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June 4, 2017

1916 A Young Harry S. Truman in Warrensburg and as President Truman in Warrensburg 1948

Title: Harry S. Truman with Camera at Pertle Springs 

Description: A young Harry S. Truman, side view, holding a camera. He is visiting Pertle Springs, Missouri (a resort near Warrensburg). In the background, Frank Wallace is at right; Natalie Ott is at left. From: Truman house, an album entitled "Postal Souvenirs.

Mayor Harry Garrison from Warrensburg on the Left with Harry S Truman, June 17, 1948.

138 - Rear Platform Remarks in Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio.
June 17, 1948


It certainly is a pleasure to me to see all of you this morning. I don't think I have seen as many people with whom I am personally acquainted, since I have been the President, out here this morning. Even in Independence.

I asked them to stop the train here in the hope that that would take place, that I would get to see as many of you as possible.

You are interested, of course, in education. That is one of the fundamental things in this town, the education of teachers, principally. We have been having a great deal of difficulty with the educational situation in the country. All of you know that the schools are all overcrowded, the teachers are underpaid, and for that reason I sent a message to Congress, and included in the Budget Message a recommendation that $300 million be appropriated for Federal assistance to the States in the schools.

That bill passed the Senate, and is now reposing in a committee of the House of Representatives. I wrote a personal letter to the Speaker of the House and asked him to get that bill out, but it has not been acted upon.

It would be very helpful, in this stage of things, if that bill could be acted upon. I would be glad to sign it, if they would bring it out and pass it.

I am certainly glad to get a chance to stop for a few minutes in Warrensburg, and get to see all of you. It's just like old times. I made four campaigns in the State, and I never had such a crowd as this at any meeting that I had in Warrensburg.
You know what I did at home, one time, right after I was sworn in--a few months after I was sworn in as President ? They had a homecoming for me in Independence, and I filled that 15,000-people auditorium up there, and that was the first time I ever succeeded in doing that, too!
I want to thank you for coming out. It certainly is a pleasure. I wish I could stay longer, but I can't. We have to go on and keep the train on schedule, and I have got to be in Washington at a certain time.
Thank you for coming.
Title: Truman in Warrensburg, MO
President Harry S. Truman on a train at Warrensburg, M0. President is on his Western Trip.

June 17, 1948

Title:Crowd around train in Warrensburg, Missouri.
Description:A crowd has formed around President Truman's train in Warrensburg, Missouri. This photo is from his western trip.
Accession number:59-380
Subjects (ARC):Campaign trips; Crowds; Presidential campaigns
Subjects (HST):Missouri - Cities - Warrensburg; Trains - Truman - 1948; Truman - Campaigns - Presidential - 1948 - Missouri; Truman - Trips - Western - 1948
Date:June 17, 1948
Physical Size:8x10 inches (21x26 cm)
Color:Black & White
Rights:As far as the Harry S. Truman Library is aware, this item can be used freely without further permission.
Credit:Harry S. Truman Library & Museum.

Harry Truman's Nephew - 1983
Interview Oral History Interview with Fred L. Truman
Son of Vivian Truman and nephew of
Harry S. Truman.
Fred L. Truman

JOHNSON: You went to college after high school?

TRUMAN: Yes, in 1932 1 went down to Warrensburg (Central Missouri State College).
JOHNSON: For how long?
TRUMAN: Oh, about three or four years. I flunked out of West Point, and then went back to Warrensburg.
JOHNSON: You did go to West Point?
JOHNSON: Where did you go after Warrensburg?
TRUMAN: Went to Washington, D.C. and attended George Washington University a couple of years.
JOHNSON: Did you get a degree then?
TRUMAN: No, I got the degree from Missouri University.
JOHNSON: At Columbia?
JOHNSON: What was your major?
TRUMAN: Engineering, electrical engineering.
JOHNSON: After you got your degree in electrical engineering what did you do?
TRUMAN: Went to Barbarton, Ohio, and worked for Babcock and Wilcox as a draftsman.
JOHNSON: How many years were you there?
TRUMAN: About six months, and then I went to TVA.
JOHNSON: In Tennessee?
TRUMAN: Yes, and then went into the Army in '42.

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