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August 2, 2013

A Directory of Towns, Villages, and Hamlets Past and Present of Johnson County, Missouri - History

A Directory of Towns, Villages, and Hamlets
Past and Present
of Johnson County, Missouri

Compiled by Arthur Paul Moser

Johnson County
Air (Hazel Hill Township)
The first post-office in Hazel Hill Township was at the residence of James Borthurt, who was the first postmaster. This was long before the town of Fayetteville was known and the name of the post-office was Air. Later, when the new village of Fayetteville sprang up the office was given the name of Fayetteville, although the village was known as Hazel Hill. The first postmaster in the town was Ben E. Lemmon, who held the office until the Civil War broke out. (--History of Johnson County, 1918, Cockrell, p. 236. Referred to later as Cockrell.)
Aubrey (Post Oak Township)
A fourth post-office was established in Post Oak Township (1875) about four miles northeast of the village of Cornelia. J. E. Herring was postmaster. Mail was received once a week. The office was discontinued and again opened in the spring of 1881. (--History of Johnson County, 1881, Kansas City Historical Company, p. 589.The post-office was discontinued prior to 1905. (--General Scheme for the use of Railway Mail Clerks, p. 55.)
Benton (Rose Hill Township, McClurg (q.v.))
When the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad was built through the township a little town was started on the line in Section 35, in the northwestern part of the county. The town was named Benton City and the post-office was named McClurg in honor of ex-Governor McClurg. It had several stores, but in a few years was abandoned. (--Cockrell, p. 260.)Benton no longer listed in Johnson County; is Benton in Scott County. (--Rand, McNally Standard Reference Guide of Missouri., 1974.)
"Big Creek" (Rose Hill Township, Rose Hill)
The first post-office within the present borders of Rose Hill Township was established about 1840 under the official title of Big Creek. In 1860 the name was changed to Rose Hill and the first post-office was kept on Scaly Bark Creek and Garrett J. Wood was the first postmaster. (--Cockrell, p. 259.)
The village of Blackwater was started and laid out by P. L. Hudgins in March, 1856, on the N. E. qr. of Section 28, Township 47 N, Range 27 West. (--History of Johnson County, 1881, p. 699.)This area is south of Columbus; only two buildings are shown in this section.
Bluff Spring (Kingsville Township)
Bluff Spring was situated at Section 19, Township 46 N, Range 29 West, north of Kingsville. (--Campbell's New Atlas of Missouri, 1874, Map 24.)The first post-office in Kingsville Township was Bluff Spring and Benjamin Longwire was the first postmaster... In 1856, the post-office was changed to Kingsville. In 1860, Dr. W. H. Carpenter built a distillery and carding machine. It later was destroyed by fire. (--Cockrell, p. 275.)
It is no longer listed. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
It was platted April 3, 1905, on land owned by W. A. Garrett and his wife, Alice, when what is now the Rock Island Railroad was being constructed. When the coal mines were operating it was a very busy place. (--Cockrell, p. 167.)It is situated at the Section 29, Township 44 N, Range 24 West in the southeast corner of the county on Highway D, north of Henry County line. (--General Highway Map of Johnson County, 8-1-62, issued by The Missouri State Highway Dept. Unless otherwise noted all map descriptions are from this map.
Mail via Windsor, Henry County. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
It was three miles north of Burtville. (--The State of Missouri, in 1904, Walter Williams, p. 417.)The post-office was discontinued prior to 1905. (--General Scheme, p. 55.) No longer listed.
Burnett Station (Post Oak Township)
A second post-office was established in 1875, and named Burnett Station. It was in the eastern part of Post Oak Township in Section 12. J. J. Lee, who kept a store here was the postmaster. (--History of Johnson County, 1881, p. 589.)Burnett's Station (Wall's Store) was a post-office sixteen miles south, southeast of Warrensburg. (--Campbell's Gazetteer of Missouri, 1874, p. 290.)
It is no longer listed.
