Chilhowee Mercantile Co., Chilhowee, Missouri
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A shell remains after the grocery store fire that starts about 3 p.m. Sunday at Pennsylvania and Walnut streets, Chilhowee. Through the second-story windows, the sky is visible because the roof is gone. Also gone is most of the back wall to the storage building at left. The Daily-Star Journal. Fire on Sunday, Sept 25, 2016 fire-claims-old-grocery-store |
Chilhowee Mercantile Co. ca. 1890
Chilhowee was originally called Simpson's Store, and under the latter name was founded in the mid-1850s, and named after James Simpson, a local merchant. A post office called Chilhowee has been in operation since 1859. The present name is of Native American origin.
The Chilhowee Historic District was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1988.
Chilhowee (elevation 915 feet, Chilhowee Township)
Chilhowee Township gets its name from the Chilhowee Mountains in Tennessee. It is an Indian appellation. Its orthography properly ends with the double "ee", and not an "ie", as some sophists write it.
The old town of Chilhowee was laid by Amos Mason Perry in 1857. The first improvements were made by James Simpson and Samuel McFarland. James Murphy was the original owner of the land...In 1881 there were two stores and a few shops in the village. (--History of Johnson County, 1881, pp. 566, 567.)
The village of Chilhowee was an accident. A man named James Simpson had bought a small frame house from a William Johnson and undertook to move it to a claim that he intended to "enter". It was placed upon ox-wagons and was moved to the spot where the old town now is when something broke down and the house was then unloaded and Mr. Simpson put in a small stock of goods, and it was then called Simpson's Store. This was about 1855 or 1856...
About that time the place was surveyed by the county surveyor, A. M. Perry and he being from Tennessee named it Chilhowee, a Cherokee name for the Tennessee or "Smoky mountains"... When the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad was built about one mile and a half south, several of the houses were moved to the new site and the old town became a relic only. (--Cockrell, p. 245.)
Chilhowee, fourteen miles south, southwest of Warrensburg, had two stores, one carpenter shop, one church and a schoolhouse. Population about 100, 1874. (--Campbell, p. 290.)
It is situated in the southwest section of the county, at Section 13 & 24, Township 44 N, Range 27 West at the junction of Highways 2, E & F.
S. R. Sweeney Building today, Chilhowee, MO
S. R. Sweeney Furniture and Pianos, Chilhowee, MO Johnson County
S.R. Sweeney Hearse, Chilhowee, MO
Chilhowee, Missouri
Northside of Walnut Looking East. In 1910, the Chilhowee Hardware is c0mplete, the Murphy Bros. Hardware building now has its second floor, and the Farmer's Bank has been built. At left a tiny frame office for Dr. Martin, where a dog "patiently" waits at the door.Chilhowee, Missouri 1908
Pennsylvania Street Looking North. Chilhowee resident Sell Shoemaker's newly built home is on the west side of Pennsylvania Avenue. about 1908
Chilhowee, Missouri
Southeast from the Northwest Corner of Main and Walnut Streets. Palace Restaurant, Ream's Drug Store.
Chilhowee, Missouri late 1800's
-1871 FEB - Jesse James AKA James Courtney left Chilhowee, Missouri in February 1871. He and a group of his friends head north for Iowa, and then to Nebraska before heading to Texas.
Chilhowee, Missouri late 1800's |
Chilhowee, Missouri Cahill & Sweeney, Journey & Valentine, 1800's |
The Lexington intelligencer., May 25, 1917, Page PAGE TWO
Chilhowee, School Bus, Home Built, Missouri 1937, Professor Orr |
Will Hunter, Chilhowee, Missouri MO 1909-1920 |
Colt Show, Chilhowee, Missouri 1907 |
Public School Building Chilhowee, Missouri ca 1900 |
Old Chilhowee, Missouri map
Place name:
Masonic Hall School
In Chilhowee Township. So named because the Masons used the second story of the building for their lodge hall. Also known as Pleasant Green School, because of its location. (Ed. Little; HIST. JOHNSON 1881, 580; Supt's. Records)
Johnson, Bernice E. "Place Names In Six Of The West Central Counties Of Missouri." M.A. thesis., University of Missouri-Columbia, 1933.
