The Marshall (Saline County) Democrat learns that Dr. Judson G. Stewart, who
was tried by a court of inquiry in Johnson County for the murder of Miles
Carry, not long since, and acquitted of the charge was seen, a few days after
his release, hanging dead to a tree, near Rose Hill, Johnson County. The same
paper learns also on good authority, that this Stewart was no less a personage
than the notorious Dr. Jennison, the Kansas outlaw, who figured in Missouri
border raid last November. (The Philadelphia Inquirer, March 6,
Note: Dr. Stewart was not Dr. Charles R. Jennison as Doc Jennison lived until 1884. Charles Rainsford Jennison also known as "Doc" Jennison (June 6, 1834 – June 21, 1884) was of the anti-slavery faction during the Bleeding Kansas Affair and became even more famous as a Union colonel and as leader of Redlegs during the American Civil War. He was dishonorably discharged later for his many, many offenses.
On December 19, 1861,
charles-r-jennison link
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Doc Jennison |
On December 19, 1861,
Major General Henry Halleck wrote a letter to General-in-Chief Major General George B. McClellan complaining about the jayhawking perpetrated by Jennison's regiment:
“The conduct of the forces under Lane and Jennison has done more for the enemy in this State than could have been accomplished by 20,000 of his own army. I receive almost daily complaints of outrages committed by these men in the name of the United States, and the evidence is so conclusive as to leave no doubt of their correctness.”
encyclopedia/jennison-charles-rcharles-r-jennison link
Source: "History of Johnson County, Missouri" by Ewing Cockrell, 1918
Transcribed by Karen Hammer -2009
Total number of organizations in the township is eleven.Rose Hill township, located in the southwestern corner of Johnson county, was originally a part of Madison township when that subdivision was organized in 1835 and subsequently was part of Chilhowee township, and was organized August 17, 1869. from Chilhowee township. It was named from Rose Hill village, and the village is said to have been named from the abundance of wild roses that grew on the little hillsides of what came to be called Rose hill, and greeted the first settlers in the spring of 1832. In 1842 the town was laid out by Garrett J. Wood and named Rose Hill.Geography.-Area, about 72 square miles, or 46,080 acres. Geographically, Rose Hill township is intersected by Big creek running from the northwest corner to the southeast corner and by Bear creek, a tributary of Big creek, running south on the east side.Early Settlements.-The first settlements made in what is now Rose Hill township were in 1832. There were two distinct settlements made in this vicinity at about the same time, one of which was known as the Rose Hill settlement and the other the Bear Creek settlement.The following is said to be a complete list of all the settlers before 1850. Some names are doubtless misspelled:Among the early settlers here were Nicholas Turner, Col. Henry McCarty and sons, Hiram Helm, Jonas Turner, Daniel Quick, Mr. Brumfield, Chesley Quinlan, John, George and James Bradshaw, Watson Lynch, Obadiah, James and O. W. Strange, Frank and Richard Jackson, Aikin, William, Nicholas and John Doak, J. G. Cocke, George Burnett, Isaac A. Hanna, William Bigham, Samuel Reid, Arch. Beard, Richard Anderson, John S. Anderson, James Dolan, John Scaggs, Daniel Scaggs, and Joseph Scaggs, their father; Albert Hall, William Hill, Moses, William and Morris Hodges, John Hunt, Samuel Hunt, George Hammer, Ike Dunaway, James Ross, John Oldham, James Oldham, Henry Gray, Smith and William Phroffit, William Horner, Thomas Anderson, R. Scott, Judge Umstadt, Garrett J. Wood, Letch Brooks, Sidney and Leonard Scott, Daniel Fisher, Benjamin Derrit, Ike Hines, Squire Thompson, Berry Summers, Hansel Green, William Crattic, Jesse Dixon, Martin Foster, Perry Foster, James Cox, Squire John Baker, Peter and Wilson A. Campbell, Coleman F. Shamlin, John and Watson Ham, William Payne, Squire Ashby, George Gilliland, Sloan, Jones and Kavanaugh Gilliland, Berry Strange, Maj. William Wood, Alfred White, Benjamin McVey, Elder Abraham Stout, William T. Hulse, John and Martin Orr, Julius, David, James, Garrett and Wilson Davenport, Z. Moore, Daniel Ramey, John Priestly, Marion, Hannah and John Bailey, Harry and Nat Baker, and Elijah Gates. In 1854, C. L. Farnsworth came from Tennessee, where he was born May 1, 1829. Henry Pemberton, a Virginian, came here in 1843. He had several sons, viz: Jerome B., L. W., William A., Thomas H. and John H. James Harris, from Tennessee, was also an early settler.First Mills.