Burtville is mentioned in Encyclopedia of the History of Missouri, 1901, Conard, Vol. 3, p. 457.It was situated at Section 19, Township 45 N, Range 24 West, & Section 24, Township 45 N, Range 25 West on Highway Y southwest of Whiteman Airforce Base.
The post-office was discontinued prior to 1905. (--General Scheme, p. 55.) No longer listed.
Basin Knob (Jackson Township)
Basin Kob is a beautiful eminence in the center of a rich fertile valley. The mound contains about one acre on the flat top. The height is upwards of fifty feet. (--History of Johnson County, 1881, p. 675.)John Winfrey was postmaster for eleven years at Basin Knob. He came to the township in 1851. (--History of Johnson County, p. 678.)
Bear Creek
See Rose Hill.
Bee Branch (Grover Township)
The first post-office was established near the Pettis County line, and part of the time was kept in the adjoining county. It was known as Bee Branch, named for a little creek nearby and Benjamin Prigmore was the first postmaster. The first postal route was secured through the influence of Dr. B.F. Dunkley, from Georgetown to Lexington. In 1858 the post-office was changed to Dunksburg, later it was changed to Sigel. However, that name never became popular and it was known as Dunksburg. (--Cockrell, pp. 250, 251.)
Carbon Hill
Carbon Hill was laid out as a village in 1867, and was located about midway between Montserrat and Knob Noster. (--History of Johnson County, 1881, p. 505.)Carbon Hill (Clear Fork) was a station on the Missouri Pacific Railroad seven miles east of Warrensburg. (--Campbell, p. 290.)
It is no longer listed by either name.
Centerview (Center Township)
This little village began as a result of the railroad in 1865. The post-office was established at that time and Elhanan Roop was the first postmaster ... The village is located not far from the geographical center of the township bearing the same name. The first store ever built was built by Elhanan Roop, and was occupied by R.C. Hall as a store for general merchandise...The first physician, Dr. J. H. Kinyown; the first lawyer, Gordon Turner, who was also a preacher and teacher...(--History of Johnson County, 1881, pp. 543, 544.)
Centerview, on the Missouri Pacific Range. Range, is six miles west of Warrensburg. It contained two flouring mills, with 3 sets of buhrs and a capacity of 100 barrels of flour daily, 8 stores, 1 saddle and harness shop, 1 wagon and 1 carpenter shop, and 1 tannery, besides some other small business houses. (--Campbell, p. 290.)It is situated at Section 36, Township 46 N, Range 27 West at the junction of VV & 58.
Centre Knob (not a town)
Centre Knob, one mile east of the village of Kingsville, received its name from the Shawnee Indians, who had a trail on the southern face that they followed as late as 1850... (--History of Johnson County, 1881, p. 516.)
Charles was in the southeast corner of the county, six miles east of Burtville. (--Williams, 1904, p. 417.)The post-office was discontinued prior to 1905; it is no longer listed. (--General Scheme, p. 55; Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Chalybeate was a post-office eight miles south southwest of Warrensburg, in Chilhowee Township. (--Campbell, p. 290.)It is no longer listed.
Chilhowee (elevation 915 feet, Chilhowee Township)
Chilhowee Township gets its name from the Chilhowee Mountains in Tennessee. It is an Indian appellation. Its orthography properly ends with the double "ee", and not an "ie", as some sophists write it.The old town of Chilhowee was laid by Amos Mason Perry in 1857. The first improvements were made by James Simpson and Samuel McFarland. James Murphy was the original owner of the land...In 1881 there were two stores and a few shops in the village. (--History of Johnson County, 1881, pp. 566, 567.)
The village of Chilhowee was an accident. A man named James Simpson had bought a small frame house from a William Johnson and undertook to move it to a claim that he intended to "enter". It was placed upon ox wagons and was moved to the spot where the old town now is when something broke down and the house was then unloaded and Mr. Simpson put in a small stock of goods, and it was then called Simpson's Store. This was about 1855 or 1856...About that time the place was surveyed by the county surveyor, A. M. Perry and he being from Tennessee named it Chilhowee, a Cherokee name for the Tennessee or "Smoky mountains"... When the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad was built about one mile and a half south, several of the houses were moved to the new site and the old town became a relic only. (--Cockrell, p. 245.)