Place name:
A town on the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad in Chilhowee Township, laid out May 9, 1896; named by Charley Hagemeyer, who gave the land for the town, for the magnolia blossoms. (Charley Hagemeyer; Cockrell's HIST. JOHNSON 1918, 247)
Johnson, Bernice E. "Place Names In Six Of The West Central Counties Of Missouri." M.A. thesis., University of Missouri-Columbia, 1933.
Place name:
Chilhowee (earlier Simpson's Store)
This name which replaced Simpson's Store (q.v.) was given by A.M. Perry, when he surveyed it in 1858, for the Cherokee name for Tennessee or "Smoky Mountains." In 1895 a new townsite was laid out, and the town moved to the Rock Island and Pacific Railroad. (Cockrell's HIST. JOHNSON 1918, 245, 246)
Johnson, Bernice E. "Place Names In Six Of The West Central Counties Of Missouri." M.A. thesis., University of Missouri-Columbia, 1933.
Place name:
Pisgah Church
Erected by the C.P. Church in 1858 in Chilhowee Township. A Bible name (Deuteronomy 34:1); the mountain from which Moses beheld the Promised Land. No longer in existence. (Ed Little; HIST. JOHNSON 1881, 578)
Johnson, Bernice E. "Place Names In Six Of The West Central Counties Of Missouri." M.A. thesis., University of Missouri-Columbia, 1933.
Place name:
Payton Hole
In Chilhowee Township; named for a pioneer farmer who put up a log cabin near this "hole" in an early day. (HIST. JOHNSON 1881, 572)
Johnson, Bernice E. "Place Names In Six Of The West Central Counties Of Missouri." M.A. thesis., University of Missouri-Columbia, 1933.
Source: "History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918
Transcribed by Karen Hammer -2009
Chilhowee township, one of the southern border townships of the county, was organized May 25, 1868.
This township is said to have been so named by Muron Perry, a noted surveyor from Tennessee who did considerable surveying here in an early day. Possibly the name was suggested by a range of mountains in Tennessee that bears this appellation.
Geography.-Area, 73 square miles, or 46,720 acres. Geographically, Chilhowee township is one of the southern border townships of the east, between the tributaries of Post Oak on the northeast and Bear creek and Big creek on the southwest. The Missouri Kansas & Texas railroad occupies the ridge of this watershed.
Indian Mounds.-The ancient mound builders left evidence of their prehistoric industry in this section of the county. On section 28, township 44, and range 27 on a hillside are some ancient earthworks and near this place have been found numerous arrowheads and a few stone axes.
Early Settlements.-The first settlement that was made in what is now Chilhowee township was probably in 1829. It appears that James Hogard and William Norris came that year and other settlers located here as follow: James Arnold, in 1830: Finis and John Foster, from Kentucky, came in 1832; George D. and Howard A. Wright, from Howard County, Missouri, came in 1832. Anderson Masters, from Tennessee; Thomas Cull and sons, James and Thomas J., from Kentucky; John Pelle, from Kentucky; James Conaway. from Tennessee, and George N. and Samuel H. Douglas, from Howard County, Missouri, all settled here in 1832.
William Norris settled here near the Walnut Grove cemetery or Carpenter graveyard, on what was later known as Norris Fork, in 1829. This was before the land was surveyed by the government. He had two daughters. There were Indians here when the Norris family came and one of the few Indian depredations committed here was directed against the Norris family. One day while Mr. Norris and his two girls were absent from their cabin and Mrs. Norris was there alone she was captured by the Indians and tied on a pony and hurried out of the neighborhood. A company of white men immediately gathered and pursued the Indians. About the time the rescuing party were approaching the Indians who held Mrs. Norris captive, she succeeded in escaping. as did the Indians also.
William Norris built the first grist mill, which is said to have been the first one in the county and pioneers came from over forty miles to have their grain ground here. They would frequently bring their guns and hunt and fish for a few days while the tedious process of grinding went on. After operating the mill for a time Mr. Norris sold it to Marshall and Adam Clark. It was a horse-power mill and they received six hundred dollars for it. In 1837 Wilson D. Carpenter became the owner of this mill.
