Show-Me Warrensburg Pages

August 19, 2013

Senator F. M. Cockrell, of Warrensburg, Missouri Johnson County Appointed to the Interstate Commerce Commission 1905

(Associated Press Cable to The Star)
WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 10. 1905 Ex-Senator F. M. Cockrell of (205 E. Market, Warrensburg) Missouri has decided to accept the appointment to the Inter-State Commerce Commission. Francis Marion Cockrell was born in 1834.

The Francis M. Cockrell House, 205 East Market St, is a stately old building with side walls half covered in ivy. Built in 1871, the house is L-Shaped, and two stories high.  Four large rooms and a hallway are on each floor. The stairway and interior woodwork are of walnut.  On the east lawn is an unused swimming pool of early date. Still owned by the Cockrell family, the house contains many of its original furnishings: and ebony square piano, a grandfather clock, imported mahogany tables and settes, four-poster bedsteads, mirros, bookcases, silver and china. He died in 1915.

 He graduated at Chapel Hill College, Lafayette County, Mo., in 1853. He studied law and practiced in Warrensburg. He served during the civil war In the Confederate State Army, and became a brigadier general. He has been United States Senator from Missouri since 1875. He has the esteem of his colleagues in the Senate, of the President of the United States, and of all who know him. The surprising result of the election in Missouri, whereby a Republican legislature was for nearly forty years, made it impossible for him to be re-elected to the Senate, his term expiring March 4. next. It has been known ever since the election that President Roosevelt was ready to appoint him to almost any position he chose to ask for. There was some expectation he would be appointed to the Panama Canal Commission. His home Is in Warrensburg.
Francis Marion Cockrell b: 01 OCT 1834 in Warrensburg, Johnson County, Missouri