Chilhowee, fourteen miles south, southwest of Warrensburg, had two stores, one carpenter shop, one church and a school house. Population about 100, 1874. (--Campbell, p. 290.)
It is situated in the southwest section of the county, at Section 13 & 24, Township 44 N, Range 27 West at the junction of Highways 2, E & F.
Clear Fork
See Carbon Hill; neither town is listed.
For a long time Columbus, in Columbus Township, was the county seat. The courts would meet at the residence of the late Nicholas Houx or under a shade tree near by. The county seat was first located three miles east of the present site of Columbus on the farm of Mrs. Fanny Cockrell, but the selection met with much opposition from other parts of the county. The commissioners reconsidered their decision and selected the present location.The town laid out by Mr. J. Epper in 1836. It was one of the first trading places in the county. The post-office was established in 1832. The first postmaster, William Kincaid, was postmaster for several years...At one time the office was kept at Blackwater.
In 1881 C. G. Wolf sold groceries and dry goods. The place also had a blacksmith shop. The old village was nothing more than a country store post-office and a few shops. (--History of Johnson County, 1881, pp. 668, 669.)
Columbus, thirteen miles northwest of Warrensburg, it the oldest town in the county, having been settled in 1833...It contained three good flouring mill with 3 run of buhrs--100 barrels a day, one wheel-wright and two wagon shops and four stores. Population about 150 (1874). (--Campbell, p. 290.)It is situated at Section 21 & 22, Township 47 N, Range 27 West on Highway M north of 50 northwest of Warrensburg.
Mail via Centerview--rural; no population shown. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
The town of Cornelia was named by Dr. Love in honor of his wife whose name was Cornelia. James K. Farr and James Marrow built the first house in 1853...Although the name Cornelia is the proper name of the little village it is generally known by the fanciful epithet of "Shanghai". At one time Dr. Love engaged largely in raising Shanghai chickens. The business was new and the name artificially elegant to the old settlers who were not long in applying the name through accident to the village. Also a small creek having its source near the antique village bears the name "Shanghai", and flows northwest into Post Oak Creek...
Cornelia had a post-office with mail twice a week, a grocery store, one blacksmith shop, two churches and a public school. It had a population of about eighty-five souls...Long before the Civil War Cornelia had a post-office, and for a long time it was the headquarters for mail matter. (--History of Johnson County, p. 589; Campbell, p. 290.)
It is situated at Section 36, Township 44 N, Range 26 West and Township 45 N, same range at the junction of PP & 13.
The post-office was discontinued prior to 1905. (--General Scheme, p. 55.)
Mail now via Warrensburg; no population shown. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
County Line
At a point called the Count Line, on Walnut Creek, about six miles north of Knob Noster, in what is now Grover Township in the Oglesby and Thornton settlements was established one of the first Baptist organizations in the county. (--History of Johnson County, p. 353.)
Dearl was on R. F. D. north from Holden and south of Pittsville. (The State of Missouri, in 1904, p. 417.)It is no longer listed.
Dean was in the western section of the county, northeast of Kingsville. (--Map of Missouri, in 1911; Rand, McNally.)The post-office was discontinued prior to 1905.  (--General Scheme, p. 55.)
Dean is no longer listed in Johnson County; is listed in Andrew County. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Denton (Chilhowee Township)
Denton was platted June 27, 1905, by Henry Phillips, when the railroad was constructed through here. It is located in the western part of the township, in Section 7. It had a church, good stores, etc., and several residences. (--Cockrell, p. 247.)It is situated at Section 8, Township 44 N, Range 27 West on Highway 2, north of O.
Mail via Holden; no population. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Devil's Ridge (not a town)
In the western part of Jackson Township is an eminence called Devil's Ridge, so named during the Civil War. (--History of Johnson County, 1881, p. 675.)