George Ware came from Alabama in 1836. and James Douglas. of Tennessee, a Missouri pioneer who settled in this state in 1816, came from Howard county in 1834. Thompson Chamberlain, from Tennessee, came here in 1835. William Johnson, a native of Bedford County, Tennessee, settled in this locality in 1840. Samuel Brown, a native of Tennessee, was also an early settler in this vicinity. Wilson D. Carpenter, who was prominent among the pioneers here, was a Virginian and came here in 1837. He was a veteran of the War of 1812 and was a pioneer schoolmaster in Kentucky.
T. N. Carpenter was quite a noted hunter and trapper in the early days, although that was not his profession, and for a number of years he had in his possession an old wolf trap which was an interesting relic of pioneer days. Jester Cocke is said to have been the greatest hunter of the pioneer days in this section.
The first marriage in the township was performed in 1831 when a Mr. Fletcher and Miss Hogard were united in marriage at the home of her father, James Hogard. Rev. Robert D. King performed the ceremony, the witnesses were William D. King and Elizabeth Gillum.
Samuel B. Brown was the first white child born in the township.
Early Physicians.-An early physician to settle in this section of the county was Dr. R. Z. R. Wall. He was born in Rockingham County, North Carolina. March 29, 1810. He graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1829 and received his degree from the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania in 1834. His practice covered a large scope of country throughout southern Johnson county and northern Henry County in the early days. He reared a large family and spent the latter part of his life in retirement.
Dr. Joseph Cusick was the first physician and also the first school teacher in the township. Dr. Thomas Jones practiced here as earl)' as 1840 and later went to Texas, where he died. Other physicians who practiced here in the early days were Doctors J. B. Young, J. R. Howerton. J. G. Turk, L. M. Horn. W. J. Workman, T. J. Wright, R. Mann and Doctors Duncan and Morris.
Early Churches.-The first religious meeting known to be held in this township was at the residence of Thomas Cull by a Methodist minister in 1836. The first church built in the township was by the Cumberland Presbyterian denomination in 1858 and known as Pisgah church. Camp meetings were held in this township as early as 1841. Great preparations were made for these annual affairs. Sheds were built that were capable of affording shelter to thousands of people who came from great distances. The Reverends J. B. and Robert R. Morrow and Calib Davis were prominent revivalists in early days who conducted these camp meetings for a number of years. For a number of years the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Cumberland Presbyterians and Methodists owned what was known as the Chilhowee Union Chapel.
The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, was organized here in 1844. The following are some of the early members of this denomination: John I. Culley, John Wright. Thomas Cull, Douglas Wright, George Hackley, William B. Carpenter. John Wilson and their families.
Among the early-day circuit riders who preached here were T. M. Cobb, W. L. King, T. P. Cobb. J. B. H. Wooldridge, W. M. Pitts. Thomas Wallace. J. W. Bond. B. Margeson, J. D. Wood and W. S. Woodard and Rev. Hadley. Other Methodist Episcopal ministers who have preached here were J. Jones, J. H. Gillespie, J. S. Porter, G. W. Houts, A. Anderson and B. F. January.
The Protestant Methodist organization was organized here prior to the Civil War.
Second Liberty Baptist church was organized by William Owsley in 1849 and some of the early preachers of this denomination here were William Owsley, F. M. Wrest, Israel Tompkins, A. M. Cockrell, L. M. Horn and Henry Barton. The Pisgah Cumberland Presbyterian church was also an early-day organization in this township and was located on section 36.
Cemeteries.-Walnut Grove or Carpenter's cemetery, located in section 27, is probably the oldest cemetery in the township. Isaac M. Carpenter was the first to be buried here. Chilhowee cemetery is located in section 24 just south of old Chilhowee. Hosea Young donated this ground for free burial purposes in his will. The first to be buried here was Mrs. Sallie J. Young. March 5, 1868. There are some other cemeteries in the township, of which little or nothing is known of their history.