Democratic National Convention 1904

Sen. Francis Marion Cockrell of Warrensburg, MO, listed with famous people of his time. Grover Cleveland, William Randolph Hearst, William Jennings Bryan
Francis Marion Cockrell
(October 1, 1834 – December 13, 1915)
Anna Ewing Cockrell b: 22 JUN 1898 in Missouri
Flora M. Cockrell b: 14 JUN 1900 in Missouri
Francis Marion Cockrell b: 14 DEC 1906 in Missouri
Eustace Williams Cockrell b: 05 NOV 1909 in Missouri
Gravesite Link Warrensburg, Missouri Sunset Hill
was a Confederate military commander and American politician from the state of Missouri. He served as a United States Senator from Missouri for five terms. He was a prominent member of the famed South–Cockrell–Hargis family of Southern politicians.
Cockrell was born in Warrensburg, Johnson County, Missouri to Joseph and Nancy Cockrell, and was a grandson to Reverend Simon and Mary Magdalene (Vardeman) Cockrell.
Older Brother, Jeremiah Vardaman Cockrell, JV Cockrell, "Vard"
His older brother was Jeremiah Vardaman Cockrell, who was also a Confederate colonel and subsequently a United States Congressman from Texas in the 1890s.
COCKRELL, Jeremiah Vardaman, (1832 - 1915)
An Illustrated Congressional Manual. The United States Red Book, 1896, (detail), Collection of U.S. House of Representative
COCKRELL, Jeremiah Vardaman, (brother of Francis Marion Cockrell), a Representative from Texas; born near Warrensburg, Johnson County, Mo., May 7, 1832; attended the common schools and Chapel Hill College, Lafayette County, Mo.; went to California in 1849; returned to Missouri in 1853; engaged in agricultural pursuits and studied law; entered the Confederate Army as a lieutenant and served throughout the Civil War, attaining the rank of colonel; at the close of the war he settled in Sherman, Grayson County, Tex., and engaged in the practice of law; chief justice of Grayson County in 1872; delegate to the Democratic State conventions in 1878 and 1880; moved to Jones County; appointed judge of the thirty-ninth judicial district court in 1885, to which position he was elected in 1886 and reelected in 1890; elected as a Democrat to the Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth Congresses (March 4, 1893-March 3, 1897); was not a candidate for renomination in 1896; engaged in farming and stock raising in Jones County, Tex.; died in Abilene, Tex., on March 18, 1915; interment in the Masonic Cemetery.
J. V. Cockrell
Gallery: Major Guerrilla Warfare Actions
Jeremiah Vard Cockrell
Jeremiah V. Cockrell was born near Warrensburg, Johnson County, Missouri, on May 7, 1832. He attended common schools and Chapel Hill College at Lafayette County, Missouri; he travelled to California in 1849 and returned to Missouri in 1853, where he engaged in farming and studied law.
When the Civil War began in 1861, Cockrell joined the Missouri State Guard as a second lieutenant and fought in the battles of Carthage, Wilson’s Creek and Lexington, where his horse was shot out from under him. In 1862 he entered the regular Confederate army as a captain. As commander of a regiment in August 1862 he made what was called the Lone Jack raid into Missouri, and returned with recruits for the Confederate army. In the spring 1864, Cockrell was sent into southwest Missouri to pave the way for General Sterling Price’s raid; during a skirmish in Jasper County, Missouri, he was severely wounded in the shoulder and was unable to return to active duty. He left the Confederate army as a colonel.
At the close of the war he moved to Sherman, Grayson County, Texas to practice law; he became the chief justice of Grayson County in 1872. In 1885, after moving to Jones County, he was appointed judge of the 39th Judicial District Court. He was elected as a Democrat to the 53rd and 54th Congresses, serving from March 4, 1893 through March 3, 1897. Returning to Jones County after serving in Congress he engaged in raising cattle and farming.
Jeremiah Cockrell died on March 18, 1915 in Abilene, Texas.
Image Courtesy Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield; WICR 31999
Jeremiah Vard Cockrell Bullet & Snuff Box
Link to Snuff box of Col. JV Cockrell
This metal snuff box contains a .58 caliber Minie ball removed from the shoulder of Confederate Colonel Jeremiah Vardeman Cockrell.
Born in May 1832 near Warrensburg, Missouri, Jeremiah Cockrell joined the Missouri State Guard when the Civil War began, and served as an officer in the 8th Division at the battles of Carthage, Wilson’s Creek and Lexington. He was commissioned a captain in the 5th Missouri Battalion in early 1862, but retired when that unit was reorganized. Appointed a colonel of a partisan ranger regiment, Cockrell led his men at the fierce Battle of Lone Jack, Missouri in August 1862, but was not reelected when that unit reorganized. He then recruited Confederate soldiers and accompanied General Sterling Price on his raid through Missouri in 1864. Cockrell was wounded in the arm during a skirmish in Jasper County, Missouri. Following the war, he moved to Texas but was unable to use his arm for years until the Minie ball was finally removed. He then kept the bullet in the snuff box as a souvenir until his death on March 18, 1915.
Snuff boxes were made from a wide variety of materials, including precious metals. Elaborate snuff boxes indicated either the owner’s high rank in society or the high regard in which a presenter held the recipient.
Since tobacco had a tendency to dry out, the boxes were designed to hold generally a one day supply of finely ground tobacco, which, depending on moisture content, could be either sniffed or put between the lip and gum.
Images Courtesy Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield; WICR 30122 & 30123
J V Cockrell Link
Colonel & Congressman Jeremiah Vardaman Cockrell
3rd Battalion, Missouri Infantry, Johnson County, Missouri
Texas Representative
Texas Representative Jeremiah Cockrell
Jeremiah Vardaman Cockrell
(May 7, 1832 - March 18, 1915),
(brother of Francis Marion Cockrell), was a Confederate officer and an American politician from the state of Texas. He served as a United States Congressmen from Texas for two terms.
Jeremiah Cockrell was born in Warrensburg, Johnson County, Missouri to Joseph and Nancy Cockrell, and was a grandson to Reverend Simon and Mary Magdalena (Vardeman) Cockrell. His younger brother was Francis Marion Cockrell, who was also a Confederate officer and subsequently a United States Senator from Missouri from 1875 to 1905. Jeremiah attended the common schools and Chapel Hill College, Lafayette County, Missouri.
In 1848 he made a trip to New Mexico, and in 1849 he went overland to California, where he settled at McKinney’s Ranch on the Bear River and for two years engaged in mining and merchandising.
He returned to Missouri in 1852, married Maranda J. Douglass, and began farming, to study law and was listed as a minister.
In 1861 he entered the Confederate Army as a lieutenant and served throughout the Civil War, attaining the rank of colonel. In 1862 he was nominally in command of Confederate forces at the battle of Lone Jack, Missouri. In 1864, perhaps during the Missouri campaign of Major General Sterling Price, he was so seriously wounded that he was not able to engage in active service again.
At the close of the war he settled in Sherman, Grayson County, Texas, and engaged in the practice of law and became a chief justice of Grayson County in 1872. He became a delegate to the Democratic State conventions in 1878 and 1880 and moved to Jones County where he was appointed judge of the thirty-ninth judicial district court in 1885, to which position he was elected in 1886 and reelected in 1890. He was elected as a Democrat to the Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth Congresses (March 4, 1893-March 3, 1897) but was not a candidate for re-nomination in 1896.
He engaged in farming and stock raising in Abilene, Jones County, Texas where he died March 18, 1915 with interment in the Masonic Cemetery.
Battle of Lone Jack, Missouri August 15-16, 1862
During the summer of 1862 many Confederate and Missouri State Guard recruiters were dispatched north from Arkansas into Missouri to replenish the depleted ranks of the Trans-Mississippi Confederacy. In Western/West-Central Missouri these included then Captain Jo Shelby, Colonel Vard Cockrell, Colonel John T. Coffee, Upton Hays, John Charles Tracy, John T. Hughes, and DeWitt C. Hunter. Most of these commands were working independently and there was no clear sense of seniority yet established. On August 11 the Federal commander General John Schofield was stunned to learn that Independence, Missouri had fallen to a combined force of Colonel John T. Hughes, William Quantrill, Gideon W. Thompson and Upton Hays. Schofield ordered General James Totten to concentrate his forces to deal with the threat.
On August 15, 1862 Union Major Emory S. Foster, under orders from Totten, led a 740-man combined force from Lexington to Lone Jack. Other forces were dispatched from Kansas under General James G. Blunt (2,500 men) and Missouri under General Fitz Henry Warren (600 men), but they would not arrive in time for the engagement. Upon reaching the Lone Jack area, Foster received intelligence that 1,600 Rebels under Col. Coffee and Lt. Col. Tracy were camped near town and prepared to attack them. The estimate of the Rebel command was revised down to only 800 and at about 11:00 p.m., Foster and his men attacked the Confederate camp and dispersed the enemy. The firing of his cannon during this brief skirmish proved to be Foster's undoing, for it alerted Colonel Vard Cockrell and other rebel commands in the area of Foster's position and intent to fight. Foster's men returned to town to rest along the main street, having spent several days in the saddle. Colonel Cockrell conferred with Upton Hays, Lt. Col. Sydney D. Jackman, and DeWitt C. Hunter and determined to give battle the next morning with the intent of overwhelming the much smaller Union force.
Cockrell's plan was to clandestinely deploy Hunter, Jackman and Tracy's forces in a field to the west of town well before sunrise on August 16 and await the opening of the fight. Hays was to initiate the battle with a mounted attack from the north as daylight approached, whereupon the others would launch a surprise flank attack. Hays did not attack as early as planned, instead reconnoitering the other commands before advancing. As daylight appeared Foster's pickets became aware of Hays' advance. This gave Foster's men a brief opportunity to deploy, spoiling the element of surprise. With sunrise exposing them while awaiting Hays' tardy advance, Jackman, Hunter, and Tracy attacked but were held in check. Hays then performed a dismounted attack from the North. Together his force and Tracy's crumpled the Union right flank, forcing the 7th Missouri Cavalry (commanded by Captain Milton H. Brawner) back onto the artillery. The cannoneers now began a desperate fight. Union Captain Long's 2nd Battalion Missouri State Militia Cavalry concealed behind a hedge row of Osage orange trees poured a crossfire on the Confederates, temporarily repulsing them. On the other side of the field Hunter's force was stalled by three companies of Captain Plumb's 6th Missouri State Militia Cavalry. A mounted force (possibly Coffee's) approached on Hunter's flank and he mistook them for Federals. The mounted men attacked but were surprised and repulsed by fire from Capt. Slocum's company of the 7th Missouri State Militia Cavalry behind another Osage orange hedge. Hunter, now short of ammunition, abandoned the field for the ammunition train, exposing Jackman's flank. Jackman was also short of ammunition and retired as well. Tracy's and Hays' commands renewed their attack to the north, eventually displacing the Indiana artillerists. With no remaining Confederate threat to the south, Captain Plumb now counterattacked to the north, reclaiming the artillery. Jackman and Hunter's resupplied men then returned to the field. Hays attempted to counter attack but a counter-charge by Plumb forced him to retreat. Much of the fighting then devolved into a war of attrition between Confederates on the western side of the street, Union men on the right with their artillery in the middle. The artillerists were soon routed and the guns changed hands several times. Foster recaptured the guns a final time, being severely wounded himself in the process. After five hours of fighting and the loss of Foster, rebel Col. Coffee and his 800 men reappeared north of town causing Foster’s successor, Capt. Milton H. Brawner, to order a retreat. The men left the field in good order and returned to Lexington. The cannon were hastily spiked or disabled and hidden before the Federals departed. The Confederates secured a victory, but the approach of Union forces including Blunt and Fitz Henry Warren forced the Rebels to withdraw on August 17. General Fitz Warren occupied the town that day. Foster was later criticized for attacking on the first day while being outnumbered and for not awaiting reinforcement. However, Fitz Warren's command did not arrive until two days later, and Blunt's three days after Foster arrived. The Federals fought more vigorously because many believed Quantrill's raiders were present and would be brutal to prisoners.
Casualties & aftermath
Federal Capt. Brawner reported Union losses as 43 killed, 154 wounded, and 75 missing/captured, a casualty rate of 34 percent and this was almost certainly too low. Rebel Colonel Hunter reported burying 119 Federals and 47 Rebels, but the true losses are unknown. Excluded from Hunter's total were an unknown number of dead Confederates claimed by their friends and families for burial elsewhere. [9] A recent roll call list of Federals killed at the action as compiled in service records by Wayne Schnetzer reveals 65 killed and at least 29 who later died from wounds received at Lone Jack. The list of known Confederate participation and deaths is less complete, but at least 55 names are listed as killed, with at least 4 others later succumbing to their wounds.
Colonel Cockrell succeeded in locating the two cannon and removed them from the field and back to Arkansas. One was later credited with firing the shot that disabled the Queen City on the White River. Because they were in possession of the field, the Confederate recruits gained a substantial quantity of needed firearms. As many as half of the recruits were initially unarmed.
This was the only Civil War battle fought by future Secretary of War and U.S. Senator Stephen B. Elkins. Elkins was to say that he disgusted of war after what he witnessed in the battle.
Kansas City was the only place in Missouri then that had Union people in it, at least in that part of Missouri. The colonel of the regiment to which I became attached was Kersey Coates, who built the big opera house and hotel in Kansas City. I was in continual danger of being killed, and was marked by Quantrill's men as a renegade who was to be shot as soon as taken. I saw one battle while in the service, that of Lone Jack, and a most awful battle it was. Col. Emory S. Foster had a Union regiment which was attacked by the brother of Senator Cockrell, but Foster thought the Confederates were the guerrilla hands who raised the black flag, and never gave any quarter. So he refused to surrender, and every one of his officers was picked off. The guerrillas were victorious. I went over the battlefield afterward, the blood, the cries for water and death, the naked bodies stripped of their clothing, the dead horses which served for ramparts, gave me a disgust for war, which makes it seem strange that I am here at the head of the war department of this great government.
Cole Younger
Most of Quantrill's Raiders were still in Independence, Missouri looting after victory in the First Battle of Independence, however 18-year-old Cole Younger was present at Lone Jack riding along the front lines to supply the troops.
The wounded Foster was briefly captured by the Confederates and placed in a cabin and was threatened with execution. Younger physically pushed his would-be assailant out of the cabin.
Another act of Younger gallantry was an encounter shortly after the battle was when he warned Union Major Warren C. Bronaugh against riding into Confederate lines.
When Younger was captured in the James-Younger Gang robbery of the Northfield, Minnesota First National Bank, Elkins, Bronaugh and Foster (who was then editor of the St. Louis Evening Journal) were to argue for clemency for Younger.

Order of battle
Union: Major Emory S. Foster
7th Missouri Cavalry (companies A,C,E,F,I) -- Capt. Milton H. Brawner, 265 men
6th Missouri State Militia Cavalry (Companies A,B,E) -- Capt. W. Plumb, 149 men
8th Missouri State Militia Cavalry (Companies F,H) -- 140 men
2nd Battalion Missouri State Cavalry (Companies A,C,F) -- Capt. J.H. Long, 81 men
7th Missouri State Militia Cavalry (Company H) -- Capt. E. Slocum, 69 men
3rd Indiana Artillery (1 section of two 12-pounder James Rifles) -- Lt. J.S. Develin/Sgt. James M. Scott, 36 men
Union order of battle, officers and strengths from Banasik's Embattled Arkansas.
Colonel Jeremiah "Vard" Cockrell
Hays Regiment recruits -- Col. Upton Hays, 400 men
Hunter's Regiment recruits -- Col. DeWitt C. Hunter, 750 men
Jackman's Regiment recruits -- Lt. Col. Syndey Drake Jackman, 450 men
Tracy's Regiment recruits -- Lt. Col. John Charles Tracy, 350 men
Coffee's Regiment recruits -- Col. John T. Coffee, 800 men (arrived at end of action)
Confederate order of battle from "Shot All to Pieces" by Matt Matthews and Kip Lindberg.
Biography researched by David Vardiman
Gravesite link J V Cockrell Abiliene, Tx

