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May 11, 2017

1883 Knobnoster Farm Land $22.00 per Acre, S. I. Workman Agent, Town Laid Out on his Farm 1860s


Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Agent.

Knobnoster, Johnson County, Mo.

Personal attention given to the purchase and sale of Real Estate, Collection of Rents, Payment of Taxes and Management of Estates. Will convey buyers to any part of the county and show lands for sale. Correspondence Solicited.

No. 13 180 acres 9 miles south of Knobnoster 160 under fence and in cultivation; 20 detached one-half mile of timber ; two room house and never failing spring and cistern; all underlaid with coal of the best quality. $22 per acre, cash.

No. 14 256 acres 185 under cultivation; 227 under fence; 35 acres in timber; near good school, and plentv of stock water and range; 300 rods of hedge fence: two story five-room house with porch; barn 43x45; wind pump in a well 224 feet deep. $30 per acre: terms to suit purchaser; 8 miles southeast of Knobnoster.
No.18 120 acres 100 under fence; 80 in cultivation; 30 acres in timber; two story five-room house with two porches; fine barn which cost $1,200; fenced by a well-trimmed hedge; all lying in a body 8 miles south of Knobnoster, Price, $3,650; terms to suit.
No. 34 120 acres one mile east of Krobnoster under fence; 75 in cultivation; 45 in pasture, some prairie and timber; 1 mile of good hedge fence, balance plank and wire fence; two story six-room house with cellar; food barn and outbuildings. Price $45 ; terms easy.

Samuel Irving Workman, Knob Noster, Obituary 1926

When first settled, Knob Noster was part of Cooper County which took in all of the territory between the Osage and Missouri Rivers. By 1820, the population was sufficient in the area so that a division of Cooper County needed to be made. The new county was called Lillard County, Missouri, and it included what are now Lafayette and Johnson Counties, as well as all the areas south to the Osage River and west to the Missouri Border. By 1834, the population was large enough, estimated at about 200 households, for Lafayette County to be divided into two counties. One retained the name Lafayette and the other was called Johnson County. On May 4, 1835, Johnson County was further divided into four townships: Jackson, Washington, Madison, and Jefferson. Knob Noster is located in what was named Washington Township.

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