It was on the township line between Centreview and Madison Townships, northeast of Holden, possibly Section 6, Township 45 N, Range 27 West. (--New Atlas of Missouri, Map 24.)It is no longer listed.
Eldorado (Jefferson Township)
Eldorado was a small place not now (1918) appearing on the map. It was a trading point in the early days and Robert Irwin kept a general store immediately after the Civil War. Later he was succeeded in the business and Dr. George Harris was engaged in the practice of medicine there. (--Cockrell, p. 167.)
Ernestville (elevation 742 feet)
It is on the Lafayette County line, at Section 25, Township 48 N, Range 25 West on Highway KK north of C.It is in Lafayette County. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Fayetteville (Hazel Hill, Hazel Hill Township)
The town was named for Lafayette Collins, who was brought up here. The name Lafayette is contracted to Fayette and ville making it Fayetteville. Ben E. Lemon kept the first store here...The first post-office was kept at the residence of James Borthick, who was the first postmaster. This was long before the town of Lafayette was laid out. The name of the office was "Air", so called for brevity and for the atmosphere around them. In the course of time the office was changed to the new village of Fayetteville, where it took the name "Fayetteville", and has borne it ever since, notwithstanding the popularity of the nickname, Hazel Hill, applied to the town. The first postmaster was Ben E. Lemon... (--History of Johnson County, 1881, p. 653.)
Fayette (Hazel Hill) ten miles north of Warrensburg, on the Lexington Turnpike...contained one church, and seven stores. Population about 200 - 1874. (--Campbell, p. 290.)
It is situated at Section 11, Township 47 N, Range 26 West on Highway H west of 13.
Mail via Warrensburg; population 50. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Elm Spring (now Elm)
Elm Spring, so called in History of Johnson County, 1881, p. 681.It is situated at Section 30, Township 47 N, Range 28 West on Highway 50 east of W.
The post-office was discontinued prior to 1905. (--General Scheme, p. 55.)
Mail now via Kingsville; no population. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Fulkerson was in the northwest corner of the county, four and one-half miles northeast of Skaggs, Cass County. (--The State of Missouri, in 1904, p. 417.)The post-office was discontinued prior to 1905. (--General Scheme.)
It is no longer listed. (--General Scheme, p. 55.)
See Montserrat.
Gallaher's Mill (Montserrat Township)
One of the earliest mills in the county was Gallaher's Mill on Clear Fork in Section 6, this township. This mill was built by Wm. Cheek in 1830 or 1831 and belonged successively to James A. Gallaher, Montville Huff and Col. Morton Thompson. There was a store, mill and gun shop, and it was a favorite resort of the pioneers. It was the voting place for Washington Township before Knob Noster was built. (--Cockrell, pp. 297, 298.)
Grover (Simpson Township)
Grover, formerly called Millford, in the northern part of Section 13, on Blackwater, had been a noted spot for many years. Millford, a name derived from the old Davis mill and the ford hard by, making a compound word of mill and ford, which was commonly called for several years the mill ford until custom christened it Millford with accent on the first syllable. The place was frequently called Kirkpatrick's Mill in honor of Wm. Kirkpatrick who came here in 1850...A little store had been kept here almost without intermission for several years.The post-office was first established as Millford about 1850, but after the Civil War the name was changed to that of Grover, in honor of Col. B. W. Grover, a distinguished militia officer who was mortally wounded in the battle of Lexington. (--History of Johnson County, 1881, pp. 636, 637.)
The office was discontinued during the Civil War and resuscitated in the year 1870. (--History of Johnson County, pp. 636, 637.)
Grover is no longer listed in Johnson County; Grover in St. Louis County. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Haden was near Holden. (--New Atlas of Missouri, Map 24.)It is no longer listed.
Harrodsburg, according to the old United States Census, had a population of twenty-five, with post-office, two or three stores and blacksmith shop. It was on the Warrensburg-Warsaw road. (--Cockrell, p. 167.)It is no longer listed.