-The first mill within the present borders of what is now Rose Hill township, was owned by Enoch Fedit and located on Scaly Bark creek. This was a horse mill. Welcome Scott built the first water-power mill. This was located in the western part of the township. John Baker purchased this mill from its owner in 1849. The mill stood near the old bridge which crossed Big creek about a mile west of old Rose Hill. The mill and the bridge were both burned by the militia in the Civil War.First Enterprises.-Arch H. Gilkeson operated a carding machine here at an early day and John Tygert kept a distillery and furnished the old settlers with their whiskey without the intervention of the middleman. James Bones was the first blacksmith in the vicinity.First Settlement.-The old town or Rose Hill, which was one of the first settlements in this section, was laid out by Garrett J. Wood, who was also one of the first business men in the place. The little town grew and prospered until the Civil War. Farmers came from a radius of many miles here to mill and also to do their shopping. After the war the Pacific railroad was built through Holden, and the rapid development of that new railroad town drew the trade from the southwestern part of the county and from Rose Hill. In 1881 there were only J. D. Plum, merchant; Henry Fort, blacksmith, and J. A. Haller, physician. It is now the site of an excellent school and church, but no business buildings are there at all.First Post office.-The first postoffice within the present borders of Rose Hill township was established about 1840 under the official title of Big Creek. In 1860, the name was changed to Rose Hill and the first office was kept on Scaly Bark creek and Garrett J. Wood was the first postmaster. Other early-day postmasters were Henry F. Baker, N. Baker, E. R. Ashby, Dr. Charles Thornton, George Hodges, Lon Hunt, W. M. Shepherd, James O. George and Mrs. Etta Plum.Early Towns.-Rose Hill bears the distinction of having three railroads, the Missouri, Kansas & Texas; Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific; and the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad. The Missouri, Kansas & Texas was built across the northwestern corner of the township in 1872. The Rock Island, which was constructed under the name of the St. Louis, Kansas City & Colorado railroad, was built in 1905. It enters the township on the eastern side and runs in a northwesterly direction and out of the township about a mile east of the northwestern corner. The St. Louis & San Francisco railroad enters the township near the southeastern corner and runs in a northwesterly direction into Cass county about three miles south of the northwestern corner of the township. It was built in 1885.When the Missouri, Kansas & Texas road was built a little town was started on this line in section 35, in the northwestern part of the county. The town was named Benton City and the postoffice was named McClurg in honor of ex-Governor McClurg. It had several stores, but in a few years was abandoned.When the Rock Island railroad was constructed, the town of Medford was established on this line on section 34, township 45, and range 28. This town was platted by M. R. Snyder and the original plat recorded January 31, 1905.Latour, a prosperous village on the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad, was laid out when that road was built in 1885. This town is located on section 3, township 44, range 29. The original site was owned by Howard and Emily Stitt and the town plat was recorded July 21, 1885. Latour is a prosperous village with one bank, good school, church and several stores.Quick City, another station on the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad, located about a mile from the Henry county line, south of the center of the township, was platted by Morris Quick, from whom it takes its name and the plat was recorded February 3, 1886. It has a postoffice, store, school house, two churches and several residences.Early Churches.