Early Schools.- Chilhowee township had its pioneer schools shortly after the first permanent settlement was made. Joseph Cusick. Richard Anderson, Abraham Stout, James Blackburn, Mr. Graham and Mr. White were among the pioneer teachers.
Official Records, Statistics.-The justices of the peace of Chilhowee township, as far back as the records go. with the dates of their election are:
Justices-1870. James A. Bridges. Francis A. Shoemaker; 1S78, James A. Bridges, J. B. Morrow: 1882, J. B. Rosecrans, C. A. Crumbaugh; 1886. J. B. Rosecrans, William Spohr; 1890, J. W. Culley, G. R. Hindman; 1892, J. W. Culley, C. C. McCown; 1894, J. W. Culley;, 1898. Charles Kraus, W. R. Friday: 1900, C. C. McCown: 1902. C. A. Crumbaugh, J. A. Adcock: 1906, J.'C. Murphy: 1908, F. M. Ross: 1910. R. D. Hussey, George G. Valentine; 1914, R. D. Hussey.
County Officers-The following are all the county officers who have been elected from the township, since 1882. with the dates of their election:
1882-1884. David M. Raker (Democrat), sheriff.
1894. George R. Hindman (Democrat), county judge.
1900-1902, Dr. R. L. Bills (Democrat), coroner.
1912, Daniel L. Day (Democrat), county judge.
Road Improvements;-County road improvements made by the township, since this system was established in 1911. were up to January 1, 1918. twenty-two in number and aggregated $1,271, furnished by citizens of the township and $1,175 by the county. In the amount of this work, Chilhowee ranks fourth among the townships of the county.
Organizations.-The following is a complete list of all organizations of every kind in Chilhowee township. Full details of each organization are in this book in separate chapters on the different organizations :
Churches-(In Chilhowee town)-Baptist, Christian, Cumberland Presbyterian, Methodist, Methodist South, Protestant Methodist.
Churches- (In county)-Baptist ("Pleasant Valley"), Cumberland Presbyterian ("Pisgah"). Presbyterian (New Liberty).
Churches-(In Magnolia)-Baptist, Methodist.
1917 War Organizations-Red Cross. Chilhowee Branch. Denton Branch, Magnolia Branch.
Fraternal Organizations-Masons (Blue Lodge), Eastern Star, Modern Woodmen, Royal Neighbors.
Business-Bank of Chilhowee, Farmers Bank of Chilhowee. Bank of Magnolia, Chilhowee Mutual Telephone Company.
Miscellaneous-Women's Christian Temperance Union. United Daughters of the Confederacy, Homemakers Club, Locust Grove.
Total number of organizations in township is twenty-five. The township contains a good town, Chilhowee, and two villages. Magnolia and Denton.
Organizations, Families.-Much township history is that of organizations and families, and is found in this book under those headings. Organizations and families are fully indexed by names and townships.
Chilhowee Village. (By William Sweeney.) The village of Chilhowee was an accident. A man named James Simpson had bought a small frame house from a William Johnson and undertook to move it to a claim that he intended to "enter." It was placed upon ox-wagons and[ was moved to the spot where the old town now is when something broke down and the house was then unloaded and Mr. Simpson put in a small stock of goods, and it was then called Simpson's store. This was about 1855 or 1856.
Mr. Simpson's brother-in-law, Samuel McFarland, joined him soon and each built residences. They were succeeded by "Uncle Jim" Morrow, about 1858.
About that time the place was surveyed by the county surveyor. A. M. Perry, and he being from Tennessee named it Chilhowee, a Cherokee name for the Tennessee, or "Smoky Mountains." After the war several different men "kept store": J. W. Wright, J. M. Fulton, Bennie Moore. J. W. Culley. J. R. Johnson and more notable perhaps. J. A. Young.
When the Missouri. Kansas & Texas railroad was built about one and one-half miles south, several of the houses were moved to the new townsite and the old town became a relic only.