Henrietta (Johnson Township)
Henrietta was made a post-office in 1879. W. P. Greenlee was the first postmaster. (--Cockrell, p. 167.)The post-office was discontinued prior to 1905. (--General Scheme, p. 55.)
No longer listed in Johnson County. There is a Henrietta in Ray County. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Hazel Hill
See Fayetteville. 
High Point (not a town)
The great elevation of Jefferson Township called "High Point" is in Section 12, on a divide separating the waters of Tebo from those of the township running north and south... (--History of Johnson County, 1881, p. 598.)
Hoffman was on the northern edge of the county near Lafayette County line. (--The State of Missouri, in 1904, p. 417.)The post-office was discontinued prior to 1905. (--General Scheme, p. 55.)
It is no longer listed.
Holden (elevation 850 feet)
In the latter part of 1858 Jacobs & Cummings erected a box house on the corner of Second and Olive Streets, and started a store containing all kinds of articles needed by farmers...About this time Dr. C. F. Carter...erected the frame building used as a residence in Holden...In the same year Horatio Cox built a blacksmith shop...For several years before the town of Holden was laid out, there was a post-office northeast of the present site, a few hundred yards on the line of the stage running from Jefferson City to Independence. This post-office was kept by Mr. Isaac Jacobs and when Holden was laid out and Mr. Jacobs' store was put up, the post-office was moved there... (--History of Johnson County, 1881, pp. 451, 452, 470. Cockrell, p. 179.)
Holden at the junction of the M. P. R. R., with the M. K. & T. R. R. .. is the second town of importance in the county. It contained five churches, two hotels, one large flouring mill...about twenty stores, three lumberyards, one livery stable, one gun smith, one saddlery & harness shop, two carpenter shops, two grain depots and one nurseryman. Population about 2500. (--Campbell's Gazetteer of Missouri, p. 291.)
It was named for a public official. (--Our Storehouse of Missouri Place Names, Ramsay, p. 57.)
It covers several sections in Township 45 N, Range 28 West at the junction of 58 & 131.
Kingsville (elevation 915 feet)
The village of Kingsville was laid out in 1856 by Gen. Wm. King, whose name the village now honors. Gen. King built the first house in 1853; Samuel Bolerjack followed. Rufus King had built a dwelling, at that time, on the prairie, some distance away, in 1851. The village is located in four sections and four different townships-- Section 6, 1, 31 and 36, Townships 45, 46, Range 28 and 29. (--History of Johnson County, p. 527.)It is situated at the junction of Township & 58.
Elm Spring Baptist Church, Kingsville, MO circa 1900
Elm Spring Baptist Church, Kingsville, MO
Garden was east of McClurg post-office in Rose Hill Township. (--New Atlas of Missouri, Map 24, Campbell.)No Garden listed in Johnson County; is Garden City in Cass County. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Globe (Centerview Township)
It was situated at Section 16, Township 44 N, Range 27 West. (--New Atlas of Missouri, Map 24.)It is no longer listed.
It was in the north central section of the county, north of Warrensburg. (--Map of Missouri, 1911, (--Rand, McNally.)
Kirkpatrick's Mill
See Grover.
Knobnoster (elevation 804 feet)
Knobnoster, on the M. P. R.R., ten miles east of Warrensburg, derives its name from a prominent mound or knob that stands near it, isolated, on the prairie...The town was laid out in 1845, incorporated in 1852, and contained five churches, one school, one newspaper...two hotels, two livery stables, twenty stores, one wagon and saddler's shop, two lumberyards, one nursery and 1 grain depot. Population about 2,000 (1874). (--Campbell, p. 211.)Residents of this Johnson County farming community believe--and probably they are right--theirs is the only town in the world named Knobnoster, a combination of English and Latin, meaning "our knobs"; the name was coined by a school teacher, shortly after the town was founded in 1858, by Samuel Workman. (--The Empire that Missouri Pacific Serves, p. 227.)
It is situated at Section 15, 16, 21, & 22, Township 46 N, Range 24 W, at the junction of J. D & 50.
