J. A., druggist
Young, M., Johnson Co. Savings