-The early settlers of this section of the county took a keen interest in the cause of religion and soon several denominations were firmly established. Services at first were held in the residences of the pioneers. The Methodists were probably the first to have services in this township, which were attended by the early-day circuit riders. The Cumberland Presbyterians, Baptists and Christians were also established in this section at an early date. Camp meetings were held at an early day on Bear creek near where the church was later built. This building was owned jointly by the Cumberland Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodist Episcopal and Christian churches. It was a log structure and existed until the time of the Civil War. Early-day services were held at the home of Isaac Hanna. Scaly Bark school house was used for church services until 1840.Among the early ministers here were Revs. Daniel Capell, William Horn, Mr. Parker, A. H. Stout, A. A. Moore, David Hogan, A. Van Ausdol, B. F. Thomas, J. B. Morrow, J. Whitsett, Rev. Hulse, John Marr, Thomas Johnson, Robert King, Frank Moore, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Leaper and Mr. Burgess.The Bear Creek Methodist Episcopal Church, South, was organized in 1837, at the residence of Obadiah Strange, with the following list of members: Sarah Strange, W. Strange, E. C. Strange, Mary Strange, Polly Strange, Mrs. D. F. Profitt, Sarah Profitt, Mr. and Mrs. Homer. Services were later held at Union Bear Creek church. Judge A.G. Beard, James Strange, Mahala Strange, A. A. Doak, Mary Doak, George Barnett, Mary F. Barnett, George Strange and Winnie Strange were also prominent among the early members.Bear Creek Cumberland Presbyterian church worshipped at the Union church and was organized at an early day. J. G. Atkins, J. G. Cocke and S. V. Turner and family were early members of this denomination. Rev. David Hogan, one of the pioneer ministers of this denomination, is said to have preached one year for two dollars and fifty cents and to have ridden ten miles to his appointments.Bear Creek Christian church was a reorganization of old Lost Creek congregation, which was effected in 1860. Among the prominent and active members of this denomination were Samuel Reid. Abraham Stout, B. F. Smith, Richard Anderson, John Graves and Judge Umstadt.The Bear Creek Baptists had an organization in this township prior to the war but they later became identified with the organization of that denomination in Chilhowee township. Among the members of the old Bear Creek Baptist organization were Rev. William Owsley, Sally Owsley and Anthony Owsley.The Rose Hill Cumberland Presbyterian church had an organization and a church building here, prior to the Civil War, and among its first members were Leonard Renick, John Newton, Lloyd Gilliland, Dennis Dunham, Mrs. Melissa Gilliland and Mrs. Elizabeth Baker. They also organized a Sunday school which flourished for a time.The Methodists and the Cumberland Presbyterians built a church in 1881 known as Union chapel. The Cumberland Presbyterians were organized here in October, 1880, and among the charter members appear the following names: B. F. Lewis and wife, Mollie Lewis, Newton H. Horn and his wife and two daughters, D. L. W. Baston, Martha and Betty Baston, Joel Thomas and wife, John W. McElvaine, Mrs. Fannie Hultz, Mrs. Ella Redford and Mrs. Cecil and daughter.The Methodist Episcopal church of Union Chapel was organized in 1881 and among the early membership we find the names of Bigelow Buzzard, L. Gibson and wife, Elbridge Myers and Milton Eaves. This congregation was served for a time by Rev. J. Paye, an early-day circuit rider. A small class of Methodists met at Mt. Xenia school in the Terrapin Neck district for a time.Other later ministers who labored in this township after the Civil War were J. H. Houx, M. H. Burnett, A. F. Smith and W. S. Woodard.Early Cemeteries.