Francis Cockrell
Francis Cockrell attended local schools and became a lawyer as a young man, practicing law in Warrensburg.
Brig. Gen. Francis Marion Cockrell (b. 1834, d. 1915). Cockrell was born in Warrensburg, Missouri on October 1, 1834. He studied law and in 1855 passed the bar and began practicing in his hometown. Cockrell joined the 3rd Infantry, 8th Division, Missouri State Guard as a private during the beginning of the Civil War and quickly rose to Captain of G Company by June 1861. During that year, he fought in the battles of Carthage, Wilson’s Creek and Lexington. In January of 1862, he became Captain of Company H, 2nd Regiment, 1st Missouri Brigade, Army of the West commanded by Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn. The next major engagement he fought in was in Arkansas, when his unit served in Maj. Gen. Sterling Price’s Division in the Battle of Pea Ridge on March 7-8, 1862. After being defeated at Pea Ridge, the Army of the West, now commanded by Price, headed towards the Mississippi River. Cockrell was promoted to Colonel of his regiment during the he Second Battle of Corinth (which, in the context of the American Civil War, is usually referred to as the Battle of Corinth, to differentiate it from the Siege of Corinth earlier the same year) was fought October 3–4, 1862, in Corinth, Mississippi.
Col. Francis M. Cockrell, Second Missouri Infantry commanding First Brigade, Bowen's Division
DEMOPOLIS, ALA., August 4, 1863.
For the second time in Iuka-Corinth Campaign, Union Maj. Gen. William Rosecrans defeated a Confederate army, this time one under Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn. During the beginning of the Vicksburg Campaign he was defending Vicksburg. Cockrell and his men were in the thick of the fighting, twice repelling major Union assaults on the Stockade Redan, a fort guarding one approach to the city that Gen. Ulysses S. Grant ordered to be taken so that the city could be overrun, on May 19 and 22." Cockrell led the 1st Missouri Brigade on a gallant charge that repelled the Union at the Battle of Champion Hill; however, lacking any support, the brigade was unable to hold the ground it had taken, and was forced to withdraw. Having next fought at Big Black River Bridge, Cockrell proceeded to Vicksburg to prepare for the siege. When Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton surrendered Vicksburg on July 4, 1863, Cockrell was among the prisoners taken by Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, but he was later paroled along with the rest of the Confederates.

MAJOR: Herewith I send you my official report of the battles of Baker's Creek, Big Black, and the siege of Vicksburg. I beg the leniency of the lieutenant-general for not having sent it sooner. I hope it is in time yet. It is very difficult to make out reports extending through so long a space of time. The movements of the First Brigade (Missouri Volunteers) during this siege from point to point, and portions of it being thrown to the support of every brigade occupying a line of trenches, and the many varied incidents connected therewith, would alone make a large volume. I have condensed as much as I could.
In my reports of Baker's Creek and Big Black I have been more particular in stating in full various matters, such as the manner of bivouacking the night previous to the battle; the movements of the enemy in my front next morning up to the time I was ordered to re-enforce General Stevenson; my call for re-enforcements, and answer of the lieutenant-general as to what troops were expected to re-enforce my line, and the affair at the crossing of Baker's Creek, and my delay there until the gaining of the road by the enemy, causing me to travel my course alone for some distance. I did this because I felt it to be my duty toward the lieutenant-general. I have prepared the whole report in a great hurry, and send it to you as soon as completed.
I have the honor, major, to be, most respectfully, your obedient soldier, 
F. M. COCKRELL,Colonel
Col. Francis Marion Cockrell 
After the death of Gen. John S. Bowen on July 13 from dysentery contracted during the siege, Cockrell soon thereafter became the brigade commander, gaining promotion to Brigadier General. He went on to fight in the Atlanta Campaign of 1864 under the commands of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston and then Gen. John B. Hood. On November 30, 1864, Cockrell fought in the Battle of Franklin, where he was wounded and had two horses shot out from under him, but survived Hood’s futile attacks.

