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January 12, 2025

January 22, 1913 - Miss Mary McQuerry, Teacher, Commutes by Motorcycle Warrensburg to Chilhowee Daily

From the Era, but not Miss Mary McQuerry

1914 - Ira D. Schultz, Chilhowee Missouri  - Windsor Review Newspaper
Local Agent Harley-Davidson Motorcycles

From the era but not Mary
Sacramento Union Newspaper January 22, 1913 Story
Regarding the motorcycle as more convenient and more economical than trains. Miss Mary McQuerry of Warrensburg. Mo. has forsaken plush-covered seats for a saddle. Miss McQuerry is a school teacher, having charge of a school at Chilhowee, eighteen miles distant from Warrensburg. She had been traveling back and forth to her school, being compelled to make a change of cars even in the short distance of eighteen miles. Her brother introduced her to the motorcycle with Its saving of time, money and patience. One trial convinced her. She now uses a motorcycle exclusively. It took her four hours and cost $3.60 every week when she traveled by train. On a motorcycle the round trip is In one hour and thirty minutes at the cost of a few cents’ worth of gasoline. And In addition, she gets a ride in which there is real pleasure, health and enjoyment. (Dirt roads too)
Chilhowee, MO Public School

Miss Mary McQueery Taught School in the Building with the Bell Tower
Chilhowee, MO taken about c. 1910.
She rode her motorcycle from Warrensburg every day.

Chilhowee, MO Public School in the background, 1907
San Francisco Call Newspaper March 30, 1913
GIRL SELLS MOTORCYCLES Miss Flora Robertson has been added to the sales force of a Warrensburg. Mo., motorcycle concern, and has already convinced a number of girls of the pleasure to be derived from motorcycling. 

Motorcycling pioneers Adeline and Augusta Van Buren Sisters. Bought pair of Indian Powerplus Bikes. They were the first people ever to climb up and down Pike’s Peak. They, too, completed a transcontinental ride. Their 3,300-mile trip took almost two months, and they had to contend not only with many unpaved roads but also with social mores. Once they were arrested for publicly wearing trousers.

The 1913 Indian Twin is a three-speed vehicle that boasts a V-twin engine as the driving force behind the Indian Twin and it is quite sturdy and dependable, especially in its restored state. The Indian twin has other notable parts and features such as a Hedstrom carburettor, a streamlined gas tank, a dual-clutch control system that can be controlled via a lever or foot pedal, large frontal and rear wheels, a leaf-spring suspension system for both the front and rear of the vehicle, an inconspicuous electrical system for the lights, and most important feature (in our opinion) the look of the bike itself.

1913 Motorcyclists posing in front of Parson's Motorcycle Shop located at 146 S. Glassell St in Plaza Square. 12 motorcycles and their riders are lined up in a group portrait along the street. Orange County, California

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mary Jane Savery a previous life.