See Fayetteville.
Latour (corporate name for La Tour, elevation 785 feet)
It is in Rose Hill Township. (--Cockrell, p. 104.)It is situated at Section 3, Township 44 N, Range 29 West, in the southwest corner of the county on Highway 2.
Latour...was laid out when the St. Louis & San Francisco R.R., was built in 1885. The town is located on Section 3, Township 44 N, Range 29 West. The original site was owned by Howard and Emily Stitt and the town plat was recorded July 21, 1885. (--Cockrell, p. 260.)Latour is a family name. (--Our Storehouse of Missouri Place Names, Ramsay, p. 79.)
Leeton (elevation 945 feet)
Leeton came into existence with the advent of the M. K. & T. R.R...As soon as the location of the station was decided upon, J. J. Lee, H. E. Fewel and R. L. Granstead purchased about forty acres of land and laid out two hundred fifty-eight lots. The plat was recorded October 21, 1895...The town was incorporated May 14, 1906. (--Cockrell, pp. 230, 231.)It is situated at Section 20, 21, Township 44 N, Range 25 W, at the junction of 2 & EE east of 13.
McClurg (Benton)
It was a station on the M. K. & T. R.R., eight miles southwest of Holden. (--Campbell, p. 291.)Johnson County has no McClurg. Taney County has a McClurg. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Magnolia is on the M. K. & T. R.R., ten miles southeast of Holden. It was laid out May 9, 1896, about the time the railroad was being constructed. W. H. Hogemeyer was the owner of the land upon which the town was platted. It had a bank, lumber yard, two churches, a high school, a physician and general stores. (--Cockrell, p. 247.)It is situated at Section 4, Township 44 N, Range 27 W on Highway O south of 58.
Mail via Holden; population 35. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Medford (Rose Hill Township)
When the Rock Island Railroad was constructed, the town of Medford was established on their line on Section 34, Township 45 N, Range 28 W. The town was platted by M. R. Snyder and the original plat recorded January 31, 1905. (--Cockrell, p. 260.)It is on Highway 131 north of 2.
Mail via Holden. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Medford or Olive Hill post-office.
So designated on Map of Missouri, 1911, Rand, McNally.
Millford (See Grover, Simpson Township)
Simpson Township contained one small village which at first was known as Millford, taking its name from a ford across the Blackwater near the Davis mill. Later the village was known as Grover, and now -- 1918 -- appears on the map as Valley City...A post-office was established at Millford about 1850, but after the Civil War was changed to Grover, in honor of Col. Benjamin W. Grover...who was mortally wounded in the battle of Lexington. During the Civil War the office was discontinued and re-established in 1870 and lasted till general rural service. Wm. Kirkpatrick, Wm. Cook and Thos. McDonald were early postmasters here. (--Cockrell, p. 290.)
Montserrat (elevation 804 feet)
Montserrat on the line of the Missouri Pacific R.R., about three miles west of Knob Noster...It is properly located in the south half of Section 13, Township 46 N, Range 25 W. It was laid out by John A. Gallaher, August 24, 1870...In 1881 C. B. Baker was saloonist and postmaster, W. H. Anderson was carpenter and justice of the peace... (--History of Johnson County, 1881, p. 505.)
Montserrat (Gallagher) on the M. P. R.R., six miles east of Warrensburg, contained two churches, a public school, a grain elevator, and a few business houses. Population about 100. (--Campbell, p. 291.)
It is situated at Section 13, Township 46 N, Range 25 W, on Highway 50.
Mail via Knob Noster. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
New Castle
A possible situation is at Section 26, Township 44 N, Range 25 W, southeast of Leeton.
New Town
See Warrensburg.New Town in Sullivan County. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Old Town (See Warrensburg.)
In 1836 John Evans opened the first store in Old Town and for the following six years there were only two stores in the village. Evans conducted a general merchandise store, selling groceries, dry goods, harness and whiskey. The store stood in the hollow a little east of the center of town.W. H. Davis & Company were the first to open a store on the hill near the center of the old town...