Chilhowee Town. The present new town of Chilhowee is one of the thriving towns of the county on the Rock Island & Pacific railroad, and on the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railroad. It was founded in 1895, when the Missouri. Kansas & Texas railroad was built through this section and the town plat was recorded November 4, 1895, and is described as land owned by Enoch Barnum in section 24. township 44. range 27.
Chilhowee has had substantial growth since it started. There are now two banks, electric light plant with twenty-four hours' service, newspaper, and four churches, one being a union church of two denominations, a high school and all branches of mercantile industries are well represented. The population by the 1910 census was four hundred twenty-five.
It was incorporated February 9. 1907.
The following is a list of the town officers:
Chairmen.-1907, R. F. Salmon, J .E. Cahill: 1908-09, \V. L. Martin; 1910. William P. Hunt: 1911, J. M. Books: 1912-14, David Arnott; 1915. William English: 1916. S. Ray Sweeney: 1917, L. N. Russell.
Trustees.-1907. G. A. Estes, S. B. Anderson, C. H. Gaines, J. E. Cahill: 1907, G. A. Estes, S. B. Anderson. C. H. Gaines, R. F. Salmon;
1908 W. E. Jerome, Dennis Day, R. J. Cowden. W. H. Hogemeyer; A. P. Franse. Dennis Day. J. L. Wright, D. N. Yount: 1910, Harry Gilbert, William Dunn, Ora Moore. J. C. Culley: 1911, George F. Taylor, E. C. Brown. S. Ray Sweeney. D. E. Snodgrass; 1912, J. M. Brooks, S. S. Shoemaker, S. Ray Sweeney. M. J. Ream: 1913, J. M. Moore. S. S. Shoemaker, S. R. Sweeney. C. R. Stephens: 1914, P. XV. Howard, William English. S. Ray Sweeney, C. R. Stephens; 1915. P. XV. Howard, A. E. Conwell S. Ray Sweeney. C. R. Stephens: 1916. L. Davis A. E. Conwell. C. H. Gaines, O. L. Dunham: 1917, L. Davis, W. W. Garvey, J. S. Strawsburg, A. M. Bills; 1918. O. L. Dunham, W. W. Garvey; J. S. Strawsburg, I. S. Dobson. 1909
Clerk and Collector.-1907-17, M. J. Ream.
Treasurers.-1907-15, R. E. Sweeney; 1916-17, William English.
Marshals.-1907, D. E. Snodgrass. E. C. Brown: 1908, E. C. Brown; 1910-11, Jim Shelton: 1912. Bob Loveall; 1916. A. M. Bills, 1917, Fred Landis.
Street Commissioners.-1907. D. E. Snodgrass, E. C. Brown: 1908, E. C. Brown; 1910. J. C. Culley; 1911-12, D. E. Snodgrass; 1916-17, A. M. Bills.
Assessor.-1907. William Valentine.
Attorney.-1907, C. A. Crumbaugh.
Magnolia.-Magnolia is on the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railroad, ten miles southeast of Holden. It was laid out May 9, 1896, about the time that the railroad was being constructed. W. H. Hogemeyer was the owner of the land upon which the town was platted. It has a bank, lumber yard, two churches, high school, physician and general stores.
Denton, a station on the Rock Island, is also located in Chilhowee township]). It was platted June 27, 1905, by Henry Phillips, when the railroad was constructed through there. It is located in the western part of the township in section 7. It has a church, good stores, etc., and several residences.
The last railroad to be built in this county was the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific which runs from St. Louis to Kansas City. This road enters the county on the west in the southern part of Kingsville township and runs in an easterly direction through the townships of Rose Hill, Chilhowee. Post Oak, and Jefferson, leaving the county in the latter township, where it crosses into Henry county at Bowen. It was completed in
1906. Its stations are Medford. Denton, Chilhowee, Leeton and Bowen.
Johnson County, Missouri Genealogy Trails
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Rock Island Rail Missouri

Chilhowee Missouri Depot
Eldon itself began when the Rock Island came through in 1903; the railroad giant bought up a small line called the St. Louis, Kansas City and Colorado Railroad to transport Missourians back and forth to the World’s Fair in St. Louis.