The Battle of Baker's Creek
From MEMOIRS: Historical and Personal;
Including the Campaigns of the First Missouri Confederate Brigade
By Corporal Ephraim McDowell Anderson
Company G, 2d Missouri Infantry Regiment, 1st Missouri Brigade
Published by Kurz & Allison, Chicago. Ill, 1887
"Rear Attack by Genl. John A. Logan - May 16th 1863"
Library of Congress
On the evening of the fifteenth of May the forces of General Pemberton, in and around Edwards' depot, were marched out on a road leading to Jackson, nearly parallel with the railroad. I cannot be positive in regard to the exact force with us at the time: it was all, or almost entirely, comprised of the three divisions of Loring, Bowen and Stevenson; the last was a large division of three brigades, Georgians, probably seven thousand strong, some of which had never been in battle, and many of the regiments were full. Loring's command was about six thousand, and Bowen's five; there was but little cavalry with us, and the whole force may be estimated at about eighteen thousand men.
General Pemberton was in command in person, and moved forward six miles, crossing Coon creek, and took position about ten o'clock, not far from a little stream called Baker's creek. Our division was formed in line with Stevenson's, and on the right, while Loring was a mile back, and rather to our right, on an intersecting road or position exposed to attack; Stevenson's centre rested at the forks of two roads, near the residence of a Mr. Champion, upon whose plantation most of the fighting was done; the name of the owner of this place is not mentioned, however, with certainty. It is not my impression that General Pemberton held any body of troops in reserve; if he did, the force was very small.
Although the enemy was near, the night passed, away without any interruption, and in the morning some little change was made in the position of our division, which was moved forward about three-quarters of a mile and formed behind a gentle eminence, crowned with artillery. It commanded a wide scope of cleared land, gradually but slightly sloping, and which extended for a mile in our immediate front, while to the left were woods at the distance of probably four hundred yards.
The lines being formed, Colonel Cockrell rode up and down, spoke cheerfully and encouragingly to the men, and told them that he expected the brigade to give a good account of itself during the day. The men were in fine spirits, animated, gay and buoyant, and in good condition for the field.
Our company, with Captain Coniff's and Burke's, from the First regiment, were thrown out as a battalion of skirmishers, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Hubble, of the Third regiment: this was about ten in the morning, and a company of our cavalry, a little over a mile distant in front, was skirmishing with the enemy, who advanced cautiously.
Our battalion of skirmishers had proceeded about four hundred yards in advance of the lines, when a Federal battery appeared in sight in the field below, and we were ordered back to the cover of a gully just in front of our guns, which were now in readiness to open. There were ten guns in position here, composed principally of the batteries of Walch, formerly Wade's, and Landis, and I think that one section of Geboe's was with them; all were of tolerably heavy calibre, from twelve to twenty-four pounders.
This formidable array of metal opened, firing over our heads, with a tremendous crash upon the enemy before his guns were fairly unlimbered or in battery, at the distance of perhaps a thousand yards. He succeeded, however, in getting into position, and replied in a brisk and spirited manner with six fine Parrot pieces. The most splendid artillery duel followed that I have ever witnessed in open fields, when both parties were in full view; this lasted for thirty minutes, during which time the guns on both sides were handled in the most skilful and scientific manner. Most of the enemy's shells passed over us, and many of them fell in and around the battery, while others struck the ground in our front, and, ricocheting, burst over our heads or beyond, near the guns; the fragments scattered and fell in every direction.
Our metal proved too heavy for the enemy; great execution was done, both among men and horses, one of his caissons was struck and blown up, he was finally forced to retreat at a gallop, and left one of his pieces behind, it was thought in a crippled condition and difficult to remove. One of our company, William Sparks, had his head shot off, and four artillerymen were killed at the same piece by the explosion of a shell among them: some were wounded, but not many of the wounds were dangerous.
A lull of nearly two hours followed, during which time the Federal artillery did not endeavor to take position again, but a line of infantry was seen to cross the lower extremity of the field, a mile distant, and enter the woods to our left. Our battalion of skirmishers was then thrown forward into the woods, where we maneuvered and waited the approach of the enemy for nearly an hour.
At the end of that time, about one o'clock, the roar of artillery was heard a mile to our left, and the ringing reports of heavy sharp-shooting announced that they were coming to close quarters in Stevenson's front; in a few minutes the continued roll of musketry, as it echoed along the lines, indicated that the action had become general at that point. For nearly half an hour we listened to the incessant crash of the small arms and heavy booming of the cannon.
The enemy's sharp-shooters were now almost in range of us in front, and a few shots had been exchanged by the left of our line, when an order came to Colonel Rubble, to rally his battalion and follow the brigade, which was moving off to the support of Stevenson. By a blast of the bugle the command was rallied, and the men came up and formed in quick time; the order "forward, double-quick!" was given, and the colonel dashed off at the head of the column, at a gallop; the men followed in full run.
Moving rapidly on for the distance of half a mile, we passed General Pemberton and staff standing in the road, almost in the edge of the action. His manner seemed to be somewhat excited; he and his staff were vainly endeavoring to rally some stragglers, who had already left their commands in the fight. Calling out to Colonel Hubble, "What command?" and receiving a prompt reply, he told him to hurry on and join the brigade, as it would be in action in a few minutes.
It will readily be seen that after we left our position on the right no troops opposed the enemy there, except Green's brigade, and it was soon ordered to follow ours; from this condition of affairs it is evident that, even if we defeated the Federal force in front of Stevenson, the lines we had left could be thrown without opposition upon our flank, and thus success would perhaps be unavailable.
The battalion still moved forward at a double-quick, and soon passed the house of Mr. Champion upon the road, very nearly within the line of the engagement; in the yard was a group of ladies, who cheered the men on, and were singing "Dixie." At sight of this, a novel appearance on the battle-field, the boys shouted zealously, and I could not refrain from hallooing just once, expressive of my admiration for the perfect" abandon" with which these fair creatures gave their hearts to the cause.
Large numbers of Stevenson's men now met us, who were falling back in great disorder. These were the same men that afterwards ran out of the intrenchments at Missionary Ridge, and there caused the loss of the battle.
About two hundred yards from the house we came upon Landis' battery, in position immediately at the forks of the road, mentioned as being the centre of Stevenson's division, which had now given way "en masse," while the Federals were advancing with triumphant cheers. The battery played vigorously down the road in front, across a small field, and the enemy was in the woods beyond. He had already captured two batteries of Stevenson's division, and his dense and formidable lines came pressing on, blazing with fire. At this point we came up with the brigade, which was formed for action, and took position in the command; a field fence was in our front, which, in an instant, was thrown to the ground.
Cockrell rode down the lines; in one hand he held the reins and a large magnolia flower, while with the other he waved his sword, and gave the order to charge. With a shout of defiance, and with gleaming bayonets and banners pointing to the front, the grey line leaped forward, and moving at quick time across the field, dislodged the enemy with a heavy volley from the edge of the woods, and pressed on.
Cheers behind announced the coming of Green's brigade, which soon joined in the action. The fighting now became desperate and bloody; the ground in dispute was a succession of high hills and deep hollows, heavily wooded, called "Champion Hills"—the name sometimes given to the battle. Our lines advanced steadily, though obstinately opposed, and within half a mile we recaptured the artillery lost by Stevenson's division, and captured one of the enemy's batteries.
The battle here raged fearfully—one unbroken, deafening roar of musketry was all that could be heard. The opposing lines were so much in the woods and so contiguous, that artillery could not be used. The ground was fought over three times, and, as the wave of battle rolled to and fro, the scene became bloody and terrific—the actors self-reliant and determined; "do or die," seemed to be the feeling of our men, and right manfully and nobly did they stand up to their work.
Three times, as the foe was borne back, we were confronted by fresh lines of troops, from which flashed and rolled the long, simultaneous and withering volleys that can only come from battalions just brought into action. Their numbers seemed countless. Recoiling an instant from each furious onslaught of fresh legions, the firm and serried line of our division invariably renewed the attack, and, taking advantage of every part of the ground and of all favorable circumstances and positions, with the practiced eye of soldiers accustomed to the field, we succeeded each time in beating back these new and innumerable squadrons.
Once the enemy was driven so far back before fresh forces were brought up, that we were in sight of his ordnance train, which was being turned and driven back under whip. This could be seen where our lines were advanced through the woods to the edge of a large field in front, near which point was a small church or school-house. Though the force in front was vastly superior to ours, yet, if the fortunes of the day had depended upon the issue of the contest between us, as victory thus far was won, it might still have remained upon our side—Grant's centre was undoubtedly pierced.
By this time, however, the hostile columns were closing in upon our flank. The troops, which at first were confronted by us, finding nothing to oppose their advance after we marched to support Stevenson, had moved, not only "en fleche," but were immediately threatening our rear; and, at the end of all this hard and desperate fighting—this gallant and triumphant advance, it seemed to become necessary to fall back. Our position was compromised, and the dense gathering lines of the enemy threatened us on three sides. It is true, those in front had been steadily driven, but, conscious of their strength in numbers, and that we were about to be attacked in flank and rear by fresh and superior forces, they had again rallied.
In front, on our flank and approaching the rear, were now at least between thirty and forty thousand men—the whole of the centre and one wing of General Grant's army, and I feel confident that the last figure is nearer correct than the first. Our division had fought in this part of the field, unaided and alone, except by the Twelfth Louisiana, a brave regiment. Our number did not exceed five thousand, and we had lost heavily. Under the circumstances, we were ordered to fall back, and this was a necessity.
As we came near the edge of the woods, in our retreat, and were about entering the field, a Federal column that had reached our rear, rushed down towards the forks of the road and fired a volley at us, but, coming in range of the battery, the indomitable Landis opened upon it. The thunder of his guns was glorious music to us, and we had the pleasure of seeing the head of the column reel and scatter in the woods, on either side of the road. As we passed on out, he continued to hammer away, and kept it in the shelter of the wood, beyond the clearing. Being the first battery to open the action upon that part of the field, it was the last to close and leave it.
Up to this time, I do not think that Loring's division could have been engaged to any extent; if it was, the din of battle and the clash of arms had prevented our hearing his guns; but now, about a mile back upon the road, it was fighting. Whether Loring's entire division shared in this action, I am unable to say; but quite a battle took place at that point, in sight of the road upon which we were retreating, and which led back to Edward's depot. Whatever may have been the extent of the struggle or the number engaged, General Tilghman and his command bore a conspicuous part in it, and that gallant Kentuckian there paid the last debt of the soldier—gave his life to the cause.
This brave officer was torn to pieces by a shell, while in the act of sighting one of his guns, which he was in the habit of occasionally doing. This account of his death was received from Captain Ellis, with whom I afterwards became acquainted, and who was then his adjutant-general. He was considered one of Kentucky's brightest ornaments and bravest soldiers.
Loring, it was understood, was not disposed to go into Vicks burg. However this may be, he got his division out and Joined Johnson. The manner in which he accomplished this is somewhat remarkable, as he had many obstacles to encounter, and Grant was pressing on at the time with a very strong force.
Our division fell back to Black river: Stevenson’s had preceded us. The distance to the bridge was about ten or eleven miles, and we reached that point at nine o'clock in the night.
The loss of our division, which had borne the brunt of the battle, was severe, but it was difficult to tell yet the actual loss, as missing parties were constantly coming in. Our brigade was badly cut to pieces. The first regiment was, perhaps, rather the heaviest loser: Captain Fagan's company, of that regiment, which went into the battle with forty muskets and four commissioned officers, came out with seventeen men commanded by the orderly-sergeant: all the officers were killed or wounded. Lieutenant George Bates, of this company, a nephew of the Honorable George Bates, had his arm broken by a minie ball, and walked all the way to Black river from the battle-field—a very remarkable circumstance. The loss of the regiment, though not in proportion quite so great, may yet be imagined or reasonably estimated by Captain Fagan's company. Colonel Hubble, of our battalion was wounded, from the effects of which he afterwards died. A number of the men of our company were killed, wounded and missing, but the officers escaped without injury. Crocket Bower, Fletcher, and one of the young men who had recently joined the company, were known to be killed, besides Sparks, already mentioned, and it was thought by all who saw Charley Hanger struck and left senseless upon the field, that he was dead also; his brother alone entertained faint hopes that he still lived.
Of our company, some ten or twelve were wounded and a few others were missing. Pollard, Lannurn and Willis were severely wounded. Among those who were slightly touched, Massey Smith received a scratch from a minie on the cheek.
Those who had been killed were good soldiers, and Fletcher and Bower exceedingly clever fellows. The latter was a relative of the lamented General Slack, and a young lawyer by profession: with promising prospects, he had just been admitted to the bar previous to the war. They had given their lives for a Cause they loved, and were now gone to the spirit-land, to join comrades who had already gone before them.
Colonel McKinney, who has been mentioned before, fell on this field—a gallant soldier and a brave and intelligent officer. Many of our best officers and men were missed from the different regiments. Their loss and death were deeply felt and mourned by the command long afterwards.
The army lay and slept that night inside of our intrenchments, which enclosed a considerable area on the east side of the river. On the same side the enemy was encamped; and it is somewhat singular that intrenchments intended to defend the passage of the bridge or stream towards Vicksburg, should be on the side opposite to that position.
Anderson, Ephraim McDowell, Memoirs: Historical and Personal; Including the Campaigns of the First Missouri Confederate Brigade, Chapter LXXXI (Eighty-one); Times Printing Co., Saint Louis, 1868. Second Edition with Notes and Foreword by Edwin C. Bearss and Index by Margie Riddle Bearss; The Press of Morningside Bookshop, Dayton, Ohio, 1988.
The Chicago firm of Kurz & Allison is well known for its production of commemorative prints of American historical scenes. Founded in 1880, the firm’s avowed purpose was to design “for large scale establishments of all kinds, and in originating and placing on the market artistic and fancy prints of the most elaborate workmanship.”
The war came to an end for Cockrell and his brigade on April 9, 1865 at Fort Blakely, Alabama. He was paroled that May and returned to Missouri to practice law. In 1874, he was elected U.S. Senator, and ended up serving for five terms. After he had left the Senate, Pres. Theodore Roosevelt appointed Cockrell as a member to the Interstate Commerce Committee in 1905, and he served in this capacity until 1910. Cockrell then became a member of the civilian board of ordnance at the War Department, serving until his death on December 13, 1915. He is buried in the Warrensburg Cemetery, in his home town.