-Among the many small cemeteries of Rose Hill township the Strange cemetery is perhaps the oldest, having been established in 1838. Quick cemetery is also an old burial place. Daniel Quick, Jr., was the first buried here. Priestly graveyard is also a family burial place, Mrs. Priestly being the first to be interred here. Baston cemetery is among the old graveyards of the township and takes its name from D. W. L. Baston. who was a prominent pioneer of the early days. Rose Hill cemetery was established about the time that the town of Rose Hill came into existence. The Wall family cemetery is located on section 13, and here rest the remains of a number of that name. The first to be interred in this burying ground was Mildred B. Wall. There are a number of other small burial places and graves scattered throughout the township, many of which are unknown. It is said that a Mr. Scaggs was the first person to be buried in the township.Early Schools.-At an early day a log school house was built on Bear creek near Bethel church. This was built after the fashion of the ordinary frontier log cabin and a subscription school was taught here for several years. Other log school houses were built in the township as the settlers came, and were succeeded by frame buildings.Among the old-time teachers, in the early days, were Richard Anderson, W. W. Sparks, Abraham Stout, Charles Wingfield, Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Massey, A. Van Ausdol, M. Palmer, Alfred Hocker, A. B. Sanders, Benjamin Howell, George Harrison, William Kirkpatrick, Dr. Thomas Jones, Louis McCoy and Benjamin Turner. At Rose Hill school were Calvin Reifsnider, William Coates, John Garl, Vincent Jones, Amos Metzler, William R. Gist, Wilson Naylor, James Stufflebean, Henry Wood, H. A. Stitt, S. Cook, Misses Alice Hunt, Kittie Renick, Emma Wallis, Delia Wallis, and Sallie Young, Mrs. Anna Stockell, Misses Belle Davis, and Hattie Sheller, A. M. Gloyd, Rev. D. H. Craiger. At Quick school were W. C. Rowland, John Cass, P. Stubblevain, Nannie Metzler, Nannie Graham, Flora Hall, Mrs. Franklin, Mrs. McCrabb, Harriet Quick, Cyrus Anderson, William Peake, Lucy Umstadt and Fannie Narron.In addition to the schools named, other early school districts were Doak, Scaly Bark, Boston, Fink and Mt. Xenia. Among their teachers were Miss Nora Pemberton, Professor Reynolds, A. J. Sparks, and George E. Roff.
Justices.-The following are the justices of the peace of the township as far back as the county records show, with dates of their election: 1870, William R. Littrell; 1878, J. O. George, J. E. Doak; 1880, George W. Stith; 1882, J. A. Doak, Robert F. West; 1886, J. A. Doak, Robert F. West; 1890, J. A. Doak, F. H. Anderson; 1892, T. E. Coleman; 1894, T. E. Coleman, Homer Anderson, Charles Atkins; 1898, T. E. Coleman, Charles Atkins; 1902, T. E. Coleman, Charles Atkins; 1910, John Sheller, Charles Atkins; 1912, T. G. Newhill; 1914, D. C. Surber.County Officers.-The following are the county officers who have been elected from the township since 1882, with the dates of their election:1880-82-Harvey Y. Hughes (Democrat), treasurer.1884-86-George R. Hunt (Democrat), treasurer.1890-94-Jerome B. Pemberton (Democrat), recorder.1902-I. G. Farnsworth (Democrat), county judge.1911-15-R. H. Boston (Democrat), superintendent of schools.1914-16-C. C. Atkins (Democrat), county judge.1916-R. O. Atkins (Democrat), county judge (appointed).County Road Improvements.-County road improvements made by Rose Hill township since this system was established in 1911, were up to January 1, 1918, seventeen in number, aggregating $1,060 furnished by the citizens of the township, and $986 furnished by the county. In the amount of this work Rose Hill ranks tenth among the townships of the county.The following is a complete list of all organizations of every kind in Rose Hill township. Full details of each organization are in this book in separate chapters on the different organizations.Churches-Baptist, Bear Creek; Baptist, Quick City; Baptist, Rose Hill; Christian, Quick City. Methodist, South, Medford; Presbyterian, Latour; Presbyterian, New Liberty.1917 War Organizations.-Red Cross, Latour Branch; Red Cross, Medford Branch; Red Cross, Quick City Branch.Business.-Bank of Latour.
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