People moved whole houses up to Eldon from nearby Aurora Springs to be in the railroad town with its bustle and steady work. Casey’s father, a fireman and machinist helper, took his horse and buggy up from Aurora to stoke the steam engines. On cold mornings, Casey watched the steam and the sweat roll off his father’s shoulders when he shoveled coal into the “clinkers,” or coal burners.
“Until they started cutting back in 1932, there were five or six hundred men working on the line,” the former brakeman says. “That was the bread and butter for this town, and that’s been my bread and butter, all my life.”
If the Rock Island was Casey’s bread and butter, he was its eyes and ears.
West of Eldon, the line ran along Highway 52, through Versailles, Cole Camp, Chilhowee, into Raytown before it ended in the Kansas City switchyards.
Along the high flat land, nestled in a dark tunnel of trees, the elevated roadbed exposed for Casey farmhouses, grain silos, bales of hay and goat farms. Denton, a station on the Rock Island, is also located in Chilhowee township. It was platted June 27. 1905. by Henry Phillips, when the railroad was constructed through there.
It is located in the western part of the 'township in section 7. It has a church, good stores, etc., and several residences.
Biographical Sketch of R. T. Atkins, Johnson County, Missouri, Chilhowee Township.
From "History of Johnson County, Missouri," by Ewing Cockrell, Historical Publishing Company, Topeka, Cleveland, 1918. ***************************************************************** R. T. Atkins, a well to do and highly respected farmer and stockman of Chilhowee township, is a member of a prominent pioneer family of Missouri. He was born in Johnson county in 1866, son of James and Elizabeth (Elliott) Atkins, who came to Missouri in 1850 from Kentucky and located in Moniteau county, where they resided two years, coming thence to Johnson county, where they settled in Chilhowee township on a large farm, part of which was purchased and a part entered from the govern- ment by Mr. Atkins. He was at one time owner of nearly 600 acres of land in this county. July 28, 1850, James Atkins and Elizabeth Elliott daughter of George Elliott, of Kentucky, were united in marriage and to them were born eleven children, seven of whom are now living: Mrs. Patsy Raker, Magnolia, Missouri; George, Salesville, Montana; Cary, Salesville, Montana; Judge Robert O., Blairstown, Missouri; R. T., Magnolia, Missouri; Mrs. Sallie Gill, Warrensburg, Missouri; and John, Holden, Missouri. The father died in 1903. Mr. Atkins was a highly esteemed citizen, a man of strict integrity and high ideals. For 45 years he was a valued and worthy elder of the Presbyterian church. In 1912, he was joined in death by his wife, who was one of Johnson coun- ty's most respected and honored pioneer women. R. T. Atkins attended school at New Liberty in Chilhowee township, where Miss Bettie Baker, Reverend VanAusdal, Miss Julia Holland and Miss Antha Holland were at different times employed as teacher. When Mr. Atkins was a youth, there was much open prairie and virgin sod land. There were no roads, but the early settlers traveled along trails and by directions. Yokes of oxen were used when the sod was broken. Among the pioneer preachers, whom he knew and now recalls, were: Reverends J. H. Houx, Givens and Morrow. Mr. Atkins has attended revival meetings, when the settlers from a circuit of many miles came enmasse, many of them in wagons and many on horseback. R. T. Atkins was born and reared on the farm and he is now engaged in the vocations of farming, stock raising, and dairying. His place in Chilhowee township comprises eighty acres of fine farm land and on this farm, Mr. Atkins is raising cattle and hogs, having seventy-five head of Duroc Jersey hogs at the present time, in 1917, and milking five cows. The cream from the Atkins dairy is marketed in Magnolia. The farm is abundantly supplied with water from a spring which has never been known to dry. In 1888, R. T. Atkins and Stella Box, daughter of R. M. and Anna E. (Warren) Box, were united in marriage. Mrs. Atkins is a member of a well known and excellent pioneer family. Her father was a captain in the Union army and her mother was a daughter of T. C. and Elizabeth Warren, in whose honor the city of Warrensburg was named. To Mr. and Mrs. Atkins have been born two children: Mrs. Lyle Raker, Holden, Missouri; and Harold, at home with his parents. Harold Atkins is one of the county's most promising, young citizens. He is an exceptionally bright, industrious youth and a naturally gifted mechanic and architect. He takes care of his car and recently repaired and remodeled the residence, adding a splendid veranda, which he himself designed. He has made the home an attractive, handsome place and all his work has been done in a skill- ful, neat, workmanlike manner. The Atkins family is widely known and highly regarded in this county and in their community Mr. and Mrs. Atkins number their friends by the score.