This cap belonged to Confederate Brigadier General Francis Marion Cockrell.

General Cockrell's Cap Link
This cap belonged to Confederate Brigadier General Francis Marion Cockrell. Francis M. Cockrell was born on October 1, 1834 to Joseph and Nancy Cockrell in Johnson County, Missouri. He was named after Revolutionary war hero General Francis Marion.
He raised a company of Missouri militia in 1861, and led his men to battle at Carthage, Wilson’s Creek, Lexington and Elkhorn Tavern. His service was such that he was quickly promoted to Colonel. He then fought at Iuka, Corinth, Hatcie Bridge, Grand Gulf, Fort Gibson, Baker’s Creek, also known as Champion Hill. Cockrell's forces executed one of the great charges of the war and saved the Confederate forces from total destruction. "Cockrell rode up and down behind the line, clutching his reins and a large magnolia blossom in one hand and his saber in the other. At a signal from Cockrell, the division unleashed an ear-splitting Rebel yell and tore into the Federals. Cockrell's hard-charging Missourians stormed up the face of Champion's Hill, where the fighting became, in the words of a regimental historian, "desperate and bloody." (From Literal Hill of Death - America's Civil War)
Cockrell commanded the entire Missouri Brigade at Vicksburg, Mississippi and was included in the surrender of July 4, 1863. Only two weeks later he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General. It was at this time, while visiting the “Battle House” in Mobile, Alabama, that Cockrell had his General’s cap made, as witnessed by a unique provenance. The capis accompanied by the original hat makers order and invoice. The invoice reads:
“for Brig Gen F. M. Cockrell 7 1/4 full
1 Cap dark blue band. Sides and crown - with good visor - all to be according to army regulations.
Place order same
Mrs. Tufts – under “Battle House”
Mobile, Ala Capt. Cole (?) one 7 ¼ full $35.