The town was extended eastward into the district known as New Town by the official platting of Grover's Depot addition, October 15, 1857...The general tendency of business was toward New Town when the railroad was built. This was in 1845. (--Cockrell, pp. 202, 203.)There is an Old Town in St. Louis County. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Olive Hill Post Office
See Medford.
Owsley was an early settlement in Jefferson Township. (--Cockrell, p. 167.)It is situated at Section 36, Township 45 N, Range 24 W, in the southeast section of the county on an unmarked county road east of D, southeast of Knob Noster.
The post-office was discontinued prior to 1905. (--General Scheme, p. 55.)
Mail now via Green Ridge, Pettis County. No population. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Pertle Springs
Pertle Springs which is located about one-half mile south of Warrensburg (1918) is one of the most desirable health and pleasure resorts of the State...Pertle Springs in connected with the city of Warrensburg (1918) by a railroad which runs from the business district of the city, near the Missouri Pacific depot, through the residence district to the springs. (--Cockrell, pp. 195, 196.)
It is no longer listed.
Pittsville (Jackson Township)
The village of Pittsville was laid out about 1858, and named in honor of Rev. Warren M. Pitts, a prominent Methodist divine, who was born in Kentucky...The village of Pittsville is on the Holden-Lexington road, and was the only post-office in the township (1881). The village has never grown much since the Civil War...Part of the village was burnt during the war by guerillas.The post-office was first established at Basin Knob, and called by that name for several years, and John Winfrey served as postmaster for eleven years... (--History of Johnson County, 1881, p. 680.)
It is situated at Section 27, Township 47 N, Range 28 W at the junction of 131 & 50.
Mail via Holden; population 65. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Post Oak (Post Oak Township)
A third post-office was established (1855) on the Warrensburg and Clinton mail route, five miles south of Cornelia, with M. M. Irwin, postmaster. The post-office was named for the township. (--History of Johnson County, 1881, p. 589.)The town is on the line of the C. R. I. & P. R. R. and M. K. & T. R. R. S which were afterwards built through and in 1918 had a store, blacksmith shop, school house and several residences. (--Cockrell, p. 228.)
It is situated at Section 25, Township 44 N, Range 26 W, on Highway 13 near Henry County line.
Mail via Leeton; population 40. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Quick City (Rose Hill Township)
Another station on the St. L. & S. F. R. R., located about a mile from the Henry County line, south of the center of the township, was platted by Morris Quick, from whom it takes its name, and the plat was recorded February 3, 1886. It had a post-office, two churches and several residences. (--Cockrell, p. 266.)It is situated at Section 20, Township 44 N, Range 28 W, west of B north of Henry County line.
Mail via Holden; population 20. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Ramey (Kingsville)
This village on the Missouri Pacific R.R., nineteen miles west of Warrensburg had 1 hotel, 6 stores, a flouring mill and a carpenter shop. Population about 300. (--Campbell, p. 291.)See Kingsville.
Robin (Robins)
It is in the northern section of the county four and one-half miles from Fayetteville. (--The State of Missouri, in 1904, p. 417.)It is situated at Section 5, Township 47 N, Range 26 W on Highway H south of Lafayette County line.
Mail via Warrensburg; no population. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Rose Hill (Rose Hill Township)
The town of Rose Hill was laid out by Garrett J. Wood, one of the first business men of the place, and named for the sweet, fragrant wild rose that attracted his notice in the vicinity in 1842. Henry F. Baker and N. Baker were prominent merchants. The little town grew and prospered till the (Civil) War, which was the death of the "City of Roses"...The railroad with the thriving town of Holden twelve miles away, did much in the work of retrogression which the war had inaugurated...The original town of Rose Hill was divided into six blocks. The town plat bears date of May 5, 1842, signed by G. J. Wood and recorded by Z.T. Davis, County recorder, May 12, 1842.