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Biographical Sketch of R. T. Atkins, Johnson County, Missouri, Chilhowee Township.
From "History of Johnson County, Missouri," by Ewing Cockrell, Historical Publishing Company, Topeka, Cleveland, 1918. ***************************************************************** R. T. Atkins, a well to do and highly respected farmer and stockman of Chilhowee township, is a member of a prominent pioneer family of Missouri. He was born in Johnson county in 1866, son of James and Elizabeth (Elliott) Atkins, who came to Missouri in 1850 from Kentucky and located in Moniteau county, where they resided two years, coming thence to Johnson county, where they settled in Chilhowee township on a large farm, part of which was purchased and a part entered from the govern- ment by Mr. Atkins. He was at one time owner of nearly 600 acres of land in this county. July 28, 1850, James Atkins and Elizabeth Elliott daughter of George Elliott, of Kentucky, were united in marriage and to them were born eleven children, seven of whom are now living: Mrs. Patsy Raker, Magnolia, Missouri; George, Salesville, Montana; Cary, Salesville, Montana; Judge Robert O., Blairstown, Missouri; R. T., Magnolia, Missouri; Mrs. Sallie Gill, Warrensburg, Missouri; and John, Holden, Missouri. The father died in 1903. Mr. Atkins was a highly esteemed citizen, a man of strict integrity and high ideals. For 45 years he was a valued and worthy elder of the Presbyterian church. In 1912, he was joined in death by his wife, who was one of Johnson coun- ty's most respected and honored pioneer women. R. T. Atkins attended school at New Liberty in Chilhowee township, where Miss Bettie Baker, Reverend VanAusdal, Miss Julia Holland and Miss Antha Holland were at different times employed as teacher. When Mr. Atkins was a youth, there was much open prairie and virgin sod land. There were no roads, but the early settlers traveled along trails and by directions. Yokes of oxen were used when the sod was broken. Among the pioneer preachers, whom he knew and now recalls, were: Reverends J. H. Houx, Givens and Morrow. Mr. Atkins has attended revival meetings, when the settlers from a circuit of many miles came enmasse, many of them in wagons and many on horseback. R. T. Atkins was born and reared on the farm and he is now engaged in the vocations of farming, stock raising, and dairying. His place in Chilhowee township comprises eighty acres of fine farm land and on this farm, Mr. Atkins is raising cattle and hogs, having seventy-five head of Duroc Jersey hogs at the present time, in 1917, and milking five cows. The cream from the Atkins dairy is marketed in Magnolia. The farm is abundantly supplied with water from a spring which has never been known to dry. In 1888, R. T. Atkins and Stella Box, daughter of R. M. and Anna E. (Warren) Box, were united in marriage. Mrs. Atkins is a member of a well known and excellent pioneer family. Her father was a captain in the Union army and her mother was a daughter of T. C. and Elizabeth Warren, in whose honor the city of Warrensburg was named. To Mr. and Mrs. Atkins have been born two children: Mrs. Lyle Raker, Holden, Missouri; and Harold, at home with his parents. Harold Atkins is one of the county's most promising, young citizens. He is an exceptionally bright, industrious youth and a naturally gifted mechanic and architect. He takes care of his car and recently repaired and remodeled the residence, adding a splendid veranda, which he himself designed. He has made the home an attractive, handsome place and all his work has been done in a skill- ful, neat, workmanlike manner. The Atkins family is widely known and highly regarded in this county and in their community Mr. and Mrs. Atkins number their friends by the score.
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Thank you so much for taking the time to research and document on our little village!
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