The Battle House Hotel was built in 1852. The influx of Confederate officers and wealthy refugees transformed the Battle House from a quiet hotel, to the epicenter of Mobile’s social scene by 1863. The Battle House was the most luxurious hotel in all of Alabama. The hotel was filled with Confederate officers, dignitaries, Southern aristocracy and many of the most popular Belles in the Confederacy. Among the hotel’s guests were Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy, General Joseph E. Johnston, head of the Army of Northern Virginia and later the Army of Tennessee; Captain A. H. Keller, Helen Keller's father; Augusta Evans, author of Beulah and Macaria; Belle Boyd, the famous Confederate spy, who ran espionage operations from her father's hotel in Front Royal, Virginia; U.S. Supreme Court justice John A. Campbell, who concurred with the majority in the Dred Scott case of 1857; Horace L. Hunley, inventor of the first ironclad submarine to sink an enemy vessel; Henry Wirz, commandant of Georgia's Andersonville prison; former United States Vice- President and Confederate General, John G. Breckinridge, and a host of others.
General Cockrell’s group includes another incredible piece of provenance; a modern photograph of an original war-era image taken of Cockrell in his Confederate Brigadier General’s uniform, holding, what is easily determined under close examination to be, this very General’s cap. The image will be included above as soon as I get it in my possession.
The Missouri brigade had a very active career. Cockrell and his men were transferred to the Army of Tennessee and fought in the Atlanta campaign. When General John Bell Hood led his men into Tennessee, Cockrell and his brigade went with him. General Cockrell was severely wounded in the battle of Franklin, Tennessee in November of 1863. He personally led his brigade's charge. He had two horses shot from under him and was wounded four times before leaving the field. After a long convalescence, General Cockrell returned to duty and on April 9, 1865, with a force of a scant 2,700 troops, Cockrell surrendered to a superior force of 40,000 Union troops.
After reconstruction, the General was elected to serve as Missouri’s United States Senator in 1874. He was re-elected numerous times, serving in that body for the next thirty years. The General passed away in 1915 and was buried in Warrensburg, Missouri.
Numerous post-war period photographs of the aging Senator Cockrell and his children and grand children are also included in the group as well as a letter of provenance from Amanda Cockrell.
Confederate General’s caps are extremely rare and of those that do exist, nearly all are in museum collections. The cap is totally original, except for some minor stitch replacement. Its condition is excellent, inside and out. The Confederate staff buttons adorning the cap are original and retain their original stitching.
Francis Marion Cockrell was born October 1, 1834 to the sheriff of Warrensburg and his wife. He went to a local school
He was admitted in the bar in 1855. In 1861, he enlisted in the Missouri State Guard for the Civil War. He was a first lieutenant and later captain. He fought for the Confederate cause during the Civil War. After one year of enlistment he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and a few weeks later to colonel. He was noted for his courage and strict discipline and idolized for his devotion to the comfort and welfare of his soldiers. He resumed the practice of law after 1865. In 1875, he was re-elected 4 times and served 30 years in the United States Senate--March 4, 1875 to March 3, 1905. Cockrell and William Warner - Southern Nationalist politicians, helped the Republican maintain the White House in 1908. He spent his home life at 205 East Market Street, Warrensburg, Missouri. The house was torn down in the spring of 1962.
F M Cockrell, Warrensburg, Missouri
COCKRELL, Francis Marion, (1834 - 1915)
Senate Years of Service: 1875-1905
Party: Democrat
Library of Congress
COCKRELL, Francis Marion, (brother of Jeremiah Vardaman Cockrell), a Senator from Missouri; born in Warrensburg, Johnson County, Mo., October 1, 1834; attended the common schools; graduated from Chapel Hill College, Lafayette County, Mo., in July 1853; studied law; admitted to the bar in 1855 and practiced in Warrensburg, Mo.; served in the Confederate Army as captain, brigade commander, and brigadier general; captured at Fort Blakeley, Ala., in April 1865 and paroled in May 1865; at the close of the Civil War resumed the practice of law; elected as a Democrat to the United States Senate in 1874; reelected four times and served from March 4, 1875, to March 3, 1905; chairman, Committee on Claims (Forty-sixth Congress), Committee on Engrossed Bills (Fifty-first through Fifty-eighth Congresses, except for Fifty-third), Committee on Appropriations (Fifty-third Congress); appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt a member of the Interstate Commerce Commission 1905-1910; appointed in 1911 a United States commissioner to reestablish the boundary line between Texas and New Mexico; civilian member of the board of ordnance in the War Department, which position he held until his death in Washington, D.C., December 13, 1915; interment in Warrensburg Cemetery, Warrensburg, Mo.
American National Biography; Dictionary of American Biography ; Cockrell, Francis. The Senator From Missouri, The Life and Times of Francis Marion Cockrell. New York: Exposition Press, 1962; Williamson, Hugh P. ‘Correspondence of Senator Francis Marion Cockrell: December 23, 1885-March 24, 1888.’ Bulletin of the Missouri Historical Society 28 (July 1969): 296-305.
Newspaper Article Link
By Sandra Hart, 2010 (her GGreat Niece)
Anna Ewing Cockrell Coromilas
While I am not closely related to Anna Ewing Cockrell Coromilas, her life has fascinated me. She was born on May 26, 1884 in Warrensburg in Johnson Co, Missouri, the youngest daughter of Gen. Francis Marion Cockrell and his third (and last) wife, Anna Ewing. FM Cockrell was a brother of my Gr Gr Grandmother Nancy Cockrell Logan. He was born in Warrensburg, Johnson Co, MO on Oct 1, 1834, an area that was still very much the frontier. He studied law, was admitted to the bar when only 21 and practiced law in Warrensburg until the Civil War began. As a slave owner and ardent supporter of the southern cause, he joined the Confederate army and rapidly advanced through the ranks from private (before the war), to captain (in the Missouri State Guard) and then Brigadier General (in the Atlanta Campaign). Dreadful things happened to his friends and family during the war and he was wounded and imprisoned himself. However, after the war, he put the experience behind him and was pardoned; he was one of the few Confederate Officer to be so recognized with praise by veteran Union soldiers.
He returned to his law practice until the repeal of the “test oaths” in 1870 allowed him to enter politics. In 1874, he ran (unsuccessfully) as the Democratic nominee for Governor of Missouri. When Charles H. Hardin won, Gen Cockrell jumped on the platform and said, "No man will more loyally support the choice of this convention than I. No man will throw his hat higher for Charley Hardin than will I." and tossed his hat to the ceiling. This generous act won for him a place as United States Senator in the following spring, a position he held for the next 30 years, known for his corncob pipe and linen duster. Defeated in his 6th bid for the Senate in 1905, President Theodore Roosevelt (a Republican) appointed him to the Interstate Commerce Commission. In 1910, President Roosevelt asked him to resign from this position to negotiate a settlement between Texas and Mexico. Senator Cockrell died in 1915 in Washington, DC but was brought home to Warrensburg for burial. He was said to have been an exceptionally intelligent and cultured man, yet acted in a plain and simple manner. He was well respected and loved because he was always gentle and kind.
Anna Ewing was named after her mother, who was an unusually brilliant and accomplished woman. She bore and raised seven children of her own, accompanied her husband back and forth to Washington, served as a charter member of the DAR (in 1879) and as the first State Regent of Missouri. Anna Ewing Cockrell had 5 brothers (Ewing, Francis Marion, Ephraim Brevard and Allen Vardeman) and one sister, Marion. After her mother’s death in 1894 when she was only 10, she was placed in the Convent of the Assumption where she remained until she was old enough to join her father in Washington and be presented to society. I wonder if she wasn’t something of a handful, because her other siblings remained in Washington with their father? She made her debut and was featured in a the society columns of numerous newspapers including the New York Times, Washington Herald, and Washington Post. Anna who was described as a “very pretty blond” and the “girl with the perfect profile”, was “stately in appearance with large blue eyes and chestnut-colored hair”. She was well educated, speaking French, German, Italian and Greek and “emerged from a schoolgirl to an official hostess almost in the twinkling of an eye”. In the absence of any other woman in the household, she at once assumed the duties of a Senatorial hostess, which she “discharged with grace, tact, and success”.
One article reported that she was the guest of honor at a party given by Marion Gallaudet, sister of her future brother-in-law Edson Gallaudet. Another, reported on her sister’s wedding in the church of the Covenant, a “brilliant affair “attended by President Roosevelt, most of the Cabinet and Senate, and the diplomatic community. In 1904, the Washington Post reported that her sister, brother-in-law, and young son were vacationed with his father (Dr. Edward Gallaudet) and in New Hampshire while Anna continued her visit with Mr. And Mrs. Thomas F. Walsh in Colorado Springs, CO.
After 2 seasons acting as the official hostess for her father, she sailed to Europe to spend the winter and spring in Paris. Instead, she stayed for nearly a year, sailing from Cherbourg to New York on the St Louis (see the photo), arriving on Nov 5, 1905. She returned to her father’s home on R St in Washington and to her role as his hostess. She was part of a small social circle centered on the President’s unconventional eldest daughter, Mrs Alice Roosevelt Longworth. It was interesting how society began to mention the use of automobiles of the early 1900s. For example, in 1908 Anna and her father attended a dinner at Cabin John Bridge in honor of Miss Juliette Williams & Joseph Leiter - - the article said they went to the dinner by motor car and took a long ride after.
On July 6, 1910, a romance that had been followed with interest in social, political, and diplomatic circles culminated when the Hon Lambros Coromilas, Greek Ambassador to the United States and Anna Ewing Cockrell were married in the drawing room of her sister’s summer home in New London, CN. The Rev Mr Alexopoulos of Washington officiated and her father gave her away. She had no attendants.
Their brief engagement and simple wedding took place at the “urgent request of Coromilas, who refused to return to his new post in the Cabinet of King Constantine without his beautiful, young American bride”. Although much older than she, he was “one of the most popular and picturesque bachelors of the diplomatic corps”. The small wedding was also in deference to the recent death of the groom’s mother. The decorations included a mass of lilies, ferns, Dorothy Perkins roses, and palms. Anna wore a gown of white chiffon over soft white satin with a high draped girdle embroidered in seed pearls. Her tulle veil was held by strands of seed pearls and orange blossoms. To honor her father, and in deference to the interest in their marriage by official and diplomatic circles, members of Congress contributed to a lovely gift of silver for the newlyweds as they had for Alice Roosevelt when she married. They left the ceremony by automobile on a short honeymoon (a picture of her on her honeymoon is on the left) and embarked for the voyage to Europe from New York four days later, visiting London, Paris, and Constantinople of their way to Athens, where Lambros was to assume a position in the cabinet.
Lambros A Coromilas was born in Athens, Greece in 1857; he was 54, she was 26 when they married. He was educated at the University of Tubigen in Wurtenburg, Germany and L’Ecole Libre de Sciences Politiques in Paris and then traveled around Europe to study financial and economic systems. In 1880, he established a publishing house and began to publish new poetry and literature in the Coromilas Journal. However, he was drawn into public service and was appointed Consul General to Thessaloniki. The energetic new consul built up a network of agents who collected information on enemies of Greece, identified Greek partisans who supported the Macedonian struggle, and controlled covert activities. He was so successful that the Ottoman government asked for his recall. However, the eventual union between Greece and Macedonia saved Macedonia from falling in the hands of the Slavs during the Balkan Wars (1912-13) The street where his Consulate was located was named after him and his office (above) was recreated in a museum near where he served.
In 1907, Lambros sailed to America on the SS Lusitania (see a picture of the ship and passenger list) to assume his post as the first Greek Minister to the United States in the Greek legation at 2009 Columbia. He made his first appearance in Washington society at the White House New Year’s reception on January 1, 1908.