The first post-office in the vicinity was established about 1840, and was called "Big Creek" till 1840, when the name was changed to Rose Hill. The office was first kept on Scaly Bark Creek. Some of the first postmaster were Garrett J. Wood, Henry F. Baker, and N. Baker... (--History of Johnson County, p. 557.)
Rose Hill, seven miles south southwest of Holden, had three stores and a public school. (--Campbell, p. 291.)
It was situated at Section 1, Township 44 N, Range 29 W, on Highway 2 east of Latour.
It is no longer listed.
Scott was in the south central section of the county south from Warrensburg, near Post Oak Creek. (--The State of Missouri, in 1904, p. 417.)No Scott listed in Johnson County; Scott City in Scott County; Scott's Corner, Andrews County. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
See Cornelia.
See Dunksburg.
Sutherland (Jefferson Township)
Sutherland was a station on the M. K. & T. R. R., with a store and other houses. (--Cockrell, p. 167.)It was situated at Section 17 & 20, Township 44 N, Range 24 W on D north of Henry County line.
It is no longer listed.
Stone (Post Oak Township)
Stone post-office, named for that prominent family, also gave service for a while. (--Cockrell, p. 228.) (Location is unknown.)No Stone in Johnson County; Stone Hill, Dent County. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Slabtown was located at Section 10, Township 45 N, Range 25 W, southeast of Warrensburg on an unmarked county road, east of Highway 13 north of Y.No Slabtown in Johnson County; is Slabtown in Madison county. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Simpson (Simpson Township)
Simpson Post Office was established January 11, 1880 and discontinued the summer of 1881. Mrs. Sarah D. Wood was postmistress. Mail once a week. The office was kept at the residence of R.H. Wood, in the northeast part of Section 29. (--History of Johnson County, p. 637.)It is no longer listed.
Sissonville (Jefferson Township)
It was situated at Section 3, Township 45 N, Range 24 W, in the southeast section of the county. (--New Atlas of Missouri, Map 24.)It is no longer listed.
Valley City (elevation 685 feet)
It is situated at Section 13, Township 47 N, Range 25 W on MM & E, east of CC, south of Lafayette County line.Davis or Kirkpatrick Mill was near Valley City. (--Cockrell, p. 80.)
Mail via Knob Noster; no population shown. (--Rand, McNally, 1974.)
Wall's Store
See Burnett's Station.
Warrensburg (elevation 881 feet)
Warrensburg was laid out and platted by Geo. Tibbs, then county surveyor in 1836, and the plat was recorded May 22, 1837...This was what is now "Old Town". (--Cockrell, p. 202.)
The town was laid off in 1835 by John and Martin Warren, for whom it was named. The first term of the county court was held there in 1836; it was incorporated as a town in 1846 and a city in 1855. It contained three newspapers, 13 churches, ...two flouring mills, about 30 stores, a good city hall, one carriage and one agricultural implement manufacturing company, two hotels, one carding and spinning machine, three lumberyards, and various other establishments....(1874.) (--Campbell, pp. 291, 292.)Warrensburg was named for George Warren, a Revolutionary War soldier who built a farmhouse on the present townsite sometime during the early 1800'Section...
The old court house here was the scene of a famous trial growing out of the shooting of Charles Braden's hunting hound, "Old Drum", by his neighbor and brother-in-law Leonidas Hornsby, who charged the dog with sheep killing. This precipitated a series of trials and appeals and in the final trial plaintiff and defendant hired an array of lawyers, each of whom later attained success in industry and politics. The closing argument by George G. Vest, later United States Senator from Missouri for 24 years, included his "Eulogy to the Dog", still regarded as a classic example of oratory. Vest's client, "Old Drum's" owner, won the case. (--The Empire that Missouri Pacific Serves, p. 252.)
Warrensburg covers several sections in Township 46 N, Range 26 W at the junction of 50 & 13.
"West Lawn"
"West Lawn" was the residence of Dr. J. M. Ward...He had two excellent and commodious barns besides other buildings. It was in Post Oak Township. (--History of Johnson County, p. 595.)

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