After their marriage, Coromilas rose from the position of Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs, to Minister of Finance in the newly formed Venizelos Cabinet. The success of the Venizelos administration was attributed to his able management of the country’s finances and economic resources.
Apparently Anna’s skill at entertaining also contributed greatly to his rapid rise; an article written about her in 1915 said that relatives of half of the reigning monarchs in Europe had been guests of Anna and Lambros Coromilas. However, in 1912, the Royalist party fell from power, and Coromilas fell into disfavor due to his friendship with the assassinated King George (who was being severely criticized for investing money in his native land, Denmark). The problems Anna and Lambros encountered were reported by the American Press. When his son, King Constantine assumed the throne in 1913, Lambros was appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs. In this capacity, he signed a secret treaty on with Serbia and was most upset when Greece did not come to Serbia’s aid when it was invaded (I have a translation of an impassioned telegram he sent to the King warning him of the growing danger posed by Bulgaria and the increasing dissention in the country). King Constantine’s sympathy for Germany and Venizelos’ sympathies for the Allies resulted in a schism that lasted until after WW2 and forced Constantine to abdicate in favor of his 2nd son Alexander.
Lambros was sent to Italy as “Minister in Rome”. His position in Italy was most difficult as there were numerous enemies of Greece in Rome due to the tense situation between Albania, Greece, and Italy over the Aegean Islands. However, Anna and Lambros pursued their mission in an “unobtrusive manner and managed to keep on good terms with almost everyone”. The same article reported that during the Balkan War, Mrs Coromilas had sold her marble and alabaster bath from an ancient Greek palace, to raise funds for the Red Cross and that she had also served as a hospital nurse. As the war ended, he and the Greek Prime Minister, Venizelos were received by President Wilson to present arguments in support of Hellenic claims in the war settlement. Coromilas also represented Greece in the formation of the League of Nations (the photo shows the Greek delegation to the League of Nations).
After King Alexander’s death and Venizelios’ defeat in 1920, King Constantine again assumed the Greek throne, but was forced to abandon it a second time in 1922 when Greece lost the Greco-Turkish War. He was succeeded by his son George. King Constantine and Queen Sophia lived in exile in Palermo in the Villa Igiea, supported by money brought to them by Constantine’s brother, Christopher. Coromilas had remained a Royalist, and continued to try to restore the Greek monarchy while “exiled” in Rome. When Constantine, was restored to the throne he appointed Coromilas to his old post as Ambassador to the United States. An article written about them in 1922, on the eve of their return to America, said that “this international marriage had been a most happy one, with the young American wife a great favorite with her husband’s family and a great success in the society of one of the oldest capitals with which America maintains diplomatic relations.” However, Coromilas died before assuming his new post.
In 1922, a new Greek government executed by firing squad all but one of the Cabinet Ministers who had served under the previous government. These men were blamed for the military disaster in Asia Minor and “knowingly concealing the danger involved in King Constantine’s return to the throne”. According to the newspaper report, the six Cabinet Ministers went courageously, even jauntily, to their deaths, monocles in place”. Prince Andrew, brother of exiled King Constantine and senior Greek generals were arrested and the new King, William, was said to be in jeopardy. The executions caused a shock in diplomatic circles; the Vatican protested, England broke off diplomatic relations, and Mussolini who had tried to stop the executions, refused to recognize the new government. Funeral services held for them in Rome were attended by former King Constantine. Mme Coromilas, now a widow, wrote a letter to the Greek government through the Greek Ambassador to Italy, offering sanctuary to the widows and children of the executed council members, two of whom (Premier Stratos and Gen Hadjanestis) had been her husband’s nephews.
Not long after the death of her husband, Anna Ewing Cockrell Coromilas, fell in love with the Marchese Camillo Casati, Stampa di Sonciono, Marcese di Roma (1877-1946). In 1900, he had married Luisa Amman, the teenage daughter of Count Alberto Amman whose death had left her one of the wealthiest women in Italy. Her husband inspired a fascination with the mystical and macabre and she became increasingly extravagant and scandalous. The New Yorker described her as “tall and cadaverous, with a little feral face swamped by incandescent eyes… She blackened her eyes with kohl, powdered her skin a fungal white, and dyed her hair to resemble a corona of flames; her mouth was a lurid gash.” A year later, their only child, Cristina was born. At 22, Luisa was seduced by Gabriele D'Annunzio who cultivated her appetite for excess. She was dressed by Fortuny and Erte and her her social circle included Salvador Dali, Nijinsky, Isadora Duncan, Ezra Pound, Jack Kerouac and Prince Louis Ferdinand d’Orleans. She wore leopard-skin coats, veils, and feathers, and draped herself with snakes. La Casati, as she was known in the international press, became infamous for her evening strolls parading nude beneath her furs leading cheetahs on diamond-studded leashes.
She and her husband began living part not long after their daughter was born. She led a very independent life with unconventional ideas about marriage and motherhood; her decadence and excess inspired The Countess starring Vivian Leigh, A Matter of Time starring Ingrid Bergman, a book by Maurice Druon, La Volupte d’etre, two volumes of poetry by Jean Cocteau and paintings and statues of her by the best artists of the day including a world-famous portrait of her by Man Ray posed in front of the Empress’ rearing white stallions. In 1910, La Casati took up residence at the Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, on the Grand Canal in Venice. Her soirĂ©es there would become legendary. Camillo obtained a legal separation from her in 1914, to escape her extravagances and a divorce in 1924 (possibly the first Italian Roman Catholic to do so). Luisa’s return to Paris, the scene previous outrageous escapades was deemed internationally newsworthy, reported in places as unlikely as Fort Wayne, IN.
Shortly after his divorce, the Marchese Camillo Casati moved to Rome, where he began sharing an apartment with the Anna Coromilas. Luisa would neither acknowledge that Anna had replaced her, nor would she allow Anna’s name or that of any of her relatives to be mentioned in her presence. In 1927, the unmarried couple had a son that they named Camillo Casati, after his father. Anna, the Marchese, and their son remained in Italy during Mussolini’s rise to power and World War II.
By the 1930s, La Casati had run through her immense fortune and survived on the generosity of friends. By her 50th birthday, in 1931, she owed as much as $25 million in today’s money. She spent her last years in London. Her daughter with Marchese Casati, Cristina, secretly married Francis John Westerna Plantagenet, the Vicount Hastings, to the dismay of his blue-blood family. Cristina and Hastings left England for the South Sea Island of Moorea where they conceived a child. They returned to England for Cristina’s birth on Mar 4, 1928. They named her in honor of the island they loved and then left her with her paternal grandparents while they went to study art under Diego Rivera in Mexico. Diego Rivera, Freido Kahlo, Cristina, and Hastings formed a long and complex friendship and were vocal supporters of communism. One of Kahlo’s drawings captured the aristocratic hauteur and sophistication of Milan-born, Oxford-educated Lady Cristina. Frida apparently found Hastings’ mood swings between boredom and explosive anger or humor to be congenial and amusing. Cristina was also subject to impulsive rages and remained very political. She and Hastings divorced in the 1940s and she married again in 1944, the Hon Wogan Phillips.
In 1928, Marion Gallaudet, daughter of Anna’s sister Marion and her husband Edson Gallaudet, married Walter Averill Powers, son of the late governor of Maine. They were married in her aunt’s home in the Palazzo Barberini. The wedding was followed by a brilliant reception which was attended by the leaders of the American colony and Italian society.
Anna and Camillo Casati had made their home in the very elegant Palazzo since the 1920s. (see a few photos I took of it in 2011) The Palazzo was originally built for Maffeo Barberini, Pope Urban 8th in 1625. In the early 20th century, it was filled with illustrious tenants to offset Barberini family debts. When Prince Henry Barberini sold the building to the National Gallery in 1949, one of the tenants was still the Marchesa Casati (Anna, I presume). (The newspaper article that reported the marriage of Anna’s niecce also said that Anna was the Marchesa Casati)
Anna and Camillo remained together for the rest of their lives, although they never married. They lived quietly, surrounded by family, horses, and dogs until his death from cardiac disease on Sep 18, 1946 at the age of 69. Although Anna and Camillo’s son was born out of wedlock, Camillo recognized him as his own and arranged for his son to inherit his title. Sadly, their son committed suicide in 1970 after murdering his wife, Anna Fallarini Casati and her lover. His daughter, Annamaria, born in 1951 to his first wife Lydia Holt (a showgirl), is the last descendant of this line.
Anna had had such an interesting and tumultuous life. She spent her early years in a small town in rural Missouri, was educated in a convent, and then became the belle of the ball in the Capital of the United States, hosting powerful politicians for her father before she was even 20. Then, she married a distinguished, cosmopolitan man many years her senior and lived in the capitals of Europe during the tumultuous years before, during and after WW1. She and her siblings socialized with the families of presidents, congressmen, industrialists, diplomats and European aristocrats. She not only observed the events that took place, but influenced what happened in her role as the hostess of a senior US Senator, wife of an Ambassador, Cabinet Member, and participant in the League of Nations and her own outspoken defense of the deposed Greek monarchy after her husband’s death. It seems that she never returned to America, possibly because of her unconventional lifestyle. The painting of her that I found on the internet, given to her by the Japanese Ambassador, is a fitting last glimpse of her before she retreated into relative obscurity to live what appeared to be a tranquil (albeit affluent) life with her son and the man she loved.
References: (Photo of her in oriental robes, presented by the Japanese Ambassador)
8th census of the US Population, Warrensburg, Johnson, MO, 1860
9th census of the US Population, Warrensburg, Johnson, MO, 1870
10th Census of the US Population, Warrenburg, Johnson, MO, 1880
12th Census of the US Population, Warrenburg, Johnson, MO, 1900
12th Census of the US Population, Washington, DC, 1900
Ship Manifest for the voyage of the Lusitania, Departed Liverpool Dec 1, 1907. New York Passenger Lists (1820-1957) US City Directories US Passport Applications
Athens, Greece: National Historical Museum (Picture of Lambros Coromillas taken between 1904-1907)
Binghamton NY Press, July 16, 1910.
Congressional Directory
Fort Wayne News, Dec 4, 1923, p 17
Judith Thurman, In Fashion, “The Divine Marquise,” The New Yorker, September 22, 2003, p. 172
League of Nations Photo Archive
Missouri Birth/Death records
New York Times, October 12, 1922
New York Times, November 29, 1922
New York Times, December 1, 1922, p1
Scott D Ryersson & Michael Orlando Yaccarino (Sep, 2004) Infinite Variety, The life and Legend of the Marchesa Casati, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Reno Evening Gazette, American Girl Marries in Rome. Mar 28, 1928
Syracuse Post Standard, Jul 6, 1910
The Atlanta Constitution, Oct 12, 1922, p7
Washington Herald, June 26, 1910, Society, p2
Washington Post, Dec 76, 1904, p9
Washington Post, October 30, 1910, p3
Washington Post, Jul 2, 1910, p7
Washington Post, November 8, 1905, Page 7
Washington Post, June 29, 1910, p7
Washington Post, June 22, 1910, p7
Washington Post, May 30, 1908, p7
Washington Post, March 10, 1914, p2
Who is Blind Boone? and the connection to Sen. Cockrell
A most amazing and inspirational man! Composer, concert pianist, philanthropist, philosopher, mentor. (Make sure to visit Mike Shaw's Page for more information!) This is the very short version of his amazing story!
Rachel Boone, a former slave was working at the Federal Camp of the 7th Militia, Company I at Miami, Missouri when she gave birth to her son, naming him John William Boone. Soon after his birth on May 17th, 1864, Rachel brought her baby to Warrensburg, Missouri where she found employment working in homes of the more prominent citizens of the day.

Rachel Boone Hendrix
At only 6 months of age, John, or "Willie" as he came to be known, had to have surgery to save him from the ravages of what they termed "Brain fever". In order to save his life, the doctors were forced to remove his eyes and sew the lids shut. He was saved and went on to live a most amazing life.
Willie showed a great deal of talent even as a small child. He was able to recreate the sounds of birds and drum out beats as a toddler. When he reached around five years of age, he gathered some friends and started a little band. The boys played at picnics and around the neighborhood with their tin whistle, comb, and the like. As time went on, Willie was known as a bright, talented boy, and was well liked by everyone in the community. He didn't let his blindness keep him from making his way around town or pursuing his interests!
During his youth, the local citizenry decided to help Willie get an education by sending him to a school for the blind in St. Louis, Missouri. The community, which included persons like Senator Francis Cockrell, funded the trip to St. Louis on the train, while the women made him clothes. The black and white citizens worked together on this and much like his professional life, Boone in his youth seemed to be able to bridge all gaps between the races. Unable to see the differences in skin color, he was able to transcend these differences, and later, influence change in attitudes.
Senator Francis Marion Cockrell
President Theodore Roosevelt

Ewing Cockrell
lawyer in Johnson County, Missouri
born: 28 May 1874
married: 3 June 1896 - Staunton, Virginia
wife: Leacy Peachy Williams
[daughter of Leroy Eustace Williams and Flora McDonald
Ephraim Brevard Ewing Family Information
2.12.13. Ephraim Brevard Ewing
son of Rev. Finis Ewing and Margaret Brevard Davidson]
born: 16 May 1819 - Todd County, Kentucky
died: 21 June 1873
married: 4 June 1845 - Ray County, Missouri
wife: Elizabeth Ann Allen
[daughter of Dr. Thomas Allen and Nancy Watkins]
[sister of Henry W. Allen, one-time governor of Louisiana]
born 1821
died: Jefferson City, Missouri
Children of Ephraim Brevard Ewing and Elizabeth Ann Allen Ewing: Anna Ewing
born: 29 March 1846 - Richmond, Missouri
died: 6 January 1894 - Washington, D.C.
married: 23 July 1873
husband: Francis Marion Cockrell
[son of Joseph Cockrell and Nancy Ellis]
[Brigadier General in the Confederate Army during the Civil War]
born: 1 October 1834 - Warrensburg, Missouri
died: 13 December 1915 - Washington, D.C.
buried: Warrensburg, Missouri
Children of Anna Ewing Cockrell and Francis Marion Cockrell: Ewing Cockrell
lawyer in Johnson County, Missouri
born: 28 May 1874
married: 3 June 1896 - Staunton, Virginia
wife: Leacy Peachy Williams
[daughter of Leroy Eustace Williams and Flora McDonald]
Children of Ewing Cockrell and Leacy Peachy Williams Cockrell: Anna Ewing Cockrell
born: 22 June 1898 Flora McDonald Cockrell
born: 14 June 1900 Francis Marion Cockrell
born: 14 December 1906 Eustace Williams Cockrell
born: 5 November 1909 Marion Cockrell
born: 3 August 1875
married: 14 February 1903
husband: Edson Fessenden Gallaudet
Children of Marion Cockrell Gallaudet and Edson Fessenden Gallaudet: Francis Cockrell Gallaudet
born: 14 April 1904 Marion Cockrell Gallaudet
born: 10 February 1907 Denise Gallaudet Francis Marion Cockrell, Jr.
born: 17 January 1877
married: 5 November 1902
wife: Miller Pope
[daughter of W. S. Pope and Lucy Miller]
born: 6 February 1879 Ephraim Brevard Cockrell
born: 7 May 1881
married: St. Louis, Missouri
wife: Hazel Hogan Allen Vardaman Cockrell
born: 22 January 1883
wife: Mrs. Frances Elliot Reed Anna Ewing Cockrell
born: 26 May 1884
married: July 1911
husband: Lambros A. Coromilas Alice Brevard Ewing
born: 1847 - Richmond, Missouri
died: 10 January 1914
married: 13 October 1880 - Jefferson City, Missouri
husband: John Read Samuel Walker
[son of Anthony Smith Walker and Mary Elizabeth Read]
born: 18 March 1846
died: January 1900 - Kansas City, Missouri
Children of Alice Brevard Ewing Walker and John Read Samuel Walker: Alice Ewing (or Brevard) Walker
born: 29 July 1881
never married John Read Walker
born: 31 December 1882
wife: Virginia ?
Children of John Read Walker and Virginia ? Walker: Anthony Walker Anthony Ewing Walker
born: 16 December 1885 - Boonville, Missouri
wife: Anna Bell
Children of Anthony Ewing Walker and Anna Bell Walker: Ewing Addison Walker
born: 1914
died: 1915 William McLeod Walker
born: 1917
died: 1919 John Brevard Walker
born: 2 July 1919 - Hattiesburg, Mississippi
wife: ? ?

Children of John Brevard Walker and ? ? Walker: Nancy Ann Walker Grace Anthony Walker Frances Annabelle Walker John Ewing Walker Ephraim Brevard Walker
born: 17 November 1893
wife: ? ?

Children of Ephraim Brevard Walker: Ephraim Brevard Walker, Jr.
born: 8 December 1919 Henry Watkins Ewing
born: 4 July 1849 - Richmond, Missouri
died: 1 September 1898 - Battle Creek, Michigan
married: Jefferson City, Missouri
wife: Mattie Chappell

Children of Henry Watkins Ewing and Mattie Chappell Ewing: Mary Ewin Clay Ewing Jack Ewing Dorothy Ewing
born: 1894 Margaret Davidson Ewing
born: 1852
married: 1877
husband: John Cabell Wilkinson
born: 13 December 1946

Children of Margaret Davidson Ewing Wilkinson and John Cabell Wilkinson: Margaret Wilkinson William Tudor Wilkinson Jane Alice Wilkinson John Cabell Wilkinson, Jr. Elizabeth Allen Wilkinson Florence Ewing Wilkinson Dorothy Brevard Wilkinson Florence Ewing
married: 1885
husband: Thomas Oliver Towles
born: 1840
died: 1915 Charles Beverly Ewing
wife: Leila Johnson Ephraim Brevard Ewing, Jr. died young

This article (unknown where published) concerns Brigadier General & later a Senator, Frances M. Cockrell. He was born in Missouri)

The End to the famous Missourian in his 82nd year

Served thirty years in the Senate, from which he retired in 1905, since when he has been in Government Work in Washington.

Francis Marion Cockrell, Thirty years a United States senator from Missouri, died Monday in his room in the Buckingham Hotel, Washington.

The body will be taken to Warrensburg, Mo. the old Cockrell home. He had read the morning papers and was eating a light breakfast when he fell back in the chair dead.

Senator Cockrell was 81 years old Oct. 1. He was elected to the Senate in 1875 and retired in 1905, when the Republican landslide for Roosevelt swept the state.

Roosevelt gave him a place President Roosevelt immediately offered Senator Cockrell a place either on the Panama commission or the Interstate Commerce Commission. Senator Cockrell chose the latter. He served one term. Upon the election of President Wilson he was made a member of the commission on ordinance and fortifications.

For seven years Senator Cockrell had made his home with a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Bessie Cockrell, at the Buckingham.
Only Sunday he asked her to take over his money affairs and handed her several cheeks. She replied: "it's Sunday, and I'm superstitious about doing business on Sunday."
Senator Cockrell laughted, and said: "Well, we will straighten these matters up tomorrow."
Wanted to be buried in Missouri

A few weeks ago when a friend had died, Senator Cockrell expressed a desire to be taken back to Missouri for burial when he died.
"My heart is back there in Missouri and when I die I want my resting place to be in that grand old state." he said.
"It won't make any difference to the dead, but I will have my friends around me."
Sort prayer service was held at the Confederate Soldiers' Home in Washington Tuesday, where many of the old comrades of Senator Cockrell live.
Forty years in Office
Senator Cockrell was born on his father's farm in Johnson Co., Missouri, Oct 1, 1834. His father, Joseph Cockrell, was the first sheriff of the county. He was a well-to-do man who had come from Kentucky. The name, Francis Marion, was suggested by an old slave of the family who had been much impressed with the story of the great Revolutionary hero. The boy went first to a log school-house, then to Hocker's Hill Academy near the Cockerill home and then to Chapel Hill College in Lafayette Co. He was graduated when he was 18 and the following year he was teacher of Greek and Latin there. At the close of that year Cockrell went to Warrensburg and read law in the office of C. O. Sillman and in 1855 was admitted to practice law and became a partner of Sillman.

Wounded Several Times
At the outbreak of the Civil War, Cockrell gave up his law practice and took sides with the Confederacy. He organized a company in Warrensburg, was made its captain, took part in a number of the hardest engagements of the war and rapidly rose to the rank of brigadier general. He served during the entire war.
At Franklin, General Cockrell came out of the battle with bullets through one arm and both legs, one leg being broken, but he was not unhorsed.
He was blown into the air by the explosion of the General Grant's mines of Vicksburg and severely wounded. He was wounded in other engagements, but remained in the service. But no one ever heard Cockrell talk about his wounds or his service for the lost cause. The only wound later in evidence was a crooked finger on his right hand as a result of a wound from a shell, a fragment of the bursting shell striking his hand and breaking the finger at the joint. The surgeon dressed the wound told Cockrell the finger would be stiff ever after, and the general directed him to so set it that the finger would fit to his sword hilt, and also be in proper position when he held a pen or an apple.

Other notes:
He was the chairman of the committee on appropriations of the Fifty-third Congress; director of the Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. In 1874 he was the leading candidate for governor of Missouri but was beaten by Charles H. Hardin "that it would be bad politics to put an ex-Confederate at the head of the ticket." He was elected Senator the following year.
submitted by Ann Baughman - 2009
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